The conditions prevailing at Minneapolis as EGW saw them.

PC.151.003 Paulson Collection

"If before publishing Elder Jones' article concerning the image of the beast, Elder Smith had conferred with him, plainly stating that his own view differed from that of Brother Jones, and that if the article appeared in the Review, he himself must present the opposite position, then the matter would appear in a different light from what it now does. But the course pursued in this case was the same as that taken at Minneapolis. Those who opposed Brethren Jones and Waggoner manifested no disposition to meet them like brethren, and with the Bible in hand consider prayerfully and in a Christ-like spirit the points of difference. This is the only course that would meet the approval of God, and His rebuke was upon those who would not do this at Minneapolis".

"Yet this blind warfare is continued; men of the same faith, in the same city, turn their weapons against each other. It is an astonishment to the heavenly universe. I feel deeply grieved, and if these things are a grief to me, how do they appear to Jesus, who suffered untold agony upon the cross to redeem men from the power of Satan and make them one in Christ? "All ye are brethren." What can lead brethren to present before the world opposite opinions, without first coming together in love, and comparing views to see if they cannot come into harmony? Will my brethren tell me what spirit is moving them to action?"


"We know that Brother Jones has been giving the message for this time, meat in due season to the starving flock of God. Those who do not allow prejudice to bar the heart against the heaven sent message, cannot but feel the spirit and force of the truth. Brother Jones has borne the message from church to church, and from state to state; and light and freedom and the out-pouring of the Spirit of God has attended the work. As events of a most startling nature in the fulfillment of prophecy has shown that the great crisis is rapidly approaching, Brother Jones seeks to arouse the professed people of God from their death-like slumber, to see the importance of giving the warning to the world".

"But he advances some ideas with which all do not agree, and instantly Brother Gage is aroused; he harnesses for the battle, and before the congregation in the tabernacle he takes his position in opposition to Brother Jones. Was this in the order of God? Did the Spirit of the Lord go before Brother Jones and inspire Brother Gage to do this work? Suppose that Brother Jones' statement concerning the formation of the image was premature; did the case demand such demonstrations? I answer No, no; not if God has ever spoken by me".


"The Bible rules must be strictly followed. The matter concerning which difference of opinion prevails should be calmly considered, with much prayer, with hearts yearning for unity, and with perfect love for one another's souls. Examine every point as if you could see the whole heavenly universe looking upon you. If there is positive evidence that one of the brethren is in error, try to convince him from the word of God. If success should not crown your efforts, even then the world has no business with the matter; for it would only dishonor the God of truth, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent".

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