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Writings on the Wall
Sayings of Glen

Group 1

A helpful introduction

Later on in the program you will find some sayings that were first written on small pieces of paper and placed on a wall where the author was working at the time, back in 1973.

The sayings were placed on the wall, and as the number of pieces of paper increased, the space grew larger and took on new shapes.

Thus, the overall number of sayings, from time to time, took on certain shapes that tended to inspire certain sayings. Otherwise, the sayings have no connections to the wall.

However, if you keep the wall in mind, it may help you to visualize how the sayings came about in the first place.

These are sayings one might expect from
a new age thinker.

Now that you have some idea of what
to expect, you can view the sayings.

Saying # 1
This is the transonic word speaking to you from your transonic Self. Thus, it is not my word.

Saying # 2
The transonic word is for all people, for all times, past, present, and future, for it transcends all these.

Saying # 3
The God that transcends itself and comes to walk with man, (which includes everyone) is God and man transcendent.

Saying # 4
Don't worry: when the end comes, someone will come and tell you about it. However, the one must come from beyond the past, the present, and the future, for you must be told before it happens, after it happens, while it is happening, and that it will never happen, all at the same time. Don't worry: when the end comes, someone will come and tell you about it.

Saying # 5
Have you ever been to the place where all ways meet?

Saying # 6
You would understand all this if you were supposed to. How can one understand something that is beyond understanding? It can be done only through the transonic way.

Saying # 7
A God that has not created itself cannot create a universe. However, a God that has created Itself has transcended the universe. Therefore, creation is not what it appears to be.

Saying # 8
The Lord creates without creating, for the creation is already there without being there.

Saying # 9
If you have never as yet created a universe, you have something to look forward to. And remember, there is no competition im such matters. It seems like a big thing to do, does it not? However, eventually, you will find that things are not simply as they seem.

Saying # 10
You wonder if there is a source to this information, don't you? Would you believe there is no source to it? You wouldn't consider me to be the source, and likely as not, you wouldn't consider God or its so-called opposites to be the source of this information. The source is the transonic one. Thus, It is transcendent of any so-called source without being transcendent of it. Thus, this information is as original as anything can possibly get.

Saying # 11
This is a trip beyond belief, knowing, thinking, time, and eternity. It is a transonic trip on the transonic way by the transonic one.

Saying # 12
Who is the commander of this ship? Why ask that commander?

Saying # 13
If you know as much as you know you do, you don't know a whole lot, for knowledge is not what you know it to be. I say this because knowledge has ceases has the scriptures fortold. At this point in history, if you want to know something, transcend knowledge.

Saying # 14
This is not a test: you have had that. This is the gratuating class moving on.

Saying # 15
When you get the urge to put your whole heart into a thing, it is because that is where your heart really is.

Saying # 16
If there were not room for you in this ark, I would make room. However, that is not necessary, for this ark reaches unto infinity, and if you will, beyond that.


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