Book of Shadows


Be very careful what you sending or doing beacuse you must be aware of one primary rule
"Everything you do you will get it three time back!"

Circle casting

Tools you will need are:
Athame or magic wand
Water mixed with salt(purified water)

When you decided where you will do your magic working you must cleanse your working area.Take a bowl with salty water and turn your body to East.Sprinkle the water with your fingers and say "I cleanse this space to be ready for the Godesses and the god".Repeat that with all other world sides (south, west and north).

Draw a circle or imagine one arround the working space and altar.Stand on the east side of the circle with the magic wand (or athame) in your hands pointed in front of your feet.Visualize that glowing beam of green light streaming from your wand.Make three circles walking like that visualizing that green light is becoming glowing ball of light arround your space.You must walk clockwise.

When you have finished that seat or kneel in front of the altar and say "Blessed be this circle which is protecting me and my work!"

When you want to open the circle after the magical working do that exactly the opposite way from circle casting.

Calling Quarters

Once when you opened the Circle, you can call the elemental powers or some call them guardian spirits. They must be invoked in right order

1. Turn to the East, stand into the godesses position (like 'x' letter) with your arms raised high and wand in your hand. Say:"I call upon the Guardian spirits ot the watchtowers of the East, powers of Air;come to me and bless my spell with your power".You must visualize that the Strong Wind is coming and standing on the East side of the circle, maybe like huge wind spin.Touch the flor still standing on the east side and Draw the Calling pentagram(simbols pictures comming soon!).

2.Then turn to the South, stand into the godesses position (like 'x' letter) with your arms raised high and wand in your hand. Say:"I call upon the Guardian spirits ot the watchtowers of the South, powers of Fire;come to me and bless my spell with your power".You must visualize that the Flame is coming and standing on the South side of the circle, maybe like shilouette in flame but not burning out.Touch the flor still standing on the east side and Draw the Calling pentagram.

3.Then turn to the West, stand into the godesses position (like 'x' letter) with your arms raised high and wand in your hand. Say:"I call upon the Guardian spirits ot the watchtowers of the West, powers of Water;come to me and bless my spell with your power".You must visualize that the waterball is coming and standing on the West side of the circle, maybe like huge ball of water.Touch the flor still standing on the east side and Draw the Calling pentagram.

4.Then turn to the North, stand into the Godesses position (like 'x' letter) with your arms raised high and wand in your hand. Say:"I call upon the Guardian spirits ot the watchtowers of the North, powers of Earth;come to me and bless my spell with your power".You must visualize that the Shilouette made of rock is coming and standing on the North side of the circle, maybe like big mountain or rocky shilouette.Touch the flor still standing on the east side and Draw the Calling pentagram.

When you done that you are ready to begin with the spell.

After you finish the spell you must thank all of guardian spirits that has helped you and release them.You do that exactly the opposite way as you call them.That means...

Turn to the North, and stand in Godesses position.Draw the banishing pentagram and Say:"I release you Guardian spirit of the North.Thank you for blessing my spell and go in peace.Touch the ground and draw the banishing Pentagram." Then do that on the West, South and East just with the apropriate changes in saying sentences depending on what side do you looking and what spirit do you release.Don't forget to say Thanks to them!

Tools Cleansing And Charging

You will need:
1. Small bowl of water
2. Small bowl of salt
3. Insence (stick or else)
4. Athame and Wand
5. Black candle
6. Pentagram

Prepare yourself with ritual bath.Find calm place or the one you always use for ritual purposes.Put bowl of salt on the North,Insence on insence holder on the East,Black Candle on the South,Bowl of Water on the West and Pentagram in the middle.
Cast an Circle around the Altar,Call Quarters.
Kneel down in front of altar looking to the North, take some salt with the fingers and cleanse the water.Light the Insence and the Black Candle.Item wich you wanna bless and charge put at the bottom of the altar, in front of the black candle.Take the object wich you wanna cleanse, stand up and raise object high in the Godesses Position with your Arms raised high an legs spreaded and say:"Oh, Great Godesses, bless this object with your power!" and imagine Lightning Bolt striking in the object coming from everywhere.
Kneel down and pass the object through Insence three times and say:"Cleanse this object with powers of Air!"And imagine smoke is taking all bad things from the object away.
Pass then the object through Black candle flame three times and say:"Cleanse this object with powers of Fire!" and imagine that flame is burned out all bad things from the Object.
Pass then the object through Water three times and say:"Cleanse this object with powers of Water!" and imagine that Water is washed out all bad things from the object.
Pass then the object through Salt three times and say:"Cleanse this object with powers of Earth!" and imagine that Light Bolt is banished out all bad things from the object.
Charging is practicaly the same just adopt the words and the process is the same.Thanks The Great God And The Great Godesses for the presence and release them.Release quarters in reverse order and open the circle. and on the end Say:"Blessed be!"

Psychic Protection Spell

Tools you will need are:
Incense (herbs or oils work fine also)
Black Candle

It is best to find a work area that is untouched for three days minimum. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.

This spell is used to protect yourself from mental attacks. You can add your touch to the spells or even create your spells, beacouse then it will work the best way possible. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle and mentaly visualise clean working area. While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work and remember key to sucsess is energy and clean visualization.

Before you start perform spell you can cleanse your body by ritual bath. You can add some bathing salt to watter ar just ordinary sea salt to cleanse the water and yourself.

After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light some incense. Envision a large, white ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and visualize all of your positive energy flowing into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (aloud or for yourself, humming is also good) �This candle represents protection over me in all things�, or say something similar to this what will increase your visualization power.

Light the candle and say
(either aloud or to yourself):
�As the light of this flame grows, I can feel the light and positive energy around me. As this candle burns, everything around me is blessed with light and love. I am blessed with light and love. Negative energy is being banished.�As you saying that visualize everything you saying.

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Keep visualizing the white ball of light and protection arround you. Envision your Higher Power blessing you and protecting you from harm. See yourself blessing whoever or whatever it is that brings harm to you. Bless them so that they may be happy and will no longer wish to cause you harm. Feel the peace and love.

When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say �As the flame of the candle is extinguished--evil, negativity, and harm towards me is banished� and blow out the candle.After that open the circle(you must do that exactly the opposite way as you cast it).At the end Say Blessed be.Don't forget that!

Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, discard the wax in the garbage to symbolize throwing away that which causes you harm.

You have been blessed with Light, Love, Peace, and Protection. Whatever was causing you harm will no longer do so.


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