KEPHERA - transformation, becoming. I've asked Kephera for help when I need to write a letter that I don't want to write, when things must be said just so. Kephera helps with all one's inner growths and struggles...the evolving into what one must become.

I've asked Kephera to help me through the next few years of my life, as I am now alone for the first time, and that is a major transformation for me. He is gentle, quiet and somehow, always there.

I use a small ivory scarab for my communication with Kephera, and a small white votive candle.

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Background and some buttons courtesy of: Jaguarwoman

The midi is entitled "Phases of Love"
Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
� Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used with permission.

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