Outdoor Adventure Trips

In Module One of Fast Forward you were introduced to different kinds of outdoor adventure trips. Now its your turn to search for a trip, describe it and decide whether or not you would like to go on it.

Before you begin writing: Go to a search engine ( http://www.yahooligans.com/ or http://www.ajkids.com/ ) and type in the words "outdoor adventure trips"

Copy the following 4 steps into an English WORD document or into a blank EMAIL message. Then fill in the information.


Step 1.  Please identify  yourself:
First Name
Last Name
Step 2:  Look at some of the sites that the search engine finds and choose one that interests you.

    Type the address of the site here:

Step 3. Describe one of the adventure trips on the site you found in the space below:

Step 4. Decide whether or not you would go on such a trip. Then, write about your decision in the space below


After you finish writing. Send your document to me for a grade!

Thanks, Gail

Ninth Grade
Copyright © 2001 Chazav Junior High. 
Revised: 04-11-01
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