Welcome to my Guestbook!

The last place you would look on the Internet - 03/17/00 14:48:14
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/ellerburn/272
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! We found your guestbook to sign. Come and stop by and visit our homepage.

Uranus - 02/24/00 03:29:44
My URL: My Email:[email protected]

Huh Huh.. Uranus
This is the first time I modify my guestbook. I did it because Mr. Uranus included a link to a porno site. I don't object as much to the porno content as to what this link does to your browser.
-- King P.

Cliff Soon - 02/16/00 04:36:24
My URL:http://www.erols.com/csoon
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, Mr. Przemyslaw, Thanks for signing in. Although it's obvious that we disagree, I hope we can continue our discussion. It's kind of an honor to belong to the only belief system not tolerated here :) May we come to know the truth together.

michaelblum - 01/28/00 04:04:36
My Email:[email protected]

Haven't seen or heard from you in a long time (at least since geocities was absorbed) King Przemyslaw. Kind of came in here by accident. Hope to hear from you again (I lurk on the message boards a lot.) Cordially, Michael

Lori (Beni77) - 01/13/00 01:13:25

Well met, King P!! I'll visit your website periodically to see what I am behind on! Thanks! Lori

Maya - 09/30/99 03:02:15
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Przemek!!! I love your web page!!!

carmen rosado - 07/12/99 18:25:01
My Email:[email protected]


Journeywomon - 05/19/99 00:45:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Journeywomon/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

After the King paid me the honor of visiting my website, I wanted to return the favor. This kingdom is an absolute delight! Long live you and your fantastic kingdom. I have already read many of the books listed in your library, and have felt decidedly t home throughout your spiritual, fun-loving and hope-filled kingdom! Sincerely, Orice (Journeywomon)

Annie - 05/11/99 01:31:11

Thank you so much for the invitation to visit your site. I will be looking around more in the next few days, and may well contact you by email. I have quite enjoyed reading your posts in the Athens forum.

Prince Peter - 04/26/99 01:12:29
My Email:[email protected]

Your Majesty's website has certainly grown well. I am impressed. All hail the King!

Antti M. Mattsson - 04/16/99 10:59:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/portal/4080
My Email:[email protected]

A nice, and big, page indeed. I hope mine will reach the same one day.

Tanya - 04/13/99 21:53:04
My Email:[email protected]

After seeing what you write on the General Religous Discussions Message Board, I was interested in learning more about what your thoughts were and where you were coming from. This definitly did the trick. Hope to see more of you around.

Marta St. Augustine - di Medici - 04/01/99 03:59:07
My Email:[email protected]

Hello King P. This is Marta St. A. Am checking out your kingdome here...comments later...

Amanda Hrabowski - 03/29/99 00:35:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Stadium/4787/amanda
My Email:[email protected]

Czesc, Leslie i Przemek! To jest ja,Amanda Hrabowski. I have also made up my own country:Lazulia. No, ja koham ty i Jerry barja. Do zobaczenia za ty dzien! Amanda Hrabowski

Dragonchilde - 03/23/99 23:56:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/gallery/4571
My Email:[email protected]

Interesting site. Just a hint, in case those stupid geoguides annoy you: You can put them on the bottom of your page, and they'll get rid of the pop up ads justa as well, and be out of the way! Dragonchilde

Razzie - 03/13/99 13:44:29

Merry meet... Oh I loved it!!! Great site! You are very well spoken, and you present you thought very well. Good luck in your continued debates/discussions with your "friends" at the "forum"...*smile* I look forward to further discussions with you! Thank you again for nviting me here...Razzie Blessed be.

Dmitry Podborits - 03/13/99 04:42:47
My Email:[email protected]

Your Royal Majesty, As a nomad wandering through peaks and valleys of the Geocities I enjoyed the blue sky and cool streams of your Kingdom. I liked your definition of spirituality (i.e. presence of dimentions other than physical) because it's simple and to the point. However, what is physical? Where does it stop and where does the spiritual begins? Remember the corollary to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle that introduction of an observer into a system changes the system? Alternatively, when an observer observes t e system, how does he know that he observes the "original" system and not the "part of himself" which now blended into the rest of the system? I don't have an answer. Regards, Dmitry

Gregory Leszczynski - 03/08/99 22:25:56
My Email:[email protected]

My Greetings to King Przemyslaw, His whole family and all His friends!

Agnieszka Kozak - 03/07/99 22:30:17
My Email:[email protected]


Prince Martin - 02/22/99 20:55:35
My URL:http://home.cwru.edu/~mnn3
My Email:[email protected]

All hail king Przemyslaw!

Kinga Lohmann - 02/07/99 21:57:14
My Email:[email protected]


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