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This is quote group # Seven

Know that all communication is the communication of God comunicating within itself at one level or the other from the realm of the so-called finite to the realm of so-called infinity. G.C.

Know that to be or to see God as is, is not to be or see God as God might appear to be; for God is all others without being all others too, the all in all of being, yet transcending being, you see. G.C.

Know that for God to be everything, God must be everything without being anything, for any one thing and everything are a part of the one thing that is what it is not too within the I am (Transonic Consciousness) of God. G.C.

Know that to dwell within the Consciousness that is within everything without being within anything is to dwell in and as the Transonic Consciousness of God. G.C

As the Transonic Consciousness is beyond, yet not beyond the expression of words, you must become the Transonic Consciousness and allow It to express Itself through you, not as something apart from you. G.C.

To identify with the I am (Transonic) Consciousness of God is to identify with that part of your consciousness within the I am (Transonic) Consciousness of God. G.C.

See the I am consciousness of God linked to everything in the universe of universes. thereby see the I am Consciousness as being transonic, and not what it might appear to be. See It as what all things are and what they are not too. G.C

As we are projections of the Self that is before and after itself, we are not the projection; that is, we are not the body, but the dweller within many bodies of the one body that is ever before and after itself. G.C.

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