Contents of doc. - "angels"


By William F. Kuhn

        "Angels are real. Even though modern materialists might deny their existence, belief in angels is an article of our Catholic Faith. One only has to read Matthew 10:10 for a clear affirmation of the angelic world by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Himself. THE TERM "ANGEL" DENOTES A function message bearing not an individual, a being, or an existence. it is like the modern 'quarterback" "referee," or "tuba player," requiring a person to substantialise or "embody" that function in reality. Since angels are not phantoms of our imagination, we have already suggested a characteristic of angels being, existence, a persona fulfilling some function. Most of the biblical references to angels conform to this concept, that some being is in fact fulfilling a mission, and this of course is loudly underwritten by the non-canonical, ancient writings relating the human experience with and age-old speculation about these ethereal beings, an-gels. Both the Hebrew and the Greek scriptural tests use the word messenger ("Malak" and "Aggelos" respectively). It is from the Greek that we derive our "angel." These messengers are defined by theologians as pure spirits, created intelligences, free from any relation to matter in any essential sense.
Paul VI 's Credo of the People of God affirmed our belief in "the pure spirits which are also called angels.''

Not only messengers Although the function of angels is generally presumed to be in accord with the name, nevertheless angels have performed functions quite apart from conveying messages. The Angel of God went before Israel during the Exodus as a pillar of cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night (Ex 13:21): there is the cherubim with the fiery revolving sword guarding the way back into the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24); and the account in 2 Kings 19:35 tells of how the Angel of the Lord struck down 185,000 Assyrians in one night as they lay encamped in siege around the city of Jerusalem. Now angels do not work miracles of their own power but they can produce results that amaze men by their manipulation of natural facts or forces like creating a plague upon the Assyrians by the multiplication and spread of microbic or bacterial infection within a few hours St. Michael has had several missions, too, some of them outlined in non-canonical literature. He was "set over the best part of mankind" ( Book of Henoch); he was said to be Michael 'the great angel always interceding for the human race (Testament of the twelve Patriarchs); be was recognised as the commander in chief of the armies of heaven the organiser of divine relations with the earth, and an intercessor before God whose intercession was so powerful that he could even rescue souls from perdition (Testament of Abraham - He is described as descending to earth to receive the prayers and offerings of men (Apocalypse of Baruch. Slovonic version. 11:4); that he carries the souls of the righteous to God Testament of Abraham, recension A, 20:10,11; and the Sybylline Oracles, 2:214219); and he taught agricultural skills to Adam (Life of Adam and Eve, Vitae). He is listed among the angels, "the first one is the merciful and forbearing Michael" ( 1 Henoch 40:9) and that he is an "archistratig" or great angel. Then he is called "the Great Prince, in charge of the seventh heaven" (3 Henoch Hebrew manuscript).

Creation of Angels

        Angels, then, are "created intelligences with varied missions. When were they created? Job 38:4-7 suggests that the angels witnessed the creation of the world. Thomistic theology leans heavily toward "simultaneous creation." But Gen 1 :1 -27 clearly suggests creation of the angels occurred within a "period of time" during which the material world was also being completed a concept which includes Job and Thomas: and so, angels must have been created close to the beginning of time. Just what act of God began time creation of heaven which must have included angels) or creation of the formless universe (Gen 1:1) we do not know. That the angels were created in time before man is suggested by the composite modality of human kind, an intermediate creation of matter and spirit, body and soul. This concept is affirmed by the fourth Lateran Council ( 1 2 1 5) and reaffirmed by the first Vatican Council (1869). Adam and Eve were created singularly. as a single pair (Gen 2:7, 15 21-24) while angels were created in the "thousands upon thousands" (Rev 5:11). Faced with this myriad of beings, the Athenian disciple of the apostle Paul, Dionysius, the Areopagite, asserted that Scripture supports three hierarchies of angels, each with three choirs, in descending order:

The Supreme hierarchy:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones.

The Middle hierarchy:
Dominions, Virtues, Powers.

The Lower hierarchy:
Principalities, Archangels, Angels.

        In spite of their numbers, angels are not carbon copies of each other; each one is an "original," and they are ranked in order of excellence and authority as Dionysius suggests. They surpass each other in virtue of their natures to which God may have added gifts accommodated to their hierarchic station. Obviously as such extraordinary creatures, the angels of each hierarchy understand clearly and express in their interrelations the respect and deference their rankings imply and their very natures demand. both from the lower to the higher and the reverse as well. So it was that the lowest of the hierarchies was awarded the task of overseeing the universe which God had created and to which they became messengers. The superior angels (Middle and Supreme hierarchies)- busied themselves about heavenly chores.

Michael the Prince

        Scripture names only three angels, Raphael. Gabriel and our Michael, giving a title, archangel. only to Michael. Apocryphal literature offers some additional angels. Azazel, Samel, Raquel, Jeremial, Gadreal and Uriah, but use of these names in the liturgy' of the Church was forbidden by Pope Zachary (745). a prohibition which was reconfirmed shortly' after in the Aix-la-Chapelle synod of 784, for the reason that these names were found only in non-canonical material. But much in tune with the apocryphal approach to Michael. Daniel records an angel informing him of "Michael, one of the chief princes" and "Michael, y our prince" (Dan 10:13), and "Michael, the great prince. guardian of your people" (Dan 12:1).

Recalling the Dionysian hierarchic order in which these native "freeholders " are grouped, how is it that Michael, of the lowest hierarchy is now' one of the first angels in heaven? Why is a third level archangel now chief of the heaven's hosts? Clearly' it was not always so. Several layers of legend and ancient wisdom are briefly summarised in Rev 12:7-9 referring to the great "battle" in heaven between the "good" angels led by' Michael and the "bad" angels of Lucifer's revolt, a conflict which resulted in the defeat of Satan, witnessed to by Our Lord, in Luke 10:3. It has been proposed by theologians that initially the angels were created in a probationary state, a time of testing. They possessed a free will: during that test, Lucifer. The most brilliant angel in heaven (believed to be a Cherubim of the Supreme Hierarchy ) dissented to a plan of God when the angelic intelligence was presented with the necessity of recognising and accepting the future fact that at some time, a human being would be possessed of divinity. Lucifer could not accept this fact because any human being would be of a so much lower order of dignity and stature compared with an angel; Lucifer refused to give obeisance to such a being. Now the good order of heaven (as expressed by' Dionysius required that each level of excellence (hierarchies and choirs) would have some authority and influence over lower hierarchies and choirs which would be recognised and honoured by the lower ranked angels. Since the legends have it that Lucifer was a Cherubim, he manifestly had influence and power over lower ranking angels, and this explains his success in misleading "a third of the angels" into following him. But the good order of heaven also required that the angels respect and honour the word and the wish of God: Lucifer's defiance created such a resounding dissonance in heaven that Michael, an archangel of the lowest order, incensed by Lucifer's challenge to God and his rejection of God's plan, rose up to confront Lucifer with the rallying cry "Who is like unto God'?" Leading the remaining angels in this contest of wills. Michael forced Lucifer to leave the "third heaven" and no longer serve God in the honourable status he held before his rebellion.

Yet this heavenly orderliness left deeply ingrained habits in the angels. and we find this true even in Michael, according to the letter of Jude. v9, wherein Jude tells the story of a dispute between Satan and Michael over the body of Moses. When Moses died, the Lord sent Michael to earth to take the body' of Moses to an ethereal resting place. But Satan (Samael in the ancient apocryphal account) was already at the bier and refused to surrender the body' to Michael claiming it for himself because Moses had committed murder upon an Egyptian. Michael, commander of the hosts of heaven, did not rush upon Satan and strike him down nor even shout insultingly' at him re minding him of his prior defeat; but he was content to say. "May the Lord rebuke thee." Even after his expulsion from heaven, Lucifer's rank was still respected by a "good" angel. Such is the divine ordering of things

For the Good of Mankind

        These pure spirits then, which we call angels, are an integral part of God's creation. And in addition to their role as messengers, they have a part in assisting us on our journey to salvation as article 336 of The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. "Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life" St. Basil. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God."



        "Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy (Gen 3:1-5, Wis 2:24). Scripture and the Church's traition see in this being a fallen angel, called 'Satan' or the 'devil' (Jn 8:44, Rev 12:9). The Church teaches that satan was at first a good angel, made by God: 'The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing.' (Lateran Council IV (1215): DS 800). Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels (2 Pt 2:4). This fall consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter's words to our first parents: 'You will be like God' (Gen 3:5). The devil 'has sinned from the beginning'; he is 'a liar and the father of lies' (1 Jn 3:8; Jn 8:44.) It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite Divine Mercy, that makes the angels' sin unforgivable. 'There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death' (St. John Damascene , De fide orth. 2,4: PG 94, 877.) Scripture witnesses to the disastrous influence of the one Jesus calls 'a murderer from the beginning', who would even try to divert Jesus from the mission received from His Father (Jn 8:44; Mt 4:1-11). The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil' (1 Jn 3:8). In its consequences the gravest of its works was the mendacious seduction that led man to disobey God. The power of satan is nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of God's reign. Although satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and His kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries - of a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature - to each man and to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but 'we know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him (Rom 8:28)."


Who are the Angels?

        "The angels are pure spirits, the mighty princes of Heaven, who stand before God, gazing on His unveiled presence, burning fires of love, filled to overflowing with the plentitude of happiness. The angels are the perfect images of God, mirrors of His divine perfections, reflecting His love, His beauty, His Holiness, His power, all His divine attributes and perfections each only in his own special way. No two angels are alike, no two are equal. God's perfections are infinite and countless millions of angels reflect this perfection in a divinely marvellous way. No two men, no two women, are identically alike, but the differences between them are relatively slight, whereas the difference between two angels is vast, complete. Every angel is specifically different from the other as one species differs from another all the millions of men and women who people the world, all those who have ever lived or ever will live are of one and the same species but each angel is a species all in himself! The angels are unspeakably lovely, they have no shadow of imperfection, no defects. Nothing on this earth can possibly give us an idea of their resplendent glory. No painter, no poet, no artist ever conceived anything like them. They are living replicas of God's beauty. Fra Angelico's pictures of the angels excel those of ant other artist so that Michael Angelo exclaimed on seeing them: "Angelico must have seen these angels in Heaven, otherwise he could never have painted them as he has done." But even Angelico's pictures do not give us the faintest idea of the real angels. St. Briget, who was favoured by God with Heavenly visions, tells us that were we to see an angel in all his beauty we should be so ravished with delight at the sight of him that we should die of love.

St. Frances of Rome was favoured by the constant vision of her angel. She says that were an angel to appear in all his splendour, the light of the sun and the moon and stars would become dim in comparison. After our Lord's Resurrection we read how an angel descended from Heaven and rolled back the stone that had closed the Holy Sepulchre. The Sacred Scriptures sat that the countenance of the angel was like lightening with its raiment white as snow. His appearance was so full of majesty that the soldiers whom Christ's enemies had placed to guard the Tomb were terrified and dared not look on him but fell to the ground as if dead. When, therefore, angels appear to men they take a human form so as not to overawe or confound those who look on them. What must not be the ravishing beauty of the Heavenly Jerusalem where these countless millions of glorious angels are not only resplendently beautiful but all differ from each other so that the perfections of one are completely different to those of  the other. The angels reflect God's goodness and sweetness no less wonderfully. They reflect all His divine virtues and perfections, they enjoy the vision of God's infinite love and love Him back with all the mighty strength and intensity of their natures. -Their happiness is perfect for they receive of the ocean of God's happiness in a way that no human mind can fathom. The happiness that an angel enjoys in one moment is so deep, complete and all-satisfying that it exceeds all the happiness that a mortal man could enjoy in a thousand years.

The Generosity of the Angels

        What is of paramount importance to us is that the Holy Angels seek inevery possible way to share with us this immense ocean of love and happiness which they themselves enjoy. their generosity knows no bounds. This is a truth that we must do our best to understand fully and clearly. Were a very rich man to say to us: "Ask me for everything you wish and I will most readily give it to you." How happy we should be! Certainly we would not hesitate to ask for all we need. This is exactly what the angels say to us: "Ask us and we will give you a share of all our treasures, all our graces, all our happiness and we will give you some of all we have." Their goodness and generosity are immense. Unfortunately, so far from corresponding with their efforts for our welfare we constantly impede them by our sins and imperfections. If only we knew them better and loved them more, and were more docile to their constant whisperings, our happiness would be unspeakably great.

What are the Angels doing?

        Millions and millions of Angels fill the Heavens, ministering unto God, but millions and millions of Angels are also here on Earth, ministering unto us. They are in our midst around us, about us, everywhere. Their activity in our regard is unceasing every day and every moment of the day, though we do not see them nor even suspect their presence nor feel their influence. They are watching over us with infinite care and love. Were it not for their ever vigilant protection, the history of the World would be far different, far more calamitous than it has been. The life too, of each of us, had we not a mighty Angel guarding us, would be sad in the extreme. What the life of a little child would be if abandoned, forsaken, without mother, father, or friend, such would be in great part our lot had not God in His mercy, given us our holy Angel. These Angels are helping us at every instant, doing us countless favours and saving us from dangers and evils of every kind. God has given us into their charge: "For He has given His Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. In their hands they shall bear thee up lest thou dash thy foot against a stone". (Psalm 90)

Angelic Intelligence

        The Angels like God have two great faculties: the Intellect and the Will. The intellect of the Angels is incomparably superior to the human intellect. The Angels are not only perfect in beauty, mighty in strength, but they are full of knowledge and wisdom. Their manner of understanding is likewise completely different from ours. The human mind has to plod from truth to truth just as the human body moves step by step, whereas the angelic intelligence grasps the whole of a subject at a single glance seeing a principle it sees at once all its consequences, seeing a truth it sees at the same time all its possible aspects. The most notable servants of this earth have amassed the knowledge of a limited number of subjects with infinite labour and long years of study. Nor may they claim the credit for all they know for they began where others have left off. The knowledge, too, thus acquired at the cost of such labour is frequently mingled with errors, mistakes, and doubts, whereas the knowledge of the angels is clear, certain and free from all possibility of

By Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M.)


"And no wonder,
for Satan himself masquerades
as an angel of light."
(2 Corinthians 11:14)

        "Channelling" is the new word created by the New Age Movement, meaning to contact spirit entities by allowing oneself to become a "channeller" allowing the spirit to forward messages. Putting aside the fact that most messages could be man-made, the New Age channelled messages are usually directed towards all humanity. The spirits, or "beings" as the New Age prefers to call them, are supposed to be loving entities helping humanity to reach perfection through a 'spiritual' evolution. The messages consistently tell us how we are opening up to 'spirituality' and the 'spirit world' and how we are 'evolving' by becoming more like them. Pantheism, which is one of the main tenets of the New Age, explains how humanity and nature are in fact 'god'. This would mean all of us are 'god' - this is referred to as the 'Cosmic Consciousness'. All entities contacted by channelling belong to the so-called 'Great White Brotherhood' or 'Galactic Federation'. They are thus called the 'Ascended Brothers'. These beings could be angels, saints, ETs and maybe anyone who belongs to a 'past wave of consciousness' (old civilisation) who has at heart the mission of helping humanity in these difficult times of transition into the New Age.
The belief in Pantheism is extrapolated to the point that everything and everybody becomes 'one entity', due to the fact that the 'all' is god. Then, both the good and bad forces become one, working hand in hand for the benefit of humankind. Therefore in all honesty it does not really matter from where the message originates. It could be coming from a spirit calling itself 'Jesus' or even from Lucifer himself. It would not make any difference. When a person seems to be diabolically possessed and an exorcism
is ordered by the Catholic Church, (when he is not diagnosed as being a psychiatric case by doctors), the exorcist questions the diabolical spirit. If the person under the power of the devil starts to prophesy or pretends to be a good angel or a saint, the exorcist stops him immediately and orders the spirit to answer his questions. One of the questions posed asks for the real name and number of spirits possessing the person.

"You belong to your father, the devil, ......
for there is no truth in him.
When he lies he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies."
(John 8:44)

Many times the spirits giving the messages claim to be St. Michael, sometimes Toth (an Egyptian god), some alien being, a native American Indian, or a genius of the past for example the philosopher Plato or the Italian inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. Other spirits can be classified under certain New Age titles, for example: higher self, elementals and nature spirits. Many books have been written explaining how to channel messages and make contact with these spirit entities, many of these books were financed by 'W.I.C.C.A.' Witches International Crafts and Conjuration Arts. Channelling occurs while one is engaged in meditational positions. Other contacts may occur more abruptly, as though the spirit takes over the mind of the person. These spirits are called 'Walk-ins' and 'Avatar'. New Agers claim that having crystals around oneself or in the vicinity, having a colourful environment and playing the right musical notes all help to create the right 'energy' environment, which consequently would attract many of these beings to your room or house. Other books like 'The Emerald Tablets' give you precise magical phrases (mantras) to recite repeatedly. This helps the person to detach himself and be taken in the spirit to these entities - beings of light like Lucifer.

"There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, any one who practises divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD; and because of these abominable practices the LORD your God is driving them out before you."
(Deuteronomy 18:10-12)


The Task of the Guardian Angels
Milan, October 2, 1993
First Saturday of the Month
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
The Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Fr. Gobbi

Chapter 502 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"


The Announcement of the Three Angels

Milan, October 2, 1992
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Fr. Gobbi

Chapter 478 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"



The Angels of Your Time

Onialia (Nebraska, USA.), September 29, 1994
Feast of the Archangels, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Fr. Gobbi

Chapter 528 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"



"Now war arose in heaven,
Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon;
and the dragon and his angels fought,
but they were defeated
and there was no longer any place for them in heaven."
(Revelation 12:7-8)



        O GLORIOUS Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defence in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, spirits of evil. Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His on image and likeness, and redeemed at a great pricefrom the tyranny of the devil. Fight this day the battle of the LORD, together with the holy angels, as already you have fought the leader of the proud angels, lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist you, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or satan, whoseduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of his CHRIST, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate you as their protector and patron; in you Holy Church glories as her defence against the malicious power of hell; to you has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put lucifer under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the LORD; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and lucifer, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

V. Behold the Cross of the LORD; be scattered you hostile powers.
R. The Lion of the tribe Juda has conquered, the root of David.
V. Let Your mercies be upon us, O LORD.
R. As we have hoped in You.
V. O LORD, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto You.

Let us pray.

O GOD, the Father of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, we call upon Your Holy Name, and as suppliants we implore Your clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel St. Michael, You would deign to help us against lucifer and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.

Leo XIII Moto Proprio 25 September, 1888
(The Fatima Center - Philippines: P.O. Box 1395,
Quiapo 1001, Metro Manila Phone & Fax: (2) 734-3632)


 "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,
having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.
He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or satan,
and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss,
and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving
the nations any more until the thousand years were ended.
After that, he must be set free for a short time."
(Revelation 20:1-4)

"And the devil who deceived them,
was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur,
where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown.
They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
(Revelation 20:10)








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