de mercurio's


let me tell you the story ...o f.....

An Ominous Reversal Of Attitude

Bayeaux Tapestry

Bayeaux Tapestry depicting William's Horseman

Legend has it... that when William 1 (THE CONQUEROR) landed at Hastings in 1066, he got up to disembark from his boat...but...

"lost his balance and fell flat on his face".

Getting up from the beach scrubbing the gritty English sand from his garments, he sensed that his superstitious men at arms thought this fall ill omen for the impending battle.......

William with his sharpness of mind, quickly raised himself off the ground and shouted to his men,




Offence is the Best Form of Defence

Frank Norton painting

The Pacific War "Leyte Gulf"

During WW2 in the area off Leyte Gulf merging into the South China Sea, a lone Destroyer was about to get a triple surprise and more. Within a period of 5 minutes a sonar reading gave reports of an enemy submarine to port, then radar detected a enemy heavy cruiser and light cruiser some miles aft and on a the same make matters worse as as the first warnings were being sounded, radar reported a possible aircraft contact to starboard at 12 miles.

The Captain, very panicked, had an escape route planned but wanted confirmation from SEPAC (South East Pacific Area Command) to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately for him, manning the communications desk at SEPAC at the time was one Admiral William F Halsey.... totally over qualified...Halsey was like that, he loved to "get down into it" and really find out what was going on... who of his commanders had, what!!!... and knowing what and who would be required for what job when the time came...he knew his commanders well. The captain startled in finding he had Halsey on the wire, was even more horrified when after explaining his serious predicament, and asking what can I do in such a situation?......Got the reply from Halsey,


....................this is old WW2 anecdote, whether true or not it explains the type of character that was Admiral Halsey, and maybe there are other lessons there?


Poor Gambler

Cool Cal

Calvin Coolidge

The United States President Calvin Coolidge was said to be a man of few words and it appears also actions when you look in retrospect at his Presidency. He only stayed one term and that didn't seem to bother him. Prior to him was William Harding who died with some circumspect as there was no autopsy and just days prior to his death, the President remarked "who can worry about enemies when you have "friends" such as I". Maybe Calvin C. had suspicions too, he was often quoted as saying "Government doesn't have a role in business" and "business looks after itself", he was definitely a believer in "free market" forces though not called that at the time. ...with prohibition it could be termed "black-market forces"?......

At a Gala Event during the late 1920's two hungry reporters eyed the President from a distant table. The female of the duo, sure of herself, issued a bet to her comrade. She claimed that she could get more than the usual two words of "no comment" out the renowned taciturn Coolidge. Her male colleague was sure of failure and the bet being taken she went forth to apply her charm on the frowning Pres......

Approaching him smiling and using all her persuasive charm she asked for an interview explaining with some expectation of sympathy about her bet with her media colleague and that she surely would get more than just the two word interview.....Coolidge waited until all was said and there was silence,......then looking on the reporter without a smile or expression replied...



Anecdotes Two (2) - Born Lucky

Counter-Hey comeback now ya here

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