Matthew John Conley
         Minneapolis mn 
Ocean Poem
The world wished us good night & we were the ocean &we got it right

&the moonlight lay still upon our faces
in so many drops of water & we

lay low &

deep &
sleeping &
smiles broke over
our lips like
the slow river upon
the rocks & our eyes
rolled & swelled & reached
out towards the shoreline
the pull of the moon
& our dreams lay still beneath
the stars & you dove right
in & made your way deep
down to mossy skin & then
rose to the surface to shake the salt
water out of your hair & you looked to
the shoreline & saw me
sleeping there & you
raised your face to the moon
which lay broken in pieces upon
your cheeks & forehead & suddenly
I was beneath you & you ran
your arms & legs through & around me
& your smile broke over
your lips like a slow river upon
the rocks & we
were a million fish
wriggling in a million oceans &
you & I were an ocean poem
if there is such a thing.

Copyright, MJC, 1998






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