Marta Sanchez Seattle wa

Conversations over wire
Invitations sent with the word

Summer heat wets the air
red checkerboard picnic cloth

Fried catfish, Brunswick stew,
cornbread, hush puppies,
collard greens, butter beans,
boiled peanuts and sweet tea.

Spying Billy Joe and Emma Jean
splashing in the wading pool
floods my mind of Jimmy and me
and water hoses sprayed by his ma,

'ceptin Jimmy's not here today
and Jimmy wasn't here last year either
The menfolk don't quite feel comfortable
round Jimmy no more
and the woman folk
they all have a girl in mind
to help fix him.

And my citified mind
wonders when does family
stop bein' family

Re Union?

Remember revolution.

What could I do or be
to not hear
You all come back now
with that sugar southern smile
'n white glove debutante wave.

Re Union
Re Unite
Re Educate

Saunter to the parlor
Ear to the phone
fingers rapidly dial

Left Jimmy our July recollection
"Jimmy I love you"

Outstretched arms find Clara
solitary under the shade of a cottonwood tree
When does family stop bein' family?


Marta Sanchez
Seattle, Washington



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