Welcome to the Pierre level, the second floor in Chris Fortier's Lego City. Named after Pierre Noel Fortier of Beauport, son of Antoine, this city contains many varying services and attractions. Enjoy your visit to the Pierre Level.


Welcome to the Pierre Level Visitor Center. Qu'est que c'est ici?

 Police Station

 Timemachine Center

 The Northern Historic District

 Noel Memorial Hospital


 The Historic District-South

 THE ELEVATOR-Head for the Lucette and Antoine Levels, City and Family Homepages

 Are you lost? Click Here to access the City Index to help you find your way through the Lego City

Police Station

Mission Statement

Welcome to the Police Station at the Pierre Level. We believe that law and order is essential for a civilization to function. It is our duty to make sure that the people of the Lego City of Chris Fortier are safe, while at the same time exercising their American Constitutional Rights.

Equipment and Staff

The Police Department at the Lego City of Chris Fortier is well staffed with 3 motorcyclists, a sheriff, Chief of Police, three maritimists, and a few foot patrolers. Three motorcycles are parked at the station along with two small cars, a police van, helicopter, and super police boat. This law enforcement division is defianitely ready to take on the criminal.


Here are a couple of places relating to Police and Police Unions:

Fraternal Order of Police

Nashville P.D.

Burlington, MA Police

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The Time Machine Center


Here is the place in the Interactive Lego City where you can travel through time, a place where so much is unknown. This station sits on a pond on the edge of the Pierre Level. The three parts include the mini-mountain, the mini-island, and the mini-house. The mini-house is where all the plans and warroom strategies are mounted. The mini-island is where the timetravelers suit up and get ready for the trip while the mini-mountain is where the timetravelers board up in their machine, launch and get shot into the fourth dimension. There is much history to be relived and much of the future to discover. Come, and surf to these sites that relate to history and travel in the 4th Dimension.

Ashtar's Page

 National Museum of American History

 World History Links Page

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Noel Memorial Hospital

Welcome to Noel Memorial Hospital, home to one hospital bed and a surgery area, necessities in the Lego City of Chris Fortier. This hospital also has an ambulance with driver to escort the downed citizen to safety. In this city, accidents happen. With the medical staff and citizen volunteers helping, any patient can rest assured that he will be safe. Here are some links to health care pages:


Trigon Blue Cross and Blue Shield


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Welcome to the Capitol Replica Library. Here, you are able to search the Internet, some databases, and hyperlink to some periodicals and other reference and literature materials. So sit back, click away, and enjoy the Capitol Replica Library.

Main Room-Card Catalog Area

Search the Internet Card Catalog with Search Engines




's Netfind








Other Interesting Search Sites



The Internet Yellow Pages


National Geographic Atlas


Roget's Thesaurus News from around the world


Here are some interesting databases I have found:

Internet Movie Database


Sports Databases

Quotes, for those types of people



Family Circle



World Press Review

Golf Magazine

Sports Illustrated

The Sporting News

T.V. Guide

Entertainment Weekly

U.S. News and World Report

Christian Science Monitor

Washington Weekly





Literature-East Wing

Here are some interesting sites about different pieces of Classical Literature and their authors.

Little Women [bibliomania] by Louisa May Alcott

The Last of the Mohicans

Sense and Sensibility

The Wealth of Nations

Wuthering Heights at University of Maryland Library

40 Classic Novels at

 The Iliad

The Odyssey

Aesop's Fables

Jane Austen Society of North America

The Awakening

Kate Chopin Page

James Fenimore Cooper Society

The Roald Dahl Club

A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

 William Faulkner Society

 Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales

Japanese Fairy Tales



Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

 Classical Association of Virginia

American Classical League

William Shakespeare's Complete List Of Sonnets


To Pierre Level Visitor Center

The Northern Historic District

This is the Northern Historic District. The Wild West is covered here in the Northern Historic District. This Wild West Fort was bought in Windsor, England, just down the hill from Windsor Palace and down the road from Legoland-Windsor. Life in the Wild West was rugged, dramatic, and even crazy at times. In 1882 Lego City, Many Cowboy-Indian fights took place (most common fights took place between Dallas Cowboys and Cleveland Indians). Inside the Legoredo Fortress of 1882, there were watchout posts, a stable, a jail, and a place for the General to sleep (all other soldiers slept on the grounds, even if a hurricane was blazing outside, remember this fort is only 2 miles from the Chesapeake Bay!!!) Inside the General's quarters was trap door. If you beat the general in the game of Blackjack, you fell through the trap door into the jail, with the rest of the hardcore criminals. So, if you play that general, you better bust your hand, or you might bust your future.

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The Historic District-SOUTH


The Southside of the Historic District is cornucopia of different histories. Just outside of the Wild West Fort, there is a Native American village, which portrays life in the 1880's just before the Battle of Little Bighorn. Next door, we travel back in time about 750 years to the Medeval times when the Old Crossing with Traps is visited. This bridge was the nemesis for enemies. Every time they tried to cross it, the bridge would collapse on them. Every time they tried to swim across the river, the bridge would collapse on them, therefore banging their heads and giving them nice little migrane headaches for the next four years. On the other side of the Old Crossing with Traps is the Medevil fortress. In here, there are quarters for knights, a catapult weapon, and some nice looking swords. The fortress does look like a miniature castle. Demonstrations are done daily here, in an effort to educate the people about midevil life. Continuing down the Historic District, the 1700's are featured at the Sabre Island. This trilevel watchout post was quintessential to the success of the first Lego people to come to the New World. Originally built on an island, this fortress was a spy post in the middle of the ocean. When a pirate ship was seen, a message was sent via a bottle and tube system, like the one with the Drive-thru bank teller. Then the commander on the coast would then take proper action. Just recently, explorers from Egypt have joined the South Historic District. Their expertise in a new field of history adds more to the excitement of the South Historic District.

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Antoine Level (Level 3)

Lucette Level (Level 1)

City Homepage

The Suburbs

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Revised on a continuing basis by Chris Fortier CRF

E-Mail Chris Fortier here.

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