Gnosis  is a word derived from the Greek language that means “Knowledge”.
It is an experimental, vividly lived knowledge of every inherent, essential area in the Human Being.
Come together and start the discovery of the true meaning of Gnosis.
“Oh, man, know thyself
and you will know
the Universe and the Gods”
"Homo nocete ipsum"
 Delfos - Grecia  

To those who are genuinely interested in
seeking for this millenarian wisdom, we offer an
introductory travel to the most ancient sciences through the Gnosis, investigating: What is Gnosis?
In case you want to go deeper into these studies, we can offer the address of the nearest Gnostic Centre to your home.
…Or to take our Gnosis Courses through Internet.
Why don’t you visit our area on Reflections right now ? Getting in touch with this Ancient Knowledge will give you a sense of physical and spiritual welfare.
Through this page take the opportunity of getting to know the life and work of great spiritual masters, like Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor  and Venerable Master Lakhsmi, whose wisdom and love have enlightened the roads whereby it becomes possible to reach real Peace, true Happiness and eternal Love.
A lot of Books, Lectures and Notes are freely available for you.
Digital Material and CDs with lectures by V.M. Samael Aun Weor are also available.


[Introduction into Gnosis] [Addresses] [Courses via Internet] [V.M.Samael] [V.M.Lakhsmi] [Reflections]


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