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"The Gospel in the Old Testament"

From "The Coming King"


James Edson White (1903)

"In June, 1849, the way was opened for us to make our home for a time at Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Here, on the 28th of July, our second child, James Edson, was born".

The Gospel in the Old Testament


James Edson White (1903)


Pages 28-32

"Unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them." Hebrews 4:2.

The great plan of redemption has been in operation ever since man fell. Jesus Christ is the central figure of this plan. "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.

This applies to all ages, for Christ is the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8. It is a mistake to suppose that there have been two plans of salvation; one for the patriarchs and Hebrews living before the cross, and one for the Christians of the present dispensation.

It is a mistake to suppose for a moment that Old Testament sinners were forgiven and saved through obedience to the law without faith in the atonement and pardoning love of Christ.

It is equally a mistake to suppose that we of the New Testament dispensation are saved by the gospel of Christ while disregarding the law of God. Faith in Christ brings pardon for past sins. His abiding presence and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit enable us to obey the requirements of the law of God, and thus we are fitted to dwell with the holy angels throughout eternity.

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The word "gospel" means good news - good news of redemption through Jesus Christ. How long has this gospel been proclaimed? Was it first given in the time of Christ? Was it first known through Moses or Abraham? When God proclaimed to the first guilty pair that the seed of the woman (Christ) should bruise the serpent's (Satan’s) head (Genesis 3: I5), He gave them the gospel, or

good news, that Christ would overcome the devil and open a way of escape for fallen man. In this promise to Adam and his posterity, we hear the gospel of the Redeemer as truly as did the shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem, when they listened to the wonderful anthem from the angel choir, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men." Luke 2:14.

It was through Abel's faith - in the gospel of Jesus Christ that his offering was accepted of God. The fire that came from heaven and consumed his sacrifice was the testimony from God that his faith in Christ and his obedience to the requirements of God had brought him pardon and justification by faith. Hebrews 11:4.

Cain, while professedly obedient had a heart full of rebellion and unbelief. The love of Christ had no place in his sacrifice and it was rejected of heaven. With it there was no recognition of the wonderful provisions of the gospel, hence his offering brought no forgiveness, no justification, because there was no faith.

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Envy and hatred of his brother sprang up in the heart of Cain because the love of Christ had no place there. And then followed the awful tragedy of the murder of Abel, which was the first death the world had known. "And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil and his brother’s righteous. 1 John 3:12. Evil thoughts lead to evil deeds. If the love of Christ

Dwells not in our hearts, hatred is sure to take the place.

The gospel was preached to Abraham. "And the Scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed." Galatians 3:8. Paul here quotes from Genesis 22:18: "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." In Galatians 3:16 Paul says this "seed" is Christ.

So by the wonderful mercy of God, Christ was preached to Abraham, and this was the gospel of justification by faith the same as we have it.

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Moses and the children of Israel had the gospel; for Paul says: "Unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them; but the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." Hebrews 4:2. Here the apostle treats it as a well-known fact that their fathers had the gospel. He states that we have the gospel as well as they. The same gospel their fathers –had was then being proclaimed by the apostles.

All the sacrifices and offerings of the old dispensation only showed forth man’s faith in the coming the coming Messiah. When properly offered they were the very strongest evidence of his faith in, and acceptance of, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without this. faith his sacrifices were of no more avail than was the offering of Cain.

But this faith was almost a stranger to those who came out of the bondage of Egypt. Hence they were compelled to wander forty years in the wilderness until their carcasses fell by the way, and a generation that knew God took their place. Only two faithful ones of all the vast company that left Egypt - Caleb and Joshua - finally entered the promised land.

The test of the brazen serpent, was an object-lesson to teach them of the Christ to come. "Look and live" is the true test of faith in Christ. As one look at the brazen serpent, set up in view of all the camp of Israel, brought life and health to the sufferer, so one look at the crucified One of Calvary brings life and salvation to the repentant sinner.

The meaning and importance of this lesson was explained to, and understood by, the people.


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Through it they could see that all their deeds, all their sacrifices and offerings, were of no avail without the accompaniment of true faith in Christ and the acceptance of the overtures of the gospel.

Christ gives the connection between the raising up of the serpent in the wilderness and his own crucifixion as follows: "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up." John 3: 14. Later he explains the object of this: And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all unto me." John 12:32.

When the Israelites in the wilderness were suffering the death agony occasioned by the bite of the fiery serpents there was a power connected with that serpent of brass which attracted the attention of the sufferers and all who turned and looked upon it were healed.

Through the influence of the Holy Spirit our Lord is working upon the hearts of men. To the sinner He says I have been tempted just as you are. Look to me. There is help for you. I will save you if you will trust Me. There is hope, courage and salvation in exchange for a look. Only look and live.

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