Moon Phases

Working with lunar magick is one of the most popular forms of wiccan magick. Witches honor the Goddess and her lunar powers by holding rituals for the Full and New Moons and performing many spells at night with the moon as the main focus and source of power. Here is a brief description of the moon phases and what they are used for, as well as a Full Moon Ritual for solitary Wiccans.

The WAXING MOON is the time from the New Moon to the Full Moon. This is the best time to perform healing rituals, positive magick and spells that increase love, good luck, growth, wealth and sexual desire.

The FULL MOON is the time when powers of ESP are strongest. This is the time to perform lunar goddess invcations, fertility rituals, spirit conjurations and spells to increase psychic abilities. Also a great time for divination.

The WANING MOON is the time from the Full Moon to the New Moon and is the time for destructive magick and spells that remove curses, hexesm and jinxes. It is also the time to end bad realtionships, reverse love spells, break bad habits and unhealthy addictions.

The NEW MOON comes between the Waxing and Waning moons. This is the time of the month that some witches take time off from casting and conjuring and consider it to be a time of rest, as it is considered by some to be the time that the Goddess is resting since her lunar beauty isn't visiable.

Solitary Full Moon Ritual


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