Subject: The Church or the Bible?
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 07:58:43 -0400
From: Catholic Dispatch <[email protected]>
To: CDIA List Members <[email protected]>

The Church or the Bible?

   Sermon by Arnold Damen, S.J.
   [circa 1880 A.D.]

   Dearly Beloved Christians: - When our Divine Savior sent His Apostles and His Disciples throughout the whole universe to preach the Gospel to every creature, He laid down the conditions of salvation thus: "He that believeth and is baptized," said the Son of the Living God, "shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned" (Luke 16:16). Here, then, Our Blessed Lord laid down the two conditions of salvation: Faith and Baptism. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned - or is damned. Hence, then, two conditions of salvation: Faith and Baptism. I will speak this evening on the condition of Faith.
   We must have Faith in order to be saved, and we must have Divine Faith,
not human faith. Human faith will not save a man, but only Divine Faith.
What is Divine Faith? It is to believe, upon the authority of God, the
truths that God has revealed; that is Divine Faith. To believe all that God
has taught upon the authority of God, and to believe without doubting,
without hesitating; for the moment you commence to doubt or hesitate, that
moment you commence to mistrust the authority of God, and, therefore,
insult God by doubting His word. Divine Faith, therefore, is to believe
without doubting, without hesitating. Human faith is when we believe a
thing upon the authority of men - on human authority. That is human faith.
But Divine Faith is to believe without doubting, without hesitating,
whatsoever God has revealed upon the authority of God, upon the word of God.
   Therefore, my dear people, it is not a matter of indifference  what
religion a man professes, providing he be a good man.
   You hear it said nowadays in this Nineteenth Century of little faith
that it matters not what religion a man professes, providing he be a good
man. That is heresy, my dear people and I will prove it to you to be such.
If it be a matter of indifference what a man believes, providing he be a
good man, why then it is useless for God to make any revelation whatever.
If a man is at liberty to reject what God revealeth, what use for Christ to
send out His Apostles and disciples to teach all nations, if those nations
are at liberty to believe or reject the teachings of the Apostles or
disciples? You see at once that this would be insulting God.
   If God reveals a thing or teaches a thing, He means to be believed. He
wants to be believed whenever He teaches or reveals a thing. Man is bound
to believe whatsoever God has revealed, for, my dear people, we are bound
to worship God, both with our reason and intellect, as well as with our
heart and will. God is master of the whole man. He claims his will, his
heart, his reason, and his intellect.
   Where is the man in his reason, no matter what denomination, church, or
religion he belongs to, that will deny that we are bound to believe what
God has taught? I am sure there is not a Christian who will deny that we
are bound to believe whatsoever God has revealed. Therefore, it is not a
matter of indifference what religion a man professes. He must profess that
true religion if he would be saved.
   But what is the true religion? To believe all that God has taught. I am
sure that even my Protestant friends will admit this is right; for, if they
do not, I would say they are no Christians at all.
   "But what is the true Faith?"
   "The true Faith," say Protestant friends, "is to believe in the Lord
   Agreed, Catholics believe in that. Tell me what you mean by believing in
the Lord Jesus?
   "Why," says my Protestant friend, "you must believe that He is the Son
of the Living God."
   Agreed again. Thanks be to God, we can agree on something. We believe
that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, that He is God. To this we
all agree, excepting the Unitarians and Socinians, but we will leave them
alone tonight. If Christ be God, then we must believe all He teaches. Is
this not so, my dearly beloved Protestant brethren and sisters? And that's
the right Faith, isn't it?
   "Well, yes," says my Protestant friend, "I guess that is the right
Faith. To believe that Jesus is the Son of the Living God we must believe
all that Christ has taught."  We Catholics say the same, and here we agree
again. Christ, then, we must believe, and that is the true Faith. We must
believe all that Christ has taught-that God has revealed - and, without
that Faith there is no salvation; without that Faith there is no hope of
Heaven; without that Faith there is eternal damnation! We have the words of
Christ for it: "He that believeth not shall be condemned," says Christ.
   But if Christ, my dearly beloved people commands me under pain of
eternal damnation to believe all that He has taught, He must give me the
means to know what He has taught.
   If, therefore, Christ commands me upon pain of eternal damnation, He is
bound to give me the means of knowing what He has taught. And the means
Christ gives us of knowing this must have been at all times within the
reach of all people.
   Secondly, the means that God gives us to know what He has taught must be
a means adapted to the capacities of all intellects - even the dullest. For
even those of the dullest of understandings have a right to salvation, and
consequently they have a right to the means whereby they shall learn the
truths that God has taught, that they may believe them and be saved.
   The means that God gives us to know what he has taught must be an
infallible means. For if it be a means that can lead us astray, it can be
no means at all. It must be an infallible means, so that if a man makes use
of that means, he will infallibly, without fear of mistake or error, be
brought to a knowledge of all the truths that God has taught.
   I don't think there can be anyone present here - I care not what he is,
a Christian or an unbeliever - who can object to my premises. And these
premises are the groundwork of my discourse and of all my reasoning, and,
therefore, I want you to bear them in mind. I will repeat them, for on
these premises rests all the strength of my discourse and reasoning.
   If God commands me under pain of eternal damnation to believe all that
He has taught, He is bound to give me the means to know what He has taught.
And the means that God gives me must have been at all times within the
reach of all people - must be adapted to the capacities of all intellects,
must be an infallible means to us, so that if a man makes use of it he will
be brought to a knowledge of all the truths that God has taught.
   Has God given us such means? "Yes," say my Protestant  friends, "He
has." And so says the Catholic: God has given us such means. What is the
means God has given us whereby we shall learn the truth that God has
revealed? "The Bible," say my Protestant friends, "the Bible, the whole of
the Bible, and nothing but the Bible." But we Catholics say, "No; not the
Bible and its private interpretation, but the Church of the Living God."
   I will prove the facts, and I defy all my separated brethren - and all
the preachers in the bargain - to disprove what I will say tonight. I say,
then, it is not the private interpretation of the Bible that has been
appointed by God to be the teacher of man, but the Church of the Living God.
   For, my dear people, if God has intended that man should learn His
religion from a book - the Bible - surely God would have given that book to
man; Christ would have given that book to man. Did He do it? He did not.
Christ sent His Apostles throughout the whole universe and said: "Go ye,
therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you."
   Christ did not say, "Sit down and write Bibles and scatter them over the
earth, and let every man read his Bible and judge for himself." If Christ
had said that, there would never have been a Christianity on the earth at
all, but a Babylon and confusion instead, and never one Church, the union
of one body. Hence, Christ never said to His Apostles, "Go and write Bibles
and distribute them, and let everyone judge for himself." That injunction
was reserved for the Sixteenth Century, and we have seen the result of it.
Ever since the Sixteenth Century there have been springing up religion upon
religion, and churches upon churches, all fighting and quarreling with one
another. And all because of the private interpretation of the Bible.
   Christ sent His Apostles with authority to teach all nations, and never
gave them any command of writing the Bible. And the Apostles went forth and
preached everywhere, and planted the Church of God throughout the earth,
but never thought of writing.

   The first word written was by Saint Matthew, and he wrote for the
benefit of a few individuals. He wrote the Gospel about seven years after
Christ left this earth, so that the Church of God, established by Christ,
existed seven years before a line was written of the New Testament
   Saint Mark wrote about ten years after Christ left this earth; Saint
Luke about twenty-five years, and Saint John about sixty-three years after
Christ had established the Church of God. Saint John wrote the last portion
of the Bible - the Book of Revelation - about sixty-five years after Christ
had left this earth and the Church of God had been established. The
Catholic religion had existed sixty-five years before the Bible was
completed, before it was written.
   Now, I ask you, my dearly beloved separated brethren, were these
Christian people, who lived during the period between the establishment of
the Church of Jesus and the finishing of the Bible, were they really
Christians, good Christians enlightened Christians? Did they know the
religion of Jesus? Where is the man that will dare to say that those who
lived from the time that Christ went up to Heaven to the time that the
Bible was completed were not Christians? It is admitted on all sides, by
all denominations, that they were the very best of Christians, the first
fruit of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
   But how did they know what they had to do to save their souls? Was it
from the Bible that they learned it? No, because the Bible was not written.
And would our Divine Saviour have left His Church for sixty-five years
without a teacher, if the Bible is the teacher of man? Most assuredly not.
   Were the Apostles Christians, I ask you, my dear Protestant friends? You
say, "Yes, sir; they were the very founders of Christianity.  Now, my dear
friends, none of the Apostles ever read the Bible; not one of them except,
perhaps, Saint John. For all of them had died martyrs for the Faith of
Jesus Christ and never saw the cover of a Bible. Every one of them died
martyrs and heroes for the Church of Jesus before the Bible was completed.
   How, then, did those Christians that lived in the first sixty-five years
after Christ ascended - how did they know what they had to do to save their
souls? They knew it precisely in the same way that you know it, my dear
Catholic friends. You know it from the teaching of the Church of God, and
so did the primitive Christians know it.
   Not only sixty-five years did Christ leave the Church He had established
without a Bible, but over three hundred  years. The Church of God was
established and went spreading itself over the whole globe without the
Bible for more than three hundred years. In all that time the people did
not know what constituted the Bible.
   In the days of the Apostles there were many false gospels. There was the
Gospel of Simon, the Gospel of Nicodemus, of Mary, of Barnabas, and the
Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus. All of these gospels were spread among the
people, and the people did not know which of these were inspired and which
were false and spurious. Even the learned themselves were disputing whether
preference should be given to the Gospel of Simon or that of Matthew - to
the Gospel of Nicodemus or the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Mary or that
of Luke, the Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus or the Gospel of Saint John the
   And so it was in regard to the epistles: Many spurious epistles were
written, and the people were at a loss for over three hundred years to know
which was false or spurious, or which inspired. And, therefore, they did
not know what constituted the books of the Bible.
   It was not until the Fourth Century that the Pope of Rome, the Head of
the Church, the successor of Saint Peter, assembled together the Bishops of
the world in a council. And there in that council it was decided that the
Bible, as we Catholics have it now, is the Word of God, and that the
Gospels of Simon, Nicodemus, Mary, the Infancy of Jesus, and Barnabas, and
all those other epistles were spurious or, at least, unauthentic; at least,
that there was no evidence of their inspiration, and that the Gospels of
Saints Luke, Matthew, Mark and John, and the Book of Revelation, were
inspired by the Holy Ghost.
   Up to that time the whole world for three hundred years did not know
what the Bible was; hence, they could not take the Bible for their guide,
for they did not know what constituted the Bible. Would our Divine Savior,
if He intended man to learn his religion from a book, have left the
Christian world for three hundred years without that book? Most assuredly not.
   Not only for three hundred years was the world left without the Bible,
but for one thousand four hundred years the Christian world was left
without the Sacred Book.
   Before the art of printing was invented, Bibles were rare things; Bibles
were costly things. Now, you must all be aware, if you have read history at
all, that the art of printing was invented only a little more than four
hundred years ago - about the middle of the Fifteenth Century - and about
one hundred years before there was a Protestant in the world.
   As I have said, before printing was invented books were rare and costly
things. Historians tell us that in the Eleventh Century - eight hundred
years ago - Bibles were so rare and costly that it took a fortune a
considerable fortune, to buy oneself a copy of the Bible! Before the art of
printing, everything had to be done with the pen upon parchment or
sheepskin. It was, therefore, a tedious and slow operation - a costly
   Now, in order to arrive at the probable cost of a Bible at that time,
let us suppose that a man should work ten years to make a copy of the Bible
and earn a dollar a day. Well, then, the cost of that Bible would be
   3,650! Now, let us suppose that a man should work at the copying of the
Bible for twenty years, as historians say it would have taken him at that
time, not having the conveniences and improvements to aid him that we have
now. Then, at a dollar a day, for twenty years, the cost of a Bible would
be nearly
   Suppose I came and said to you, "My dear people, save your soul, for if
you lose your soul all is lost." You would ask, "What are we to do to save
our souls?" The Protestant preacher would say to you, "You must get a
Bible; you can get one at such-and-such a shop." You would ask the cost,
and be told it was
   8,000. You would exclaim: "The Lord save us! And can we not go to Heaven
without that book?" The answer would be: "No; you must have the Bible and
read it." You murmur at the price, but are asked, "is not your soul worth
   8,000?" Yes, of course it is, but you say you do not have the money, and
if you cannot get a Bible, and your salvation depends upon it, evidently
you would have to remain outside the Kingdom of Heaven. This would be a
hopeless condition, indeed.
   For fourteen hundred years the world was left without a Bible - not one
in ten thousand, not one in twenty thousand, before the art of printing was
invented, had the Bible. And would our Divine Lord have left the world
without that book if it was necessary to man's salvation? Most assuredly not.
   But let us suppose for a moment that all had Bibles, that Bibles were
written from the beginning, and that every man, woman, and child had a
copy. What good would that book be to people who did not know how to read
it? It is a blind thing to such persons.
   Even now one-half the inhabitants of the earth cannot read. Moreover, as
the Bible was written in Greek and Hebrew, it would be necessary to know
these languages in order to be able to read it.
   But it is said that we have it translated now in French, English, and
other languages of the day. Yes, but are you sure you have a faithful
translation? If not, you have not the Word of God. If you have a false
translation, it is the work of man. How shall you ascertain that? How shall
you find out if you have a faithful translation from the Greek and Hebrew?
   "I do not know Greek or Hebrew," says my separated friend; "for my
translation I must depend upon the opinion of the learned."
   Well, then, my dear friends, suppose the learned should be divided in
their opinions, and some of them should say it is good, and some false?
Then your faith is gone; you must commence doubting and hesitating, because
you do not know if the translation is good.
   Now with regard to the Protestant translators of the Bible, allow me to
tell you that the most learned among Protestants tell you that your
translation - the King James edition - is a very faulty translation and is
full or errors. Your own learned divines, preachers, and bishops have
written whole volumes to point out all the errors that are there in the
King James translation, and Protestants of various denominations
acknowledge it.
   Some years ago, when I lived in St. Louis, there was held in that city a
convention of ministers. All denominations were invited, the object being
to arrange for a new translation of the Bible, and give it to the world.
The proceedings of the convention were published daily in the Missouri
Republican. A very learned Presbyterian, I think it was, stood up, and,
urging the necessity of giving a new translation of the Bible, said that in
the present Protestant translation of the Bible there were no less than
thirty thousand errors.
   And you say, my dear Protestant friends, that the Bible is your guide
and teacher. What a teacher, with thirty thousand errors! The Lord save us
from such a teacher! One error is bad enough, but thirty thousand is a
little too much.
   Another preacher stood up in the convention - I think he was a Baptist -
and, urging the necessity of giving a new translation of the Bible, said
for thirty years past the world was without the Word of God, for the Bible
we have is not the Word of God at all.
   Here are your own preachers for you. You all read the newspapers, no
doubt, my friends, and must know what happened in England a few years ago.
A petition was sent to Parliament for an allowance of a few thousand pounds
sterling for the purpose of getting up a new translation of the Bible. And
that movement was headed and carried on by Protestant bishops and clergymen.
   But, my dear people, how can you be sure of your faith? You say the
Bible is your guide, but you do not know if you have it. Let us suppose for
a moment that all should have a Bible. Should all read it and have a
faithful translation, even then it cannot be the guide of man, because the
private interpretation of the Bible is not infallible, but, on the
contrary, most fallible. It is the source and fountain of all kinds of
errors and heresies, and all kinds of blasphemous doctrines. Do not be
shocked, my dear friends; just be calm and listen to my arguments.
   There are now throughout the world three hundred and fifty different
denominations or churches, and all of them say the Bible is their guide and
teacher. And I suppose they are all sincere. Are all of them true churches?
This is an impossibility. Truth is one as God is one, and there can be no
contradiction. Every man in his senses sees that every one of them cannot
be true, for they differ and contradict one another, and cannot, therefore,
be all true. The Protestants say the man that reads the Bible right and
prayerfully has truth, and they all say that they read it right.
   Let us suppose that here is an Episcopal minister. He is a sincere, an
honest, a well-meaning and prayerful man. He reads his Bible in a prayerful
spirit, and from the word of the Bible, he says it is clear that there must
be bishops. For without bishops there can be no priests, without priests no
Sacraments, and without Sacraments no Church. The Presbyterian is a sincere
and well-meaning man. He reads the Bible also, and deduces that there
should be no bishops, but only presbyters. "Here is the Bible," says the
Episcopalian; and "here is the Bible to give you the lie," says the
Presbyterian. Yet both of them are prayerful and well- meaning men.
   Then the Baptist comes in. He is a well-meaning, honest man, and
prayerful also. "Well," says the Baptist, "have you ever been baptized?" "I
was," says the Episcopalian, "when I was a baby."
   "And so was I," says the Presbyterian, "when I was a baby." "But," says
the Baptist, "you are going to Hell as sure as you live."
   Next comes the Unitarian, well-meaning, honest, and sincere. "Well,"
says the Unitarian, "allow me to tell you that you are a pack of idolaters.
You worship a man for a God who is no God at all." And he gives several
texts from the Bible to prove it, while the others are stopping their ears
that they may not hear the blasphemies of the Unitarian. And they all
contend that they have the true meaning of the Bible.
   Next comes the Methodist, and he says, "My friends, have you got any
religion at all?" "Of course we have," they say. "Did you ever feel
religion," says the Methodist, "the Spirit of God moving within you?"
"Nonsense," says the Presbyterian, "we are guided by our reason and
judgment." "Well," says the Methodist, "if you never felt religion, you
never had it, and will go to Hell for eternity."
   The Universalist next comes in, and hears them threatening one another
with eternal hellfire. "Why," says he, "you are a strange set of people. Do
you not understand the Word of God? There is no Hell at all. That idea is
good enough to scare old women and children," and he proves it from the Bible.
   Now comes in the Quaker. He urges them not to quarrel, and advises that
they do not baptize at all. He is the sincerest of men, and gives the Bible
far his faith.
   Another comes in and says: "Baptize the men and let the women alone. For
the Bible says, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. "So," says he, "the women are all
right, but baptize the men."
   Next comes in the Shaker, and says he "You are a presumptuous people. Do
you not know that the Bible tells you that you must work out your salvation
in fear and trembling, and you do not tremble at all. My brethren, if you
want to go to Heaven shake, my brethren, shake!"
   I have here brought together seven or eight denominations, differing one
from another, or understanding the Bible in different ways, illustrative of
the fruits of private interpretation. What, then, if I brought together the
three hundred and fifty different denominations, all taking the Bible for
their guide and teaching, and all differing from one another? Are they all
right? One says there is a Hell, and another says there is no Hell. Are
both right? One says Christ is God; another says He is not. One says they
are unessential. One says Baptism is a requisite, and another says it is
not. Are both true? This is an impossibility, my friends; all cannot be true.
   Who, then, is true? He that has the true meaning of the Bible, you say.
But the Bible does not tell us who that is - the Bible never settles the
quarrel. It is not the teacher.
   The Bible, my dear people, is a good book. We Catholics allow that the
Bible is the Word of God, the language of inspiration, and every Catholic
is exhorted to read the Bible. But good as it is, the Bible, my dear
friends, does not explain itself. It is a good book, the Word of God, the
language of inspiration, but your explanation of the Bible is not the
language of inspiration. Your understanding of the Bible is not inspired -
for surely you do not pretend to be inspired!
   Now, then, what is the teaching of the Church on the subject? The
Catholic Church says the Bible is the Word of God, and that God has
appointed an authority to give us the true meaning.
   It is with the Bible as it is with the Constitution of the United
States. When Washington and his associates established the Constitution and
the Supreme Law of the United States, they did not say to the people of the
States: "Let every man read the Constitution and make a government unto
himself; let every man make his own explanation of the Constitution." If
Washington had done that, there never would have been a United States. The
people would all have been divided among themselves, and the country would
have been cut up into a thousand different divisions or governments.
   What did Washington do? He gave the people the Constitution and the
Supreme Law, and appointed his Supreme Court and Supreme Judge of the
Constitution. And these are to give the true explanation of the
Constitution to all the American citizens - all without exception, from the
President to the beggar. All are bound to go by the decisions of the
Supreme Court, and it is this and this alone that can keep the people
together and preserve the Union of the United States. The moment the people
take the interpretation of the Constitution into their own hands, that
moment there is an end of union.
   And so it is in every government - so it is here and everywhere. There
is a Constitution, a Supreme Court or Law, a Supreme Judge of that
Constitution, and that Supreme Court is to give us the meaning of the
Constitution and the Law.
   In every well-ruled country there must be such a thing as this - a
Supreme Law, Supreme Court, Supreme Judge, that all the people abide by.
There is in every country a Supreme Law, Supreme Court, Supreme Judge; and
all are bound by decisions, and without that no government condition of
affairs exists. How are they kept together? By their chief, who is their
   So our Divine Savior also has established His Supreme Court - His
Supreme Judge - to give us the true meaning of the Scriptures, and to give
us the true revelation and doctrines of the Word of Jesus. The Son of the
Living God has pledged His Word that this Supreme Court is infallible, and,
therefore, the true Catholic never doubts.
   "I believe," says the Catholic, "because the Church teaches me so. I
believe the Church because God has commanded me to believe her. He said:
'Tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as
the heathen and publican."
The Catholic Dispatch
[email protected]


Subject: Yellowstone Updates: UN FLAG BURNING DAY JULY 3RD/New World Order/Medjugorje/National ID CARD/Cardinal Ratzinger
 Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 12:06:06 -0400
 From: "Roger C. Thibault" <[email protected]>
 To:  (Recipient list suppressed)

From:  Yellowstone Information Services, USA, Roger Thibault, President
Subject: New World Order/Medjugorje/UN FLAG BURNING DAY JULY 3RD
1998/Executive Order Updates

Dear Friends of Yellowstone ( )

About a half a year ago I feebly launched a new holiday, the annual UNITED
NATIONS FLAG BURNING DAY to be held each JULY 3RD.  In recent days and weeks, I am finding that you and the INTERNET are finally getting the word
out.  There seems to be a groundswell of grassroots activity.  I am now
finding the "holiday" posted here and there on the INTERNET.  Please bring
the activity to a BOIL.  Please e-mail all of your friends.  Let's ask
ourselves, is this UN working for JESUS CHRIST and unborn children?  No,
it's the biggest baby killing machine in the world, and it wants to
forcibly reduce the population of the world to more "manageable numbers".
So, who's a radical?  Christ turned over the tables of the money changers
and then whipped the blasphemers right out of the temple.

At this time I would now guess that perhaps tens of thousands of people are
now aware of UN FLAG BURNING DAY, JULY 3rd, 1998.  That's great, but it's
not enough.  Let's use the INTERNET to the MAX.  Use your e-mail lists.
Use your chat rooms.  Use your bulletin boards.  Call/fax your local radio
and television stations.  Get the word out!  LET'S TELL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE
ABOUT UN FLAG BURNING DAY within the next few days.

For more details and numerous letters to the editor regarding planned UN
FLAG BURNING DAY activities, click onto our page now at   Remember, Rush Limbaugh isn't going to
tell you about the malignant New World Order coming our way.  Please use
the INTERNET to tell the world about this day, JULY 3rd, 1998.  This is an
event for Christians the world over!


(See for a great letter from the Vatican on

Our Book REBUKING THE NEW WORLD ORDER is due back from the printer 7/7/98.
See ordering informtaion below.

Don't forget to sign up your relatives and friends for our e-mail list in
the paragraph above.  Sign up here by typing "subscribe" in the subject
line: [email protected]  Add your relatives and friends e-mail
addresses in the body of your e-mail to us.  To be removed from the e-mail
list type "remove" in the subject line.

We're breaking out our Executive Order information into a separate page
late today 7/1/98.  Read about how precious little freedom you have left by
clicking on .  In the meantime, here's a
short summary for you to print out for friends and family:


The following "Executive Orders", now recorded in the Federal Register, and
therefore accepted by Congress as the law of the land, can be put into
effect at any time an emergency is declared:

* 10995--All communications media seized by the Federal Government.
* 10997--Seizure of all electrical power, fuels, including gasoline and
* 10998--Seizure of all food resources, farms and farm equipment.
* 10999--Seizure of all kinds of transportation, including your personal
car, and control of all highways and seaports.
* 11000--Seizure of all civilians for work under Federal supervision.
* 11001--Federal takeover of all health, education and welfare.
* 11002--Postmaster General empowered to register every man, woman and
child in the U.S.A.
* 11003--Seizure of all aircraft and airports by the Federal Government.
* 11004--Housing and Finance authority may shift population from one
locality to another. Complete integration.
* 11005--Seizure of railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities.
*11051--The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning authorized to put
Executive Orders into effect in "times of increased international tension
or financial crisis". He is also to perform such additional functions as
the President may direct.

The disturbing situation is that these executive orders grossly and
flagrantly violate article 4 section 4 of the constitution of the United
States. "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a
republican form of government, and shall protect each   of them against
invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when
the legislature cannot be convened) against   domestic violence." "regional
government is not a representative republican form of government!"


FEMA originally authorized twenty three detention camps which is spread all
across the U.S.A. In the 1990-91 Military Fiscal Budget, Carl Levin's
Department of Defense under Budget Amendment #656 authorized the
implementation of a further twenty such camps bringing the total to forty
three camps which is now pre-deployed inside the U.S.A.

These camps were established under code name REX-84 and the aim is to put
in place massive detention centers where all so called citizens dubbed as
potentially subversive is to be confined. This is to happen if an emergency
is declared and then these citizens will simply be declared felons, and the
law will then be enforced by many U.S. deputy marshals.

The following report appeared in the American Bulletin of November 1992:

The White House issued a highly classified National Security Decision
Directive (NSDD). This directive set forth urgent instructions which
activated ten huge prison camps at key defence command locations cross
America. Four of these internment facilities were designated to hold at
least 25 000 civilian prisoners. They are located at:

* Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
* Fort Drum Military Reservation, New York
* Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Pennsylvania
* Camp A.P. Hill, Virginia

A total of eleven concentration camps were activated under REX-84 program.
The additional seven "emergency custodial facilities," as they were
conveniently called, were quietly set up on existing U.S. military bases.
They are:

* Fort Benning, Georgia
* Fort Huachua, Arizona
* Elgin Air Force Base,Florida
* Oakdale,California
* Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
* Vandenberg Air Force Base,California
* Camp Krome, Florida

Preparations have long been made for a massive coast-to-coast round-up of
New World Order security risks and security suspects (only need to be a
suspect.. Ed) [ loyal Americans who will resist, who are not politically
correct for the New World Order]. The goal of such an unprecedented police
state operation is to be accomplished what the New World Order proponents
call "C and C" (or Capture and Custody).

See details on FEMA, Detention Camps, and related info at


ROME, June 25 (LSN)   The June 18 edition of The Wanderer reports that
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith severely criticizes the UN in the prologue to a new
book by Professor Michael Schooyans entitled The Gospel in the Face of
World Disorder. The Cardinal exposes the intent of the various UN
conferences as  the promotion of a "new world order", a "new man" and a
"new  anthropology."

The cardinal also notes that the image of women presented in the UN
conferences is based on "a philosophy of egoism  fearing motherhood not a
philosophy of love."

Cardinal Ratzinger calls the UN and its programme for world domination and
so called sustainable development worse than Marxism. "The Marxist dream
was  utopian  (however, the UN's)philosophy is very realistic: It
recommends without even trying to justify itself, it does not worry about
those who  may end up producing nothing or barely be able even to hope for
quality of  life."


The flood of information that we have been receiving in the last few days
concerning the National ID card is overwhelming.  Due to the volume of
material, we refer you to our website for the updates.  Click here:

As many of you know, the National ID cards will definitely be implemented
in the next two years.  Check out our site for their relation to the
implantable BIOCHIPS, the mark of the beast.

Yes, along with the National ID Card is coming nationalized demonic health

Apparently a lot of the UN vehicles that have come into the country have
come into Port Beaumont, TX.  Anybody down that way to verify recent sitings?

For those of you unfamiliar with Michael New, he is a Christian soldier who
has been booted out of the military for refusing to put on a United Nations
Uniform, which is AGAINST the current US MILITARY RULES.  Hey - from what I
understand Michael New was homeschooled!  Please keep Michael and his
family in your prayers.

Don't forget to sign up your relatives and friends for our e-mail list in
the paragraph above.  Sign up here by typing "subscribe" in the subject
line: [email protected]  Add your relatives and friends e-mail
addresses in the body of your e-mail to us.  To be removed from the e-mail
list type "remove" in the subject line.

Lastly, our book REBUKING THE NEW WORLD ORDER is due back from the printer
7/7/98.  If you'd like to read part or all of it to decide whether or not
to order copies of it you can click here: .
 The book is priced at $15.00, but for the next month or so, we will
continue to sell the book for $5.00 per book when you order FIVE OR MORE
copies.  The book is a novel/adventure about conversion in "these times" in
light of Marian prophecy.  To order the book, send your check to
Yellowstone Information Services, RD 2 Box 42 A, Bloomingdale, OH 43910.
You can also call us at 740-944-1657.  We are happy to ship books to your
church, book store, group, etc. on consignment, and you may charge whatever
you want for each copy.  The book is a great tool to reintroduce your
friends and relatives (who might be on vacation from God) to God in an
unintrusive manner.

Thanks & God bless!  Have a great day.

Roger Thibault


Shocking news comes out of Navy War planning meeting that Military scenarios have been
developed once the Stock Market crashes
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World
Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in
your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.

                             YOU ARE NOW ON
                             THE CUTTING EDGE

On 16 June 1998, the Navy and Marine Corps were conducting their annual strategy meeting
entitled "Current Strategy Forum". This year’s meeting was held at the U.S. Naval War College in
Newport, Rhode Island. One of the attendees was shocked by one sentence uttered by the Under
Secretary of the Navy, simply and only because he knows the New World Order Plan. This one
sentence passed right over everyone else’s head, as it will in every instance where a person does not
know what the Plan is, or when they realize how close we seem to be in to its final stages.

After speaking for about 30 minutes from his prepared notes, the U.S. Under Secretary of the Navy,
the Honorable Jerry MacArthur, then began to answer questions. After answering several questions,
Mr. MacArthur made this statement, apparently off the cuff.
"Senior Military Pentagon officials have been working closely with senior officials at Wall Street to
perfect several scenarios that could quickly be put into action once Wall Street crashes."
This attendee gasped and looked around the room, to see what the reaction was on the part of the
other attendees. Each of them sat in their chair, showing no emotion and no visible reaction. But this
man was jumping out of his skin at this revelation, for the following reasons.

     Since Wall Street is located in New York City, the law stipulates that the responsibility for
     maintaining law and order in the event of a crisis as huge as the Stock Market crashing would
     fall to New York State officials, headed by Governor Pataki. The Federal Government
     cannot intervene until and unless the New York Governor asks it to intervene. So, the first
     important question of the hour, is, why in the world is the Federal Government participating in
     the developing of scenarios to be instituted in the event of a Stock Market crash?

     This statement strongly implied that the Stock Market crash is a planned event, just as we
     have been saying for years. Some people might say that our Stock Market must inevitably
     crash, since the problems in Japan and Southeast Asia will ultimately swamp Wall Street.
     After all, these economies in Asia that are in trouble constitute almost 40% of the world’s
     Gross National Product. While we believe in this scenario, we must recognize that the
     economies and stock markets of the United States and Europe are very healthy and just might
     ride out this Asian crisis, if no one deliberately pushes a button to destroy consumer
     These remarks strongly imply that the military plans to seize control and/or institute Martial
     Law soon after the Stock Market begins to crash. Anyone familiar with their American history
     will recall that such military action was not needed in the crash of either 1929 or 1933. Even
     though the people in Wall Street were experiencing considerable panics, and even though
     some investors were committing suicide, the population at large was not responding with
     personal lawlessness. Public order was not jeopardized. Historians note that the Family Unit
     provided cohesion necessary to keep the law in the cities, towns, and hamlets in America.
     Obviously, our military and civilian leaders do not believe Americans will react in the same
     way today.

     Since the Under Secretary of the Navy was willing to bring this subject up at this time and at
     this place, this attendee wondered if the moment of financial crisis might not be soon at hand.

We have wondered about this scenario, also, in several of our previous articles. Remember that this
planned financial crisis will not be occurring by itself. Rather, this financial crisis will be occurring
simultaneously, or concurrently, with other crises, the cumulative effect upon the minds of the people
will be so great they will be panicked into allowing their beloved Constitutional Form of Government
to be suspending and their freedoms taken away! Obviously, this crisis would have to be severe in
the extreme for this to occur. But, this is just the scenario we have in store for us that will usher in the
New World Order

   1.Annihilating war in the Middle East between Israel and her Arab neighbors. Western allies
     have given Israel such an edge in weaponry, and God has promised Israel that she will never
     again be thrown out of her land, that we believe Israel will overwhelmingly prevail once again.
     Further, the Muslim Dome of the Rock will be destroyed during the conduct of this war,
     allowing the Orthodox Jews to rebuild their Temple.
   2.Immediately after hostilities begin in the Middle East, all Arab oil producing nations will
     announce another Oil Embargo. If terrorists succeed in blowing up other sources of oil
     supplies, or taking any action that would constrict the amount of oil that can be pumped and
     delivered, economic confidence would be shaken in all the markets of the world. This action
     alone could possibly cause the stock markets to crash all over the world.
   3.Arab terrorists may announce they are willing and able to destroy certain American cities with
     small atomic bombs if America does not end her perennial support for Israel.
   4.The New World Order Plan calls for the initiation of nuclear hostilities on the Korean
     Peninsula to further panic the peoples of the world. Today, North and South Korea stand toe
     to toe, eyeball to eyeball. In fact, not too long ago, North Korea declared they were putting
     their armed forces on war footing. If nuclear war erupts or threatens to erupt, on the Korean
     Peninsula, at the same time the Middle East is exploding into nuclear war, panic would surely
     be dramatically heightened.
   5.If a huge natural disaster were to strike America at this time, we would all be more panicked.
     Since the U.S. Military can deliberately cause earthquakes to occur, in any spot they choose,
     we find it easy to believe such an earthquake would be possible. If San Francisco, for
     example, were hit with a 10.0 earthquake, devastating the city, Americans would be horrified
     to the point of panic.
   6.Since we have been obviously prepared for a global disaster caused by an incoming meteor,
     we wonder if this scenario might unfold. With today’s sophisticated movie making technology,
     and the technology of TV News, we would not actually have to have a meteor coming in to hit
     Earth; rather, all that would be necessary is that people believe a meteor is coming.
   7.New Age authors, like Bill Cooper, in his book, "Behold A Pale Horse", state that, during this
     panic, aliens flying UFO’s will begin appearing all over the world to "help" us poor humans
     cope with these multiple crises. In fact, Cooper says that Aliens will concentrate upon giving
     advice to the key leaders of the nations of the world at this time.
   8.At the end of the war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, Antichrist is scheduled to come
     striding through the dust and ashes and destruction to announce that he has come to finally
     bring "Peace and Safety" for all the peoples of the world.

This shocking news as casually declared by the Under Secretary of the Navy, Jerry MacArthur, to
those assembled at the "Current Strategy Forum" at the U.S. Naval War College, seems to strongly
suggest the time of the End of the Age is truly upon us.

Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to
first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your
loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to
open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have
seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can
reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your
spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will
instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a
daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the
approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so
now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again,
and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the
Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to
our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that
they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at:

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When CNN Producer, Jack Smith, was fired for his role in the story of American defectors
in Laos being gassed, he secretly taped his conversation with his boss. His revelations
were unprecedented! Details to follow.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World
Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in
your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.

                             YOU ARE NOW ON

                             THE CUTTING EDGE


" The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a transcript of a conference call between CNN reporters
and producers that went down the morning they all learned that CNN Chair Tom Johnson would
retract the network's Tailwind story ... It is not known who recorded the shocking conversation, but
the candid talk reveals a raw turmoil inside of CNN on the morning of July 2 -- the morning they
took back the report that the U.S. military used nerve gas on American defectors in Laos."

"Fired Tailwind producer Jack Smith, in the tapped phone conversation, expresses outrage over the
news that his story would soon be retracted. Smith: [Speaking to CEO Thomas Johnson] 'Fairness is
not being accomplished here. They should not go forward with any public release until we, the
principals of this story, who've been gagged for the last two weeks, have an opportunity to speak
about it. They have gagged us. They have deceived us and they have misled us and every reporter in
this room should know that. This is a corporate whitewash. This is a cave to the military
establishment, to the secret army which is one step away from the secret police.' " [Emphasis added]

Wow! In the decade I have been researching the bold plans of the New World Order, I have been
shocked on several occasions by the sheer audacity of many parts of the plan to subjugate and
control every single human being on the planet, but nothing compares with this revelation! In one
short phrase, Former CNN Producer, Jack Smith, has confirmed much that we "Conspiracy" people
have been saying for years! Suddenly, all those stories about foreign troops on our soil, about
specially marked black helicopters, and about our Government actively planning our demise, have
suddenly taken on new respectability!

But, this story also reveals that the senior officials of CNN know the truth, and they are deliberately
withholding it from the American public whom they are supposed to be serving! They know the
truth, and have known it for years, probably. At the time when they write the news programs, they
knew the truth, that the American Government is maneuvering us into a dictatorial state, under the
guise of looking out for our own well being.

If Jack Smith, as Producer, knew the truth, how far down the line did this knowledge go? Do the
reporters who face the cameras know the truth? CNN and the other networks would be the first to
vociferously deny all details of this story, but would especially deny that any of their reporters who
face the public daily knew anything about it. Yet, we know that many of the owners and top
executives of most news organizations ARE members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR).
The CFR is one of the most influential leadership organizations in driving America into the New
World Order. Each member has been thoroughly trained as to the precise goals of the New World
Order, and how they are to daily work in their individual capacity to achieve these larger goals.

Let us review who exactly is a member of the infamous CFR, especially those in the News Industry.
[This information taken from the New American Magazine, "Current CFR Dominance Over
Government, Foundations, Media, and Industry", July, 1997]

          Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

                    Thomas Johnson, Chairman (Referenced in Drudge Report as the person
                    to whom this remark about the "secret army" and the "secret police" was
                    Pamela Hill, Sr. Vice President
                    Geraldine Ferraro, Crossfire Host
                    Ellen Hume, Reliable Services Panelist
                    Jesse Jackson, Both Sides Moderator
                    William Schneider, Analyst
                    Frank Sesno, V.P. Washington Bureau Chief

          NBC TV

                    Tom Brokaw, Anchor and Managing Editor
                    Irving R. Levine, Chief Economics Correspondent

          ABC TV

                    Thomas Murphy, Chairman and CEO of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.
                    Robert Baumen, Director of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc
                    Nicholas Brady, Director of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc
                    Roone Arledge, President, ABC TV
                    David Brinkley, This Week Host
                    Diane Sawyer, Anchor
                    Barbara Walters, Anchor and Co-Host of 20/20 News

          CBS TV

                    Laurence Tisch, President and CEO
                    Dan Rather, Anchor
                    Henry Kissinger -- Board Member
                    Henry Schacht -- Board Member
                    Franklin Thomas -- Board Member
                    James Wolfenshohn -- Board Member
                    Joseph Felix Payronnin III -- Vice President
                    Barbara Cochran -- 48 Hours Executive Producer
                    Mary Sue Holland -- 48 Hours Associate Producer
                    Marquita Pool -- Sunday Morning Senior Producer
                    Edward R. Bradley -- Correspondent

As you can see, these news companies are thoroughly controlled by members of the CFR.
Therefore, when you are listening to any one of these people giving you the news, you can rest
assured you are being fed precisely the kind of news designed to lull you to sleep, or to distract your
attention, from the REAL story that is occurring daily. The REAL story is the slow, steady
movement to dissolving our Constitutional system of Government and moving to the United Nations

While we have only listed the major TV networks, many of the other news organizations are directed
by men and women who are members of the CFR.

But, now, let us return to this CNN story. While Ted Turner is not officially listed as a member of the
CFR, he is actively involved in the leadership to drive us into the coming global government. His
Chairman, Thomas (Ted) Johnson, is a member of the CFR, and is the one in this story to whom
Jack Smith's shocking statement was made. Let us quickly review this shocking bombshell.

Former Producer, Jack Smith, being fired by CEO Thomas Johnson, speaking to Johnson:

"This is a corporate whitewash. This is a cave to the military establishment, to the secret army which
is one step away from the secret police." [Emphasis added]

Since this conversation was being tape recorded, we should expect that Johnson would have denied
vehemently that America had a secret army or a secret police. Yet, the Drudge Report does not
report such a response. Therefore, we can only conclude that CEO Johnson accepted Smith's
remarks as accurate, but irrelevant to the matter of whether Smith should be fired.

Now that we know America has a secret army, and that the goal is to soon have a secret police, we
have to ask the question as to whether this secret army is American or foreign. You see, in Seminar
2, "America Determines World History" we demonstrate that Communism has been a loyal ally to
achieving the New World Order from the earliest beginnings of the Lenin insurrection. Not only does
this explain the historic oddity of Western monies continuously flowing to Communist Russia over the
decades to keep her afloat, but it also makes it highly valuable to study some of their methods. Early
on, the Russians discovered that they could not depend upon their military forces to crack down
brutally on their own people. Therefore, they moved their different ethnic troops to parts of the
country inhabited by other peoples. The Eastern Russian troops were moved to Arab provinces
while Arab troops were moved to Eastern Russian provinces. This tactic worked wonderfully.
Whenever the Communist leadership felt it had to use brutal and bloody methods to control a
particular part of the citizenry, they could count on the multi-ethnic troops to repress a people not
their own.

Might we not expect that the global leaders of the current drive to the New World Order would use
the same tactic against Americans? After all, could American troops be trusted to brutally, and with
great bloodshed, repress fellow Americans? Since we believe foreign troops would be needed to
accomplish such a goal, we find it very disturbing to hear of repeated reports of foreign troops
training on American soil.

In 1992, we reported that President Bush had signed over the closed military base, Fort Dix, to the
United Nations. At that time, we pointed out that this action was unprecedented in our history.
Never before had an American President turned control of an American military base to a global
government. Obviously, the United Nations would use Fort Dix to train foreign troops. Just as
obviously, these foreign troops could be available to use during a time of planned, contrived crises
that are designed to move us into the New World Order. At the same time, American forces were
either being downsized dramatically or sent overseas in meaningless places like Bosnia.

We further speculated whether our other military bases throughout the country, which have been
closed for "budgetary" reasons, might also be inhabited by foreign United Nations troops.

Is this the "secret army" to which Jack Smith was referring?

Further, Smith alluded to the fact that we are "one step away" from a secret police. What might this
"one step" be? This one step would probably be the planned series of crises about which we have
been warning for several years. The very term, "secret police" brings forth images of a pervasive
internal police spy apparatus that keeps all individual citizens in check through brutal measures that
intimidate most people. Further, regular police forces would have to be upgraded in training and
equipment if they were to fulfill a "secret police" role. Do we see this occurring today?

Unfortunately, we see great pressure from the Clinton Administration, with active and passive help
from Congress, to centralize our local and state police departments, to bring them under Federal
control! Were you aware that our Founding Fathers intended for the Federal Government to possess
only limited police powers, preferring to leave this function to state and local governments? Our
Founding Fathers had seen enough dictatorship rulers in their lifetimes, and in recent [1700's] history,
they were determined to so divide the Federal Government that such a dictatorship could not occur
in America. Their efforts succeeded brilliantly from 1776-1980. In the past Administrations of
Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, the Federal Government has used the excuse of the "War on Drugs" to
steadily expand the role of the Federal Government in many aspects of the local control of police


     But, the Clinton Administration has taken this effort to staggering new heights! After
     decades of encroachments, usurpation of power, and social engineering experiments
     that have produced so much of our current societal disintegration and generated our
     ongoing crime wave, these New World Order leaders are pushing for ever stronger
     control of law enforcement. In the past five years federal legislation has vastly
     expanded federal criminal law and federal law enforcement agencies.

     It was just such a course of action that led to the formation of the Gestapo, the
     infamous police apparatus of Nazi Germany. Did you know that? We have listed many
     ways in which the religious, political, and economic goals of the New World Order are
     identical to that of Hitler's Nazi Germany! If you have not read these articles, you need
     to do so now!

               NEWS1001 -- "Hey! Dr. Jack, Adolf Is Proud Of You"

               NEWS1003 -- "Compulsory Volunteerism"

               NEWS1005 -- "Industrial Policy Is Fascism"

               NEWS1008 -- "Role Of Hitler In New World Order Plan"

               NEWS1058 -- "Death in the Netherlands: Study of Euthanasia Parallel
               with Hitler's Nazism"

               NEWS1124 -- "Fascism Economic Conditioning"

               NEWS1185 -- "New Age Proven To Be Nazism"


     Now, we have to add one more parallel with Hitler's Nazism, i.e., the deliberate
     destruction of local police and the imposition of a National Police. Let us examine
     briefly the ways in which Hitler destroyed the local police forces and imposed national
     control, a most necessary part of imposing dictatorial control.

     Historian William L. Shirer wrote the excellent book about Hitler, entitled, The Rise
     and Fall of the Third Reich. He recorded that the "diets and governments of the
     separate states … were … abolished in the first year of the Nazi regime when the
     country was unified, and governors for the states, which were reduced to provinces,
     were appointed by Hitler. A series of laws decreed between 1933 and 1935 deprived
     the municipalities of their local autonomy, and brought them under the direct control of
     the Reich Minister of the Interior...."

     The next key step was to centralize the police. According to Shirer: "On June 16,
     1936, for the first time in German history, a unified police was established for the whole
     of the Reich and [Heinrich] Himmler was put in charge as Chief of the German Police.
     This was tantamount to putting the police in the hands of the S.S. [Schutzstaffel, or
     Blackshirts]. It had become not only the praetorian guard, not only the single armed
     branch of the party, not only the elite from whose ranks the future leaders of the new
     Germany were being chosen, but it now possessed the police power. The Third Reich,
     as is inevitable in the development of all totalitarian dictatorships, had become a police

     Has President Clinton accomplished any of those terrifying steps, in a parallel
     development with Adolf Hitler? Hang on to your hats, because a brief review of recent
     steps by Clinton seems to make the dictatorship of Hitler too close for comfort. Clinton
     has taken several steps to combine various Federal police and intelligence agencies into

               Washington Post reporter Jim McGee, writing in August 1997 of the
               FBI’s vast new expansions of power, noted: "Jurisdiction over new areas
               of federal law enforcement has been assigned to the FBI. The CIA has
               been integrated into the FBI’s operating system, the FBI is opening new
               foreign offices [and the] FBI has negotiated a de facto merger with the
               Drug Enforcement Administration."

               "Piece by piece," McGee wrote, "the Clinton Administration and
               Congress are completing the full federalization of the nation’s criminal
               justice system. They are building something America has never had
               before: a robust national police system. The FBI stands at the center."

               Important assets of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies are
               being combined with those of the intelligence community and parts of the
               military — creating an integrated system whose powers of investigation,
               intelligence collection, and electronic surveillance will be unprecedented."
               McGee quoted Army Colonel John J. Ellis, who serves as deputy section
               chief of the FBI’s huge new counter-terrorism center, as saying, "The one
               federal agency I guarantee has one person in every community is, in
               almost every case, the bureau."

     But is an omnipresent, national military-police-spy agency compatible with limited,
     constitutional government? Of course, the answer is most assuredly, "NO"! In our daily
     news, President Clinton, with active and passive aid of both the Congress and the
     Supreme Court, is steadily moving American Federal police structure into one massive,
     pervasive, and threatening colossal monster!

     But there is still more to worry about! Every dictator must have all the powers of the
     military and police at his personal and political disposal. Without this combination of
     power, no person can become an absolute dictator. Consider a terrifying fact. This
     vast, rapid expansion has been accompanied by a perilous politicization of the FBI and
     the Justice Department, making these powerful instruments the personal tools of the
     President. In an unprecedented, naked power grab that should have elicited thunderous
     opposition from Congress, the media, and the people, President Clinton, soon after
     taking office, fired every U.S. attorney in the country and FBI Director William

     This represented more than just arrogance. President Clinton was testing the waters to
     see if he could get away with an unconstitutional grab of power. He must have been
     carefully waiting to see the reaction from the American people. Please remember that
     he had no worry about the Republican Congress or the Federal Courts, since those
     members are as much committed to the coming New World Order as is he. No, the
     only people Clinton had to fear were the average American people. If they had risen up
     in horror, speaking with one voice, he would have realized that we were not yet ready
     to be subjugated. He would have backed down. Sadly, no such reaction from the
     electorate was forthcoming, so Clinton could confidently plot his next move.

     The Clinton Administration has been enacting a breathtakingly audacious agenda for
     convergence of the "new" FBI with the secret police apparatuses of so-called "former"
     communist countries! On July 4, 1994, FBI Director Freeh was in Moscow to sign a
     protocol for a "police-to-police bridge" between the FBI and the "former" KGB.
     Sergei Stepashin, chief of Russia’s Federal Counterintelligence Service (the successor
     organization to the KGB), declared jubilantly: "Together, we’re invincible." Since then,
     Freeh has opened FBI offices in, and entered into "partnerships" with, dozens of other
     foreign countries. His FBI is now cooperating with the former communist police-state
     commissars in China, Ukraine, Kazakstan, Poland, Rumania, [Soviet] Georgia, and
     elsewhere. Unfortunately, it appears that the FBI and the Clinton Justice Department
     are adopting more of the characteristics of these regimes.

     If this sounds worrisome, it truly is. Every single day, we get closer to the New World
     Order and its absolute dictatorship. Remember that this dictatorship is planned to be a
     'kissing cousin' to the Communist regimes mentioned above, and a direct mirror image
     of Hitler's Nazism.

     But, there is more.

     The Clinton Administration has pushed for immense new federal wiretapping authority,
     warrantless searches, Federal encryption keys to private computer communications,
     computer profiling of airline passengers, and many other surveillance and intrusive

     Now, finally, we need to turn our attention to the local police forces. Ever since Clinton
     proposed Federal legislation to put 100,000 new cops on the street, the local police
     forces have been under intense scrutiny and pressure to give up their authority to the
     Federal Government. Beware of high-sounding platitudes from the President and the
     Congress that are expounded to support such programs as the Drug War, Violent
     Crime Prevention, or a hundred other excuses to impose Federal control over all local
     police authority.

     One day, we could very well see President Clinton announcing, via Executive Order,
     that all local and state police authority are now under Federal control. If this
     announcement comes at the time of planned panic and crisis, the average American will
     not realize that he has just been doomed. He will, rather, applaud the power grab as
     "heroic" and "necessary" to deal with the crisis that has been planned and forced upon
     him in the first place.

     This all brings us back to the bombshell by Former CNN Producer, Jack Smith,
     speaking to his boss, Chairman Thomas Johnson [CFR member] that America has a
     "secret army" and is one step away from a "secret police". We can now see what he
     means. How soon this final step will occur is open to much speculation, but it will come
     under the guise of absolute panic from many crises hitting at once, all planned just as
     thoroughly as any good stage play. But, this time, the stage is global and the actors and
     actresses are the politicians, the legislators, the journalists, and the judges of this one
     fine land. Finally, these planned "crises" will produce the occult, New Age Superman,
     Antichrist, who will make everyone enthusiastic about their loss of freedom!

We think the time of this crisis will come sooner than later. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family?
Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to
first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your
loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to
open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have
seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can
reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your
spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will
instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a
daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the
approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so
now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again,
and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the
Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to
our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that
they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

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The United Nations established a global War Crimes Tribunal that will exercise control over sovereign nations in certain types of crimes. Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan is working here. This is a huge step to the global government of Antichrist.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.


NEWS BREIF: "UN chief hails war crimes tribunal", by Candice Hughes, Associated Press, reprinted by The Sun Chronicle, Sunday, July 19, 1998, page 8.

"ROME – Appealing to the United States to sign on, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on Saturday hailed a treaty international war crimes tribunal as a ‘giant step forward … It’s a great hope and a giant step forward in the rule of law that a few years ago nobody would have thought possible’, Annan said."

"The new court will be a permanent tribunal for what the treaty calls ‘the most serious crimes of international concern’ – genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression. The idea was born half a century ago with the Nuremberg tribunals that tried Nazi war criminals."

Before we go on describing this most serious and threatening development, let us stop here to examine some of what we have already learned.

        a.. This Global Court is permanent – This Judicial Court is not being convened for any special war crime(s) on its docket, but is being established as a permanent court, just as our own Supreme Court is permanent. Thus, the power it exercises over the nations of the world is permanent. Thus, all citizens of all sovereign nations of the world will be under constant threat of being hauled into this world court.
        b.. What "rule of law" will be enforced? When President Bush began describing the New World Order in 1991, he said that it would "rule by law". While this phrase sounds good, and adequate, one must ask the clarifying question, "Whose law will be enforced?" Will citizens of one country suddenly find themselves subject to laws that their representatives did not approve? Further, will this International Law supercede and override our own law, created by our own Congress and State legislatures? We fought our Revolutionary War over just this principle, and here we have another Court that can conceivably override our laws and prosecute our citizens.
        c.. Individual Sovereignty of Nations Was Just Declared Obsolete! – Without saying so in so many words, this action of creating a Global Court just told every leader of every nation on earth that his sovereignty was just eliminated. We shall return to this most serious point later on.
        d.. The crimes for which this Global Court is responsible to try are so vague as to make them dangerous. Let us review the crimes for which this Court will be responsible:
        a.. Genocide – While most people will agree that this term means the systematic elimination of a people, we must be prepared for some special redefinition of terms. Would the U.S. Government be liable for the disaster in Waco, Texas? If our National Guard, or local police forces, killed numbers of people in putting down a riot in one of our cities, could they be held liable for Genocide? Doubt it not!
        b.. War Crimes – Again, this term could be expanded and stretched to mean almost anything anyone wanted it to mean. For example, if American troops fought an enemy victoriously somewhere in the world, could they be tried for Genocide? Doubt it not!
        c.. Crimes Against Humanity – Now, this is one vague term, open to all sorts of abuse! The Judges comprising this Court can decide on their own, evidently, what "crimes" fulfill this type of offense.
        d.. Aggression – Was it "aggression" for the United States to react to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait? While most Americans would angrily say, "No", Arab friends of Iraq would say, "Yes"! Thus, what would happen if the Judges on this Global Court sided with Iraq? Would we just stand by and let Former President Bush, and other American leaders, be tried for "Aggression"?
        a.. The United States refused to sign this document, creating this tribunal, even though American leadership over the past two decades has been instrumental in establishing this Global Court. Current American officials cited their opposition to the fact that Americans could be tried before this court. Thus, they wanted a "loophole" that would exempt Americans from being tried. This objection is so obvious one has to ask themselves, why did the United States work so hard in the past to get this World Court established? Did this obvious violation of American Sovereignty never occur to past American Administrations, or to the Clinton Administration in the past six years? Of course, it occurred to all current and former American leaders.
The only reason our current leadership is raising this obvious objection now, is because their "Focus Groups" are telling them that enough American Conservative voters would be so incensed over surrendering American Sovereignty to this Global Court that they would finally rise up as one and demand that we not abide by this court. In fact, conservatives might be so angry over an American President and a Congress that allowed this action, that they just might vote everyone out of office, and establish a whole new set of leaders in office. This new leadership then just might pull America out of this whole New World Order business, thus suddenly negating over 200 years of steady movement toward global government.

    a.. How would this new Global Court enforce their decrees? – This article does not address this issue, obviously. Yet, just as obviously, the only way to enforce any decree would be to send military forces into a nation. Does the United Nations possess a permanent military force? You bet it does! Immediately after the 1991 Gulf War, Security Council leaders met at United Nations headquarters in New York City to establish a permanent military. Today, forces flying the United Nations flag, but comprised of forces from many nations, is deployed all over the world.
In fact, one American soldier refused to serve under United Nations’ command already, and has already been court-martialed. His name is Michael New, whose objection was based on his Biblical understanding of End Times events. He recognized that America was leading the way to the establishment of the final World Government that will soon be under the control of Antichrist. Therefore, he refused to be placed under United Nations’ control. If America had more Biblically literate, and courageous, men like Michael New, we would not now be heading straight into the gates of Hell, into the global system called the New World Order.

Now, let us return to this article.

"Ironically, the United States – a moving force behind these earlier tribunals – fought hard to limit the reach of the new court. Failing to curb the court to its satisfaction, the United States was one of only seven nations voting against the treaty; 120 countries, including most of America’s best allies, voted for it."

"Humanitarian and human rights groups lobbied hard for the court and they praised the final treaty, although many had hoped for even broader jurisdiction. ‘No doubt many of us would have liked a court vested with even more powers’, Annan said. ‘But we must not minimize the breakthrough of this achievement.’ " [Kofi Annan is the Secretary General of the United Nations]

"The International Committee of the Red Cross on Saturday urged governments to ratify the treaty. It goes into effect once 60 have ratified it. ‘The road ahead of us is still long and war criminals must be swiftly and relentlessly prosecuted so that the law has a deterrent effect for the benefit of all those whom they would otherwise massacre, loot, rape, and torture’, it said."

Thus, the establishment of the World Court is set forth to the peoples of the world in high and lofty moral language. What better organization is there, than the "Christian" Red Cross, to come out front to promote this horrible development? While we certainly have seen too many examples, in this 20th Century, of war criminals who might have been curbed by this type of World Court, we have far more to worry about a Global Authority. We have read too many times, in New Age literature, of the type of dictatorial authority planned for the New World Order. This Plan envisions that all people who do not accept their Christ [Antichrist] will be "set free" from this dimension! In other words, they will be murdered!

We have read so much material of this type, by various authors, that we understand the true Antichrist nature of this coming Global Government!

Our Founding Fathers knew that the best defense against dictatorship from the outside was strong National Sovereignty! They received this understanding the hard way, from seeing and feeling, suffering under the centuries of despotism from the Kings of Europe and England. Thus, they labored strongly to set up a government strong enough to resist these foreign despotic tyrants, but weak enough so it would not enslave its own citizens. This is the reason strong States’ Rights were created. You must admit they did a good job, because Americans have been kept free for over 200 years now.

After World War II, Jewish survivors were reeling from the disclosure that Hitler had systematically murdered 6 million of their brethren! The obvious question they asked themselves was, ‘How could this atrocity have been prevented’? After much discussion, they concluded that the best defense of the Jew was a nation strong enough militarily to defend its citizens. A Jewish nation would be far more sensitive to the needs and desires of Jews than any Gentile nation could possibly be. Thus, Jewish leaders from all parts of the globe, but especially American Jewish leaders, began to strongly argue for a Jewish nation to be re-established in Palestine. Since President Truman had several key leaders of his Cabinet and advisors that were Jewish, he was mightily influenced to support the creation of Israel.

Do not be deceived: the rights, property, and the very lives of individual citizens are best protected by individual nations of their own brethren, not some monstrous global nation! The last time Satan came close to establishing a global government, economy, and religion was at the Tower of Babel. God moved forcefully to prevent this Satanic goal from being established. From that moment on, God’s plan for the nations was to have many nations in the world, each of them responsive to their own citizens.

This movement toward a new Global Government, Economy, and Religion is Satanic, not Godly. Further, our examination of their Plan in detail reveals that this planned system fulfills the Biblical prophetic picture of the Kingdom of Antichrist. Their own writings are even so bold as to call their future leader, "Antichrist".

The establishment of this World Court also is clearly just an opening of the proverbial door. Too many people will be falsely satisfied by the fact that the powers of this World Court are "limited", are without enforcement capability right now, and does not include the United States. Thus, these people will relax, assuming that nothing will ever come out of this new World Court that would adversely affect them.

Believe me, future events will prove these suppositions totally wrong!

Soon, we will see legislative action by the United Nations to expand the judicial reach of this World Court. We will see U.N. legislative action that will provide for enforcement capability by a U.N. army, navy and air force.

Finally, we will even see the day when America is forced to comply. How can this happen? Folks, this scenario comes closer with every army unit we transfer to the United Nations’ command. This scenario comes closer with every new weapon we transfer to the United Nations’ command. This scenario comes closer with every new action we take to submit to the authority of the United Nations. Every time we say that we cannot act unless we have specific United Nations’ authority brings this scenario closer to reality.

This establishment of the World Court smacks terribly of the Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan. We are suddenly on Step #5 and proceeding at breakneck speed to the final Step 6. Let us quickly review this Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan.

        a.. A RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum advocates some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public.
        b.. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged
        c.. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.
        d.. In the debate, sheer repetition of the shocking subject gradually dulls its effect.
        e.. People then are no longer shocked.
        f.. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
Now that this World Court has been established as a permanent judicial body, we stand at the mid-point of Step 6. The only real debate we will see now is whether the United States should join. This debate will continue only as long as it takes for one of two actions, or possibly both, together, to occur.

        a.. For our present electoral, Constitutional, form of government to disappear
        b.. For enough Conservatives to have disappeared to allow the American Government to simply declare that we are submitting to this World Court.
Liberal, New World Order leaders are like a huge dog straining at his master’s leash, desperately wanting to be free. New World Order leaders can sense victory so close they can hardly stand it. In so many different areas of our lives, from Government, to the Economy, to Moral and Religious issues, they are so-o-o-o very, very close to completely establishing their full system based upon occult [Luciferian] views. Yet, the Holy Spirit of God continues to restrain them, keeping them from their final victory.

In the not so distant future, all these restraints will have been lifted, and the New World Order will be established.

Conservatives have been very worried, and very opposed, to the slowly emerging concept of a Global Court, which will exercise control over all the sovereign nations of the world. For over two decades, we have fought this development tooth and nail. Steps 1-5 have been reached very slowly over this period of time.

However, the breach over the last obstacle has been accomplished. This ominous development sounds the death knell to National Sovereignty. Like few other developments, this one tells us solemnly that our days of freedom are numbered. Listen to Master D.K., the Guiding Spirit of Alice A. Bailey, lay out the philosophical groundwork for this destruction of National Sovereignty.

"The national spirit is not dead as yet in any country. It must be helped to die … This is a hard saying, but the nationalistic spirit constitutes a grave peril to the world. If perpetuated in any form … it will throw the world back into the dark ages …" [Externalisation of the Hierarchy", page 375]

Soon, very soon, the planned crises will break upon us, and we will see the American people panic so much they will allow our freedoms and our present form of Representative, Constitutional, form of government to be "temporarily" taken away. I wonder what direction Rush Limbaugh will take? My gut feeling is that he will be on the airwaves, deploring the sad fact that the President, or whomever is in charge, felt like he had to take this action. However, Rush will say that, because of overriding national interest, he reluctantly supports the President. Maybe Rush will even have the President on his show via telephone hookup to tell us why this action was necessary. If this does occur, the President will assure Rush and his Conservative listeners, that this suspension was only temporary, and will be reversed once order is re-established.

Then, all of the lemmings who follow Rush will blindly follow him over this cliff as well. No one will ever know, much less remember, the snide comment of the "Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion", as they anticipate the moment when freedoms are taken away under the guise of multiple crises. Listen to these words, penned over 100 years ago.

"The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? There is another reason why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties …" (Protocol #11)

Truly, the End of the Age is upon this Old World system of individual nation states! The vast majority of Americans just don't know it yet!

Big US National Parks
To Be Off Limits
To Americans
>From Patricia Neill <[email protected]>

>From Anita Sands <[email protected]>


At Yellowstone National Park, United Nations' delegates who surveyed the
area last year, called for a "buffer zone" around the Park. So, the Park
Service is choking off the local economy by refusing to maintain certain
highways and by buying up any property available. Of course, there will be
plenty available as more and more owners are denied the use of their own
private property which causes businesses to shut down and the economy to

Inside Yellowstone, the Park Service is shutting down campgrounds as the
park is being prepared to become the core of a huge biosphere reserve, as
part of the United Nations global plan. Once established, no human activity
will be permitted in the area. This represents fulfillment of plans
outlined in the United Nation's Biodiversity Treaty - which, though still
unratified by the U.S. Senate, is being implemented by the Clinton

The way it is done is illustrated by what happened to the owners of the
Crown Butte New World gold mine, which is OUTSIDE Yellowstone National
Park. After being threated with non-stop litigation that could have lasted
decades, the mining company finally agreed to a deal which leaves at least
$650 million of known gold reserves in the ground. In exchange, the mining
company was given the right to explore other federal lines for mining
purposes and paid $65 million dollars ($21 million of which must be used
for "environmental cleanup."

Another recent example was Clinton's declaration of Kaiwoporwits
non-polluting coal reserves in Utah a "National Monument" by executive
order. This "monument" will cost the Utah Public School system alone $60
BILLION in lost education fees. It will cost the future economy of Utah
over a TRILLION dollars. The "monument" consists of 1.5 million acres of
Utah land which the people of Utah not only did not KNOW was about to be
snatched by Clinton as a key part of a future United Nations "biodiversity"
area, but were vehemently opposed to.

Other United Nations designations as "biodiversity" areas include the
following National Park Service lands:

Biosphere Reserves:

* Big Bend National Park, Tx. (801,163 acres) * Big Thicket National
Preserve, TX (85,750 acres) * Congaree Swamp National Monument (SC (22,200
acres) * Death Valley National Monument, CA (2,067,628) * Denali National
Park and Preserve, AK (6,500,000 acres) * Everglades National Park and Fort
Jefferson National Monument, Fl. (1, 571,199 acres) * Gates of the Arctic
Naitonal Park and Preserver, AK (7,523,888 acres) * Glacier National Park,
Mt (1,013,572 acres) * Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, AK
(3,283,168 acres) * Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN/NC (520,269) *
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, HI (229,177 acres) * Isle Royale National
Park, MI (571,790 acres) * Joshua Tree National Monument, CA (559,954
acres) * Kings Canyon National Park, CA (461,901 acres) * Mammoth Cave
National Park, KY (52,708 acres) * Noatak National Preserve, AK (6,574,481
acres) * Olympic National Park, WA (922,651 acres) * Organ Pipe National
Monument, AZ (330,689 acres) * Redwood National Park, CA (110,232 acres) *
Rocky Mountain National Park (265,727 acres) * Sequoia National Park, CA
(402,482 acres) * Virgin Islands National Park, VI (14,689 acres) *
Yellowstone National Park, WY (2,219,791 acres)

World Heritage Sites

* Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM (46,766 acres) * Grand Canyon National
Park, AZ (1,217,158 acres) * Mesa Verde National Park, CO (52,122 acres) *
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve and Preserve, AK (13,188,325
acres) * Yosemite National Park, CA. (761,236 acres)


Whose Heritage and Whose Land? The Phyllis Schlafly Report September 1997

I recently revisited Independence Hall, the cradle of our republic where
the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States
Constitution was written. Something new has been added since the last time
I saw it: a large bronze plaque with a peculiar inscription under an
unidentified insignia.

"Through the collective recognition of the community of nations expressed
with the principles of the convention concerning protection of the world's
cultural and natural heritage, Independence Hall has been designated a
World Heritage Site and joins a select list of protected areas around the
world whose outstanding natural and cultural resources form the common
inheritance of all mankind."

Whew! Where did all that mumbo-jumbo come from? Obviously not from American
history or our founding documents. "Common inheritance of all mankind"? No
way. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are both uniquely
American, written by identifiable Founding Fathers on American soil at
known points in time.

Independence Hall "joins a select list of protected areas around the
world"? Who decided that Independence Hall should "join" anything? It is a
unique American treasure. And who is protecting these "protected areas"?
"Collective recognition of the community of nations"? It's obvious that all
those foreign nations don't agree with our American Declaration or
Constitution or the principles therein.

Since it is impossible to relive history and give the "collective" or the
"community of nations" any ownership in the historic events that made
Independence Hall an American shrine, we can only deduce that some
international entity is asserting a vested interest in the building. Who
authorized that?

After all, it would have been a nice accolade and not worthy of particular
comment if the Independence Hall plaque merely said, "The United Nations
honors the cradle of American freedom, the inspired words of the
Declaration of Independence, and the genius of the United States
Constitution that has nourished liberty in America for more than two
centuries." But it didn't.

We now find that at least 20 pieces of American property have been
designated as "World Heritage Sites" and so identified with markers. These
include Yellowstone and Yosemite national parks, the Grand Canyon, Thomas
Jefferson's home Monticello, and, believe it or not, the Statue of Liberty.
All of these markings took place without any publicity, without the
American people knowing what was going on.

The designation of these World Heritage Sites was authorized by the World
Heritage Convention, a treaty signed by President Richard Nixon and
ratified in 1973. The World Heritage Program is carried out by UNESCO, to
which the United States doesn't even belong. President Ronald Reagan pulled
us out of UNESCO because it was totally corrupt.

The UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program was created in 1970. The United
States joined in 1974 when our State Department signed a memorandum of
understanding (not a treaty) to put us in the Biosphere Program and pledge
that the United States will adhere to the Biosphere conditions and
limitations laid down by UNESCO. Paragraph 44 of the World Heritage
Operational Guidelines states that "natural" Heritage Sites (as contrasted
to "cultural") can be interchanged with "core reserves" of the UNESCO Man
and the Biosphere Program. These core protected areas are planned to be
surrounded by highly regulated buffer zones, all for the sake of

At a conference in Spain in 1995 that culminated in the Seville Strategy,
the Biosphere Program underwent a radical change in purpose. The first goal
of the Seville Strategy for Biosphere Reserves is to "promote biosphere
reserves as a means of implementing the goals of the Convention on
Biological Diversity."

U.S. State Department representatives agreed to this new framework of
UNESCO-designated guidelines and objectives for the Man and Biosphere
Program. So, even though the United States doesn't belong to UNESCO, and
even though the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty, the
United States is marching right ahead with UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere

Starting with Yellowstone National Park in 1979, UNESCO has designated 47
Biosphere Reserves in the United States covering 50 million acres. In order
to designate sites and spheres under either of these UNESCO programs, the
United States must agree to manage these lands according to international
dictates and objectives.

That's another way of saying that the United States has agreed to limit our
sovereign power to manage our own lands any way we want in pursuit of our
own national interests. The Clinton Administration's designation of
Yellowstone Park as a World Heritage Site "in danger" has already been used
to shut down a gold mine near (not even in) Yellowstone.

The UN/UNESCO types have made no secret of their goals. Their next step is
their Wildlands Project, a plan to designate one half of the United States
as "protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to
conserve biological diversity."

Americans don't need or want any UN/UNESCO bureaucrats telling us how to
"protect" our own land. We can jolly well handle our own protection.

       The Earth - The New God of the 21st
       Century Reprinted From May 1997
       Mike Reagan's MONTHLY

       By: Mary Mostert,
       Editor, Michael
       Reagan MONTHLY

.nbsp;      Editor's Note: We are posting this article from the May 1997 issue of Michael
       Reagan's MONTHLY MONITOR because observers in Kyoto (see the following
       report) are beginning to realize what we reported seven months ago, that the
       real problem we are facing over global warming and population control is not
       a problem of conflicting science or politics, but a new religion. The world
       seems to be sliding back into Druidism, and other ancient, pre-Christian forms
       of nature worship.

       Suddenly out of nowhere, it seems, we are hearing the phrase "sustainable
       development" which suddenly seems to be at the root of nearly discussion about the
       environment, laws pertaining to "endangered species," and the rapidly growing
       expansion of Federal land seizures. We hear fleeting mentions here and there about
       "biodiversity" and our national parks being designated as "United Nations World
       Heritage Sites." We hear dire warnings first that man (and woman) caused a hole in
       the ozone layer with air conditioning units and hair spray cans, which was causing a
       dangerous warming trend. Then, when the coldest weather on record hit this year,
       we are told that the man caused hole in the ozone layer was causing "climate

       Even those few citizens, like myself, who are working full time tracking government
       actions in the world, and at the United Nations, have a problem trying to figure out
       exactly what is occurring and why, whether or not it is significant, and exactly where,
       if anywhere, all the talk about "sustainable development" is going and what it is going
       to mean in our individual lives. This issue is late because I was waiting for the report
       on the PrepCom on Sustainable Development, which took place in New York April
       14-25. The research that I have put into trying to get to the bottom of what is
       happening has taken several hundred hours. Sustainable development is the new buzz
       word in UN circles and will be the main course at Earth Summit II June 23-27 when
       the United Nations General Assembly will discuss and vote on the UN Commission
       on Sustainable Development Report.

       While the average American believes that the environmental protection horror stories
       we hear from time to time, generally through talk radio, are the result of bureaucracy
       run amuck, my research has convinced me that it is not. We are dealing with
       something much worse. We have a monolithic, global, conspiratorial new religion. It
       has been taking root, largely at our own expense, through an incredible maze of
       United Nations meetings, conventions, documents, implementations, treaties and the
       like. It blandly announces that it will " address the many interrelated social, economic,
       and ecological problems that face the world today," by getting humanity to "undergo
       a radical change in its attitudes, values and behavior."

       A radical change in attitudes, values and behavior? That's pretty sweeping. Exactly
       which values does the United Nations want me and my family to radically change?
       I'm pretty satisfied with my value system.

       The Rio+5 Conference was designed to pull together and prepare to implement the
       "Sustainable Development" doctrine. The "Earth Charter" was the issue under
       discussion which is being written by, among others, Mikhail Gorbachev, former
       president of Russia who presided over the final death throes of a collapsing nation
       with seventy years of experience in managing its means of production and growth.
       Out of the 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development, Mikhail
       Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, got together. Gorbachev's Green Cross
       International organization, and Strong, Chairman of Earth Council, who has been a
       guiding force in United Nations Environment goals since the first meeting in
       Stockholm in 1972, have a well financed and well organized world juggernaut in

       A key part of World Communism has always been the elimination of or the careful
       management of religion, considered by Marxists worldwide to be the "opiate of the

       Apparently there is a new idea among those with hostility towards religion, especially
       the Christian religion. The masses have shown themselves quite determined to hold
       onto their particular "opiate." The new twist apparently is to create a NEW "opiate of
       the masses" which will change mankind. It will lead to One World Government -
       under, naturally, United Nations control, with people like Maurice Strong and
       Mikhail Gorbachev in the wings, pulling strings.

       But first, those who plan to be the ones who will run that One World Government
       have to get the people of the world to follow them. That can be done the way
       Genghis Khan did it. As the Encyclopedia Britannica put it, this rare leader could
       hardly have taken over China, Manchuria, Russia, Turkey, Afganistan and what is
       now Iran and Iraq with his 100,000 men. While he was brutal to those who opposed
       him, he was "skilled in tribal politics, international diplomacy and what is today called
       psychological warfare."

       At first not much seemed to change under Genghis Khan. It was only after he
       became very powerful and people wanted to oppose him that massacres to
       intimidate balky cities took place.

       What we are seeing right now in environmentalism is mostly stage one: tribal politics,
       international diplomacy and psychological warfare. You see the tribal politics
       browsing the Internet postings of United Nations conferences and the "Green"
       organizations web sites. The psychological warfare has been in full bloom since the
       children were being told in public school in the early 1970s that they would be
       wearing gas masks because of air pollution by the time they were twenty-five. The
       dire predictions change over the years. Now it's the hole in the ozone layer.

       Gorbachev said at a press conference on March 17, and repeated it on at least two
       other occasions, "the Ten Commandments are out of date." He announced that they
       would be replaced by the 18 principles of the Earth Charter, which is still being
       drafted. It was hoped that it would be attached to the Commission on Sustainable
       Development Draft which has just been completed at the United Nations PrepCom
       meeting held April 14-25th. (

       While it had been hoped that the Earth Charter would be complete and ready for
       adoption by the UN General Assembly at Earth Summit II in June 1997, it does not
       as yet have the approval of all who are dedicated to its adoption - at least in some

       However, comparing previous Earth Charters with the March 1997 proposed
       charter it doesn't improve with time. It gets worse.

       At any rate, the 18 principles in the Earth Charter Benchmark Draft, which came out
       of the Rio+5 (Which means it has been five years since the United Nations
       Conference on Environment and Development) in Rio de Janeiro are being pushed
       by an amazing worldwide coalition of environmental, animal rights, and no-growth

       In hundreds of hours of research into these documents, I have found not a single
       mention of a Creator, God, Creator God or any indication whatever that those
       writing the documents have even any such concept. Note that the beginning
       paragraph states we are "humbled before the Earth...and the sources of our being."

       At the bottom of the new religion is, in a nutshell, that the Earth, not God who
       created the earth, is the source of our being. Once that concept is understood - it all
       falls into place. Man is not, as the Bible states, created in God's image. There
       apparently IS no God. Therefore, God could not "blessed them" and "said unto
       them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have
       dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every things
       that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28

       The Benchmark Draft of The Earth Charter is published exactly as written and
       posted on the Internet by the Earth Council as prepared at Rio+5 in March of this
       year. Note that in the Bible, "earth" is not capitalized. God is capitalized.

       In the Earth Charter, God does not appear. However, "Earth" is consistently
       capitalized. It is to Earth, not to God, that mankind owes allegiance, reverence,
       loyalty and support. It is for the Earth, unhampered and untended by destructive
       humanity for which we must sacrifice not only our industrial age material comforts
       and progress, but even our children or our potential children through abortion or
       other means.

       In the 1970's, the cry was for zero population growth. Today the demand is for a
       reduction of humanity in actual numbers. Somebody has to go.

       It tells us that the "biosphere" is "governed by laws." It doesn't mention how the lows
       got there. No source of the laws is cited.

       Of course, Gorbachev and Strong are not the only people around who, having
       accepted the basic premise of "Earth First," write documents and propose solutions.
       Ted Kaczynski, better known as the "Unabomber" also wrote a document, which,
       after sending letter bombs to certain representatives of the industrial age enemy, he
       demanded be printed, lest he kill again.

       On page 5 in this issue are excerpts from Unabomber's Manifesto. His premise is
       exactly the same as that of the radical environmentalist who have adopted the "value"
       that mankind is simply a predator animal which is capable of destroying Mother
       Earth. On Page 6 are excerpts from the Convention on Biological Diversity and the
       Report on Sustainable Development which the United Nations General Assembly
       will discuss and vote on June 23-27 at Earth Summit II. Understanding Biodiversity
       is the key to understanding Sustainable Development. How often has man be shown
       throughout history, from Cain to Genghis Khan to Joseph Stalin to Adolph Hitler:
       When man denies the existence of God, and proposes to become a law unto himself,
       bowing down to other gods, he loses his sense of direction and horrible things
       happen as a result. Next month the UN will vote to accept or reject this newest
       effort for man to become a law unto himself. To stop it we first must realize what is
       happening and then alert our elected leaders that they are not to continue to finance
       the destruction of our freedoms and our God-given rights by continuing to
       appropriate money for the United Nations. As Susan Roylance, President of United
       Families International so aptly put it, "Stop Funding the Nonsense!" (To purchase a
       copy of this issue of the MONTHLY MONITOR, or subscribe to the MONTHLY
       MONITOR, call 1-800-895-9898)

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