Here you can download nice goodies for pilots. They can be used for navigation, but we also have better sounds available for you. Just click the filename and there you go!

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Last update on 21-06-97



FS6 adventure - The 737's co-pilot's guide. Co-pilot guides you (verbally!!) in the different stages of flight. You can run it as a stand-alone adventure, or as a module in a FSFS adventure.

FS WIN95 required

746 kB


POH generates an FSFS adventure that lets you access the reference information of a FSFS plane in an easy manner from within Flight Simulator. You first have to fill in a database form with the correct settings. Maybe your Webmaster will produce some databases for you...

35 kB
Excel format

Works format

Lotus format


Spreadsheets for calculating wind corrections angles, cruise calculations, crosswind approach tables.

Requires MS Works, Excel, Lotus or a compatible spreadheet program

19 kB
9 kB
21 kB

Win95/NT 'Aircraft Dynamics Editor'. View/edit the complete airframe and engine
dynamics of *any* aircraft.

Requires Windows95 and MS Visual Basic 4 Runtime Library (VBR432.ZIP or VBR416.ZIP).

301 kB
GPWS_V60.ZIP GWPS 6.0 by Wilco Van Deijl. This is an extensive FS adventure. It contains a ground proximity warning system, autopilot on the fly, autoland, waypoint programming and much more. Based on B737, Fokker100, A310 and MD11 systems.

FS Windows 95 required

NAV17.ZIP Nav 1.7, a very good BGL viewer with moving map options for use with FS 6.0 Win 95!! Click here for further details.

Requires Windows 95 and FS Win95

1.08 MB
FLTPLN40.ZIP FlightPlanner 4.0 by Math Maessen. Latest version of the best navigation tool available. It reads BGL-files and makes easy-to-read flight plans. It can also create easy adventures for you!! You better have this one or...
Requires Windows 3.1 or later
Size: 2.44MB
FLTPLN4b.ZIP Flightplanner 4.b upgrade. Includes settings for 16 planes, fixed bugs, fuel calculation and much more... Size:
232 KB
SETPANEL.ZIP Easy program to organise your panels and sounds. You can organise up to 40 different panels and it supports FSFS-panels.
Requires DOS 6.0 or later
Size: 27KB

MS Flightshop converter to use FSFS planes and adventures in FS Win95

Size: 493 KB


Program to modify certain FSFS planes

30 KB


Very extensive program to modify FS planes parameters. Comes with textfile describing the different parts of an .air file

Size:120 kb


MD8X-UNI.ZIP Nice MD8x-series based panel for planes with 1 up to 4 jet engines. Also support for German version of FS5. Size: 151KB


AAFWAV.ZIP Extra sounds to be used with GPWS 6.0  
JET1A.ZIP Heavy jet-sound. Size: 35KB
HVYMULTI1.ZIP Heavy prop-sound Size: 31KB
747JET1.ZIP Boeing 747-sound Size: 25 KB

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Last update on 21-06-97

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