The sign at the entrance to this quaint restaurant reads: "If you
have a ghostly experience, please tell us!" The quaint Victorian
house was built in 1895 by a farmer named Anderson. His daughter
Elizabeth was strangled to death on her wedding day in the 1920s.
She died where the ladies' room is now located and became one of
the ghosts of Catfish Plantation. There are two others. One is a
farmer named Will, who died in the house in the 1930s. The other
is an elderly lady named Caroline Mooney, who died in the house in
1970. The three ghosts are responsible for the bone-numbing cold spots
that move silently through the house, as well as flying objects and
slamming doors. Elizabeth's kindly presence is felt mostly in the dining
room, where she likes to reach out and touch people. Will's apparition
is often seen on the front porch, and Caroline's angry spirit is
detected in the kitchen. Ever since Melissa and Tom Baker remodeled
the house into a Cajun eatery in 1984, dozens of employees, customers,
and newspeople have witnessed paranormal manifestations here.
Waxahachie is forty miles south of Dallas on 1-35.
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