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This is quote group # two

Another Brief Explanation

In developing a transonic terminology to express the essence of the Transonic Consciousness, we put together, as it were, the three measures of the one leaven. We reconcile the three parts of being, the proton, the electron, and the neutron unto one unified whole.

Thus, we reconcile the protonic, electronic, and the neutronic parts of consciousness, each of which is an infinity of one, unto the all in all of being, the Transonic Consciousness. One can readily see the relationship of the neutron of being with the daystar or the Sun of Righteousness, all of which represent the core of being, the third part, the rejected capstone, as it were, the part that unifies the seeming opposites of being unto one transonically unified whole.

Again, having said all that, lets get to some more quotes.

As a metaphysical counselor, I am revealing the Sun of Righteousness, the daystar as the Living Christ Consciousness within one and all. G.C.

See the Living Christ Consciousness as a unified, reconciled, threefold Consciousness that is a multiple of itself unto infinity. G.C.

See the Living Christ consciousness as the protonic/electronic/neutronic parts of being functioning as a threefold unity of one. G.C.

See the Living christ Consciousness at the core of being as the reconciliation of the protonic/electronic realm of duality, wherein one is in bondage to the cycle of birth and death. G.C.

See the proton/electron/neutron as as a threefold unity, as one in the other interchangeable; therefore, see each part of being and the whole as a Transon. G.C.

See the unified, the threefold, reconciled Living Christ Consciousness functioning as a unity of one to be the Transonic consciousness of the all in all of being. G.C.

See the Living Christ consciousness as the purification of the conflicts within the mind of duality, allowing the manifestation of the spirit of purity, wherein all seeming conflicts are reconciled, wherein attachment and detachment are as one; thereby eliminating one's bondage to the law of cause and effect. G.C.

See the Living Christ consciousness as surrendering to the Spirit of itself; therefore, expressing beyond the law of cause and effect, wherein there is freedom in that one is not bound to either freedom or bondage, wherein cause and effect are as one within the neutronic Consciousness of the Living Christ at at the core of being. G.C.


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