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Bible Study


its results



[Some] men [and women] have spent hundreds of hours searching throughout the Bible to gather impressive collections of statements. They have, in addition, spent a great deal of time on their knees praying for spiritual guidance as they have made their searches. From that research, they emerge thoroughly convinced that they have the truth on various questions.

At the same time, around the world field, there are many others who have spent long, hard hours searching out the same questions with much prayer. Yet they have come to precisely the opposite conclusions from the same Bible and are just as sincerely convinced that they have the truth and the others are in error.

This creates a problem.

It is a problem for which we must obtain a clear answer.

For it is always extremely perplexing to find two people or two groups of people who have each spent long, intensive hours in prayer and Bible study, emerging with opposite views of a question. How can this be? There has to be a key difference in the approach of the two groups.

The difference lies in the method
by which the Bible is studied.

Many earnest students of Scripture will emphatically declare that they take the Bible exactly as it reads. However, when their conclusions are examined, it becomes clear that their claim should be rather that

they take the Bible exactly as it reads
when the key words are defined according to Webster's Dictionary.


Those few thoughts and the following articles were written by one who wanted to share his understanding of Bible study with others. The articles are set out here in the following order.

Defining the Scriptures

The Consistency of God

Korah, Dathan, and Abiram

The "wrath" of God

The Character of God in The Spirit of Prophecy

We highly recommend them to every searcher after the truth.

To "Defining the Scriptures"


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