

Welcome to our page of links that make you think, drink and stink.

Not all of them match the toppermost quality of our fantastic site, but they all have one thing in common: they have pictures. Smug bastards.


For your idling pleasure

Carrie White's University of Depravity HERE`

Carrie White is something of a rock and roll legend in London. She's a man-hungry hell-cat who was born bad. She's a grrl-power super-vixen who dresses to kill and kills to er, dress. Well, ultimately she's not really. In fact she's a slothful idler with one eye on the internet and one eye on the clock, but we love her because she has everything we want from a woman. She drinks.

The Smoking Gun HERE`

Just how mad are Americans? Well, as we know, the US is the craziest country in a gibbering, insane, pooed-its-pants world; and here they show us just how bad it's all got by putting Michael Bolton's tour requirements & other secret documents in the public domain for us all to see. Bolton, by the way, is about as rock and roll as a Victorian choirboy as this testifies.

If it moves, shoot it HERE


Just get a load of this! A debate, in which we proudly fought, has been raging for over a year now. Do you respect America for proudly championing the second amendment (the right to bear arms) above all others? Or, alternatively, do you think that they're a bunch of trigger happy maniacs who routinely train their children to spray bullets into crowded playgrounds? Have your say on their constitution and annoy them. Remember, no statistics.


Help me Summy and Smudgie: I need a new job

Recruitnet HERE`

Yes, thanks to the internet you can now re-create that frantic Monday morning tube journey wherein you kid yourself: 'I WILL GET ANOTHER JOB AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT' - no it won't. After a few days of disorientation it will be exactly the same, only you'll be older and nearer death. Happy hunting.


Put the crazy into bureaucrazy and subvert from within. There's always jobs for you here, and if there's not, ask; may be JB will create one for you.


Channel Four HERE`

Channel Phwoar more like. Watch naked ladies and listen to swearing for a living. Or rather Friends and ER in these PC friendly non-red triangle days.



We meet again Obi Wan. When I met you first I was but a learner. Now I am the master. HA HA HA HA HA. Open yourself to the dark side and discover your true power.



More media contacts. Now hurry up and sort this out or your boss will catch you titting around and you'll be for it.







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