When Jean and Ken Williams moved into their new house in 1983,
they were curious about strange markings on the oak tree in their
front yard. Soon, they started hearing unexplainable footsteps
and voices in the house. Moving shadows roamed the house and
a black substance oozed from the walls of the master bedroom.
They discovered that their house was built on top of an old Negro
graveyard called the Black Hope Cemetery. Neighbors confirmed the
sightings of ghosts and some experienced phenomena in their own
homes. Before the Williams family moved out in 1987, five members
had died under mysterious circumstances. The Williamses sued the
developer and wrote a book about their experiences, called The
Black Hope Horror.
 Crosby is seventeen miles northeast of Houston on U.S. Highway 90.
The Williams House is a private residence in a subdivision on
Hilltop Drive in the Newport area of Lake Houston.
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