
Milson Macleod, D.D. After 25 years in EDMONTON, Alberta, now resident in downtown VANCOUVER.

Extensive and diverse international experience in both the private and public sectors, in the management of associations/non-profit organisations, municipal government administration and purchasing, corporate administration, committee leadership, problem solving, office technology, computer technology, construction management, materials management, writing, publishing, Internet publishing, insurance and research.

Experienced as President, General Manager, Director, Information Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of associations; administrator, corporate legal officer (company secretary), association manager; insurance agent; office and personnel manager; researcher; municipal purchasing agent. Integrity and ability highly regarded in all walks of life.

Resided in Britain, Germany, Cyprus, Turkey and latterly in Canada (38 years). Bi-lingual English/German. Married to a Russian psychologist.

University background (modern and oriental languages) and twelve years in British military intelligence. Founder of over 20 corporations in Europe and North America, including 21st Century Science & Technology Foundation. Listed in the Who's Who of Professionals. Doctor of Divinity, with emphasis on spirituality rather than religion. College Principal.

Photographer of repute. Avid reader and writer. Donated 1,600 books and almost 500 videotapes to a library of knowledge for the 21st Century. His research has resulted in the authoring of ground-breaking articles in a variety of fields including: Winds of Change; Understanding Life; So you're holding a meeting .....; Making it into the 21st Century; Investment in the '90s, The Future of Banking and Post STASIS Times.

Has also produced three regular newsletters - for independent retail grocers; for the information processing industry; enlightened self-help, and other periodic newsletters. Many of these articles can be found today on the over 100 websites that he has created on the Internet.

Designer and general contractor for Edmonton's first solar home in 1977; lectured and took part in alternative energy projects in the '80s; has since kept up-to-date with world-wide developments in construction, energy conservation and technologies, as well as propulsion systems, agricultural and environmental solutions for the 21st century.

Known for an analytical and enquiring mind, had the advantage of a sound Scottish education which emphasized mathematics and the English language, with consequent success in both detailed, independent research projects and in problem-solving. (Known also for an irrepressible sense of humour) An insatiable quest for knowledge has resulted in an unusually high level of expertise in a variety of fields, as well as the establishment in 1990 of a unique information centre in Western Canada covering the past, present and future development of mankind and its resulting technologies.

Intensity of learning, and ability to adapt, has been a constant factor in success. High IQ (160 in 1975). Continued to attend seminars in a variety of fields and to receive information from sources outside traditional learning channels, as education has continued beyond university level.

Research into the field of health culminated in the practice of instantaneous healing of disease, a procedure little known today, of teaching this practice, and developing the project "The Hospital of the Future."

Research into agricultural methods for the future and various other areas resulted in the publishing of investment research papers entitled "Investment in the ''90s" later incorporated into "Depression Proof Investing" and eventually in numerous post-NESARA humanitarian and environmental projects, the most far-reaching of which is probably "Revolution in the Air" - the replacement of commercial jet aircraft by earthbound spacecraft, eliminating the use of fossil fuels.

Maturity, discretion, persistence and an ability to mix with people from all walks of life and all races, having lived in many countries and studied both language and cultures. A high level of spirituality which effectively excludes all anger and negative emotions, resolving problems more easily and for the mutual benefit of all parties concerned.

For a second opinion (and further insight) see the attached Portrait of an INTJ
(a March 2000 third-party assessment based on the "Keirsey Temperament Theory")
Other similar profiles available - see also Spiritual Aspects.
(No longer available for business consultancy - life devoted now
to humanitarian and environmental projects, and import/export business)

Summary of most noteworthy projects:

Successful leadership of industry committees in Canada and Great Britain.
Research into a variety of subjects: most notable resulting in the implementation and development of the first VISA corporate procurement card in Canada, for the City of Edmonton; in cost savings annually of $400,000 in reprographics for the City of Edmonton; in the establishment of a course for the instantaneous regression of disease; in the publication of numerous leading-edge articles and Business Plans on a wide variety of subjects, many of which are published on the Internet; in the establishment of the first college to offer earned degrees in Divinity on-line.
Writing and compilation of administrative policy and procedure manuals; various guides to electronic processing systems; and leading-edge articles on a wide variety of topics, including "The Future of Banking".
Creation of incorporation and development documents for federal and provincial corporations and societies, including a charity and religious order, a common law church charter, and the ecclesiastical Corporation Sole.
Internet operations for business; designed and maintains some 50 active websites, including the leading informational site on the common law Corporation Sole; the impact worldwide of NESARA; and the Akkadian College of Divinity, the first and only college to offer earned degrees in divinity on-line.
Production of numerous and varied newsletters, including design, layout, typesetting, content and distribution.
Liaison with members, government and other agencies in furtherance of corporate objectives and profitability.
Origination and production of over 15 major Business Plans for humanitarian and environmental projects for worldwide application.


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