

[ T ]

MA'AT - Quiet and reserved but not standoffish.  Ma'at is always in the background...She is the balance of all in life, and is helping me regain mine.  Ma'at represents the universal justice and truth of all things.

[ B ]

Sweet, gentle Ma'at.  Given the task of weighing the hearts of the dead.  She is very petite, small boned...with thick black hair and sad eyes.  There is much sorrow in Ma'at, and yet much joy...Her's is not an easy task.

There is great love between Ma'at and Tehuti. Together They made 8 children...but They can have no more. Thus She and Tehuti share Their love in so many other ways. When They dance, They are an incredibly graceful couple....They become one with the music.

I use a black ostrich feather for my contact with Ma'at.


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Background and some buttons courtesy of: Jaguarwoman

The midi is entitled "Midnight Dream"
Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
� Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used with permission.

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