How to make your own spells

The best result will you gain with your own spells.That is beacuse ritual you wrote and performed mean much more to you than the one read in the book.

Basic way to make new spell is:

1.You must to decide for what will you use the spell, love, healing, make money, celebrations ritual...

2.According to what you decided to do with the spell, read as much material as you can get your hands on for that subject.

3.Get yourself a Book of Shadows or better make one!

4.In apropriate time create a circle and start to write a spell.

It must follow this rules:cleansing working space
set up an altar
casting circle,
calling quarters
finish lighting a candles and insence
calling Godesses and the God
charging energy and visualising positive result of the spell
releasing acumulated energy
thanking Godesses and The God and releasing them
turning off the candles
releasing quarters
opening circle

5.Don't forget to say Blessed be, or it is done!
Remember the golden rule "Ain't harm to none and do what you will".
Also look at my other texts for some additional info!

Blessed be!


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