What is the real nature of the reconciliation?
See it as a threefold reconciliation the three measures of one, as it were.
Ephesians 1:10

That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth: even in him.

Song 10


In reconciliation, see all things of one accord. Find the strength hidden in weakness as the strength of the Lord. See an infinity of finite things a part of one. See many and one a united consciousness, my son.
See everything a united part of what it is not. Understand it somehow even though it cannot be taught. What is, is not too, in the realm of understanding true. What we do not is forever a part of what we do.
There's an effortless effort in the nature of being. See sight and blindness as one the other, sightless seeing. See being and nonbeing, the one the other one too. See what appears as true a part of falsehood within you.
The nature of one thing as the nature of all things see. Let the reconciliation of all things in one be. In reconciliation, see all things of one accord. Find the strength hidden in weakness as the strength of the Lord.

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