You are visitor Number since August 14,1996



WELCOME to the Dixieland Ring !!! Traveling throughout the Dixieland Ring, you will find that the South is definitely rising again. Within the ring is found: the total TRUE Southern history, customs, ideals, morals, Christianity, beliefs, music, poetry, heritage, links, and much, much more. I truly believe that there is nothing about the Confederacy that cannot be found by traveling throughout the Dixieland Ring. It's like a visit through the 'Old South', the 'New South', and the 'Future South'.

The "Dixieland Ring" is a Web Ring designed to bring the Confederacy together. The Dixieland Ring was created to help unite the Confederacy together so the South can be honored as it should be, our heritage preserved and history taught correctly to our students young and old. Our heros and veterans should be honored and Southern culture, romance, values, and ideals should be preserved in the Southern tradition.

The list of Condixijack.gif (11041 bytes)federate Membership sites is listed below. Go to the Dixieland Ring graphics and click "list". You will find all the sites listed in the ring. If you have a question concerning the Confederacy, past or present please feel free to e-mail me or any rebmaster within the ring. I guarantee to get you a true factual answer. If it's Southern, if it's Confederate, if it's Dixie . . . then it's here in the Dixieland Ring. 


TRUE STORIES, ARTICLES, FICTION, and MORE - NEW FEATURE - in the Dixieland Ring -  This section is for stories of the South, past, present and future.   Be sure to visit.  Leave your suggestions, write the authors, send in your own stories.


Guidelines for Dixieland Ring site membership! - If you have a Confederate site and are interested in joining the Dixieland Ring, we will be glad to evaluate your site and see if it meets our specifications. THANK YOU for your interest.




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This Dixieland Ring site is owned by Jack B. Harris

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For taking the time to stop by. If you haven't yet, please sign the guestbook. If you have signed and have not received a personal reply from me, then it is simply because I am behind as usual. I will respond, I promise. Your patronage is most appreciated.

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The Dixieland Ring proudly accepts the Guardian Award issued from Confederate American to websites which honor the true and accurate histoy of the Confederacy.  We here at the Dixieland Ring are truly honored for we know of many sites more deserving.  We promise to uphold the Southern history accurately for all time.


Southern Country pages

Southern Country - Personal background on your favorite RebMaster and some good places to go.   Southern Music Page - A few selected Midi,Wav and Real Audio Sounds
Featured Southerners
- Follow this link to read past features starring modern day Southern Heroes.
Credits and Copyrights - Credits, copyrights and gratitude
Southern Issues and Facts - These are facts, opinions, and issues that concern the Confederacy.  Please feel free to send me your thoughts.  There are now two  new articles by C.B. Pritchett, Jr.  One of these addresses the history and atrocities of Camp Douglas.  The other is near and dear to me.  It gives the history of the secession of Georgia and even more local because it addresses the secession debates in Albany, Georgia . . . where I grew up.

Your comments are most welcome. I need your advice and input and of course good words.
Email your words of wisdom 

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The HTML Writers Guild 


God Save the South - Visit our members - Join the Southern Circuit - Dixieland Ring - Heartbeat of the Southland

Browse the South through the Dixieland Ring . . .

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