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Tools of the Craft

Generaly, you don't need tools but it helps you a lot to focus your energy and to sharpen your visualization.
All tools must be cleansed and charged beacuse then you get the most of them.

Main tools

I will describe the tools I use:
1. Atame
2. Magic Wand
3. Magic Cauldron
4. Chalice
5. Magical Pentagram


Sacred to the God. Element of Fire. Double-edged with a black or dark handle. Used to direct the energy raised during rites and spells. Used to call upon the four quarters. The black handle stores residual energy. Used to open and close the magick circle. Not used for cutting.

Magic Wand

Sacred to the God. Element of Air. A tool of communication and invitation. The God-Goddess may be called to watch the ritual with words and an uplifted wand. Used to direct energy, draw magickal symbols or a circle on the ground. A slender wooden rod fashioned from the branch of a tree with a cystal on the tip.
It is made from a wooden stick from a tree in my backyard. I have used my wand for carving symbols and letters into candles.

Magic Cauldron

Sacred to the Goddess. Element of Water. The cauldron is often a focal point of ritual. During spring rites it is sometimes filled with fresh water and flowers. The cauldron should be of iron, resting on three legs, with its opening smaller than its widest part. The cauldron can be an instrument of scrying (gazing) by filling it with water and staring into its inky depths.


Sacred to the Goddess. Element of Water. It is used to hold the wine for wine blessing and cakes and ale.
My Goblet is made from pottery. I use it for the drinking of juice after my personal rituals.

Magical Pentagram

Sacred to the Goddess and God. Element of Earth. The pentacle is usually a flat piece of brass, gold, silver, wood, wax or clay inscribed with the pentagram. An instrument of protection, or a tool used to evoke spirits. A convenient tool upon which to place amulets, charms or other objects to be ritually consecrated. Pentacles are also hung over doors and windows to act as protective devices. It is the centerpiece of the altar.


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