top To Ancient SDA's ............ To "What's New?"

Items by

Ron Parsons

in order of publication


The Everlasting Gospel - personal edition


The Sabbaths of the LORD


The "beast" of the Bible


7 Queries for 7th Day Adventists


A Thought on the gods of the Hebrews


The True and the False Gospels

The "short" version


A commentary on a site regarding the character of God


Christianity in a nutshell


The Gospel of Health


The Sunday Laws


The Everlasting Gospel in the light of the sanctuary ceremonials

What is an Anabaptist?

The Daughters of Babylon

Bible readings - Starting at Genesis

The Shunammite's Faith

Old Testament Behaviour

Plan B, or The Origin and Purpose of Humanity

The Third Angel

The Golden Calf Incident

Temptation - how to handle it

Gabriel's History Lesson     Daniel 10-11-12

Why did Jesus die?

Daniel 12 and the 1335 day prophecy 

The Conquest of Canaan

The "Punishments" of God

An Unbelievable Truth

A Chain of Events in The Revelation

The Firstborn as shown in the life of Jesus

What is Babylon?

The Sunday Laws Past, Present and Future

Revelation 17

Understanding Daniel 2

666 and the Mark of the Beast

I Protest Again!!

I Protest!

A Personal Answer

A Short History of the Third Angel's Message

Jacob's Night of Wrestling

Daniel and The Revelation

A Query on the state of the dead


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