Truth and Rumours
(but mostly rumours)
Notice: This page contains stuff heard in various places, none of which is substantiated. All information contained on these pages is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to cause lawsuits or any other bad thing to happen to the author

New Zealand employees were actually happy to see Pete Proulx leave
(no, really!) It's said that towards the end of his tenure in NZ, there were many employees wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the catchy phrase: "Scroulx youlx Proulx"

Vancouver is toast! It's rumoured that the results of the airspace study will have YVR ACC off to Edmonton ACC. Of course, what ACC is not moving, according to rumour, which brings us to...

Montreal ACC is untouchable! This one is believable. Who's got the kahunas political will to try and move something out of the province of Quebec?

All the North Boards will be in one place. Edmonton? Winnipeg? Montreal? Heck, with the way things are going lately, they could end up in Island Lake, Manitoba

Taxable mileage????? An unsubstantiated rumour has that Nav Canada approached the city of Winnipeg about putting a bus route to the ACC front door, so that NO mileage would have to be paid. The city said "No thanks"

Winnipeg ACC is growing!! (first time I heard this one)-With all the other units moving in (Edmonton North, and Sault High), we're gonna need more space. So we expand the ACC to the parking lot, and cut down all the trees on the west side of Moray, and build a new parking lot.

Our school is going to be run from Edmonton. So our school boss would be the guy in Edmonton and he would graciously show up in Winnipeg for one week a month!

Kick 'em while they're down!! The rest of Moncton will close in two years, and be absorbed by Gander, and Montreal. This must come as a big surprise to everyone

All shift manager's got a bonus!! It's rumoured to be a $75 gift certificate for a restaurant. Wow! Is it also true that they were told to expect to make less than controllers after the current contract????

We're gonna get an offer. Unfortunately, it's the really stinky one with low wages, more hours, and less benefits. It's not a rumour that we're gonna say: "Hell, NO!!!!!!!!!!"

Winnipeg ACC is moving! Okay, I know you've heard that one a million times, but what would the rumour mill be without a lot of churning??

This space reserved for your unsubstantiated rumour!

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