Ron Chase

Since the New Year there have been a few changes in the DSC shop. Stan Enns has departed the fix and has landed himself in our nation's capital. Stan is working on the upgrade to NADS and we should see him around the centre later this month. Gary Read is on temporary assignment to the CSM desk and should be back in the DSC office by the end of June. With these departures we have had some OPI changes. Gary was our OIDS OPI and his duties have been taken over by PW and CW. CR has picked up OPI on ETMS and will be in Oklahoma for an ETMS course later in April.

The DSCs are in the process of taking a course on Windows NT and NARDS. BM and CR were sent to the nether world, Toronto for their training and the rest receive a one-week paid holiday at Nav Can's resort hotel, NCTI. These courses are in preparation for an upgrade to IIDS/EMBRS. Windows NT version 4 is the new platform for IIDS/EXCDS and Winrad 4 (NARDS). Winrad 4 has many of the same functions that our RDPS system now displays. Data Tags, CJSs and PTLs can now be displayed and the Map/Overlay file and Presets have been increased. Winrad 5 is being worked on and will include radar mosaicing. EXCDS is being re-written in C++ and we should see EXCDS sometime in '99.

The Voice Switch Control System, ICCS replacement, contract has been awarded to Frequentis and is presently scheduled for installation here in late January '99. All DSC will have a one-week course on this new equipment.

With all this activity in the DSC shop, courses, new software, system upgrades, new systems, new sectors??? and CAATS on the horizon, we still have to wait for the DSC/TDM Job Study to be released. The last reported date for this release is April '99 or when the contracts are settled, whichever comes first.

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