"Now , brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying,
"Peace and safety,"
destruction will come on them suddenly,
as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape."
(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3)

Contents of doc - "Roman Empire"

"The ultimate process has to be intergovernmental and at a high level, 
giving political imprimatur to a new world order
whose contours are shaped to the designs developed for the anniversary year. 

For such a process to have the best prospect of securing agreement on a newsystem of global governance, there will need to be careful preparation. Civil society must be involved in the preparatory process, which should reach out to even wider sections of society than the processes leading up to recent world conferences. Many views must be examined, and many ideas allowed to contend. 

Our recommendation is that the General Assembly should agree to hold 

a World Conference on Governance in 1998,
with its decisions to be ratified and put into effect by 2000. That will allow more than two years for the preparatory process. 

Action on all recommendations does not have to await the final conference. Many of the changes proposed do not need an amendment of the Charter. Some changes are already under way. We encourage action on reform at all levels-provided, of course, that ad hoc decisions do not become a substitute for systematic reform through a fully representative forum. 

A special responsibility devolves on the non-governmental sector. If our recommendations and those from other sources are worthy of support, international civil society must prevail on governments to consider them seriously. By doing so they would ensure that 'WE THE PEOPLES' are the instruments of change to a far greater extent than fifty years ago. We call on international civil society, NGOs, the business sector, academia, the professions, and especially young people to join in a drive for change in the international system. " 



The Sixth Fletcher Roundtable
on Strategies and
Leadership for UN Reform
Conference Schedule
" Friday, March 29, 1996 
9:30 am Registration 7th Floor, Cabot Centre 
10:00 am Briefing Session for Practitioners and Specialists C702 

Remarks by Mr. Hugh Dugan of the U.S. Mission to the UN and Dr. Jean Krasno, Associate Director of UN Studies at Yale Remarks by Mr. Hugh Dugan of the U.S. Mission to the UN and Dr. Jean Krasno, Associate Director of UN Studies at Yale 

11:15 am Second Registration 2nd Floor, Cabot Centre 

11:30 am Welcome and First Roundtable Plenary Session ASEAN Auditorium 1:00 pm Luncheon and Remarks by Dean John R. Galvin Faculty Lounge 2:45 pm Roundtable Working Committees Negotiating Reforms in the: 

1) Security Council (Murrow Room) 
2) General Assembly (C702) 
3) Economic Social and Environmental Bodies (C703) 
4) Humanitanan and Human Rights Bodies (C205) 
5) Secretariat, UN Management, and Financing (C501) 
6) UN Peace Operations (C206) 

6:15 pm Reception 7th Floor Cabot Centre 

    The five Working Groups on various UN reform issues that have been established by the General Assembly are expected to report their respective recommendations in September 1996. The adequacy of this open-ended GA Working Group process will be assessed, in light of the growing public debate about the future shape, indeed very existence, of the world body. Taking care to avoid repetition of previous analysis and dialogue, particularly during "UN 50, 

"The Sixth Fletcher Roundtable on a New World Order
will endeavor to launch strategies for the practical achievement of meaningful UN reforms. " 



 by Henry Lamb

        "The UN funded Commission on Global Governance has completed its 3 year study, and has now announced publicly its plans to implement global governance in 1998.  The 410 page report published by Oxford University Press is entitled, "Our Global Neighborhood."

The Commission's co-chairman was Shirdath Ramphal, former President of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

RESEARCHERS NOTE:  All of our National Parks are now being labeled  UN Biospheres' or UN International Peace Parks or World Heritage Sites. The international group called the "World Heritage Committee" is in fact a bureau of the UN.  Most of the Soviet and UN equipment that has been brought into our country has been "redeployed" and "stashed" within the UN controlled Executive Order #12986, which makes the IUCN "immune" from search and confiscation and "immune" from the judicial process.

In other words, these internationally controlled parks shall enjoy the same immunity, as enjoyed by foreign governments.

"The Commission recommendations state that the "world is now ready to accey new value", (referred to as "earth ethics"), that specifically excludes "national sovereignty and private property rights" which are the fundamental values on which America was founded.

"They promote instead, a form of global socialism called the
"new earth ethic".

Unless there is a dramatic change in Washington in November 1996, the US can be expected to help facilitate the 1998 World Conference on Global Governance, and lobby Congress to ratify and implement the treaties and Agreements necessary to make these "global governance recommendations a reality."

Note:  In a press release by the UN, they stated that after the elections they would lobby Congress hard to get this moving.  It's still a toll free call to Congress ... 1/800-962-3524 or 1/800-972-3724.

Hillary Clinton, Sen. Arlen Spector, Rep. Jim Leach were among those who represented the US at a UN Governance meeting, along with administration officials. "


            "The history of Freemasonry, as it exists today, seems to be traced to beginning of the 18th century. "Two important people in the Masonic history implemented this scheme of lies and deceit, Adam Weishaupt and Voltaire. In Italy, anti-Catholic proponents wrote a permanent instructions for the highest Lodges called Alta Vendite ... Part of the instruction reads: 'Our final end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution: the destruction for ever of Catholicism, and even of the Christian ideal'". The French Revolution in 1789, the freatest attack up to this period on Royalty and the Roman Catholic Church was "controlled and formulated entirely by members of the Masonic Lodges".
        The instruction, issued in 1882, proposed: "Control of the colleges, gymnasiums, universaties and seminaries: 'Offer them at first, but always in secret, inoffensive books ..... then little by little you will bring your disciples to the degree of cooking desired ......"
        Still even worse instructions are historically recorded: "The essential thing is to isolate a man from his family, to cause him to lose his morals".
        It turns out to the seduction of the priests: "You wish to cause the last vestige of tyranny and of oppression to disappear? Lay your nets like Simon Bar Jona, lay them in the depths of the sacristies, seminaries and convents, rather than in the depths of the sea.... Content yourselves to prowl about the Catholic sheep fold, but as good wolves seize the first lamb who offers himself in the desired conditions .... It is of absolute necessity to de-Catholicise the world'.

Each Masonic Lodge has a number of degrees or levels .... 33 degrees is the prevailing highest.
Father Gruber, an expert on Masonic ritual writes:
"The Kadosh degree (30th degree), trampling on the Papal tiara and the royal crown, breathes vengeance against religious and political despotism'"

Goals and Plans of
the New Age Movement
 Basilea Schlink

           "The Plan communicated via mediumistic dictations to Alice Bailey consists of the establishment of a New World Order, a New World Government and a New World Religion. The main political goal of the New Age Movement Is global control. "The dissolution and/or destruction of Individual nation states In the Interests of peace and conservation" are openly advocated.

Although world domination Is the ultimate goal, there are numerous Intermediate goals of a political, social and economic nature, Including:

After the Movement went public in 1975, further details emerged:
 Goals of the Illuminati
P.R. Sarkar is the founder of Renaissance Universal. He wrote extensively about society and culture. This article is an excerpt from the essay "Problem of the Day," compiled in Prout in a Nutshell, Part 3, Ananda Marga Publications, Calcutta, 1987.
The colour of casteism, provincialism, communalism or nationalism keeps on fading with the progression of time. Modern people should realise that in the near future they will have to adopt universalism. The well-wishers of society will, then, have to mobilize all their might and intellect in organising a World Government, giving up all consideration of forming communal or national organisations. They will have to concentrate wholly and solely on constructive activities in a simple and straight forward manner, rather than indulging in diplomatic and deceitful utterances. 
 Many people say that different national interests are the only hurdle in the formation of a world government, this is not the only obstruction; rather, this is just a minor difficulty. The real cause lies in the fear of local leaders losing their leadership. With the establishment of a World Government the powerful influences which they today enjoy in different countries, societies, and in national life, will no longer exist. Different national interests and popular scepticism may hinder the formation of a world government. The progress of this work must be carried on step by step to remove these baseless fears in human minds. Due consideration will, besides have to be given to removing any possible obstacles to the formation of the world government. 
In this first stage, the world government may act only as a law framing body. It will be vested with framing the rights of implementation or non-implementation of any particular law in any particular region. When the world government is being established, the government of different countries will have only administrative power. As they will not have any power to enact laws arbitrarily, it will not be easy for any government to inflict atrocities on its linguistic, religious or political minorities according to the whims of the governing majority.
The people of those states which refuse to cooperate should certainly agitate for the establishment of a world government.


(Global Concerns - World Order)
- Moojan Momen 1996
Eventually, however, it will be necessary for a number of international institutions to come into being. These will regulate international affairs so that wars will no longer be necessary. Shoghi Effendi outlines his vision of what will be needed as part of the world order

          This commonwealth must, as far as we can visualize it, consist of:  a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind, ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationships of all races and peoples. A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise  between the various elements constituting this universal  system.  

Rev.Sun Myung Moon
 (Divine Principal - 2.ed1973 - General introduction pg.11)
But today the external fighting is diminishing. People of different nations live together without racism. They strive to realise a world government. War victors seek to liberate their colonies, giving them rights equal to the rights of the great powers. Once hostile and disharmonious international relations are harmonized around similar economic problems as nations move toward the formation of common market systems all over the world. Meanwhile, culture is freely circulating, the isolation of nations is being overcome, the cultural distance between East and West is being bridged.
Quote - introductory message in the web site 
'The Satanic Army'
"With the second working of the 'Age of fire' 
approaching the time has come for change. 
This apocalypse we speak of is not the end of all time, 
but the beginning of a new age! 
The foundation of the church is crumbling, 
and the lies are being exposed! 
God will fall from his almighty throne!"
Below - the philosophy of the illuminati
as quoted in the OAI website.
We, the Order of the Antichristian Illuminati, conspire, both in the internal and external, to bring to an end the false religion of Christianity, to bring about the New World Order for the New Millennium of the ANTICHRIST, and to usher in the New Age of Liberty. We seek to make free all men and women upon the earth, to give them the Wisdom and Power to be what they are in truth, that is, self-sufficient Gods of infinite space, free to flame forth in the Cosmos of Infinity as bright and glorious Stars, unique and supreme.
The O.·.A.·.I.·. is a symbol of the New World Order which
  is now emerging in the world of men and women, preparing
  for the New Age of the ANTICHRIST, which will, in the
  minds of the profane, arise on the first day of the year A.D.
  2000. A new calendar will commence on this day, to accord
  with this doctrine of the New Age. The first year of the New
  Age of the ANTICHRIST will be represented by the
  numerical symbol 0 with the abbreviations A.A. for Anno
  Antichristus (Year of the Antichrist). And the
  ANTICHRIST will reign upon the earth, causing all men and
  women to worship the Law of Liberty. Christianity will
  become obsolete, and an evil upon the earth; and the
  Christians will forsake their false god and worship the
  ANTICHRIST as Lord of the World. 
  The ANTICHRIST is an Universal Principle whose work is to
  free humanity from the fatal restrictions of Christianity and
  to make possible for all men and women the essential
  opportunity to know and to be the gods that they are, to
  live freely and joyously according to their own true natures
  in the New Age of the ANTICHRIST. The real law of the
  obsolete Christian religion was restriction. But only in
  freedom can we perform and accomplish the Great Work of
  Human and Spiritual Evolution. The Law of the
  ANTICHRIST is the Law of Liberty which makes for the
  dynamic growth of all. It is the Law of Thelema -- that is,
  the Law of Will -- which emancipates men and women from
  the evil fetters of restriction, aligning their soul, mind and
  body with the essential and creative ways of Nature and the
  The O.·.A.·.I.·. is dedicated to the propagation and
  preservation of the Works of the ANTICHRIST, who was
  the Anointed Cherub of God, Lucifer, the Light-Bearer
  and Morning Star, the Seal of Perfection, full of Wisdom and
  perfect in Beauty, but who, with fierce angelic pride, rebelled
  against the Most High and fell from grace, and with Him a
  third of the Angels of Heaven, and who is now the Prince of
  the Power of the Air, the Seed of Satan, the Son of
  BAPHOMET, the Child of the Beast 666, the Proclaimer
  of the New World Order, and the Dark Lord of the
  Great Tribulation who shall cause the people of the earth
  to worship the Beast 666, to forsake the false religion of
  Christianity, and to spiritually initiate the New Millennial
  Kingdom of the ANTICHRIST from the draconian depths of
  the Human Psyche. The ANTICHRIST was born in a
  physical body on October 24, 1964 e.v., 44 minutes in the
  Sign of Scorpio, in the City of LA (Los Angeles), in the State
  of California of the United States of America. Scorpio is
  Typhon-Apophis-Set, and 44 is the special number of the
  Egyptian God Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child of
  Force and Fire. The ANTICHRIST is both Set and Horus,
  Two-in-One, the Lord of Double Power. The O.·.A.·.I.·. is
  the Antichristian Current of Set-Heru (Set and Horus). 
  All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. accept the current Chief of
  the Order as the Physical Incarnation of the ANTICHRIST,
  and as the Sole Authority of the Order, entrusted by the
  Secret Chiefs of the A.·.A.·. to both rule and constitute the
  Order. The current Chief of the Order is publicly known in
  the world of men and women by the name David
  Cherubim, but whose magical name in the Order is G.H.
  Frater O.·.A.·.I.·. to signify his position as the Founder and
  Head of the Order. His official title in the Order is "Grand
  Master". The Sacred Emblem of His High Office as the Head
  of the O.·.A.·.I.·. is the Eagle of Liberty, which is also our
  Sacred Emblem for the New World Order, which is the
  Antichristian Order of the Liberated Ones. 
All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. are Self-Willed Antichristians,
  that is, they are voluntarily dedicated to the spiritual
  emancipation of themselves and all of humanity from the Evil
  of the World -- Christianity! -- through the proper
  application of the Law of Liberty and the creative execution
  of the dynamic principle of Revolution. The Law of Liberty
  is the Law of Thelema, that is, "DO WHAT THOU WILT",
  which asserts that a WoMan should know and be the god
  that s/he is, living according to the unique formula of his/her
  own True Will. 
  All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. are Self-Willed Citizens of the
  New World Order, which is, in Antichristendom, the
  Unification of all Nations, Races, Tribes, Peoples, and
  Religions in One Universal Spirit -- the Eternal Spirit of
  Freedom! The New World Order is ultimately dedicated to
  the dynamic creation of an Universal Nation, a New Race and
  a New Religion which embraces all Nations, Races, Tribes,
  Peoples, and Religions in the Eternal Spirit of Freedom. But
  to accomplish this Great Work of Human and Spiritual
  Evolution we must annihilate the Evil of the World --
  Christianity! -- which falsely proclaims itself to be the One
  True Religion, negating, and thus separating itself from, all
  other Religions and Peoples. Christianity has been the one
  great curse and corruption of the human spirit, and the
  principal cause of human division, restriction and suffering in
  the world. Ergo, it is the complete antithesis of the Spirit of
  the ANTICHRIST, which is universal in kind, embracing and
  liberating all things under the Great Sun of Eternal Joy! 
  The New World Order is the manifestation of a New World
  Philosophy of Independence and Freedom. As Citizens of the
  New World Order, we are to be self-governed,
  autonomous beings, liberated from all political, racial and
  religious impositions and restrictions, free to govern and to
  control our own lives in accordance with our own inner
  natures. This Philosophy is ecumenical or global in nature,
  and all-embracing in kind; and it is the annihilation of all
  those false religious, philosophical and political systems of
  thinking and living which bar us from the Truth of the Unity
  of all things. It is the Understanding of the necessity for
  diversity in the world, and it is the Wisdom that such
  diversity constitutes the Spirit of Unity. It is the realization
  that all men and women are unequal, and that such
  inequality constitutes the actual freedom of the individual
  and the only true form of equality among men and women.
  The Law of the New World Order is the Law of Liberty,
  which is the Law of the Beast 666, which permits for the
  free expression of each individual in the world, allowing for
  each individual to discover and pursue their own True Will or
  Path in Life. This Law demands that we free ourselves of all
  standard ways and codes of conduct, that we exist by way
  of our own inner light, and that we calculate our own unique
  orbits in the Universe. 
  The Law of Liberty is the Law of Will -- Do what thou
  wilt shall be the whole of the Law. It is also the Law of
  Love -- Love is the law, love under will. Doing one's True
  Will is a sacramental Act of Love; it is the uniting of oneself
  with the Universe, and with the infinite All. It is the formula
  of Change by the sacramental dedication of the Will, and the
  sacramental dissolution of the self in the Universal All. By
  this Law we are all made true partakers of the New World
  Order, to live as free men and women upon the earth.
  Every man and every woman is a Star, that is, a
  self-sufficient Centre of light and power, with his or her own
  unique orbit or True Will to pursue in the Universe. As
  Citizens of the New World Order, we are to live and reign
  like the wondrous Stars of the beautiful night-sky, in
  universal harmony, without clash or conflict, free and mighty
  to flame forth on our own unique orbits in the Celestial
  Order, all in the Sacramental Ecstasy of Infinite Joy. 
 "Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals,
the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man
hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
They called to the mountains and the rocks,
"Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
For the great day of their wrath has come,
and who can stand?""
(Revelation 7:15-17)
"Come, gather together for the great supper of God,
so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals,
and mighty men, of horses and their riders,
and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great."
(Revelation 19:17-18)
"Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth
and their armies gathered together to make war
against the rider on the horse and his army.
But the beast was captured,
and with him the false prophet
who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf.
With these signs he had deluded those
who had received the mark of the beast
and worshipped his image.
The two of them were thrown alive
into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
The rest of them were killed with the sword
that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse,
and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh."
(Revelation 19:19-21)




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