President: Tony Kostanko
        Vice President: Mike Baldwin
                Treasurer: Robert Hedlund Safety Coordinator: Delmar Jylha
     Grounds Keeper: Evert Aro
     Secretary-Editor: Pat Doran

      Email [email protected]

AMA Charter Club # 2136

Mall Show: Oct. 4-5, 2008 Time:  Saturday set up 8:00 AM. Mall Stores open:  Saturday 10:00 AM.  Doors close (6pm). Sunday 12 PM.  Doors close (5pm). Outside Doors open:  Sat. 8AM.     Sun.10 AM.  Sounds like K-Mart will let us use a TV with  a DVD player.  We'll have to see about getting VHS on DVD's.
I would like to welcome these new members Bob and Steve Anderson, along with Rick Worringer to the club.  They joined during the fun fly.
We looked at the Babbitt field and got a spot picked out for the runways.  Will have to talk to the city or county about signs. Will need someone to hay the field if possible.  If anyone knows someone that hays please let us know about it.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 16th of September at the field at 6:30 Pm. If there is bad weather we will meet at the DQ.
I am sending the member list out. Please check your information and get back to Tony or me with any corrections. This includes any Frequency, e-mail, Phone   

number or address changes.
The fun fly went well. The club took in $166.00 from landing fees and donations. The spectators enjoyed the flying a lot. Thanks to all who helped out and came out to fly. Cheryl took a lot of photos that will show up in future newsletters.
The club is back to it's old web site (see the address above). I have updated it with an announcement  page and new photos.
There will be a swap meet in the parking lot of
Hobby Warehouse
7144 Chicago Ave S
Richfield, MN
on Sunday the 21st of September from 8:00 until 11:00. Refreshments will be available.

Hosted by