Home Page
Welcome to the homepage of the Pagan Alliance (NSW).
PAN - Pagan Alliance NSW

The PAN newsletter is published near each of the eight major Pagan holidays. This web site is also organised in this way. Articles in each edition are related to the holiday in which they are published.

All articles posted on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the author/s. Opinions expressed in these articles may not be the opinion of the Pagan Alliance (NSW), the Australian Pagan Alliance or the editorial team.

To contact the Pagan Alliance (NSW), you can email us or write to PAN, PO Box 1242, Rozelle, NSW, 2039. For information about Pagan Alliance membership, send a stamped, self-addressed A4 envelope to this postal address.


Samhain Yule Imbolc Ostara Beltane Litha Lughnasadh Mabon


In addition to the regular newsletters, here are some pages of reference information.
Events Upcoming pagan events and contact groups. Updated with each issue (mostly).
Calendar Solar and Lunar cycles and the festivals of the Wheel of the Year.
Features Cross-reference to the newsletter articles for some regular features like Paganism 101 and Recipes.
Links Pagan Links

Pagan Ethic

* Love and kinship with nature.

* Reverence for the life force and its ever renewing cycles of life and death.

* Each individual is responsible for discovering his or her own true nature in harmony with the greater world, and takes responsibility for his or her actions.

* Acceptance that divinity exists in many forms and can be worshipped as male, female, androgynous, or in a form beyond human definition.

"Strength through Diversity"


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