Presentation 1

By Glen Cutlip

T ranson
Proton Electron

The Transonic Consciousness
  • definitions
  • special terminology
  • the transonic consciousness
  • seeming contradictions
  • interchangeability
  • parables
  • the fall
  • partial seeing
  • the arising
  • a new beginning



What is it?

The transonic consciousness is a threefold reconciliation of the three parts of itself multiplied to infinity.

It's a infinite number of threefold parts adding up to one, the one in the many and the many in the one.

The one and the many are the same thing within the transonic consciousness.

The transonic consciousness expresses itself, not in relation to positive and negative terms, but in relation to their reconciliation.

One cannot say what it is apart from what it is not, for it is what it is not too. It is what it appears to be and what it appears not to be also.

It is both within and without and everywhere in between. So there is no escape from it, for any seeming escape is but a transonic part of the transonic consciousness.

There is not anything that the consciousness is not, for it is what it is not also, not just one or the other.

The transonic consciousness describes itself without doing it, for nondescription is a part of its description.


Where is it?

Just as the transonic consciousness is what it is not too, it is where it is not too, not just here or there.

There is nowhere it is not, for nowhereness is a part ot its everywhereness.

It is everywhere within nowhere, and vice versa, not just one or the other. It is at one point, yet at all points, not just one or the other.

It transcends what appears as omnipresence, for it is everywhere within nowhere, not just everywhere or nowhere.

Therefore, its appearance transcends outward show without doing it, for it is, yet it is not both here and there.

Let us now look as some special terminology in order to assist us in understanding that which transcends understanding without doing it.


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