© by the 'Shalom group'

"I come as myself.
Just as I am
This moment.
My feelings, my fears
 My joys, my sadness.
You see me as I really am
You know me
Through and through
You see all

All that I am
Or ever have been.
Every experience in my life 
is laid before you.
Every image I have seen
Each touch , each sensation
Every word 
I have ever heard or spoken
Each word , each idea,
each thought which is imprinted
in my soul

And is known to you.
You know me better than
my closest friend
You know me better than
I know myself
You know.....
And because of who I am
And spite of what I am
- You love me.
I am of inestimable value to you
You love me through and through

Nothing, nobody can remove me
from your love.
Nothing, nobody
can separate me
from your love or your presence.
You knew me at the moment
of my creation

And even then You loved me.
You knew me and loved me
in my mother's womb.
My nature was known to You
You called by my name
You held me in your arms
You embraced me
You breathed upon me
You gave me Your love.

You watched over me 
from my earliest childhood
You were present at all times
and in all places
My unseen playmate,
schoolmate, workman
My unseen guest at every meal
You shared in every encounter
You watched over me silently

Even in the long hours
of the night.
You shared in every journey
You travelled with me
You were at the beginning
of each journey
You were my companion
on the way.
Without You I lose my way
My journey has no purpose.
I become exhausted on the way.

But You are my Alpha and Omega
You are my way
You are the way itself,
the Way of Life,
So Lord I lay before You my life
All my yesterdays,
My todays and tomorrows.

I praise and thank You 
for your presence in my life.
I lift up in gratitude all
the goodness
and all the joy.
I now offer You all my hurts,
my bruises, my rejections,
I offer you all those things of which
I am ashamed

What I have said,
and done, and thought,
All that has brought hurt to You
and to others.
Lord pour your cleansing streams
of living water all over me.
Make the parched deserts
of my being spring to life
Refresh me , Renew me.
Lord breathe on me afresh now
and I will receive your life.

Lord reach out and touch me
and I will receive your healing.
Empty me utterly
of all the rubbish within me.
This moment, Lord,
take away all distractions,
All temptations
all evil thoughts and desires.
Remove from me all my anxiety
Take away every hidden fear
Help me to know

That your perfect love
casts out all fear.
Bring me now into the deep silence
of your presence.
I give You my body and ask
that it becomes your dwelling place
This moment may every part 
of my body
be filled with your Spirit
Take each blood vessel.

Take every part
of my nervous system.
Take each muscle,
each organ, each cell,
Fill me now
With your stillness
With the reality
of your living presence.
Help me now to pray
- even without words.
Help me to pray with my breathing

To breathe in of your love
and your peace
To breathe out
of my pain and sadness
To breathe in of your
cleansing and forgiveness
To breathe out of my guilt
and impurity.
So in my breathing may my body
and soul be at one with You
In harmony with You

At ease with You,
May I be still and know
that You are God.
May I be still and know
that You are the Lord
who brings healing.
Help me to hear your still,
small voice
Lord Jesus
May I now hear your words
- 'peace , be still',

May all my storms subside
as I accept your real presence.
As I kneel before You
I give You my heart
and all my emotions
All my deepest feelings that lie
hidden within me.
I give You my stillness
but I also give you
thye turbulence,
the cross currents of my life,

My feelings of failure and rejection.
I give You every relationship
Every situation in my life
All my reactions
All my outbursts
of joy and of anger
All my moments of
elation and despair.
Lord I give You my intellect
I lay before You all my
frail thoughts
and ideas

I give You all my searching
and striving
My grasping after truth.
I give You all my ignorance
and confusion
I give You all my questions
and doubts
I acknowledge You to be truth
Truth in its entirety
Total truth in all its purity.
The truth which can set me free,
in my body  my mind
and my spirit.

Free from all the bondage
Free from all the lies 
and deceit
of the world
Free from all my selfishness
and pride and greed.
Break the chains
which hold me back Lord,
Fling open the door of my prison,
that I may pass
from the darkness of this world
- my world

And walk out in the bright light
of Your presence.
Father , may I now feel
the radiance
of Your love upon me,
your child.
Trusting , depending , loving
Help me to know what joy
my response brings to You.
Give me the grace in my weakness
to cry 'ABBA', 'FATHER.

Help me to know that beneath me
are Your everlasting
arms bearing me up.
Lord Jesus , be the Lord of my life
Be the Lord of my thoughts
and feelings
My memories and hopes.
I accept Your authority
over everything I have been, 
am or will be.
I bow down before You.

As I see You on your Cross
Held down by cruel nails
I see your arms stretched out
Seeking to embrace
the whole world
Seeking to embrace me
Seeking to love
Seeking to forgive
Seeking to make whole.
I praise You that You died for me
Help me to know that Your love
for me was so great

I too must love myself
I must recognise
My great worth to You.
Holy spirit , source of all truth,
giver of power
Come upon me now
As gently as a dove
Or like tongues of living fire
As quietly as a summer breeze
Or as a mighty roaring wind.
Come and dwell within me.

Enable me now to do
those things
which before were impossible
Unworthy as I am,
Holy Spirit of the Living God
Give me those gifts
which I can use
to Your honour and glory
That I may show forth Your fruit
Even in my life.

Glory be to You Father
Glory be to You Lord Jesus Christ
Glory be to You Holy Spirit.






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