Training Update

As always, training continues at a frenzied pace in Winnipeg Centre. Our MACCT is extremely busy trying to fill training seats, and ensure that we are providing a good environment for training. Good luck, Marcel.

Ontario Specialty
Congrats go out to Neil Adamson, the most recent checkout in Ontario specialty. Currently, there is nobody training on the floor, but there is a class of six students who are slated to graduate in late May/early June

Saskatchewan Specialty
There are five trainees on the floor, and all the training seats are currently occupied. There is a sixth trainee who is currently famming in Winnipeg Specialty with CL while he waits for a seat to open up. The next course is slated to begin in April

Winnipeg Specialty
There are currently two trainees on the floor approximately halfway through training. Upstairs in the RATS, there are four trainees on the current course, scheduled to graduate in mid to late May. The next course is anticipated to start in September, and should contain mostly licenced Moncton controllers.

Winnipeg Terminal
There are currently two trainees in TCU, Rod Ridley from Sask specialty, and Joe Watts from Tri-TCU.

There are currently two trainees in the Tri-Terminals, and nothing happening in the school. The next course is scheduled to begin in April.

North Specialty
There are four trainees on the floor at this time, with another course scheduled to begin in April

AND, there is no one at, or on their way to NCTI at this time.

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