Looking at the various home sites I knew that I would never put up a home site of my own unless I would have a meaningful content for it. What would I consider as meaningful? Something, which could not be found elsewhere on the net, but would be of interest to atleast someone.A history of a European, an Austrian family with its members relating to various fields in arts including the art of making wine or brewing beer.
The people in our family may be considered "creative". Although some of the professions sound quite mundane, there is a hint of poetry, of interpreting music, of sculpturing, and of course of painting. It does not strike me as surprise to know that the artistic element was coming from different lines of my ancestry. Birds of same feather fly together, they say.It is not always as easy as that, but it is my strong belief that people who think creatively will attract specific partners in spite of their inherent nerdiness.
Nowadays, my sister's family and mine can be considered to be Burgeois in a non-derogatory sense of the word. Still one of the main intentions in life is to provide the children with the ability to honour cultural achievements and esteem the knowledge passed on to us by our elders. While those have failed in some respects, so will we, and we also might rejoice, if our children find a more suitable approach to overcome some of today's main problems.

The main goal remains: 
better create than consume!

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