The Basics of Wiccan Ethics

The use of witchcraft in the religion of Wicca is something that all individuals need to decide upon for themselvs. Not all Wiccans practice witchcraft and not all people that practice witchcraft are Wiccans. There is a lot of discussion about ethics and free will among practicioners of magick. It is commonly thought of as bad to cast spells that will make someone do something that is not of their own free will. For example, love spells. I can't begin to count the number of times someone has started talking to me online asking me how to make a certain beloved to return the feelings. To do this would mean to possibly send energies to that person that would make them do something that they may not want to do. Going against and manipulating their own free will. If something is ment to happen, then it will happen. If you want to use magick to better the chances and situations, then do it properly. Instead of directing the love spell AT a particular someone, turn it around and direct the love to YOU. Do a spell asking to Goddess to bring you a lover that posesses certain qualities. These can be the qualities of the person that you have in mind, but don't be specific to THAT PERSON.

Also the topic of Black vs. White magick comes up alot. There really is no such thing. At least I don't believe so. I think that the true intent, or color, of the magick is inside you, the person sending out the energies and the intentions. If deep in your heart your true intend is to harm someone, even though on the outside and in your verbal words it might not seem that way, always remember that the Goddess and the God know. They know what is in your heart and what your true intent is. Just remember that the Three Fold Law is VER MUCH REAL: Harm None and Do What Thou Will. Whatever you do comes back to you times three. This also means if you do something good for someone, say a healing spell, you will get back times three that good energy. Messing with "black" or manipuliative magick can in the long run hurt you. You need to be aware of that chance and be prepared for the possible backlash. If that doesn't bother you, then the choice is yours.

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