President: Tony Kostanko
        Vice President: Mike Baldwin
                Treasurer: Robert Hedlund Safety Coordinator: Delmar Jylha
     Grounds Keeper: Evert Aro
     Secretary-Editor: Pat Doran

      Email [email protected]


AMA Charter Club # 2136

This newsletter is not being sent out. It will appear only on the web. There isn't any meeting this month. The canopy frame has been left up. The 2009 fun fly will be in August again. We are thinking of having one in Babbitt during Peter Michel Days. We got one new member during our October mall show.  With the cost of everything going up will are looking at having the newsletters on the web and e-mailing everyone when it is posted and where it is located. Hope everyone is building lots of airplanes for this year. I am only going to get two built this winter. The 1/3rd scale Waco is taking a lot of time. There must be 800 pieces to make and put together. I hope it will be done by our March Mall Show . The next meeting will be in February.

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