[Tehuti/Thoth][ B ]

[Tehuti][ E ]

TEHUTI/THOTH - wonderful wise man.  I use both versions of His name because He won't tell me which one He prefers!  I got a huge laugh out of Him when I called Him my "elderly professor".  But that is how He appears to me....full of knowledge and wisdom and more than willing to share what He can. I know whenever I have problems with my computer, I ask Tehuti/Thoth to help me with it!  He seems to have a knack for computers.

Tehuti appears to me as a very tall, slender man....older than most of the other Netjer. He has very short pale brown/blonde hair swept back, faded blue eyes on a long lean oval face.....and knobby knees on skinny legs :) He wore clothing similar to what He is usually shown wearing in pictures.[Tehuti]

[ T ]

Kind and gentle, Tehuti/Thoth has been there as a shoulder to cry on, a comforting arm around my shoulder and a kick in the pants when I needed it.

I use hematite for Tehuti.

Tehuti has recently asked me to serve Him as His Priestess. I am not a logical person, but I do love to read....everything and anything, just to learn all I can. And I always want proof of anything I'm told. I want to verify everything :-) Perhaps this, as well as the fact that I refer to Tehuti as "my dirty old man" *g* is why He chose me. I hope to bring Him honor with His choice.

An ibis

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