The First project

The idea began much time ago, during a dark and stormly night, when I was watching for the Nth time the videotape of "Star Wars" trilogy, I got an unexpected folgoration :


It was an object who has ever fascinate me, a misterious and inreachable thing.
The first achievement was a little laser He-Ne with a power of 5mW built with a very expensive Philips tube.
The feeder was made by the classic tension multiplier with a diode-capacitor layer.
Looking for the first time a laser light was an interesting experience, but I understood then I was looking for a powerful thing.
The tiny red spot arrived only to a few meters and it was invisible in the sunny light.
But it was too easy to buy a tube and set up many components.
I started looking for infos about the argoment, but I found very few infos, probably the amateurs laser building level was an unthinkable thing.
I found no interesting things on the Universitary Books, only questions about atomical physics, power states, excitement level...
But it was sure that who wrote that books has never seen a laser.
I found many interesting article on the magazine "Le Scienze" (Scientific American italian version), a very high level publication.
Then when I bought Internet, I used to search "laser" but results were bad here too.
But, I found another italian guy who like lasers his name is Massimiliano.
Max was building an Nitrogen laser.
He didn't interest of visible-light laser but he give me the informations that I was searching for many year.
He got an Usa magazine with articles about the copper chloride Lasers, wrote by a guy who "listened about the argument"(!). Thanks to this virtual-work was created the project you can see into the photos.
Perhups the plan was so raw and teoric, there wasn' t the construction details, the component dimensions and photos of the original prototype.
That laser was only an idea which was never built.
The CuCl Laser infos were precious but there weren't projects, nevertheless I tried to build it;).

Using Max' s datas I begin to build the thing.
I had to re-build the Laser for 5 times to reach the current release.
You can see the current prototype into the photos but I' m going to build another version.
See you next time!....

Click here for see images (old version)

Click here for see images (last version)

Click here for the CuCl Laser teory

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Web Page created in : Febrary 28th 1998

Copyright 1998 by Laserist (Italy)

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