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This is quote group # Six

As God is all there is, all ways to God lead to the one way. Thus, to find the end or the conclusion of any one way is to find the place where all ways meet within the one transonic way of the I am (Transonic Consciousness) of God, the all in all of being. G.C.

As God is immanently transcendent dwelling within and without you, the way to God is the way within and without you. G.C.

As losing and finding are two parts of the same thing, to find the unsearchable, one must lose the search; for thereby one finds that what one was searching for was not lost in the first place. G.C.

Know that the unsearchable and that which can be found are two parts of the same thing, the one hidden, yet revealed in the other. Thereby know that there is no such thing as an unsearcahble thing. G.C.

Once you lose the self and find it within the Self, you find the Self to be lost within itself, and found there too. G.C.

Know that to lose life is to find it in the Consciousness of God, for there is nowhere else to lose or find anything, for God is the all in all of being. G.C.

Know that what you are is what everything is, which is beyond the comprehension of what anything might appear to be, G.C.

Know that to communicate that which is beyond communication, you must communicate without communicating. You must go beyond it without going beyond it. G.C.

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