New Creatures


While this creature resembles a troll in appearance and stature, all of the civilized
trolls deny that there is any relation between them and this creature. The Grey troll
is very large and very strong, but is also not very smart. The Grey troll lives in
small communities on every continent. They live off of what they can catch or pick
off of plants, they have no understanding of money. They only collect treasure that 
is bright and shiny and they generally try to wear it. They can use whatever weapon
is handy, they will sometimes have a weapon and shield they found on a corpse. They
do not know how to make weapons other than clubs.

STR - 4D6 + 8           Weapon       SR     Attk     Damage
CON - 4D6         Club or simular     5      50%     Weapon + Damage Bonus 
SIZ - 5D6 + 6                      
DEX - 2D6 + 3                      
INT - 1D6 + 1           Natural Armor - 6pts                    
POW - 2D6 + 3                                             
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