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"Signs of the Times"

Issue #1

by James White


quoted by M L Andreasen in "Resume"

The original large paragraph has been broken up for easier reading.


When Dr. Barnhouse says that "some" of our earlier teachers taught "that Jesus' atoning work was not completed on Calvary," he must have gotten his information from some of the "uninformed" authors of our new theology; for history records that all our teachers taught this. James White, J. H. Waggoner, Uriah Smith, J. N. Andrews,, J. N. Loughborough, C. H. Watson, E. E. Andross, W. H. Branson, Camden Lacey, R. S. Owen, 0. A. Johnson, H. R. Johnson, F. D. Nichol (until 1955), all stoutly defended the doctrine of Christ's atoning work since 1844, and committed their convictions to writing. As I write this, I have nearly all of their books before me.

James White, who was three times the General Conference president, when he was elected the first editor of Signs of the Times, wrote in the first issue of that paper an article

"to correct false statements circulated against us. . . .

"There are many who call themselves Adventists, who hold views with which we can have no sympathy, some of which, we think, are subversive of the plainest and most important principles set forth in the word of God."

The second of the twenty-five articles of faith reads in part as follows:

Christ "lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for our justification, ascended on high, to be our only mediator in the sanctuary in heaven, where, with His own blood, He makes atonement for our sins; which atonement, so far from being made on the cross, which was but the offering of the sacrifice, is the very last portion of His work as priest."

These Fundamental Beliefs, were also printed in a little tract and circulated by the thousands.


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