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The Judgment of God

and How it Works


The judgments of God do not come directly from the Lord upon sinners, but in this way:-


They place themselves beyond His legal protection.


He warns, corrects, reproves, and points out the only path of safety;


if those who have been the objects of His special care

will still deliberately follow

their own course,

independent of the Spirit of God,

after repeated warnings, if they still choose their own way,

then He must not continue to commission His angels

to prevent Satan's decided attacks upon them, for this is now their choice.


It is Satan's power that is at work on sea, land, and in the air,

bringing calamity and distress and sweeping off multitudes to make sure of his prey.


It is he who "has the power of death"!


Job 1:9-12; Ezekiel 33:11-20; Psalm 9:16; Hebrews 2:14

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