Various ones across the country write from time to time wanting to know a little about us here in Alamogordo.

Other than personal contact over a period of time, I believe the best way of getting to know us and our work is through our studies. Nevertheless, We will share a little concerning our walk in Christ:

Margit and I both were initially saved when we were in our late 20's. That was in the summer of 1971. If you can add fairly well you will see that we both can now get senior citizen's discounts in most restaurants. (c:

We initially attended a Southern Baptist church for less than a year, which satisfied our hunger for a season. From the onset we were looking for all that was possible from the Lord, and it was not long before we received the baptism of the Holy Spirit -- not in the Baptist church, of course, but due to some home meetings not affiliated with any denomination. We thought nothing could be added to such a wonderful experience; but to our pleasant surprise, there was more, much more! It was not long before the revelation of Sonship came, and then we began to see God's ultimate plan and infinite grace to humanity. We tried to share these things in the classes we taught, but soon found ourselves alienated from the pastor, the deacons, and some members of that affiliation. It was only a question time, a short time, that we were placed in shackles and chains as far as spiritual liberty was concerned. After nine months in that organization we left in peace.

For three or so years we met in a home Bible study where a dear brother by the name of Herbert L. Rogers taught us much. (He died in 1986 at age of 93). He introduced us to George Hawtin and Ray & Doris Prinzing's studies which added much to our understanding. It was more than twenty-five years ago that we met and became close friends to J. Preston and Lorain Eby, who have been very rich blessings in our lives. We are not with them as often as we would like, but do visit and fellowship periodically (we live only 90 miles north of their home in El Paso, Texas).

There are more whose hearts are one with ours, but there are too many to mention by name. Nevertheless, we stand together in this great hour of the closing of an old age and the beginning of the new, as God prepares the unveiling of His Sons in glory.

Margit was born and raised in Germany, where I met and married her while stationed there during my three-year commitment to the army. We have three grown children (two sons and a daughter) and seven grandchildren with another on the way. I was born in Alamogordo and raised on a farm. But after my discharge from the army I became a barber/hairstylist, which lasted until 1987 when we went into the ministry full-time.

Our primary service to the Lord consists of writing The Pathfinder Bible studies (since 1982). These publications are sent out on a free will offering basis. We would be remiss to market the priceless Word of God. To do so would cheapen it.

Although the offerings that come our way are the only means of support to our office expense, printing by a local company, and mailing of The Pathfinder, as well as our personal needs -- it is not necessary to give in order to receive our studies and remain on our mailing list. Whether one gives or doesn't give, this is left in the hands of the Lord and in the hearts of our readers. This way we do not merchandise the word or become Kingdom beggars. The work we do here is the Lord's business, and what you give is the Lord's business. Therefore, your giving is between you and your Business-Head, and not us. This relieves us from much stress.

Should anyone be prompted to send us offerings, we will receive them with thanksgiving, knowing that they are from the treasury of our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who called and sent us into this field to work. Although individuals write and sign each check, we also see His signature on every one of them. The fact is, we all work for Him. We are not our own.

Margit and I do not have a church here in Alamogordo, but we are registered as a tax-exempt organization under the name Home Missions Church, Inc. With this, we can give tax-deductible receipts to those who send offerings and make the request. The congregation we are in fellowship with is scattered across the world, and our contact with them is generally through The Pathfinder and their letters of response. We also travel to be with various churches, fellowships, home groups, and individuals as the Lord directs. We are closely associated with two local home fellowships in El Paso (Bert & Hilda Hernandez and Ruben & Margie Galaviz) who are of like mind and Spirit. They are true jewels in the crown of our Lord. We also meet periodically here in Alamogordo in the home of our dear friends of many years and co-laborers in Christ, Walter and Ella Arvizu.

Hopefully, this brief summary will help in getting to know more about us.

God bless you richly in the millennium to come.

Elwin & Margit Roach

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