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Thursday, March 18, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, there are many of My children
suffering in pain. It is difficult to endure pain, but remember to
offer it up for your sins and those of others. Some have been
graced with cures, while others must bear the limit of their
tolerance of pain. Pray for those in pain, for relief of their pain
and to comfort them. Show your concern for the sick, even if
they are incurable or terminal. They look for you to remember
them in their need, and do not ignore them. Every soul seeks to
be loved and recognized."
Jesus said: "My people, there are many secretive
organizations working with stealth, behind the scenes. Your
politicians and money people are selling out your rights on
their way to world control. Power and fortune drive many of
your leaders. Remember that I promised you that I would
humble the wise of the world and exult the lowly. Concentrate
your priorities on Heavenly riches, for earthly fame and riches
are fleeting."
Jesus said: "My people, Holy Week is not far off in your
Lenten devotions. Prepare yourself for this Easter celebration
by going to Confession. Let My Life come into those souls that
have been darkened by sin.
It is not just enough to come to Church on Easter. You must
give witness to the forgiveness of your sins. Make this
suggestion to your own family members and friends, so Easter
will lift up their spirits in My Light.
Love needs to be a part of your life at all times, even when you
fall on hard times. It is not painful to smile, so struggle to have
a good disposition, even amidst your trials."
St. Joseph said: "My children, I was entrusted with a heavy
responsibility in caring for Jesus and Mary. It is not easy to
provide for a family, even in your own day. You need to put up
with a daily struggle for food and shelter. By working with
Jesus in your labors and following His life, you will succeed.
Imitate my life, as well, in being humble, yet dedicated to
providing a living for your families.
Be satisfied with the necessities of life without being envious
or overambitious for wealth. Dedicate your lives to love of
God and neighbor and Jesus will see to your needs."
St. Patrick said: "My dear son, I am happy to see you will
be visiting Ireland once again. You have warmed my heart to
give me attention in your prayers and to seek out places where I
worked. It is good to know of your roots and understand how
many of your traits were passed down to you. It is your free
will that moves to form your consciences. Follow the Trinity in
directing your life and you will find your way to Heaven."
Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that it is mercy I
desire most, over burnt offerings. In the days of the Old
Testament, a sacrifice was made to give thanks for a person's
blessings. Sacrifice was also a means of giving honor to Me and
for the atonement for sin. As I am the Lamb Who was sacrificed
on Calvary, walk with Me in your own sufferings to your own
I have redeemed your souls through My crucifixion. Now, you
can take advantage of My gift of Life by coming to Me in
Confession with a contrite heart.
Use the Sacraments I have given you, so one day you may be
resurrected, as well."
Jesus said: "My people, your work can be a means to your
salvation. With your hands and your mind you can use the
talents you were given so that others may benefit from your
labors. By your faith, you can give good example to those
workers around you. By your witness and kind deeds, you can
even lead souls back to Me. So live a life of dedication to your
heavenly goal by consecrating everything you do to Me. I will
see your intentions in your heart and reward you for your good
Love each other by leading Christian lives of good example."
Friday, March 19, 1999 (St. Joseph's Day)
Jesus said: "My people, many have seen symbols of the
United Nations and Russia in some great halls, but I am
showing you My Host as the answer to man's peace. My Peace
and Love are FAR more perfect than man's peace. Your idea of
peace is no war, or forcing nations by military means to the
peace table.
My Peace does not tolerate any fighting and promotes love of
everyone. If everyone loved their neighbor more, there would
be no fighting. So do not be satisfied with man's peace. Instead,
pray that My Peace will be invoked over the whole world. It is
only through love that this goal will be achieved.
Remove your selfish desires from your heart and replace it with
My Love."
Saturday, March 20, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, you know I Love you with an
infinite and unconditional Love. If only one of you sinned
against Me, I would still have died for that one, lost sheep.
Look on My coming to the Earth as a fulfillment of My
promise to redeem all of mankind. By Adam's sin, all were kept
from entering into Heaven. Now, by My death, Heaven's gates
have been opened because I have made atonement for all of
your sins.
You, My faithful, I call on to seek Me in forgiveness of your
sins. You have seen Me stripped of My clothes, insulted,
persecuted, and crucified. I have done this also as an example to
you. I call you as little children, in blind faith to follow Me.
Just as I was a willing Lamb of God led to the slaughter, you
must suffer for My Name's sake.
I have stripped you of many of your earthly possessions, so be
willing to resign yourself to giving them up. Even for some, I
will call on you to give up your most prized possession, that is
your very life, in martyrdom. In such a gift to Me, you would
receive an instant Heavenly reward.
Do not be afraid to suffer for Me, but be willing in your heart
to give everything that is yours over to Me, then I will know, in
your heart how much you love Me."
Sunday, March 21, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you a symbol of life
while you walk in My Light. As the veil of death comes over
the body, there is a loss of the life-breath and My light is taken
This is a gift of faith you should not take lightly. It is only
through Me that you can have salvation. All life comes through
Me, and I am the Judge of your soul when you die.
Prepare through life for the day when you will meet your
Master, for you will have to make an accounting for all of your
actions. I am Merciful and understanding, but you must accept
Me into your heart if you are ever to follow My Light.
I call EVERY soul to walk in My Light of faith. Those souls
that refuse to love Me and refuse to accept Me into their lives
are to be condemned forever in the darkness.
I Love you, My people, so seek My Light where I hold My arms
out to receive you. Those who love Me and love their neighbor,
will enjoy life eternal in My presence with all of My saints and
Follow My Light and, one day, I will resurrect your soul into
eternal Life with Me."
Jesus said: "My people, the prophecies of Fatima are about
to come true. If there is not enough prayer, several nations
could be annihilated before the end of this century. This is in
conjunction with the message I gave you that if there were not
enough prayers said, weapons of mass destruction could be
Pray while you STILL HAVE TIME to sway the balance of evil.
Satan and his demons want to destroy man. He will test you
dearly, but I still give you free will to choose to reverse the path
your country is headed.
Pray that My Triumph comes before any further mass-killing
occurs. I want you to be on your knees, praying, in order to turn
back this attempt by Satan.
You have My mother's weapons in this battle, so use them
NOW, before it is TOO LATE."
Monday, March 22, 1999
Jesus said: "My people of America, you are coming to a
crossroads when you will have to make a decision. You can go
down the road of continuing to kill My babies and committing
your sins of the flesh, or you can change your lives and follow
ME. Through prayer and deed, you can turn around your
This time of Lent is your time to turn away from your ways of
sin and purify your souls through My forgiveness in
Confession. Another crossroad is whether you will become
involved in making war against the Serbs. It has been My desire
for you to seek peace in a compromise, but NOT at the point of
a gun.
It is NOT your place to interfere in another country's ongoing
divisions. The Serbs are committing an injustice in killing their
ethnic Albanians, but MORE killing is not the answer, nor are
threats of further destruction.
Continue to pray for your country's problems and sins, and to
pray for peace in your world."
Tuesday, March 23, 1999
Jesus said:"My people, I am calling you to receive Me in
My consecrated Host, so I can be with you in My Real
Presence. Receive Me reverently as your Lord comes into your
Have your soul properly prepared to receive Me, WITHOUT
Many do not fully appreciate how great an honor it is to receive
Me in My Eucharist. I Love you, My dear children, and I long to
be with you at every moment. As I Love you, I call on you to
love Me in return and thank Me for all I have done for you.
It is through Me only that you can have eternal Life. Do not
worship anything else or anyone but Me. Only I am worthy of
your worship, for I am Lord over EVERYTHING.
There is no excuse for not knowing of My existence. It is the
desire to believe in Me that is more difficult for some.
My Warning will be an obvious alert to everyone of My
existence and how I see their sins. I am giving you this Mercy
so everyone will know Me and have a reason for choosing to
love Me. Without accepting Me as Savior and seeking the
forgiveness of your sins, you can NOT be saved.
So come to Me in faith and believe that I am the Gateway to
Heaven for every soul."
Jesus said: "My people, be careful America, for what you
are planning to do in Kosovo. Massive bombing again could
draw OTHER countries into a major conflict. If Russia and
China involve their forces, you would be starting something
that would be hard to finish.
It is bad enough that you are spreading destruction, but now
you are insulting Me both during the Christmas celebration and
now, in Passion Week. Here alone you can see the diabolic
hand involved with this fighting.
Pray that your leaders will hold back on such an involved
bombing attack. More lives will be placed in jeopardy than all
of those killed, thus far. Peace is your only decision over a
larger war.
Your prayers are most needed at this hour."
Wednesday, March 24, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, all eyes are on the battlefield as you
witness the lull before the storm. Once your attacks begin, there
will be many questions as to where this will end. Without much
of a plan, this move could well spread into a bigger war.
Beware, My friends, that those who take up the sword will see
many killed as a result. These inner conflicts are never really
solved by war, since this anger on each side will never end.
Punishing Sadam in Iraq has only RAISED his resolve to fight.
You will find the same in Kosovo, with even the threat of
nations coming to support the Serbs. You were warned of these
consequences. Now, you may live to regret them. Wars cannot
be fought without the loss of life.
I ask you to continue praying for peace, so these leaders will
stop their madness."
Jesus said: "My people, I have asked you to look to the
skies for the signs of your End Times.
The Warning is coming soon and there will be some celestial
signs of its coming. This heavenly sign will be the same sign
that I have told you about at the time of the Warning. There will
be a darkness associated with this event.
My faithful must have confidence in Me to protect you and to
show you the way to Heaven. By having your souls cleansed at
all times, you will be ready to receive Me in this experience.
You are always more pleasing to My sight with your souls
clean. It is also in your state of grace that you will be ready to
receive Me in Holy Communion and in a state ready to come to
Heaven at your death.
Thursday, March 25, 1999 (The Annunciation)
Mary said: "My dear children, you are seeing now why I
have appeared as a mother seeking peace for her children in
Yugoslavia. My apparitions in Medjugorje have been to
encourage prayer for peace, especially in this area that has
ignited many wars.
Satan has inspired evil men to direct the atrocities you have
seen here in Serbia. There have been noble reasons given to stop
this leader of Serbia from his ‘ethnic cleansing,' as you have put
it. But MORE killing and destruction is not the answer for my
Son, Jesus.
Satan is trying to stir up a larger war, and many of you do not
see his objective in destroying as much of humanity as he can.
You cannot have war in a vacuum. Such a war cannot help but
affect their neighbors and other allied nations.
Your leaders are confused in their selfish objectives that will
only lead to the killing of innocent people. Pray, pray, PRAY,
for peace in this conflict, which could only lead to a wider war.
If enough prayer is not forthcoming, you could see the start of
(End of weekly messages)
And end with the following:
Official John Leary Website
John Leary lives near Rochester, NY. He is a father and
grandfather in his early 50's. He has both a spiritual director
and pastor who confirm that he is emotionally balanced and a
Roman Catholic in good standing. John has attended daily Mass
and received Holy Communion every day since he was 17 years
old, excepting sickness. He has been receiving messages from
Jesus and Mary since his 1993 trip to Medjugorje. He and his
wife Carol are humble people who derive no profit from the
publication and distribution of the paperback volumes of his
messages, titled, PREPARE FOR THE GREAT
XII, sold at very minimal cost.
Those interested can call a toll-free number: 1-800-647-9882
(Queenship Publishing, Santa Barbara, CA)
1) John's bishop, the Most Reverend Matthew Clark, of the
Diocese Rochester, NY, has not acted in the least negative
manner regarding John Leary's apparitions and messages. 2)
John is obedient to his spiritual director, Fr. Leo Klem, and
supported by his pastor, Fr. John Rosse. 3) John's parish
church, Holy Name of Jesus, hosts his weekly prayer meetings
every Thursday night. 4) Fr. Rosse, who served for a long time
on the Catholic Priests' Personnel Board (only the best are
chosen for this) permits John's healing-prayer sessions, some of
which have been dramatically answered, and the reading of
John's messages received during the week and that Thursday
evening, to take place in the church. 5) Many conversions and
increased devotions have taken place, and many fallen-away
Catholics have returned to the Sacraments because of John
Leary, which provides much positive evidence of resulting
good fruit. "By their fruits, so shall you know them."
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His
secrets to His servants, the prophets." {Amos 37}
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Thank you for your kind understanding, and may God bless you
Thursday, March 25, 1999: (The Annunciation)
Jesus said: "My people, I have given you My Commandments through
Moses many years ago. This was the model I have given you to love your
God and love your neighbor. When I came upon the Earth, I gave you the
further example of My life to imitate. I never encouraged you to fight one
another. Instead, I told you that, ‘he who lives by the sword will die by the
sword.' A world without love will be a world without peace. Do not have
anger against your neighbor, but learn to live with peaceful compromise."
Jesus said: "My people, learn from history how futile it is to cause
war against neighboring nations. Many have fought for many reasons in
the past, only to show their power. Many civilizations survived only by
destroying their aggressive neighbors. Fighting for possessions and land is
so fleeting. Those who do not learn from history, are repeating their
defeats. Do not let Satan influence your pride to continue killing innocent
Jesus said: "My people, you have seen many repressive regimes try to
force their way of life on others. These conditions have caused many
revolutions to overturn such repression. Man will always have an inner
desire to be free of those enslaving him. It is these circumstances that are
causing many of your conflicts. Learn to live in peaceful existence
without exploiting your neighbor. By dealing fairly with each other, you
will have a better chance of peace."
Jesus said: "My people, when your principles and values are based on
My Commandments, your nation has been prosperous with many of My
blessings. But when you commit abortions, sins of the flesh, and worship
other gods before Me, I will take away your blessings and you will fall in
LEADING YOU TO YOUR DEMISE. So pray, My children, and change
your lives if you expect to continue in My graces."
Jesus said: "My people, a time is coming when evil people will
despise you for following My ways. You are seeing now how a spiritual
battle between Good and Evil is polarizing parts of your society.
PREPARE, My people, for a coming religious persecution which you will
have to endure for a brief time. Cling to Me and follow My Will and I will
protect you from the evil ones who will taunt you. Have faith that one day
I will be victorious over all of these evil people. I will chain them in Hell
for all of their misdeeds and their refusal to love Me."
Jesus said: "My people, you think that you can live beautiful lives on
the Earth with all of your possessions. It is when you are affluent and have
everything you want, that you think you do not need Me. You are so
confused in loving earthly things for their own sake, yet you are EMPTY
inside, not realizing you can only be satisfied in Me. You are spiritual
beings, so do not let earthly things control you. It is the Peace and Rest I
give your souls through My Sacraments that your souls desire most. So
focus your life on your eternal destiny in Heaven and you will realize how
keeping your soul clean of sin is your primary care on Earth.
Come to Me in love, and you will be satisfied in giving peace to your
Jesus said: "My people, I have given you a beautiful world in which to
live. I call on you to love one another, as I have taught My Apostles.
I have asked you to endure your neighbors' injustices by turning the other
I have asked you to walk that extra mile with someone in need.
I have taught you to live like the Good Samaritan.
When you follow My Will of Love, everything will be given you. So
follow My plan for your lives, and you will be assured of being with Me
in Heaven."
Friday, March 26, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, your fresh water will become more
increasingly at risk. Your lakes and rivers are becoming more polluted and
despoiled with salt water. With an increasing need for fresh water, people
will be fighting over rights to fresh water. Eventually, your governments
will so control your water that it will become rationed.
As the time of Tribulation arrives, you will need to have the Mark of the
Beast to even buy water. This is why I have asked you to store food and
water that will become increasingly scarce for My faithful. Pray for My
help and I will multiply what you have."
Jesus said: "My people, you are curious about many things. If you
could list the things that you would like to discover or investigate, you
would find many of them would be of an earthly nature. Why are you not
more curious about what will happen to you after this life? You should be
finding out more about the truths of your faith, or looking more in the
scriptures how to imitate My life.
By studying My words and My revelation in the scriptures, you will be
better prepared to meet Me at your Judgment. Come and join Me in
adoration so you can visit Me and grow in the graces I will bestow upon
you. In your curiosity, seek Me as Mary did, and you will choose the better
portion that I will not deny you."
Saturday, March 27, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as you look around the world and consider
your recent history, you can see how your wars have been orchestrated by
the One-World people. Many of these wars have not been in the vital
interests of those fighting in them. Trumped-up dictators and deliberate
brutal killings are given as the ‘reasons' for your wars. If your industrial
defense organization and the arms makers in the world did not have any
wars, no money could be made.
Just as your abortion doctors collect their blood-money, you also have
many planned factions in your world collecting their blood-money for
arms and drugs.
Your death culture has even deeper and more insidious roots than you
know. It is these people in high places that believe their profits are going
unseen. But I see EVERYTHING. And soon, My Triumph of Justice will
bring this evil lot to a final end in Hell. Satan and the Anti-Christ will
have their day, but it will all come down in a crashing defeat.
Have patience, My faithful, for you will suffer for a short time before all
of these evil people will have to pay for their crimes. Then I will recreate
the Earth, as all evil will be cleansed. I will raise up an Era of Peace and
My faithful will enjoy paradise as you have never seen before."
Jesus said: "My people, many of you have pictures of your relatives
who have died. These pictures are a remembrance for you to pray for their
souls. If they are in Purgatory, your prayers can help them to leave for
Heaven sooner. When you make your prayer intentions, do not limit the
scope of your prayers. You can pray for ALL the souls in Purgatory and
multiply your prayers. You can pray for ALL of your deceased relatives,
or ALL those souls in Purgatory who have no one to pray for them.
Praying for each other can be a much better gift than any physical present.
You have seen the power of prayer on the living in their physical and
spiritual problems. Imagine the power of prayer for those who have died.
Visiting the grave sites is another way of remembering to pray for your
See that prayer is an expression of your love to Me and to those that you
are praying for. Lent is a special time that you should spend more time in
Sunday, March 28, 1999: (Passion-Palm Sunday)
Jesus said: "My people, look upon this transition of your life in death,
as your pass into Heaven. Without dying to yourself, you cannot be with
Me in Heaven. There may be pain at death and some hesitation at the
unknown, but have no fear, because I am at your side.
In every painful experience that you go through, there is this painful
waiting. Once it is soon over, then you can carry on with your life. So it is
when death is imminent. There is an anxiety of what is to happen. Then,
after death, you will see a peace of no more testing. For some, you will
still have to suffer for a time to purify your soul. Then, one day, you will
be with Me in heavenly Paradise. Seek to be faithful in all things, and you
will reap your reward with Me.
You have seen Me suffer much in My crucifixion, but it was over in a
short time. You then saw My Resurrection in a glorified body. This is My
promise to My faithful. If you follow My Will, I will resurrect your
bodies as well, in a like manner. Then your eyes will be opened to the
glory of My eternal reward.
Rejoice, as you see My death and Resurrection re-enacted for you once
again in Holy Week. Always keep in mind that it was My death that has set
you free of your sins. Love Me in return and give thanks to Me for this
eternal gift of Love."
Monday, March 29, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, this Lent has been here for you to get your
souls closer to Me by cleansing your sins. By praying more and cleansing
your sins in Confession, you can direct your spiritual lives closer to
following My Will.
You have many earthly distractions that keep you from focusing on Me.
You will see when you stop them, as a Lenten devotion, it becomes much
easier to think of Me and My Love.
It takes a little courage to do some spiritual spring cleaning of your faults.
When you witness My sufferings this week, you will understand more
about your purpose here in life to follow Me.
Your plans lead to disorder. My plans lead you on your road to Heaven.
Your ambitions are to please the body, while My motivation is to direct
your spirits to My Love.
When you see My overwhelming light of Love, you will be blinded to any
of your earthly desires."
(End of weekly messages)
Monday, March 29, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, many of My faithful are gathering
together in the Churches this week for holy week services.
When you gather to commemorate My passion and death on the
cross, you are all united in My Mystical Body to share in My
redemption of your souls. When you have holy Mass, you are
re-enacting My Sacrifice in an un-bloody manner. This one act
of My dying has sent shock waves through the Earth and has
enabled everyone the opportunity to go to Heaven. I give you
your free will to choose to love Me and return your thanks."
Jesus said: "My people, I call on you to defend your faith
by acknowledging My Name and your desire to follow My
Commandments. I ask you to be a soldier for Me and proclaim
My word from the rooftops. When you have full belief in Me
and realize I am the only Life, you should be ready to give your
life for Me, than deny your faith. I comfort you with My Peace
and Love as you walk on your own road to Calvary."
Jesus said: "My people, to live in peace with your neighbor
is its own reward. It is when some leaders want to lord it over
their own people that you see these conflicts, as in Kosovo.
Pray for peace, My children, since war and atrocities will only
bring you more grief. Many are searching to protect those being
brutally murdered because they see the bodies. I ask you, My
people, is there ANY less reason that you should be seeking to
stop the brutal murders of your abortions? Since the media
does not show you these bodies, many do not even realize the
killing going on. Pray for these mothers to stop killing their
Jesus said: "My people, see how your media is being used
by the One-World people to motivate you to supporting war in
Yugoslavia. There IS an injustice of several thousand people
having been killed and many others forced from their homes.
But where is the media to show you the atrocities in the womb
that are occurring by the MILLIONS every year?
Money is being made by abortions and by causing wars. This is
the very reason you see Kosovo and not the abortion clinics.
You have a war zone in your own hospitals, where thousands
of innocent babies are on the firing line every day.
Is there STILL doubt in your mind that My Justice will be
raining down on you for these many killings?
Jesus said: "My people, do not let the One-World smoke
screen blind your eyes to the many injustices going on right in
your own country. As you look upon My suffering, I suffer all
of your sins as My Mystical Body suffers. Pray, My children,
that you will wake up to your sins and repent of your evil
deeds. Change your lives and follow Me, if you expect to reach
Jesus said: "My people, as you awake from your winter
sleep, come alive to enjoy the signs of spring. As you look on
new life springing up, look to your souls to come alive in the
grace of My Sacraments. It is My Rising on Easter that should
inspire you to desire a new life with Me in Heaven. Prepare
yourselves with Confession and your Lenten devotions, so you
can be ready in joy to share Easter morning with Me. My
faithful live for the one day that they will be resurrected with
Me in Heaven.
Be READY, My people, for your reward and your joy will be
Jesus said: "My people, do not let Satan blind you with
many earthly distractions. When you go through life only
focused on day-to-day physical life, you are missing many
deeper meanings of life seen through the eyes of faith. Take off
your spiritual blinders, so you can see life in its entirety. Look
for My Love in all of My creations, both in nature and in each
You are a reflection of My Love in the image of Myself that I
have placed in each individual. Love one another and My Peace
will be among you. Put aside all of your human aspirations in
favor of My heavenly calling."
Tuesday, March 30, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, this age has been tested dearly by
dictators with no regard for the value of life. This recent case is
just one of many that you have had to deal with. Unfortunately,
wars of increasing magnitude resulted in restricting their
madness. It is this specter of battle between good and evil that
could spread into a larger war. Pray that these battles will not
spread to other countries.
The longer both parties take to resolve their differences, the
greater chance for expansion of this war. It will be when more
casualties are seen that your leaders will have to decide on the
cost versus the benefits of further fighting.
It is better to refrain from fighting, but Satan is antagonizing
the situation with ruthless killing. Continue to pray for a
cessation of these hostilities before world war could be
Jesus said: "My people, My Father, the Holy Spirit, and I
are One. There are several references in scripture when they are
acknowledged. I always witnessed to My people that I followed
My Father's Will, and because I claimed to know Him, there
were many calling Me a blasphemer.
In My agony in the Garden, I called on My Father that this cup
could pass Me by. But I claimed not My will, but HIS be done.
Again, on the cross I called on My Father to forgive those who
were killing Me. Later, after My Ascension, I sent the Holy
Spirit upon My disciples in a wind in the form of tongues of
All three Persons are involved closely with man's salvation.
Call on all of Us to help you in life through your prayers. The
Trinity is a mystery of faith which is hard for you to understand.
You see us as three separate Persons to understand the different
attributes of God. Yet, we are all as One Being, calling all of
you to love us.
When you make the sign of the cross or say the Glory Be, you
are invoking us in your prayer. Prepare yourself to enjoy the
coming Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter
Wednesday, March 31, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you see the metamorphosis of the
caterpillar changing into a flying butterfly. There are many such
changes in nature that go through different stages of life, as
tadpoles change into frogs. I emphasize these stages in life
because you also will be going through a change in your life, as
You grew up from a baby in the womb to later adulthood in the
natural life. But it is at death that your body's separation from
your soul will bring a new life after death. There IS life after
the body's death and it could be a beautiful, free life of the soul
for those who are not bound by sin.
For those souls who achieve Heaven, you will enjoy a new life
of seeing Me in My beatific vision. Later, at the Final
Judgment, your soul will be reunited with your glorified body.
You will be like the butterfly, only that your radiance will be
much greater in your new spiritual life.
To live in glory with Me in your own Resurrection is what your
Easter celebration is all about. You can start this purification
process now by pruning out your sins with Confession and
enhancing your prayer life.
The goal of your soul is to live with Me eternally in Heaven. So
look on death as your freedom to join Me. Seek to keep your
souls always pure and ready to receive Me when I come to
bring you home."
Jesus said: "My people, by the time you are being put into
your casket, it is too late to change your Judgment. Your body
soon rots away to nothing and all of your earthly things will
mean nothing to you. Focus on the time of your Judgment, for
you do not know when you are to die. That is why NOW is the
acceptable time to convert your life of sin, before you die.
If you keep your soul cleansed with frequent Confession, you
will be ready when you die. Your time on this Earth is very
short. So spend this brief time working in My service to bring
souls to Me. I Love My children so much, but you MUST
awaken from your spiritual laziness. Keep focused on Me and I
will never let you out of My sight.
I am asking you to love Me everyday by showing Me how much
you care for Me and care for your neighbor. When you love Me
everyday, I will greet you as a friend in Heaven. But if you do
not know Me, you will be accursed into the nether world.
Come to Me in love, and I will never deny you at the gates of
Thursday, April 1, 1999: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: "My people, I go to prepare a place for you. For
it is My promise that I will welcome all who love Me into the
many mansions of Heaven. In order for you to come to Heaven,
as perfected souls, you must seek the forgiveness of your sins
and serve your neighbor as I have shown you. As I wash your
feet, I seek to wash your souls of your sins, if you would
welcome Me.
Cleanse your souls, My people, in the grace of My Sacrament
of Reconciliation. I call you this night to pray one hour with
Me in Gethsemene. Do not let sleep or your laziness get in the
way of your time for prayer.
You know how much prayer for peace is needed at this time in
Yugoslavia. Your war plans are only accelerating you into a
deeper involvement. I warned you not to start something you
could not finish. Your leaders desire to continue this conflict,
even during these solemn feast days.
rather rely on your weapons of destruction than seek a
compromise of peace. Continue in your unabated prayer for
peace, or your war-making could involve MORE nations and
MORE killing.
I Love you, My people. Heed My message to stop your war
before you could start a WORLD conflagration."
Friday, April 2, 1999: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: "My people, ‘IT IS FINISHED.' These were My
words before I gave up My spirit. At that moment of My death,
all humanity in the past, present and future are freed of their
sins. My death was in the eternal now, so that everyone could
benefit from My gift of Life.
My Love is so great for My people, that I was willing to die for
all of you. In your earthly condition, you cannot understand
heavenly Love. I gave you free will so you could choose to love
Me by your own decision. My Gospel is a life of Love that I
gave all of you to imitate. When I spoke of forgiveness and
loving your enemies, you could not understand how this can be.
When you have faith in following My Will, anger and fighting
have no place in your lives. Do not do anything to injure or kill
anyone. Preserve life and make peace in everything you do.
When you look at life through the eyes of faith, love of God
and neighbor are all that is possible."
Saturday, April 3, 1999: (Easter vigil)
Jesus said: "My people, Easter is a special celebration of
new life in the spirit. I suffered for a while, but then I rose
triumphantly because sin and death could have no hold on Me. I
came to die for all of you, but I knew that I would rise in
Satan thought he could conquer mankind, but he did not know
the extent that I would go to grant you your salvation in My
loving death on the cross. No matter what he will try, he cannot
destroy My Church. That is My promise to you, that I will be
with you to the end of time.
REJOICE in My Triumph, because Satan's time is very limited.
He will cause chaos in wars and contrived problems, but you
will see how to endure this Tribulation.
Give praise and glory to God, because I am watching over you
at all times."
Sunday, April 4, 1999: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: "My people, today commemorates My glorious
Resurrection, as it is a promise to My faithful that, one day,
they will be resurrected in their glorified bodies. While I have
redeemed everyone of their sins, it is you still by your free will
that must choose to love and accept Me. My sword of fire is the
sword of My Justice that I will come with, in Judgment of
I have given you the Mercy of My forgiveness, but you MUST
follow My Will and My Commandments if you are to see
eternal Life with Me.
I Love you, My people. See that only those who wash their
robes and wear the proper wedding garments will be the ones to
enter Heaven.
You have been purified and tested by your Lenten devotions.
Keep true to following the narrow road and you will enter by
the narrow gate, for those who refuse to accept Me are
following the broad road to Hell. It is these evil ones who will
taste of My fiery Justice."
Monday, April 5, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I have risen, as I have told you, but
still you MUST follow in My footsteps. I have conquered sin
and death by My dying on the cross. This was My designed
means of saving all of mankind. My Resurrection was proof of
My victory over Satan. I have opened the gates of Heaven for
you, but you must choose to love Me and follow My Will.
I am walking with you each day to help you take up your cross
to Calvary. Every one of you are presented with the cross of
life. It is up to you if you will pick it up willingly and follow
My Commandments. For those who do not take up their cross,
they will suffer still the miseries of life in hopelessness. I offer
hope to My people and I give you the gift of faith to those who
believe in My Name.
Easter time is a time for rejoicing in your new spiritual
awakening. I offer you an opportunity to share in My Love, if
you would only reach out and accept My Love."
Jesus said: "My people, Easter is being celebrated in many
churches as the ultimate in feast days. This is the time more
than ever when joy should be in every heart. You are
celebrating a new birth of life as My Light dispels the darkness.
I am the Resurrection and the life, for without Me you can have
NO LIFE. But with Me, you can share in a glorious Life in
I came to give you Life and real hope that you may aspire to be
with Me in Heaven. Your life in this world has a certain beauty,
but it will not reach its completion until you are resurrected in
your glorified bodies. As you see the new signs of life in the
spring, think of the greater life you can share with Me in
I invite you now, My friends, to cast aside your earthly
aspirations so that you may strive for heavenly things. Do not
let sin tie you down and restrain your love for Me. Seek Me as
pure Love and the only Love that can possibly satisfy your soul.
Your completeness comes closer to its perfection as you come
closer to living in My divine Will. Follow My Love by pleasing
Me in every way you can possibly direct your life to imitate Me.
By prayer, fasting, and good works, you can strive to know Me
more. You will see joy and Peace come over your soul, the
closer you identify with My Love.
See that My Love is indeed the Light which dispels the
Tuesday, April 6, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as you view these beautiful
flowers around you, see them as a part of My Creation giving
glory and praise to Me. These flowers are fulfilling what they
were created to be, by their beautiful colors and scents. You,
My children, I have told you, are worth more than ANY of
these earthly creations, for you are blessed with both spirit and
body. No other creature on Earth has a soul like yours. You
also were created to give glory to Me by fulfilling My plan for
your life.
You are a faithful witness to believe in My Name and accept
My revelation that I died for you and rose on Easter morning.
As you read the accounts of My appearances to My disciples in
My glorified Body, you have the proof of My victory over sin
and death. It was by My real Body that I ate the fish and allowed
St. Thomas to feel the wounds of My Body. Those who saw Me
and believed, were graced in this revelation, but more blessed
are those who have not seen and STILL believe.
Faith is a gift that I freely give you and you have accepted.
Continue to nourish your belief by following My
Commandments and helping your neighbor in their needs. By
your daily prayers and worship, you are giving glory to Me and
fulfilling your purpose as My creation."
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you this golden globe
to indicate how the men of money control your world. Through
the various secret societies of world finance, you will soon see
their New World Order brought about. This has been planned
for many years, and soon their plan for takeover will be
implemented. They will soon create wars and financial
upheavals that will throw the world into a panic of chaos. This
will lay the foundation for the coming to power of the
As a result of a world depression and a world famine, the
United Nations will call for a global government to restore
order. During a time of martial law, a One-World religion will
be imposed, which will be a means for religious persecution to
force everyone to worship the Beast and take his mark on their
body. All those who refuse this mark will be outlaws and liable
for death.
The Anti-Pope, who will replace John Paul II, will assist in
forming this One-World religion of false gods. Once the United
Nations controls the world, the Anti-Christ will assume full
control and eliminate ALL of the current leaders. As soon as
this Evil One will attain full control, I will come and sift all of
these evil ones, as I will cast them into Hell in chains.
My comet of chastisement will bring on My Triumph over
Satan, as I will then prepare the world to be renewed and made
ready for My Era of Peace.
Have hope, My children, for NONE of these evil plans will ever
come to completion. I will protect My Remnant with My
miraculous powers, so have NO fear of these evil men. They
will be humbled, while My faithful will be exalted."
Wednesday, April 7, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I am shining My word of
knowledge down upon you to reveal to you the meaning of My
Resurrection. I shared with My disciples many passages from
scripture of the coming Redeemer and Messiah on the road to
Emmaus. It was foretold that I would come from the lineage of
King David, and that I would suffer much to save My people. A
Savior would be born of a virgin and they would look upon
him that was pierced for their offenses. I have cured the sick
and the blind can now see. These were some of the signs
foretold by the prophets. But the most important sign given was
the Eucharist that I instituted at the Last Supper.
Now, everyone can share in My Body and Blood at the breaking
of the bread. The Mass is the single point that all of My
believers can join and identify with My death and Resurrection.
Each Mass is a renewal and fulfillment of My Coming to
mankind so that you could have eternal life.
Each time you share in My Real Presence at the breaking of the
bread, you see My graces shining into every soul at Holy
Communion time. Rejoice and give thanks to God for all that I
have bestowed upon you."
Jesus said: "My people, as you look on this scene involving
the military and bicycles, this is an indication that soon there
will be little fuel available for individuals to drive their cars.
Because of the problems with your computer chips and the
ongoing wars, you will see gasoline shortages to the point of
rationing. As the distribution of fuel worsens,--by
contrivance,--many will have to use bicycles for transportation.
This is laying the groundwork for martial law that will soon
require people to take the chip in the hand to buy and sell
Your jobs will be next to require a chip in the hand, to enter.
When you see the people being forced to take the Mark of the
Beast, you will know that it is time to go into hiding. Once they
come to your house to force you to take this chip, those who
refuse to take it will be imprisoned in detention centers. They
will make an example out of your leaders by killing them and
enslaving the rest.
This test of the Tribulation will be starting soon, once the
Anti-Christ assumes power. Do NOT fear the Anti-Christ, since
his reign will be brief before I will vanquish his power and cast
him and his cohorts into the everlasting fires of Hell. Prepare
for this time with your sacramentals and your bicycles.
REFUSE to take the Mark of the Beast, even if you must suffer
death as a result. I will reward My faithful, but the weak who
give into the Anti-Christ, will suffer Hell-fire, as well."
Thursday, April 8, 1999:
Mary said: "My dear children, many are called to my
shrines by an act of faith to follow my call. It is not by accident
that you make pilgrimages to my shrines, but a gift of grace
given to you from Heaven. Many are inspired to share my
messages of prayer and repentance after leaving my shrines.
I am crying tears because my children are not listening to my
pleas for prayers for peace in your world. You are right in
asking for more prayers for peace, because there are NOT
enough people praying to stop the world war that your world is
being led to.
Look at your leaders, who, by their pride, are leading you
DEEPER into war in Yugoslavia with the threat of ground
Your leaders are trying to force their will on all peoples of the
world, to display their power and authority. They are refusing
ANY compromise for peace, unless all of their goals are met.
This attitude, for war at any cost, is from SATAN, who seeks to
destroy all of you by hate and pride.
You are falling victim to Satan's ploys by continuing to bring
war everywhere your leaders feel like it. There must be a
serious effort of praying My Rosary for peace now, or you will,
indeed, bring down a world war on yourselves.
Do NOT be taken in by your leaders' encouragement to widen
this war. Speak out and pray to STOP this war or it WILL
consume you.
You cannot have peace unless you learn love and discard this
pride for power. Those who kill their own people will pay for
their crimes.
Do not forget that you are killing your OWN BABIES, as well.
Do not encourage more killing and destruction as a means for
peace. You need to be on your knees praying my three Rosaries
every day, if you have hope to stop this world war and a
possible nuclear attack.
(End of weekly messages)
Thursday, April 8, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, this bell is tolling for those being killed and those
to die in the future at Kosovo. It tolls also for all of your dead babies. Be
careful when you point fingers at those committing genocide, for you are
killing many babies in the womb, as well. Why are you afraid to think of the
murdering of your babies as any LESS an atrocity as shooting defenseless
civilians? Search for an exit to this war, NOW, before it grows wider in scope. Continue to pray for peace all over your world."
Jesus said: "My people, take a look at how these refugees are being forced from their homes in Kosovo. You went through these same atrocities in Bosnia. As then and now, you are seeing your OWN FUTURE when such chaos will strike YOUR land.
You have been living a sheltered life without any persecution. The time of your own religious persecution will be just as ruthless by your captors. Prepare to witness a time of Tribulation when you will have to TRUST in My help for everything you need. You are in disbelief such a thing can happen, but look back in history as you are repeating the same errors of sin."
Jesus said: "My people, look on My Mother's shrines as places of refuge. During the Tribulation, these places of holy ground will be places where My angels will protect you. Your food and water will be miraculously provided there, as well as many healings.
When you put your FULL TRUST in Me, I will heal you in all of your spiritual and physical needs."
Jesus said: "My people, Noah was given plenty of time to build and stock the ark, while many criticized him with jeering. As he was finishing his work, it was not long until the rains came to wipe out the evil-doers of that day. I have been warning My people a long time to prepare their sacramentals, food, water, and fuel for a time of chaos when these things will be scarce. You, also, have been criticized for such preparations. But as more and more people witness the coming war clouds and the failure of your computerized devices, these people are no longer critical.
Pray for those to prepare spiritually with Confession and physically, with
Jesus said: "My people, as you witnessed My cruel crucifixion, you can
understand how ruthless man can be, as the pharisees and priests were
threatened by My ministry. I suffered and died on the cross for you. All I ask
of you is to remember My Sacrifice by keeping a crucifix on your altars. My
victory over sin was accomplished through the giving up of My Body and Blood as a lamb led to the slaughter. As I brought the good thief with Me to My kingdom, I reach out for all of you sinners to come to Me in like manner."
Jesus said: "My people, because of your sins, you will suffer much before you come to your rest in Heaven. You will witness wars, and many natural disasters causing you the loss of your homes. So do not waste your precious time piling up your physical wealth. Instead, prepare yourselves with a rigorous spiritual cleansing of your faults in prayer and Confession. Follow the lives of the saints as your examples and you will have more than enough to accomplish. Show Me by your love that you can grow close to My Heart if you put your mind to achieving success in heavenly things."
Jesus said: "My people, Satan has misled many people with killing and
destroying other people's things. It is much harder to build up your society
with love and care than to try and destroy it. I call on all of My children to
seek peace first in their homes without divorce or abortions. You need My Love and grace to follow My Will. Do not despair in thinking one person cannot overcome this evil. If each person loved their family and their neighbors, you would have no wars and killings. So focus on My Love and the love of your neighbor and your society will heal itself of all of its divisions."
Friday, April 9, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as My Apostles looked up to Me as Lord, I am Lord of everyone's lives, as well. Every knee must bend and you will bow to Me as Lord of the Universe. That is why it is written that you must come through Me to get to Heaven. I will be at your Judgment to declare who shall enter the gates of Heaven.
Give praise and glory to your God, Who sees to all of your needs. Come to Me in adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, so you can give your allegiance to Me as the angels do every day.
My Easter celebration gives you an example how you can be resurrected in your glorified bodies by following in My
footsteps. All of My disciples are fishers of men and women, bringing souls to Me in conversion. Never give up hope in this world with your daily troubles, but move forward in faith to save your own souls and those you are praying for. Then on My glorious day of My Second Coming, I will greet you into My Kingdom."
Jesus said: "My people, I have given you many messages about both spiritual and physical preparation for the Tribulation events, which are being witnessed all around you. The first reaction by many is that, '...these things will not happen.' They are like the foolish virgins who did not go out and buy extra oil for their lamps.
I want My faithful to be like the wise virgins, who were prepared to meet the
bridegroom. As you prepare spiritually, cleanse your sins at Confession and lead a prayerful life to hold fast your holiness to My Heart. Physically set aside many sacramentals to share with your relatives and neighbors. Also, store your food, water, and fuel, always ready if you should lose your power and means to buy and sell.
A time of chaos of wars and computer problems will give the One-World people a window of opportunity for world takeover. Many will panic at the thoughts of no electricity and very little food. Those who did not store their necessities, will seek to take things from those who were more prudent.
When you see killing and looting for food, and the evil ones forcing the chip
in the hand on everyone, you will have to go into hiding to protect your lives. You will need to keep away from the evil authorities, who will seek to kill you and persecute you for believing in My Name. I will have My angels lead you away from the evil influence of the Anti-Christ and help you to find a safe refuge.
Have no fear, but TRUST in My protection. This evil reign will be brief before you will enjoy My victory in My Era of Peace."
Saturday, April 10, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, when you drive your car at night and your car lights
burn out, you are cast into darkness and you are afraid to go further when you cannot see. Because you want to continue driving at night, you then rush out to replace that light so you can see again. In your soul, My grace is that same light,--of faith. While you are in the state of grace, you see clearly life's road to Heaven. When you are detoured into Mortal sin, My Light of grace is snuffed out and you become spiritually blind and it is difficult to see your way to Heaven.
Why is it that you would quickly replace your lights to see physically at
night, but you fail to quickly embrace My Sacrament of Reconciliation, so you can see spiritually? Do not be misled in the darkness of your sin, but search Me out in the priest at Confession, so you can renew My Light in your soul. Once you have sought My forgiveness for your sins, then you can be cleansed of your sins and you will again see clearly with the eyes of faith.
You can only find the heavenly road if you are full of the Light of My grace. I am the Light of the World, and I lead all of those who believe in My Name to eternal Life.
You cannot be renewed in your sinful life unless you come through ME. So give up your life in darkness in the love of earthly things, and exchange it for My Life of Love that will enlighten your soul with My Easter Llight."
Sunday, April 11, 1999: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you this soldier because you are all a
part of this battle of Good and Evil. I am asking everyone, not just My Apostles, to go out and preach My Gospel to all nations. Your battle is one in saving souls for Me. Satan, in this age, is trying to win souls for himself. Do not listen to him and show your love to Me and your neighbor.
I called on My Apostles and all priestly successors to absolve the sins of
those who seek forgiveness. I have given you My gift of forgiveness in My
Sacrament of Reconciliation. By My death, I have redeemed you from your sins. So come forward and share in the Mercy of My forgiveness often.
You are celebrating Mercy Sunday to make known My divine Mercy that awaits all sinners. I seek to forgive all sinners, if you would just come to Me with a contrite heart and allow My blessing to cleanse your soul of your sins.
I Love you, My children, and I want you to seek perfection by living in My
divine Will. Follow Me and I will show you the road to eternal Life through My Love and Mercy."
Monday, April 12, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I have told you of the place I have prepared for you.
This stairway to Heaven is a life-long path,--that you need to follow Me and
abide by My Commandments. Keep focused on this narrow road to Heaven
and avoid the broad road to the Hell of Satan.
My Love is drawing you to your Creator at all times. Do not deny Me, as Judas did, but seek to be My disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit. Heaven is the goal of your soul, so learn to follow My Ways instead of your earthly ways. Embrace My Love with a burning desire and your souls will be graced with My abundant blessings.
Whatever you seek in My Name, I will grant you according to My Will. I Love all of you so much and I will always seek you, even in your sins. If you falter, I am here to give you a helping hand back on your road to Heaven. Have confidence and TRUST in Me and I will lead you to your eternal home."
Jesus said: "My people, I call you at all times to come to Me in TRUST, like
these little children. The children see the same obvious things that you do, but they come to truer conclusions because they are not as 'sophisticated' as you adults.
Many times you fail to see things in the light of faith, because you are too
familiar with your daily actions. Try to look at life with a different
attitude, one that is led by love and not by selfish pride. When you broaden
your viewpoint to look beyond your mere wants, you will begin to see things as the innocent children, untainted by sin.
It is important to cleanse your souls of your sins by going to Confession. In
that way your understanding of life would not be corrupted by your sinful
lives. So follow Me as children follow a parent and TRUST in My ways to lead you.
Reach out in love to help those in need around you without being restrained by your earthly motives and comforts. It is when you go beyond simple friendship to help your neighbors, that you will see My very self in that soul. So when you help your neighbor, you are helping ME in them.
My blessings are available for all who seek them, with an unconditional Love. Struggle to walk with Me every day and come closer to living in My divine Will."
Tuesday, April 13, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you should be grateful for all of your priestly
ministers, including the bishops, for all of their work in bringing My Sacraments to you. I am present, working through My priests
to bring you My graces through these Sacraments.
Each of My priests are blessed with a priestly vocation and are graced further with the Sacrament of Holy Orders. I continue to request your prayers for your priests and to assist them in their ministries. Your bishops have an influence on the education of these priestly vocations, so they need your prayers as well, to properly instruct My priest-sons.
Prayers are also needed for the very vocations of priests, themselves. It is
important to give encouragement to those seeking the priesthood without forcing them to have certainpolitical viewpoints.
I call on My priest-sons to save souls and provide Mass and My Sacraments.
Salvation of souls is their charge and leading prayerful and holy lives should
be their example to My faithful.
Satan has been attacking My priests and vocations for many years. That is why prayers of protection are needed more now than in ANY previous time. Make your prayers of petition for priests one of your daily responsibilities."
Jesus said: "My people, once a baby is taken away, there is no more life, as in an abortion. Each life you snuff out is one more life never to be loved or
shared with in growing up.
You have seen in wars, how children were killed by ruthless soldiers. Again,
the innocents killed by Herod were based on pride of keeping his throne. But
abortions involve the child's mother killing her own baby out of 'convenience.'
NO reason and NO price can be placed on a defenseless little one to be killed. The parents took the responsibility for this life when they conceived the child. It is not the child's fault if the parents did not want this child.
I TELL YOU THAT THOSE WHO KILL THEIR CHILDREN, WILL HAVE TO ANSWER FOR IT AT THEIR JUDGMENT. I will forgive even this grievous sin, if the parents come to Me with contrite hearts. Those who refuse to make amends for their crimes, will suffer much in the LOWEST places of Hell, for I told you how it would be better for one who harmed My little ones to be thrown into the ocean with a millstone around their neck."
Wednesday, April 14, 1999:
Mark said: "I am Mark, who stands before your god. The women at the tomb were greeted by an angel who stated,: 'Why seek the living among the dead? He is risen.' This was the first heralding of Jesus' Resurrection to the women at the tomb.
Many of the disciples did not understand the words of Jesus when he said he
would rise in three days. The glorious words, 'He is risen' gives testimony to
those seeking Jesus' body that he is alive and among the living.
The Resurrection of Jesus was proven to his disciples by his appearances to
them. These accounts in scripture are your proof of the glory of God that He
offers to each soul. The example of Jesus rising from the dead is a hope for
each believer that, one day, they will be resurrected as well. Then all of
those faithful to Jesus will also be among the Living in Heaven, instead of the dead in Hell.
REJOICE, My children, you should have JOY in your hearts every day for all that the Lord has given you. Give praise and glory to Jesus for his Victory over sin."
Jesus said: "My people, have pity on those less fortunate with your time and
your money. You need to take a responsibility in helping the needs of your
neighbor. Every time you reach out to help someone, you are helping to ease the pain of My Mystical Body. No matter how poor a person's circumstances are, they still have My presence in their soul. You see My reflection in their eyes of hope. Lift them up in your support and help dispel their despair by sharing your love with them. If not for some circumstances, YOU could be in their place. I Love ALL of My children, and these downtrodden no less than those better off.
Those who have been given many blessings, need to share their excess with those who have little. When I was on the cross, My people treated Me as a lowly criminal. I know all the sufferings and frustrations of man, but My
Resurrection gives everyone a new hope in the spirit of My life.
Do not despair with life's troubles, but look forward to the day of your own
resurrection. After this life of tears, My faithful can look ahead to the joy
of Heaven above and Heaven on Earth in My Era of Peace."
Thursday, April 15, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you will be tested much in this life, especially during the time of Tribulation. You will endure many sufferings, as I did in life, but I will not disappoint you in helping your drooping spirit. No matter how hard your struggles in life may be, always seek My help and I will bring rest to your soul. You will find peace in prayer and receiving Me in Holy Communion. Without these little respites, life would be much more difficult. So reach out to Me in faith and hope, and you will be able to cope with all that you will face in life.
Working each day for your keep is not unusual, even I worked with My foster father to ply a trade. The work of your hands is a proper means for your salvation.
You employers should NOT abuse your employees, and pay them a proper wage. The employees also should give a fair day's work for their pay as well. When all of you are in harmony with My Love for each other, your labor is one of love.
Be secure in your lives that I will be watching over each of My children."
(End of weekly messages)
Thursday, April 15, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I appeared to the women at the tomb and then later to My disciples. In My appearances I gave hope to My followers amidst the sorrow of My loss. I explained to them how I had to die to redeem all of mankind from their sins. Every time you celebrate My Resurrection, I lift up the souls of My faithful out of their darkness and into My Light."
Jesus said: "My people, many times I gave parables to the scribes and pharisees, speaking how My Church was being taken away from them and given to My disciples. It was for these threats to their position that they killed Me on Calvary. So I am, indeed, the cornerstone that was rejected.
Now with My Victory over death and sin, the gates of Hell will NOT prevail over My Church, as it will last to the end of time. Time will pass away, but My words will not pass away."
Jesus said: "My people, these fires represent the many evil influences which you have to struggle through. I come to give you ladders to escape your sins, and I put out the fires of the evil ones with My Peace and Love. Struggle every day to do My Will in obeying My Commandments. Those who follow
Me in faith have nothing to fear. I will bring My faithful to their heavenly reward, while the evil ones will face eternal Hell-fire."
Jesus said: "My people, why have you disfigured My churches by stripping them of all that is reverent and holy? Because you have abused My places of worship, you will soon see these churches taken away from you in a religious persecution.
Prepare for the day when you will only have your Rosary, as the Tribulation proceeds."
Jesus said: "My people, you have drifted away from Me in your wars and your sins. No matter how
much you have offended Me, I still give you My life raft of Confession to save you from your sins.
Those who have sorrow in their hearts and seek My forgiveness of their sins will be led to a new life of
love in the Spirit. Be thankful for My graces which I make available for you to cleanse your sins."
Jesus said: "My people, I call on you to store up your sacramentals, since soon they will be hard to
replace. Your blessed candles would be most useful at underground Masses, as well as giving light
during the Three Days Of Darkness. In many miraculous ways I will protect My faithful, in ways you
cannot imagine. My Church will survive even the Tribulation and all the evil spirits in their actions."
Jesus said: "My people, it is one thing to SAY you believe in My Name; it is another to be willing to
SUFFER PERSECUTION for that belief.
My Apostles, once strengthened with the Holy Spirit, were defiant of being persecuted for believing in
My Name. They actually were grateful that they could witness to Me by being whipped.
You, too, My faithful, must call on the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim your faith in face of
persecution. Many are risking prison and beatings to protect the unborn. This is the same spirit of
defiance that My disciples demonstrated.
Are you willing to SUFFER for your belief in My Name? You WILL be tested further,-- in refusing to
take the Mark of the Beast for buying and selling.
I tell you again to give up your LIFE for Me, rather than worship the Anti-Christ and take his Mark.
Those who take this mark knowingly will suffer a living Hell on Earth and Below.
Give praise and glory to Me if you should be called to suffer and even risk your life for My Name. I
WILL BE AT YOUR SIDE, to protect your soul and ease your pain."
Friday, April 16, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, when you have a sufficient tear in some clothing, no amount of mending can
fix it. It is better to start making a new piece of clothing. So it is with your spiritual lives. When you are
leading sinful lives, it is not enough to SAY you are going to change. You need to call on My help in
Confession and start over with a completely different view.
I came to FULFILL the Law, but with a whole new view,--through the love of God and neighbor.
Man’s ways are imperfect and in need of My Love. When you follow My Ways of Love, they will lead
you on your road to perfection.
Your fighting and complaining are all based on selfish and uncompromising motives. I call on you to
love and FORGIVE your enemies and to go the ‘extra mile’ in helping your neighbor.
I call on you to come out of your comfort zone to help others and share from your bounty of My
Saturday, April 17, 1999:
God the Father said: "My dear people, you have just celebrated again My Son’s Resurrection. Jesus
is the gift I have given you, so the sins of all mankind could be atoned for. I have sent My Only
Begotten Son so that you may have Life, in the Spirit.
Since the time of Adam’s sin and the gates of Heaven were closed. I promised My people that I would
send a Redeemer, the Messiah to come. Jesus has come to you and he died for all of you on the
cross. That is why this Easter celebration is so glorious, because you have been redeemed and the
gates of Heaven have been opened up to you.
In order to be judged worthy of Heaven, you must accept My Son as your Savior, seek the forgiveness
of your sins, and obey My Commandments.
I want to thank you again for the dedication of your prayer group and your prayers in honoring Me this
year. Even more, I want to thank those working to bring about your conference in My honor.
I bless all of those who call on Me in prayer and I will bless your work on heavenly things, as well."
Sunday, April 18, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, a time is coming soon when you will be worshiping your technology, instead
of Me in your churches. You will see images of the Beast on your altars, as the Anti-Christ will
attempt to force people to worship him as their god.
Do not listen to ANYONE who claims to be Me. Do not take his Mark on your hand or forehead for your jobs or food. I will have My angels provide for you in your needs.
Have faith and TRUST in Me and your souls will be protected. Even if they threaten you with death, NEVER give in to the Anti-Christ and his agents.
Those who knowingly take the Mark of the Beast and worship him, will suffer Hell on Earth AND
Jesus said: "My people, as My disciples recognized Me at the breaking of the bread. I want YOU to
recognize My Real Presence in the consecrated Host and Wine. You see the bread and wine, but with
your eyes of faith you see My Body and Blood.
The Mass is the most important prayer for you, because you see the miracle of My Transubstantiation
at every offertory of the Mass. I Love you so much that I continue to share My Body and Blood with
you at every Eucharist. I gave My life up so you could have Life, in My Spirit. It is through My Mystical
Body that you help Me in your neighbor.
So come to Me in love and receive My Real Presence. Give Me thanks at Communion and your visits
of adoration before My Host. I ask you to manifest your love for Me by obeying My Commandments. I
treasure the time you take in adoring Me and your moments with Me after Holy Communion. Your soul
is seeking Me to be satisfied by giving Me praise and glory."
Monday, April 19, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, when you have visitors to your house, you clean your house and make them
comfortable in their stay. It may involve making some bedding accommodations and feeding them
meals. It is similar when you welcome Me when I knock on the door of your heart. In preparation for
My entrance, you need to tidy up your soul by going to Confession. I am in search of you purifying
your souls of your sins and changing your lives. For one who does welcome Me, I will share My
graces and Love with that soul.
Your decision to love Me will allow My rest to enter your soul and you will experience My Peace. For
those who do not answer My call, because they have no time for Me, they will be always searching for
peace, but they will not find it.
I will continue to pursue each soul, in Love, but I cannot share with you unless you open the door to
your heart.
Do not be ashamed to let Me enter and see your sinful heart, but be open to make amends with a
contrite heart."
Tuesday, April 20, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you have heard the reading of how St. Stephen was stoned to death.
Whenever a soul is martyred for My Name’s sake, all of the angels in Heaven are singing for the glory
of God in this new martyr. They greet this soul with instant sainthood for being faithful.
In the vision you are seeing these exquisite crosses, because it indicates the beautiful entrance into
Heaven for each martyr. So do not be fearful of these evil men and evil spirits. Pray for My help and I
will protect your souls through all of the Tribulation. Even if you should be martyred, I will comfort your
pain so you will not be tested beyond your endurance.
Your time here on Earth is very short. So do not be concerned to live a long life. It is your eternal
destiny that is the most important. By a prayerful life and devotion to following My Will, you will be
guided to Heaven.
ASK for My grace, and I will bring you to your glorious place in Heaven."
Jesus said: "My people, the time is ripe for the Anti-Christ to soon make his presence known. Once
exposed, he will quickly ascend to power over all of the earthly leaders. He will take control of the
United Nations and be the head of the One-World religion. Once in control, he will do away with ALL of
the world’s leaders, so he can have full control.
As head of the One-World religion, he will attempt to force everyone to take the Mark of the Beast and
have everyone worship him as a god. He will claim to be greater than Me and all of the prophets. He
will manifest miracles of demonic power.
Beware when the Anti-Christ will come to power, so that you will not be under his influence. Flee from
your cities and never take or worship the Mark of the Beast. Have NO fear, My faithful, for as the
Anti-Christ assumes full power, I WILL crush him. By My triumphant chastisement, I will cast him and
all the evil people and evil spirits into Hell, where they will be chained. I will then raise up My Faithful
Remnant and re-create the world again with no evil in My sight. You will then enjoy My Era of Peace
on Earth.
REJOICE in My glory, and be ever thankful for My saving your souls."
Wednesday, April 21, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as I told St. Peter, another will take you by the hand and restrain you, in
chains. You will be held against your will for the sake of My Name. I tell you, people of America, you
are the eagle of this vision that will be held fast as well, like prisoners. As Israel was a captive nation
during the Babylonian exile, you also will be a captive nation in payment for all of your sins and your
unforgiving spirit in the face of My Justice.
My Mercy is upon those who seek to have their sins forgiven, but My Wrath of Judgment will fall on
those who reject Me.
I have given MANY warnings to prepare your souls for the events of these last days. Soon, you will
see your captivity come about as the agents of the Anti-Christ will carry out their plans for your
capture. For those who are in hiding, My angels will watch over you and provide for your needs. For
those in captivity, you may suffer martyrdom, torture or enslavement. Pray that through this
Tribulation, you will be faithful to My Love. It is by My grace of protection that you will be saved.
Rejoice as these events come to pass, since My victory over Satan will swiftly cast him and his
cohorts into Hell in their own chains. My faithful will then witness to My glory on Earth and in Heaven."
Jesus said: "My adorers of My blessed Sacrament, I want to thank all of you for taking time to visit
Me. Many come to give adoration and praise at their appointed times and they are faithful to their
hours. I give each soul a special blessing for their intentions of praise. You have honored Me here on
Earth, but when you come to the gates of Heaven, I will honor you before My Father, and allow you to
Those who pray to Me and visit My Blessed Sacrament know My voice, and I recognize them, as well.
But those who do not pray and do not seek forgiveness, I will say to them ‘Out of My sight, you
accursed, because I know you not!.’
Continue to adore Me while you still have time. A day will be coming when the Anti-Christ will use My
places of adoration for abominations of evil sacrifice. So, enjoy your places of peace in My Real
Presence while you still have Me before you."
Thursday, April 22, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you see the bees going about their daily tasks of bringing nectar back to their
colonies for their food. They share their food in common as they fertilize the flowers and fruit trees.
You all have similar tasks as you go through your days: you go to work so you can provide the food for
your families. But when you come to share in My Eucharist of the Mass, you are sharing My Heavenly
Bread in common among all of My Mystical Body.
I am the Bread of Life by which all of you are fed spiritually with the graces of My Sacrament in Holy
Communion. As you go out into the world, you are to fertilize other souls with the knowledge of My
saving Power. Give example in living holy lives to show your love for Me and your neighbor. Bring as
many souls to Me as you can, so they can recognize My Real Presence in the breaking of the bread.
Bread is crucial food in your physical diet. My heavenly Eucharist is the spiritual bread which is food
of the soul, that keeps you fully nourished in My Peace and Love. Without coming to Me, you will die
of a spiritual famine.
So COME to your Lord and Master, so you may have life in the spirit."
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Thursday, April 22, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, this vision indicates that you are only a spark
away from a much wider conflict. As each day goes by, plans are being made to
ESCALATE the war instead of reaching a compromise. Saving face to stop this
conflict shows that pride is involved on both sides. Satan will use all means
to ignite this war into a WORLD WAR. My Prayer Warriors must step up their
efforts in praying for peace. Pray harder, while you can still mitigate the
extent of this war."
Jesus said: "My people, there are dark clouds of Judgment lying over
your country. As people protest your abortions, others are warping the laws to
their own end of persecuting these protesters. Money and a false sense of
'rights' to kill are all a part of your death culture. Your killing of My
babies has brought many chastisements on your possessions. Life is more
important than things or conveniences. Treasure the value of life more than
your earthly comforts."
Jesus said: "My people, this latest trial of killings is a further
example of the effects of your death culture on young adults. Many parents are not even aware of the effects of your evil TV programming and virtual reality computer games that are brainwashing your children with evil.
Your computer networks are now providing ways for children to make bombs and secure weapons. Your permissive society of seeking instant gratification has raised your movies and programs to a violence level that makes this latest carnage into a reality. Seek to bring My Love into your families before Satan destroys you."
Jesus said: "My people, bringing children up in your evil environment is
becoming a challenge for any parent. These new parents desire safe streets and a safe school, but this is harder to find.
Why are people intent on killing and exploiting children for sex and drugs?
Money is at the root of many of your vices.
Evil people behind the scenes continue to support a drug culture and an
abortion mentality, mostly for money. Until you cleanse your cities and towns of this evil lot, your problems will only WORSEN."
Jesus said: "My people, plans for undermining your country by attacking the family has been a goal of the communists from the beginning. A sense of victory over atheistic communism has only been a facade to hide their REAL intentions,--of destroying your country.
Love of God and love of neighbor has been turned into love of self and love of things by your advertisers. What is being taught in your schools is the reason why your country is in decadence and headed for ruin.
You are reaping the harvest of your sins and the wages of sin brings death to
the spirit.
Wake up to all of your evil ways before they consume you."
Jesus said: "My people, your news reports daily killings, while your
violent TV programming shows everyone how to kill. Is it any wonder that your children are imitating what they see? The real problem of your society starts with the evil influence of violent programs, even in your cartoons. Why are you aghast at these latest killings when children can watch this EVERY DAY?
Wake UP America, and get rid of your violent programs and movies. It would be better to turn off your TVs and stop going to movies until movie makers clean up their acts.
Get rid of your drugs and pornography and your children will have a better
environment for proper living."
Jesus said: "My people, as you are bent on spring cleaning, carry this
over to your SPIRITUAL cleaning. Many of your children are lacking love because you do not give them enough loving attention. Put aside all of your selfish interests and extra jobs, so your children can have a loving family
environment. When you have little contact with your children, you are breeding ways they will struggle to get your attention.
Prayer in the family is also important to hold your family together in love.
Without My presence among you, Satan will be causing more divorce and killings. Unless you can establish peace and love in your own families, you will not have peace in your world. Pray for each other that peace will be brought to families, nations, and the world."
Friday, April 23, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, many have difficulty in placing their full trust
in My providing you with food during the Tribulation. My angels WILL lead you to caves of protection.
Do not take food or the Mark of the Beast from the Anti-Christ and his agents. I will provide you food miraculously, as I did for the people in the Exodus. When you give your will to follow Me, I will reward your faith in ways you do not understand.
You will need My angels to protect you from the demons and for bringing you My heavenly Manna in spiritual Communion. Do not fear this time, for My help will be with you when you ask Me in prayer.
Have TRUST in Me during the coming Tribulation and I will provide you
protection, food, and water. Prepare in prayer with your sacramentals."
Jesus said: "My people, as your technology has improved, you are now
being watched by security devices wherever you go. Many of these chips can scan without usual cameras, so you do not even know you are being watched. The One-World people want to know and control all of your movements. That is why your governments are using so many cameras and satellites to watch you. Soon your travel will be more restricted and it will be more difficult to travel over national borders. Even your expressways will soon require smart cards to travel them.
As the Anti-Christ gains in power, he will promote the Mark of the Beast for
travel, food, and jobs. Everything will soon have to be purchased and sold
using smart cards and, eventually, with chips in the hand.
Go into hiding before they try to force the chip on you. Call on My help and My angels will protect you, even through the Tribulation. Have patience but a brief time before I will cleanse all the evil off the Earth. You will then be
rewarded with My Era of Peace."
Saturday, April 24, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, when you are driving around pot holes, it is not
easy to avoid all of them, especially in the dark of night. Life's troubles are
like this, as well. You do everything practical to avoid trouble, but sometimes you run into difficulties you cannot avoid. These are the times that you must call on My help when you remember to do so.
Your troubles are going to only worsen as you draw closer to the Tribulation of the Anti-Christ. In these coming difficulties, they will be beyond your
physical handling of them. It is for this reason that I have been giving you
warnings of how to prepare both spiritually and physically.
You will not be tested beyond your endurance, but you must turn to My help so I can bring you miraculous protection and provide for your needs.
The readings speak of the disciples believing that they must eat My Body and drink My Blood to be saved. Indeed, you can only have eternal life through Me. There is no other choice. Satan will sift those who do not seek My help and they will be lost.
So TRUST in My help and believe that I am your Only Savior, and you will save your souls."
Jesus said: "My people, for many years My faithful have taken up their
crosses. That is why this vision of a seashore represents the sands of time. I
call on you to make sacrifices and make visits before My Blessed Sacrament. Those who suffer a cross for Me, will have many rewards of My graces. Your life is that opportunity to reach out and save souls for Me. So continue to struggle on carrying your own cross every day, knowing that each day you suffer, it draws you one day closer to being with Me in Heaven.
You will fall and stumble many times, but pick yourself up and be persistent in your belief in Me. follow in My footsteps and the footsteps of those in history who believed in My Word and carried it out in their daily lives."
Sunday, April 25, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you how you will be greeted in
Heaven for all of those who accept Me into their hearts. All Heaven rejoices as each saint is welcomed into Heaven. Enter the narrow gate to Heaven, which means you have to be purified, to reach perfection, before you can enter.
I am the Good Shepherd Who calls My sheep home. I am the Sheepgate, through which every soul must come to receive eternal Life in Heaven. My sheep hear My voice of Love and they must decide with their free will to accept Me in both word and deed.
Satan offers you only hate and empty promises, because he DESPISES you. Seek My Love and Mercy and your soul will be fully satisfied.
Do not listen to the Evil One and the lure of only earthly things and
pleasures. Search for a higher life by following My Will in My plan for your
Monday, April 26, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as St. Peter witnessed the blessing of the Holy
Spirit on the new deacons and converts, you also are receiving the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation. Every time that you share in one of My Seven Sacraments, you are embracing the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
As you come to Mass and receive Holy Communion worthily, you are receiving Me in the Eucharist and the Trinity, as well. When you receive one of the Persons in God, you receive ALL Three Persons, because we are inseparable. That is why you should use the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are available to you in order to spread My Gospel message.
As you delight in the spirit of the Easter season, you should share your joy in
faith with all of those around you. Life is too short to not share your love
with your neighbors. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit in you empower you to
evangelize where you can witness your love to others."
Jesus said: "My people, how can you not see the ongoing holocaust in
your own hospitals? These precious little lives are being snuffed out before
they could even be born. Are you not ASHAMED of all of this killing going on in your own country? The doctors performing your abortions know fully well that they are killing babies, and they will be held responsible for the taking of these lives.
When they clean the womb, they have to account for all of the body parts, so
none are left behind. These babies are no less human at any stage from
conception. The mothers who allow their babies to be killed are responsible as well for these deaths, no matter how much they want to rationalize they are 'not human.'
Those who stand by and watch this killing going on, are ALSO responsible for allowing this to take place. My faithful need to be praying for abortions to stop, but you must be working ACTIVELY to discourage this killing. You can work to change your evil abortion laws or educate the mothers of the preciousness of life.
You are quick to protest the atrocities in Kosovo or the killings in Littleton,
Colorado, but why are you not protesting the MILLIONS of My babies being killed each year?!! Life is precious in ALL of its stages. If you cannot impress your children with the value of life, then how will you stop them from killing others in the future?
Tuesday, April 27, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, in your quest for knowledge, your scientists
have discovered the workings of the genes in a cell's DNA. But man was not
satisfied with knowing how life works. Now you are trying to IMPROVE on My plans of creation.
All of your efforts to improve a plant or a person's DNA will end in ultimate
failure, because you lack the total understanding of My plan for life. Man is
always trying to exploit nature for profit, but you ultimately end up losing
your goal. Your failures in creating antibiotics that will kill all diseases
have created monster mutants of diseases with NO CURES.
Whenever you try to manipulate My plans for life, you will continue to meet
failure. Instead of working against My plans, you should be following My Will to lead you both in physical and spiritual ways. My ways are better than your ways. It is your pride and stubbornness that bring you in conflict with My plans. This is why I have given you My Commandments to guide you on your path through life. When you conform in love of god and neighbor, you will see harmony in both your physical and spiritual lives."
Jesus said: "My people, My mother brings many souls to Me through her signs and the Rosary. Look on My Host as your Bread of Life.
As the Tribulation is coming, you must prepare for the spiritual battle between Good and Evil. Your breastplate will be your faith and your helmet will be your right reason, formed by a proper conscience.
You must build up your strength by wearing your blessed sacramentals, saying your daily prayers, and receiving Me worthily in daily Communion. I bestow My abundant graces on those following My Will and on those who receive My Sacraments. It is these graces of protection and the protection of your guardian angels that will sustain you during the Tribulation.
When the Anti-Christ assumes power and the demons are released from Hell, man will be tested by an Evil you have yet to experience. Have NO fear, since My power is greater than Satan and all of his demons.
Pray and TRUST in Me, and I will bring you safely through this trial so you may enjoy My Era of Peace on Earth."
Wednesday, April 28, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, as you read about My early Church, I want you to remember the fervor of the spirit of faith. It is this same persistence in
believing in My Word that will lead My underground Church during the coming schism. You will suffer through yet another Anti-Pope, who will be misleading the people. Once My Pope son, John Paul II is exiled, you will see Satan trying to destroy My Church.
I have told you that the gates of Hell will NOT prevail over My Church. You
have My assurance that My Remnant will remain faithful to My Word. You will have to go underground, because the public churches will be joined under a One-World religion that will be faithful only to the Anti-Christ.
As pope John Paul II leaves Rome, you will need to go into hiding from those who will try to kill anyone believing in Me. You will be fortunate to have a priest for an underground Mass. Fear not during this time, for you will know My Victory will be close at hand. If you cannot find a Mass, you can call on Me in spiritual Communion and I will have your guardian angel deliver My heavenly Host on your tongue. I will perform miracles of protection and provide for your needs.
Have faith in Me and I will protect your souls from the evil ones."
Jesus said: "My people, you need to know that Satan is behind all of the
efforts for 'zero population growth,' because he wants to DESTROY man. He tries to influence women to kill their babies in the name of women's 'rights,' and convenience. Satan has lulled many to believe that babies are '...only fetuses,' or anything but human.
In euthanasia, people are convinced to kill to stop pain or seek only a quality
of life. The truth of killing in abortion and euthanasia is never admitted by
those making money on this carnage.
Satan is also encouraging nations and ethnic groups to fight for land. Again,
money is made in weapons, as more lives are taken in these wars. Some evil men are also working on biological warfare, which can kill many innocent people through designed viruses. Even Satan-worship, evil movies, and evil computer games are influencing your children to kill each other.
Once you realize that you are in a BATTLE between Good and Evil, you can see how all of the evil forces are seeking to destroy man.
Come to Me, My faithful, with prayer and fasting to fight this spiritual battle
which has created your death culture.
I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE OF THE SOUL. Those who follow Me will be saved.
Satan is an angel of lies and death. Those who serve him will be lost in
eternal Hell-fire.
Choose to follow Me, and My Love will surround you.
Choose Satan, and only hate and misery will be your future."
Thursday, April 29, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you must have discernment of the End Times that you are in, and not always seeking signs. The only sign I gave to My people was the sign of Jonah.
My scriptures give you signs of the End days, but do not worry, since these
things will happen in My time and according to My Will.
You have seen various miracles, as well, but I only healed those who had faith and believed in My power. The miracles you SHOULD seek, are the changing of hearts through My helping your evangelization efforts. When souls renounce their earthly ways and seek the forgiveness of their sins in Confession, all Heaven rejoices over the saving of ONE soul.
Seek to spread the love of God and love of neighbor through My Gospel. This is why I told My Apostles to teach all nations about Me. It is the same desire I have for all of My faithful that they love one another.
You may be given miracles of My grace in some signs, but look to the fruit of every work, in how it brings souls to conversion."
(End of weekly messages)
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secrets to His
servants, the prophets." {Amos 37}
Thursday, April 29, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, your drought and bad weather will continue
to worsen until your crops will be endangered. You will see a
chastisement of insects that will attack your fragile crops. Pray, My
children, that you will find enough to eat during a coming world famine. I
have asked you to store one year's supply of food and water for when it
will be scarce. Pray that enough people will heed My words of warning. I
will multiply what you have, if you would just have faith in My word."
Jesus said: "My people, many will be protesting the atrocities of many
injustices. People will be frustrated with low-paying jobs and various
shortages of your necessities. These problems will worsen at the end of
the year and it may trigger the instability of many governments and
financial systems. Be prepared to endure major chaos right before the
Anti-Christ will take over."
Jesus said: "My people, in days of the past your leaders had more
integrity and feeling for the people. Today, I am missing in many of your
lives because you only give Me lip-service. The hearts of today's leaders
are very ruthless and calculating for power and control of money and
people. Your leaders are becoming more like dictators than statesmen.
Your society has bred such leaders because they are a mirror image of
your sins and your lack of belief in My Gospel. Pray for your leaders, both
the secular and the religious."
Jesus said: "My people, you have seen soup lines with the refugees
and also in your cities for the homeless and destitute. Have mercy on these
people and help them with your charity. A time is coming when you may
be in such lines at the prison camps. As you see religious persecution
increase, many of your possessions will be stripped from you. Your rights
to freedom will soon come to an end under martial law. Do not be
shocked that this will happen in 'YOUR country.' You already are close to
a police state to keep order. Pray for peace among your neighbors before
they try and kill you for the spoils of your possessions."
Jesus said: "My people, your death-culture is breeding hatred and
discontent among various classes of people. The poor will become more
demanding for their share of your current prosperity. Only the rich and
well-to- do are profiting from your mergers. Many are facing
unemployment or low paying jobs as a result. There are many signs of this
increasing violence and frustration, even among your schools. These evils
are increasing because you do not trust in MY help, but trust only in your
OWN means. Without following My Ways, you will see your country
quickly fall into ruin. Your society is declining from within as the Roman
empire did.
Change your ways before it is TOO LATE."
Jesus said: "My people, a day is coming when your own military will
be used against you to hold you in 'detention centers' that look like prison
camps. By your disrespect for life, life will not be cherished as it should.
Evil men will purge those they dislike for ANY reason. When you are
faced with the coming police state, your rights will be NON-EXISTENT
and you will be HIDING from the authorities.
Pray for strength when you will be tried during this evil battle."
Jesus said: "My people, the saint of today is St. Catherine of Sienna.
She lived in the time of several Anti-Popes, when three popes claimed the
throne of St. Peter. You are soon to see a time of schism in My Church
once AGAIN.
An Anti-Pope is coming again to replace John Paul II. Be prepared to see
this split in My Church which will place the Anti-Pope and the Anti-Christ
on one side, against My faithful and their angels on the other side.
Be strong in your faith, because you will be tested even with martyrdom
for your beliefs. I will be helping you in miraculous ways.
Do not be afraid to witness to your faith, because many will criticize you,
as they did Me."
Friday, April 30, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, I am the Truth and the Life, and the Truth will
set you free. My Light leads you down the path of life. I am guiding you at
your side every day, as I show you the road to Heaven. It is NOT
impossible to be a saint and enter Heaven. Your life is one long
opportunity to grow in your faith and learn to follow My Will. There will
be times that your earthly life may cloud your heavenly goal, but when
you keep focused on Me in Confession, I can forgive your sins. If you
imitate My life by following My Gospel, you will see your way back to
My Ways.
Many of your failures come from following your own imperfect ways,
rather than My Ways. Through daily prayer, the Sacraments and occasional
fasting, you can follow your straight and narrow path to Heaven.
Have confidence in My help and your faith will set you free of the
bondage of sin."
Saturday, May 1, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, I Love you so much that I died for the
forgiveness of your sins. You have been redeemed by My suffering on the
cross. You cannot have My Easter Resurrection unless you remember the
price I paid for you on the cross. So display My crucifix with the corpus in
your churches and in your homes, so you will never forget how much I
Love you.
The snakes all over Me represent how Satan and the demons want you to
FORGET My crucifixion and they want you to REMOVE My crucifixes
out of sight. I have given you an example in My earthly suffering that you,
too, will have to endure the trials of life. You will experience love and
joy, but you will witness hatred and sorrow, as well.
Think of your life as picking up your own cross and carrying it to Calvary.
Once you have suffered your good Friday for My Name's sake, you will be
raised up in your resurrection one day, as well. I have promised to bring
you to Heaven, if you are faithful in following My Will. I created EVERY
soul to be with Me in Heaven, so you can share in My Love. It is your
free-will choice to love Me in return.
I reach out to forgive every soul of their sins, so come and share in My
eternal Love in Heaven."
Sunday, May 2, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, this cross is bare because it awaits each of
you to pick it up and carry it through life. You have walked with Me
through the Gospels on My way to Calvary. Now, I am walking with you
on YOUR road to Heaven.
Never fear the trials of life, because I am at your side waiting for you to
call on My help. I have asked you to take My yoke upon your shoulders,
'...for My burden is light.' For those that follow My Will, you will be
blessed in many beautiful ways of the spirit. As My Apostles were
strengthened by the Holy Spirit, you too are enabled through your
confirmation in the spirit, as well.
I showed you in the vision the roof of this church, because I am depending
on My faithful to build up My Church with many conversions. It is not
enough to be thankful for your gift of faith, but you must share My
Gospel message with those around you. Every time you reach out in love
to share My word, the Holy Spirit will give you what to proclaim.
REJOICE in My Love and the fellowship of your faith with your friends
and relatives. You will one day see the beauty of sharing in the
Communion of Saints that all of My faithful can look forward to share
with Me in Heaven.
You may struggle for a short time on Earth, but My faithful will then
enjoy the infinite Love and Peace I will wrap around you in Heaven."
Monday, May 3, 1999
Jesus said: "My people of America, your cities are in the darkness of
your sins. As you read in the scriptures of the evils of the people of Noah's
day, and that of Sodom and Gomorrah, do not think you are ANY better?
A time is coming when I will rain down My Wrath of Judgment on your
land. You continue to commit sins of abortion and the sins of the flesh.
You have lost your knowledge of sinful behavior, because you see things
through the eyes of the world instead of the eyes of faith.
Many of you do not 'think' of yourself as sinners in need of repentance.
For those who are not following My Will, they will see My swift Justice
as the comet will consume them. As you saw Me cleanse the Earth of all
evil by water and fire in the past, you WILL see the Earth purified once
again. Prepare your souls in confession of your sins, so you will be like
the wise virgins, ready to receive Me.
The foolish virgins are the unfaithful who will be barred from My
Banquet, as they will wail and gnash their teeth in the eternal darkness of
Jesus said: "My people, the Holy Spirit is present wherever you
witness My Real Presence. As you recognize Me in the breaking of the
bread, your brokenness is strengthened by the grace of My Sacrament. You
are weak in your sins because of Adams's sin. Your brokenness comes
from your weakened state from the effects of Original sin.
I came to die for your sins and give you My Body and Blood to heal your
brokenness. Come and follow Me in My plan for your life and you will be
made complete. I take your broken heart of sin and mend it in Confession,
so your soul can be radiant again.
By a faithful love of Me and following My Will, I will raise up your soul
after death in a glorified body which will be devoid of your weaknesses.
You will then experience the perfection that Adam enjoyed before he fell
in sin. Once all the effects of sin are removed, you will be in full joy of
seeing Me in Heaven, with infinite Love and a Peace beyond your
Tuesday, May 4, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, many of you are spiritually blinded by the
cares and pleasures of the world. Just as you require glasses at times to
see things more clearly, you also need the eyes of faith to see spiritually,
as well.
Look beyond the earthly desires of the body and seek first those things that
will benefit your SOUL most. The world is passing away, but your soul
lives on FOREVER. When you study My scriptures and follow My Will,
you will understand how to save your soul. By loving Me and your
neighbor, you will have the foundation of how to live and please Me. Do
not let your own pride and agenda cloud your path to Heaven, but shine
My Light of grace on your path to see Me clearly.
When you view life with love, you are able to reach out and share your
time and your goods with others; when you view life selfishly, you will do
things only for yourself and you will not see to help others. That is why
your perspective of life is so important.
PRAY, My children, for discernment, so you can understand how to focus
on My Ways through the glasses of faith."
Jesus said: "My people, you have reached a new level of terrorism
when you have to be concerned about your CHILDREN carrying
weapons. How many lives are going to be lost in your schools until your
society wakes up to what your children are being exposed to? The
violence on TV and in your movies has been a plague BEYOND
pornography. Your computer age has given too much information to
those who want to destroy and kill. You have become a violent people
with homicides at a high level and many abortions every day. Wars are
ongoing in many countries at any one time. Is it any WONDER that such a
violent culture will breed children killing each other?
Turn OFF your televisions and boycott your violent movies and you will
take away the money from those perpetrating violence. Stop your wars and
killing babies and you will take the blood- money away from the arms
makers and the doctors. You need to pray much to protect your families
from being infected with your anger-driven death culture.
If you could instill a proper moral character in your children by going to
church and having a daily prayer life, you would be on your way to a more
peaceful society. You have to start with love and let love permeate
everything you do in order to eradicate the hate in many souls. Call on Me
to help spread love throughout your world and you could have a lasting
Wednesday, May 5, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, I give you a quotation from Phillipians
2:9-10. 'Therefore God also has exalted him and has bestowed upon him
the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bend of those in Heaven, on Earth, and under the Earth.' This is the
reverence I seek from you at the sound of My name. I ask you also to
kneel before My Real Presence at the Consecration of the Mass. When you
pass by My Eucharist in the tabernacle, I ask you to GENUFLECT in
giving Me praise and adoration.
I am with you at all times and I am Lord over the universe. I have given
you free will to love and adore Me. You have a choice to give Me
reverence or not, but if you love Me, you would honor My request.
As you prepare to come to Heaven, you could honor Me as the angels do,
by kneeling in prayer and adoration. When you are in Heaven, your praise
of Me will never cease. So even while you are on Earth, you can imitate
the angels. When you kneel to Me in homage, I will bless you for your
Jesus said: "My people, you have focused on your worldly things
while I am not even THOUGHT about. You have put Me our of sight at
church and out of your minds, as well. Your extended affluence has lulled
you to sleep so much that you do not even recognize how EVIL you have
become. You have all the material things that you need such that you
forget Who gave you all of your blessings to begin with. Many of you are
lukewarm or not even attending church. Wake UP, and see that your
morals have fallen apart and you are headed to ruin by your OWN hands.
NOW is the acceptable time to reform your lives and your society.
Your weather chastisements and your wars are only interrupting your
comforts and pleasures. You do not see these things as a result of your
SINS. A time is coming quickly when you will be tested by the evil of the
coming Tribulation. Those who do not seek My help will be LOST. So
prepare now with repentance and daily prayer so you will be able to
withstand the onslaught of the Anti-Christ and the demons. With My help
and that of your guardian angel, your soul will be saved."
Thursday, May 6, 1999
Jesus said: "My people, a day is coming when My Justice will be
carried out on your world for their non-compromising sins. My comet of
chastisement will be My triumph over Evil that NO ONE will be able to
defy. This event will end your Tribulation and will be the means by which
I will cleanse the Earth again of all evil spirits and evil people. I will
protect My faithful through all of this disaster. The unfaithful will suffer
dearly, as they will all be cast into Hell.
All of the warning messages I have given you are in preparation for My
glorious Coming. You must repent NOW of your sins, before My hand
falls against the evil of the Earth.
A time of Tribulation WILL come about, but My power will quickly
vanquish Satan and his demons. The evil of your world has gone
BEYOND the point of no return, as in the time of Noah. Prepare your
spiritual lives and be ready to receive Me, as I will come in triumph."
(End of weekly messages)
AFFIDAVIT May 19, 1999
The below signatories hereby swear and affirm under all force
of civil perjury under the extant laws of the State of New Jersey
and Canonical Codes of Law according to the Holy See,
Vatican City, Italy, that,
On Saturday, May 15, 1999, my wife Nancy, son Sean and
myself visited the home of Ron O'Brien at 15 Victoria Street in
Keene, New Hampshire, USA (03431). I had been informed
that God the Father had directed Mr. O'Brien to give to me one
of the miraculous Hosts, to be kept in my possession according
to my discernment, which I then obtained on this same date and
location. We stayed overnight in a nearby hotel and visited the
O'Brien home the next day, Sunday, May 16, and were in
attendance for the 3:00 pm Sunday apparition and message to
all in attendance from God the Father, then left at
approximately 4:30 pm EDST and drove approximately 320
miles to our home in Princeton, New Jersey, arriving at
approximately 10:30 pm the same date.
When we received the Host at the O'Brien home, a close
inspection revealed that this was an ordinary-appearing white,
unleavened bread-based Communion wafer, circular in shape
and approximately 2+3/4 inches in diameter. We noted that
there was a blood-colored spot on Its front epicenter in the
shape of the typical depiction of a human heart often seen on
greeting cards for St. Valentines Day, celebrated annually in the
USA on February 14. On the reverse side of the Host, a small,
round blood spot, roughly the circumference of a large pencil
lead was visible, and was slightly offset from the epicenter and
was otherwise nondescript in appearance
My wife, Nancy, taking proper care, examined both the front
and the back of the Host two days later on Tuesday, May 18,
and noted that It appeared that the spot on the back had enlarged
a bit, but wasn't quite sure. However, upon examining it on
Wednesday, May 19, we found that the front heart was still the
same in appearance, but the back side of the Host had obviously
changed. The small spot on the back side had grown to
approximately five times its original size and had formed a
Heart, which is approximately one-third the size of the Heart on
the front. The Host had been undisturbed between 5/18 and
5/19/99 and never left our custody.
There is no explanation for this growth and shape-shift into the
form of a Heart. My wife and I were both stunned at the sight of
this and reported this incident to Mr. O'Brien via computer
e-mail, who telephoned us immediately and asked that we
record the dates of this occurrence and provide a short
While skeptical third parties might opine that someone could
have stolen into our home and made this new imprint on the
reverse side of the Host, we find this a nonexistent possibility,
as we had not yet told anyone in our community that we
possessed this miraculous Host, and the pyx It was contained
within was not accessible, nor visible to anyone entering the
room in which It was reposed. There were also no signs of
entry, property missing or disturbed in our home, and
furthermore, our home had been occupied constantly during the
hours between the inspection of Tuesday, May 18 and the
inspection of Wednesday, May 19, 1999.
We thus arrived at what a just and reasonable person would
deduce,--that since the human factor involved with this
phenomena was almost non-existent, the great preponderance
of the observable parameters and evidence points most directly
to an unexplained source for this phenomena, which we
interpret to be the direct action of God, Who created all things,
among them, this wonderful proof-positive that His Son in
fully Present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the
consecrated species of the unleavened host bread, that through
Transubstantiation, which is a process dogmatically
pronounced by the Holy Catholic Church, becomes TRULY
and FULLY His Son, as much physically Present in the
Eucharist as He is in the Kingdom of Heaven.
We, the below, swear that the aforementioned is true and
correct to the very best of our knowledge and observation,
Signed, under seal,
Joseph Hunt
Nancy Hunt
(street address withheld)
Mercer County
New Jersey 08540
[email protected]
May 19, 1999 A.D.
Thursday, May 13, 1999: (Ascension Thursday)
Prayer group:
Jesus said: "My people, you should be aware of Satan's
attacks on My churches, your families and your leaders. First of
all, Satan is a REAL fallen angel. And he IS encouraging sin in
the world.
This is an EVIL age, and it very well fits the description of
Noah's day in the End Times. People have lost their sense of sin
and there is not enough love in your world both for Me and
your neighbor. Because of this evil world, you need My help
more than ever. Come to Me in prayer and Confession and I
will direct you on your way to Heaven."
Jesus said: "My children, I have given you many messages
concerning the storage of one year's supply of food and water.
Many have criticized this message, but these people do not
understand that this warning is to allow you time to
PREPARE. When the famine and the control of your food
limits your access to food, how are you going to answer your
starving children?
I have not given this message to be popular or to ease those
seeking to be politically-appeasing to the people. This is a
DIFFICULT message, but one you need to be forewarned so
you can help your relatives and your neighbors."
Jesus said: "My people, you are naively discussing the
‘causes' of your recent school killings. You claim there should
be a free ‘right,' of speech, to have pornography in public, but
you are AGHAST at your many raped women.
Your violent movies and computer games will continue to be
sold by those making money with no concern for the effects on
the children's minds. You have many causes of this violence in
children, but it starts with the LACK OF LOVE AND POOR
If you spent time showing concern for your children and taught
them how to PRAY in the family, your violent children would
be very few."
Jesus said: "My people, you parents have the most
influence in how your children are raised. Lead them to ME,
through love. If your children only see you in angry reprimands,
they will not know your love. Hold them and show them that
you CARE about their lives. I have given you examples in the
lives of the Holy Family. Imitate Us in your families, and you
will have a peace that other families do not have when I am not
Jesus said: "My people, in order to have more harmony and
love in your families, you need to involve every member in
your activities. When you pray together and play together, you
are giving good example for how your children will bring up
their own families. If you have division when each does their
own activity, how can you have unity and avoid divorce? Work
together as a team, with a proper balance of love of Me and
each other, and you will have a lasting family life."
Jesus said: "My people, if you are looking for cities and
towns without killings and drugs, you need to examine the
health of your families. You have many broken homes with
divorce, many couples living together, and some homosexual
‘marriages.' Is there any WONDER why your society is in the
shape it is?
Live according to My COMMANDMENTS and not in adultery,
fornication, or homosexual sins. Then your cities will cleanse
themselves of the evil influence of your sins and you will have
examples for your children to follow."
Jesus said: "My people, when you replace love in your
families with hate and extend this to your ethnic groups and
nations, wars WILL result. Wars are the symptoms of the hate
and sins in your world. You need to spread My message of
Love in the Gospel to all the nations if you expect to have
peace in your world.
You are in the midst of a battle of Good and Evil. Do
everything in your power through prayer to bring love of God
and neighbor to those around you. If each family contributed
their love to the world, you would not have these wars."
Friday, May 14, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I have asked you to prepare both
physically and spiritually for the coming Tribulation. While you
have been getting your mind around to these coming events, the
Anti-Christ and his agents have been making their own
preparations, as well. This light is to indicate how soon he is
ready to assume power and how he will use all of your
technology for his advantage.
You will see a man of lies and charisma try to win over people
to his thinking, as a ‘man of peace.' He will have DEMONIC
powers in using miracles and illusions to persuade people that
he is the Christ and even greater. Do NOT believe in anyone
claiming to be Me, for I will come in glory on the clouds and
no one will be able to deny My day of Triumph.
Call on Me in prayer and fasting, for you will need My help and
that of your guardian angel. Do not be fearful of what is to
come, but have faith that My power is greater than the
Anti-Christ. I am permitting this test of your faith, BUT YOU
am speaking of this trial so you will know of its coming, but be
assured of My miraculous intervention.
I will provide My faithful with ALL that you will need. I will
even shorten the time of your trial for the sake of My Elect.
Stay close to Me in prayer and keep your hearts united with My
Love. In all that you will face, continue to TRUST in My
Name, even if it may require your life in martyrdom."
Jesus said: "My people, in your modern days, you still have
some that are giving homage to pagan gods. This goddess to
fertility refers both to crops and having children. Even though
some believe in a higher force, they still do not WANT to
believe in the One, True God; those of the New Age movement
believe in the ‘gods of nature,' of the Earth. This same group is
promoting a One-World religion that will be supported by the
United Nations and soon, by the Anti-Christ.
I have come in person to reveal to you what the Father has
given me. I am TRUE Love, and it is by My authority that all
Creation obeys Me, even as I calmed the storm. It is the
CREATOR that you should worship and not the ATTRIBUTES
of Creation.
I AM YOUR GOD, and believe in Me ONLY.
Do not follow anyone who claims to be Me, or a ruler of this
The Anti-Christ and Satan are conspiring to mislead you with
their lies and ‘miracles.' Follow only Me and you will be saved
through My power.
When they come to force their Mark of the Beast on you,
REFUSE any of their goods and jobs and REFUSE to worship
the Beast or take his mark. Love Me only and I will provide for
your needs.
Be forewarned of this evil Tribulation that will test your faith.
With Me at your side, you will have NOTHING to fear."
Saturday, May 15, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, beware of the false christs and
those worshiping alien gods in these End Days. Some will even
come in My Name and try to have you worship them or ‘gods
of the Earth.' No matter how attractive their words are or how
many ‘miracles' they will perform, believe in Me ONLY.
There will be MANY promoting a One-World religion that will
be worshiping the ‘gods of the Earth.' You have Me as the
Creator and I ALONE should you worship.
Stay faithful to following My Commandments and follow My
Pope son, John Paul II. I Love you very much and I do not want
to see ANY of My faithful misled by these false teachers.
Follow your prayer life and the Sacraments for as long as you
have faithful priests. There will come a time when you will no
longer have Mass available. Then you will rely on your prayer
groups and spiritual Communion.
Keep close to Me at all times and you WILL be protected."
Sunday, May 16, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I welcome everyone from all walks
of life to come forward in faith to be a part of My Mystical
Body. When you all receive Me in Holy Communion, you are
joined as one in My Body and Blood.
Give Me thanks and praise for all that I have done for each of
you. I have given you a gift of life, a gift of faith, and a sharing
in My death and Resurrection. As you look on the cross where I
died, this is the most precious gift, of My life, that I have given
up for you and your sins. All that you are and all that you have
are gifts to you for your faithfulness. Do not be prideful in your
own deeds and accomplishments, for I have given you the
abilities and the resources for what you have done.
Giving Me thanks in Holy Communion is an acknowledgment
of My graces and an understanding of your place in Creation.
You have free will and it is your choice to Love Me and follow
My Will. Those who follow My path to Heaven rejoice to be a
part of My Mystical Body and do everything to show their love
for Me.
I bless all of you for listening to My Word and carrying out My
plan for your life."
Monday, May 17, 1999: (Funeral Mass for Pat Flood, John
Leary's uncle)
Jesus said: "My dear friends, in this vision I am showing
you how Patrick was greeted by his wife, who has been waiting
for him. He has had a full and blessed life for the joy and love
that he has brought to all those whom he knew. Take a moment
to dwell on how he has touched each of your lives.
Now the two of them are joined once again, as indicated in the
unity-candle in the vision. They will be praying for all of their
family members as you remember each of them this day. They
are beautiful examples in life for you to follow. Continue to
walk on your own road to Calvary with your heads lifted high
in love and not in sorrow."
Jesus said: "My people, I have shown you how quickly your
life can be taken by a sudden car accident or a violent weather
storm. It is possible some souls could be lost to the Evil One if
they were caught unaware of their immediate death. That is why
it is so important to ALWAYS have your souls in the state of
sanctifying grace. If you should fall into serious sin, waste NO
time in getting to Confession. Be in constant preparation to
receive Me, because you "...know not the hour...," I will call
you home.
THE TRIBULATION. When you are in constant prayer adoring
Me and giving Me thanks, you will be preparing yourself for
Heaven. The angels sing their endless praise and thanksgiving to
My glory. By being ready to receive Me at any time, you would
be ready to die, even if you should die suddenly."
Tuesday, May 18, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, your souls are like priceless gems
beyond any earthly value. You cannot be replaced for ANY
amount of money. That is why each soul is so precious to Me
and should be precious to you. Life is a gift that you have only
one opportunity to accept. It does not matter whether you are a
king or the lowliest servant, you are EQUALLY important in
My eyes.
Because your life is irreplaceable, that is why any taking of life
is the WORST sin you could commit against My
Commandments. Why has your society put a cheap price on
life? If an infant is ‘inconvenient' to you, your laws allow you
to abort a pregnancy in killing your baby. You are even trying
to kill anyone in pain through ‘euthanasia.' When life is so
cheapened, even killing in war is made ‘accidental.'
If you thought life is as precious as I do, you would do
everything possible to preserve life in ALL of its stages. If you
all loved one another as you should, you would not even
contemplate wars for ‘things' or control.
SHARE this Love I have with all people, so they may come to
know the true value and preciousness of each life. Pray to stop
your killing in abortions, wars, or murders. If you do not
change your ways, you may threaten man's very survival."
Jesus said: "My people of America, you will continue to
see violent storms and disasters all over your land. You are
NOT heeding My warnings to repent of your sins and change
your ways. Because you are not listening to My pleas, you will
CONTINUE to be stripped of your possessions.
You work many hours to try and gain the pleasures of life, but
your desires are being frustrated by the destruction before you.
Because both parents are working, your children are not getting
enough of your attention. It is important for mothers to take
care of their preschoolers at home. The few extra things you
work for are NOT worth the love you can give your children by
your presence.
It is because your children do not see you, that they look for
attention in other ways. That is why many parents do not know
what their children are doing. The wayward children of your
evil age are being too influenced by Satan's working on their
minds through TV and other violent distractions. Be involved
with your children's spiritual and secular training or your
children will grow up as strangers in your midst.
PRAY for the children and the parents, so your families will be
united with My Love. Without Me in your lives, many families
will become divided."
Wednesday, May 19, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, do not aspire to fame and fortune
in this life. It is only by pride and greed for wealth that many
seek positions of authority and the possession of earthly things.
Instead of the low-road of earthly desires, seek the high-road of
heavenly treasures. When you share your time and wealth with
others, you are giving back your due in thanksgiving for My
many blessings upon you. Keep your gaze fixed on following
My example, and you will be following My Will.
Those who follow their own agenda and satisfy their earthly
pleasures will get caught up in the snares of the Evil One. By
following My Commandments and restraining your desires
through self control, you will be on the right road to following
My Plan for your life.
When you give in to following My Will, you will see Love
leading you to helping others and less concern for any of your
selfish desires."
Jesus said: "My people, when I came upon the Earth, I
turned the thinking at that time upside-down. Some were
forcing others to obey the LETTER of the Law, while I was
encouraging My faithful to follow the SPIRIT of the Law. I
came to fulfill all of the scriptures that spoke of a Redeemer
and a Messiah:
I spoke of a NEW Commandment, of Love, yet it was the same
Love that inspired Moses and My disciples.
I spoke of forgiving your neighbor seventy-times seven times.
I spoke of loving your enemies and turning your cheek again
after being struck.
I spoke in the beatitudes of how to live your life of prayer.
These were difficult messages in My day, but no more difficult
than in your own day. Your world is in an evil age and
preaching repentance of your sins is still falling on deaf ears.
Reach out as I did in My day, to save as many souls as you can.
Many converted on hearing My words.
So, I am asking your prayers through the Holy Spirit to touch
those hearts willing to listen to My words. My call of Love
goes out to all the nations to stop their evil ways and follow
My path to Heaven."
Thursday, May 20, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you are seeing in this life raft how
important this could be to save yourself from a sinking ship. In
the physical world, you understand the threat to your life from
drowning in the ocean. In your spiritual life you should be
more aware of how dangerous it is to be drowning in your
Sin can be a gradual thing that you do not even recognize when
your spiritual life is endangered. If you take time each night to
evaluate your day's actions, you can see for yourself if you are
falling into deeper sins. When you are overwhelmed by
temptations and your sinful habits, reach out for My help in
prayer and confess your sins to the priest. Think of My graces
and blessings as a spiritual life raft to keep you from drowning
in your sins.
Your spiritual life is MUCH more important than your physical
life. You should be paying attention to sins that threaten your
spiritual life, so you can avoid them and save your soul.
Reach out to your neighbors, as well, to help them with My
spiritual rafts of protection. Let Me rescue you in your need
and I will guide you on your voyage to Heaven."
(End of weekly messages)
Thursday, May 6, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, many of My crucifixes have been taken down
or have never even been put up in your churches or homes. I have stressed
to you before about the importance of My crucifix being displayed. You
have in that moment on the cross the ultimate expression of divine Love
for man. This is your sign of Redemption. It is also a sign of suffering
all Christians should be willing to endure for My Name's sake. I have
shown you My Love; can you give Me your love in return?
Jesus said: "My people, you are honoring your mothers this week for
all they do for the family. The mother is the heart and focal point of your
families. Pray for them and thank them that you were not aborted. Other
mothers who aborted their children will never see them again in this life.
Pray also to your heavenly mother Mary for all of her intentions, in this
month of May that honors her."
Jesus said: "My people, you have been fortunate in America to have
all the food you need. Many have even grown overweight because of your
excesses and poor diets. Think of those who do not even have enough to
eat and go starving EVERY NIGHT. Have pity on those in need of food
and help them with your time and your money. At your Judgment, feeding
the hungry will be one of your tests. If you feed the poor, you are feeding
Me, in them."
Jesus said: "My people, why do you persist in your incessant wars?
Destruction is the only result from war. Killing and bombing makes no
sense in a Christian life. Peace comes from compromising peacemakers
and prayer. Gaining your own selfish objectives should not be reason for
your wars. You should struggle to live peaceably with your neighbor,
instead of forcing him to live by your ideas. You keep repeating history in
your wars of futility. Learn to love your neighbor, and war will not be an
Jesus said: "My people, reach out in friendship to your neighbors by
sharing what you have with others. Be willing to open your home to
someone in need. In other words, help your neighbor as you would expect
them to help YOU. Reach out to your friends in sharing your spiritual
bounty, as well. Encourage your friends to see My Love and welcome
them into the faith. You will be Judged also on how you reached out to
save souls."
Jesus said: "My people, you have seen much loss of life and homes
destroyed in your latest weather-testing. Even some are starting to
question if God is causing these storms as a chastisement. The deeper
connection between your sins and these storms would be closer to the
truth, but many people do not WANT to believe they are sinners. Instead,
you rationalize your sins as some other cause than yourselves.
Wake UP to the truth of your actions, and seek to REPENT of your sins.
You have a lifetime to perfect your spiritual lives. Use your time wisely,
for your soul's benefit, because your time is running out."
Jesus said: "My people, you need to live simpler lives without all of
your rich furnishings. You can lead simple lives if you choose. Instead of
buying only the best and keeping up with your neighbor, you should be
working on gaining HEAVENLY riches. You can do this with acts of
charity and corporeal works of Mercy, WITHOUT BEING ASKED.
Live to please Me in following My Will, and you will have more than
enough to do.
Be grateful for what little you have, instead of seeking to pile up elusive
Friday, May 7, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you will be happy to have ANY canned food
available when your famine and computer problems begin. You are
comfortable now and many are unaware how quickly things are going to
change. You cannot imagine how chaotic people will get when their food
supplies are threatened. That is why I have been encouraging you to make
an attempt to store one year's supply of food and water.
I WILL multiply food for My faithful, so do not worry about sharing with
others. The more people prepare now, the easier your transition will be to
your lack of power and transportation.
Many have their heads buried in the sand of only today's worries. HEED
MY WARNINGS, for if you doubt them,--you WILL be in deep need.
Think of the starving refugees and how you would have to deal with no
more food at the stores. I am giving you the grace to be forewarned about
these events. Pray for discernment in what you should do."
Jesus said: "My people, your leaders are proud and enjoying the power
they command. They all are joined in trying to control the world by their
commands. They will be double-crossed by the Anti-Christ, who will
subtly usurp their power and dispose of them in his lies. That is why these
seats of power will be empty, as the Anti-Christ will appoint his own
heads of state.
Even as the Anti-Christ comes to full power over the Earth, his reign will
be brief, also. My Triumph will come quickly to cast all of the evil spirits
and evil people into Hell. Those that think they will have it easy by taking
the Mark of the Beast will suffer the MOST on Earth and in Hell. You
will then see even the throne of the Anti-Christ empty as he will have to
give in to My power. I am allowing this Tribulation as a test of your faith.
Those who seek My help and believe in My Name, will see My glory in
Heaven AND on Earth.
Do not seek fame and power in this world, since it lasts but a moment in
time. Seek heavenly things, which are everlasting."
Saturday, May 8, 1999:
Jesus said directly to John Leary: "My son, you have been reading in
the scriptures of St. Paul's many travels in his missionary work. He was
limited in some of his preaching by persecutions in many places that did
not want to hear My Name. You, yourself, will gradually be limited in
your travels by increasing persecution, as well. The more you proclaim
My Word and save souls in My Name, the more they will persecute you.
All of your suffering of criticism will be the price of the souls saved.
You have realized this price of souls in many of your trials. I am warning
you now that this persecution will increase until it will be difficult to
travel anywhere. As your world grows more evil in its ways, the people's
hearts will become so hardened that they will REFUSE to listen to My
Word or anyone proclaiming My Word.
As you approach the end of this year, travel itself will become more
difficult, both in the air and on the ground. Your world will be visited by
disaster in your computer problems. This will be the fulfillment of how
your technology will bring about your own destruction. It is appropriate
that man's pride will be humbled by his own imperfections.
Your way of life WILL change dramatically, and it will open you to the
opportunity of the Anti- Christ's takeover."
Jesus said: "My people, many of you were baptized as infants when
you were brought into My Church. It was your parents and godparents
who spoke up for you in making your vows to be faithful in obeying My
Commandments and renouncing Satan. It is up to you parents to see to the
religious education of each child by bringing each child to Sunday Mass
and teaching them the truths of the Faith. Your responsibility does not end
after their school years; you should encourage your children to follow
their Faith even during their adult years by your example and gentle
The children are responsible for their souls as they come of age, but they
still may wander away without any guidance. There are many worldly
distractions, but each soul will still have to answer for their life's
at the Judgment.
You mothers are being honored this week for bringing your children
INTO the world. See that you do everything in your power to save your
children's souls before they LEAVE this world."
Sunday, May 9, 1999: (Mother's Day)
Mary said: "My dear children, today is a fitting day for mothers to
love their children, and for the children to thank their mothers for the
of life. I come today, as well, to pour out my love on all of my children. I
bring you my Mantle of Protection, as my Son and I will not leave you
Many times, my Son told you to have no fear, as he greeted his Apostles
with: ‘Peace be with you.' Call on my intercession and my Son's graces
will see you through your everyday trials.
Be joyful that you have such heavenly guardians as Jesus and myself.
When you pray my Rosary, think of all the people of the world that I
desire to watch over.
I love you, my children, and I want you to love each other."
Monday, May 10, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, no matter how confident you become in your
modern technology, your knowledge will never come close to complete.
Your computers will take you only so far, but these are still only worldly
distractions from your REAL purpose on Earth. There has been no change
over history in the REAL confrontation of concern: over saving your
The battle of Good and Evil has gone on for years, and still you are
dealing with the same adversary, in Satan. I have been here to save you and
help you, if you would only listen to MY Ways instead of your own. If
you do not follow My Will, you will continue to repeat the history of your
My place is in every one of your lives. It is up to you to recognize what
happens when you take Me out of your sight. When you let Me run your
lives, everything else will fall into place.
Seek My Love and the forgiveness of your sins and you will save your
soul. Your eternal salvation is the ONLY thing of importance here."
Jesus said: "My people, as you live and breathe each day, all Heaven
watching your every move. Every soul is in the spotlight of life. You are
scrutinized by Me, the angels and the saints. That is why it is so important
for each of you to live your faith and give good example to all of those
around you. In addition to Heaven watching you, all of humanity is
watching your every move and listening to your every word. You can be a
good example, or a bad example, by your actions. So be a positive
influence on others and seek to follow My Commandments, if you are to
be saved.
Make My Laws and My life's example a part of your life by taking them to
heart. You will have failures because of your sinful nature, but seek My
forgiveness of your sins in Confession so you can refocus your path to
I Love all of you so much and I want you to live in My divine Will. Pray
and struggle to give witness to Me in all that you do on Earth. Other souls
will recognize your love for Me and they will want to share in your fervor
of faith. Be leaders in following Me, and by your good example you will
lead souls to Me.
You are in a great harvest of souls in an evil age. Do not give in to the
comforts of the world, but walk PROUD in your faith, giving constant
witness to My Love before all those on Earth and in Heaven."
Tuesday, May 11, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, with all of your recent violence using
handguns, you are seeking to restrict them. Most uses of your handguns
are for killing people. The same can be said for making nuclear bombs,
only they are meant to kill MILLIONS of people. As you discuss the
divulging of this secret information on making warheads, consider more
the spread of these devices around the WORLD.
You are in armed camps with a potential war possible that could destroy
ALL of mankind from the fallout of many bombs. With more countries
possessing such weapons, why do you not take this threat more
SERIOUSLY? Many times prayers for peace have been requested,
especially to stop the use of such mass-destruction weapons. You have
lived in the shadow of an atomic war for years, but you have become
apathetic to such a possibility since ‘ has not happened.'
Remember that as Satan's time is running out, he will try to inspire the
MOST killing of man that he can. So pray much to stop the use of these
atomic weapons which threaten your survival more than EVER.
Understand the real threat of evil people holding their fingers on this
nuclear trigger
Do not forget to pray for this intention EVERY DAY."
Jesus said: "My people, many of you are comfortable in your homes
and are not concerned over possible shortages or the coming Tribulation.
Just as people are comfortable in this room, when the alarms sound it will
be difficult to exit this room in a time of trouble.
You will see a coming time of trials as early as the end of this year. While
some are preparing for power outages, others are not heeding ANY of the
warnings of this time. You will need spiritual preparation for the coming
trials, because basic instincts may drive people to irrational behavior. You
need to be loving and not selfish, even in a time of need.
Your preparations of prayer and material things will even help your
desperate neighbors. The most important of all of your preparations is to
KEEP YOUR TRUST IN ME, no matter what you will be faced with. Do
NOT rely on weapons, because THOSE WHO USE THEM, WILL DIE
When you pour out love on someone in need, they will be more at ease
and not in a panic. Encourage My children in their yearly preparations, so
they will not be found wanting. You have been given ample time to
prepare for this coming trial, so move forward in your preparations."
Wednesday, May 12, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, when you look on your spiritual path to
Heaven, you should think of it as this train moving forward. Your
spiritual life cannot be stagnant in one spot. It must be vibrant and
improving every day. Check your progress each day to see if you are
gaining or losing. Build on your previous failures by correcting them and
strive to keep from falling back into your old habits of the flesh. The more
you work on improving your spiritual life, the closer you will come to Me
in love. Look to My life for a goal to imitate. Seek to gain in heavenly
riches by your kind deeds and gifts to your neighbor. Do not be selfish, but
share what you have with others. In all that you do, let yourself be led by
love of God and love of neighbor."
Jesus said: "My people, many of your old devices may be more useful
to you when you will be concerned about power outages. People in days
gone by had many ways to get by without all of your modern day reliance
on electricity. You may be forced to use your old devices for heat and
light. I have warned you before in messages how your standard of living
would be reduced to a more primitive way of life because of the failure of
your technology. You WILL be humbled by your computer problems and
your creature-comforts WILL be stripped from you.
Prepare now to do with less, and build up your spiritual stamina for when
you will be tested by Satan and his demons.
Call on My help to get you through these earthly trials so you can enjoy
the heavenly Peace of My Era of Peace."
Thursday, May 13, 1999: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: "My people, as I left My disciples, I encouraged them to
wait until they received power from the Holy Spirit. They were saddened
that I was leaving, but they could not be empowered by the Holy Spirit
until I left. As I taught My disciples to go out and preach My Gospel to all
of the nations, I give that same command to all of My faithful. You, also,
have been empowered by the Holy Spirit through your Baptism and
To do My work of evangelization, you must constantly protect your prayer
life with prayer and fasting. It is from My strength and that of the Holy
Spirit that We may speak through you and give you what to say.
All the blessings and graces that go out to convert souls come through
you, My instruments. It is proper to give thanks and praise to God for even
ONE person who converts their life to following Me. I have told you
many times how Heaven rejoices over the saving of even ONE soul.
Rejoice in the gift of faith that each of you have received, and continue to
nurture and sustain your love for Me."
(End of weekly messages)
Thursday, May 13, 1999: (Ascension Thursday)
Prayer group:
Jesus said: "My people, you should be aware of Satan's
attacks on My churches, your families and your leaders. First of
all, Satan is a REAL fallen angel. And he IS encouraging sin in
the world.
This is an EVIL age, and it very well fits the description of
Noah's day in the End Times. People have lost their sense of sin
and there is not enough love in your world both for Me and
your neighbor. Because of this evil world, you need My help
more than ever. Come to Me in prayer and Confession and I
will direct you on your way to Heaven."
Jesus said: "My children, I have given you many messages
concerning the storage of one year's supply of food and water.
Many have criticized this message, but these people do not
understand that this warning is to allow you time to
PREPARE. When the famine and the control of your food
limits your access to food, how are you going to answer your
starving children?
I have not given this message to be popular or to ease those
seeking to be politically-appeasing to the people. This is a
DIFFICULT message, but one you need to be forewarned so
you can help your relatives and your neighbors."
Jesus said: "My people, you are naively discussing the
‘causes' of your recent school killings. You claim there should
be a free ‘right,' of speech, to have pornography in public, but
you are AGHAST at your many raped women.
Your violent movies and computer games will continue to be
sold by those making money with no concern for the effects on
the children's minds. You have many causes of this violence in
children, but it starts with the LACK OF LOVE AND POOR
If you spent time showing concern for your children and taught
them how to PRAY in the family, your violent children would
be very few."
Jesus said: "My people, you parents have the most
influence in how your children are raised. Lead them to ME,
through love. If your children only see you in angry reprimands,
they will not know your love. Hold them and show them that
you CARE about their lives. I have given you examples in the
lives of the Holy Family. Imitate Us in your families, and you
will have a peace that other families do not have when I am not
Jesus said: "My people, in order to have more harmony and
love in your families, you need to involve every member in
your activities. When you pray together and play together, you
are giving good example for how your children will bring up
their own families. If you have division when each does their
own activity, how can you have unity and avoid divorce? Work
together as a team, with a proper balance of love of Me and
each other, and you will have a lasting family life."
Jesus said: "My people, if you are looking for cities and
towns without killings and drugs, you need to examine the
health of your families. You have many broken homes with
divorce, many couples living together, and some homosexual
‘marriages.' Is there any WONDER why your society is in the
shape it is?
Live according to My COMMANDMENTS and not in adultery,
fornication, or homosexual sins. Then your cities will cleanse
themselves of the evil influence of your sins and you will have
examples for your children to follow."
Jesus said: "My people, when you replace love in your
families with hate and extend this to your ethnic groups and
nations, wars WILL result. Wars are the symptoms of the hate
and sins in your world. You need to spread My message of
Love in the Gospel to all the nations if you expect to have
peace in your world.
You are in the midst of a battle of Good and Evil. Do
everything in your power through prayer to bring love of God
and neighbor to those around you. If each family contributed
their love to the world, you would not have these wars."
Friday, May 14, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I have asked you to prepare both
physically and spiritually for the coming Tribulation. While you
have been getting your mind around to these coming events, the
Anti-Christ and his agents have been making their own
preparations, as well. This light is to indicate how soon he is
ready to assume power and how he will use all of your
technology for his advantage.
You will see a man of lies and charisma try to win over people
to his thinking, as a ‘man of peace.' He will have DEMONIC
powers in using miracles and illusions to persuade people that
he is the Christ and even greater. Do NOT believe in anyone
claiming to be Me, for I will come in glory on the clouds and
no one will be able to deny My day of Triumph.
Call on Me in prayer and fasting, for you will need My help and
that of your guardian angel. Do not be fearful of what is to
come, but have faith that My power is greater than the
Anti-Christ. I am permitting this test of your faith, BUT YOU
am speaking of this trial so you will know of its coming, but be
assured of My miraculous intervention.
I will provide My faithful with ALL that you will need. I will
even shorten the time of your trial for the sake of My Elect.
Stay close to Me in prayer and keep your hearts united with My
Love. In all that you will face, continue to TRUST in My
Name, even if it may require your life in martyrdom."
Jesus said: "My people, in your modern days, you still have
some that are giving homage to pagan gods. This goddess to
fertility refers both to crops and having children. Even though
some believe in a higher force, they still do not WANT to
believe in the One, True God; those of the New Age movement
believe in the ‘gods of nature,' of the Earth. This same group is
promoting a One-World religion that will be supported by the
United Nations and soon, by the Anti-Christ.
I have come in person to reveal to you what the Father has
given me. I am TRUE Love, and it is by My authority that all
Creation obeys Me, even as I calmed the storm. It is the
CREATOR that you should worship and not the ATTRIBUTES
of Creation.
I AM YOUR GOD, and believe in Me ONLY.
Do not follow anyone who claims to be Me, or a ruler of this
The Anti-Christ and Satan are conspiring to mislead you with
their lies and ‘miracles.' Follow only Me and you will be saved
through My power.
When they come to force their Mark of the Beast on you,
REFUSE any of their goods and jobs and REFUSE to worship
the Beast or take his mark. Love Me only and I will provide for
your needs.
Be forewarned of this evil Tribulation that will test your faith.
With Me at your side, you will have NOTHING to fear."
Saturday, May 15, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, beware of the false christs and
those worshiping alien gods in these End Days. Some will even
come in My Name and try to have you worship them or ‘gods
of the Earth.' No matter how attractive their words are or how
many ‘miracles' they will perform, believe in Me ONLY.
There will be MANY promoting a One-World religion that will
be worshiping the ‘gods of the Earth.' You have Me as the
Creator and I ALONE should you worship.
Stay faithful to following My Commandments and follow My
Pope son, John Paul II. I Love you very much and I do not want
to see ANY of My faithful misled by these false teachers.
Follow your prayer life and the Sacraments for as long as you
have faithful priests. There will come a time when you will no
longer have Mass available. Then you will rely on your prayer
groups and spiritual Communion.
Keep close to Me at all times and you WILL be protected."
Sunday, May 16, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I welcome everyone from all walks
of life to come forward in faith to be a part of My Mystical
Body. When you all receive Me in Holy Communion, you are
joined as one in My Body and Blood.
Give Me thanks and praise for all that I have done for each of
you. I have given you a gift of life, a gift of faith, and a sharing
in My death and Resurrection. As you look on the cross where I
died, this is the most precious gift, of My life, that I have given
up for you and your sins. All that you are and all that you have
are gifts to you for your faithfulness. Do not be prideful in your
own deeds and accomplishments, for I have given you the
abilities and the resources for what you have done.
Giving Me thanks in Holy Communion is an acknowledgment
of My graces and an understanding of your place in Creation.
You have free will and it is your choice to Love Me and follow
My Will. Those who follow My path to Heaven rejoice to be a
part of My Mystical Body and do everything to show their love
for Me.
I bless all of you for listening to My Word and carrying out My
plan for your life."
Monday, May 17, 1999: (Funeral Mass for Pat Flood, John
Leary's uncle)
Jesus said: "My dear friends, in this vision I am showing
you how Patrick was greeted by his wife, who has been waiting
for him. He has had a full and blessed life for the joy and love
that he has brought to all those whom he knew. Take a moment
to dwell on how he has touched each of your lives.
Now the two of them are joined once again, as indicated in the
unity-candle in the vision. They will be praying for all of their
family members as you remember each of them this day. They
are beautiful examples in life for you to follow. Continue to
walk on your own road to Calvary with your heads lifted high
in love and not in sorrow."
Jesus said: "My people, I have shown you how quickly your
life can be taken by a sudden car accident or a violent weather
storm. It is possible some souls could be lost to the Evil One if
they were caught unaware of their immediate death. That is why
it is so important to ALWAYS have your souls in the state of
sanctifying grace. If you should fall into serious sin, waste NO
time in getting to Confession. Be in constant preparation to
receive Me, because you "...know not the hour...," I will call
you home.
THE TRIBULATION. When you are in constant prayer adoring
Me and giving Me thanks, you will be preparing yourself for
Heaven. The angels sing their endless praise and thanksgiving to
My glory. By being ready to receive Me at any time, you would
be ready to die, even if you should die suddenly."
Tuesday, May 18, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, your souls are like priceless gems
beyond any earthly value. You cannot be replaced for ANY
amount of money. That is why each soul is so precious to Me
and should be precious to you. Life is a gift that you have only
one opportunity to accept. It does not matter whether you are a
king or the lowliest servant, you are EQUALLY important in
My eyes.
Because your life is irreplaceable, that is why any taking of life
is the WORST sin you could commit against My
Commandments. Why has your society put a cheap price on
life? If an infant is ‘inconvenient' to you, your laws allow you
to abort a pregnancy in killing your baby. You are even trying
to kill anyone in pain through ‘euthanasia.' When life is so
cheapened, even killing in war is made ‘accidental.'
If you thought life is as precious as I do, you would do
everything possible to preserve life in ALL of its stages. If you
all loved one another as you should, you would not even
contemplate wars for ‘things' or control.
SHARE this Love I have with all people, so they may come to
know the true value and preciousness of each life. Pray to stop
your killing in abortions, wars, or murders. If you do not
change your ways, you may threaten man's very survival."
Jesus said: "My people of America, you will continue to
see violent storms and disasters all over your land. You are
NOT heeding My warnings to repent of your sins and change
your ways. Because you are not listening to My pleas, you will
CONTINUE to be stripped of your possessions.
You work many hours to try and gain the pleasures of life, but
your desires are being frustrated by the destruction before you.
Because both parents are working, your children are not getting
enough of your attention. It is important for mothers to take
care of their preschoolers at home. The few extra things you
work for are NOT worth the love you can give your children by
your presence.
It is because your children do not see you, that they look for
attention in other ways. That is why many parents do not know
what their children are doing. The wayward children of your
evil age are being too influenced by Satan's working on their
minds through TV and other violent distractions. Be involved
with your children's spiritual and secular training or your
children will grow up as strangers in your midst.
PRAY for the children and the parents, so your families will be
united with My Love. Without Me in your lives, many families
will become divided."
Wednesday, May 19, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, do not aspire to fame and fortune
in this life. It is only by pride and greed for wealth that many
seek positions of authority and the possession of earthly things.
Instead of the low-road of earthly desires, seek the high-road of
heavenly treasures. When you share your time and wealth with
others, you are giving back your due in thanksgiving for My
many blessings upon you. Keep your gaze fixed on following
My example, and you will be following My Will.
Those who follow their own agenda and satisfy their earthly
pleasures will get caught up in the snares of the Evil One. By
following My Commandments and restraining your desires
through self control, you will be on the right road to following
My Plan for your life.
When you give in to following My Will, you will see Love
leading you to helping others and less concern for any of your
selfish desires."
Jesus said: "My people, when I came upon the Earth, I
turned the thinking at that time upside-down. Some were
forcing others to obey the LETTER of the Law, while I was
encouraging My faithful to follow the SPIRIT of the Law. I
came to fulfill all of the scriptures that spoke of a Redeemer
and a Messiah:
I spoke of a NEW Commandment, of Love, yet it was the same
Love that inspired Moses and My disciples.
I spoke of forgiving your neighbor seventy-times seven times.
I spoke of loving your enemies and turning your cheek again
after being struck.
I spoke in the beatitudes of how to live your life of prayer.
These were difficult messages in My day, but no more difficult
than in your own day. Your world is in an evil age and
preaching repentance of your sins is still falling on deaf ears.
Reach out as I did in My day, to save as many souls as you can.
Many converted on hearing My words.
So, I am asking your prayers through the Holy Spirit to touch
those hearts willing to listen to My words. My call of Love
goes out to all the nations to stop their evil ways and follow
My path to Heaven."
Thursday, May 20, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you are seeing in this life raft how
important this could be to save yourself from a sinking ship. In
the physical world, you understand the threat to your life from
drowning in the ocean. In your spiritual life you should be
more aware of how dangerous it is to be drowning in your
Sin can be a gradual thing that you do not even recognize when
your spiritual life is endangered. If you take time each night to
evaluate your day's actions, you can see for yourself if you are falling into deeper sins. When you are overwhelmed by temptations and your sinful habits, reach out for My help in prayer and confess your sins to the priest. Think of My graces and blessings as a spiritual life raft to keep you from drowning in your sins. Your spiritual life is MUCH more important than your physical life. You should be paying attention to sins that threaten your spiritual life, so you can avoid them and save your soul. Reach out to your neighbors, as well, to help them with My spiritual rafts of protection. Let Me rescue you in your need and I will guide you on your voyage to Heaven."
(End of weekly messages)
Official John Leary Website
Thursday, May 20, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, how quickly have you revisited more violence in your schools! The blessing of this latest event was that no one was killed. This is another sign that your children's emotions have resorted to violence. Satan is influencing many of your young people through the adult examples that they imitate. The violence on your news-reporting of wars all over the world has shown up your society's double standard. On one hand, you tell your children not to shoot someone, yet they see the hypocrisy in your abortions and killing in war. When your children see a peaceful world, then they will not have evil examples to follow."
God the Father said: "I AM shares with you in your preparations for your conference in My honor (AUG 7-9 Rochester, NEW YORK Conference honoring God the Father). I will usher in many blessings on those who attend. In every way possible share with each other how My graces have affected your lives. The Faithful Remnant will have to carry My Church through the coming Tribulation. So build on these three years of Pope John Paul II's plan for your Jubilee celebration. Call on My help as your Tribulation draws near."
Mark said: "My dear child, the angels of Heaven and your guardian angels are preparing for the coming last battle between Good and Evil. The days of your Tribulation are not far off. You should be preparing your soul spiritually in prayer for your coming fight with the demons. You will see Jesus' heavenly Triumph come as he defeats Satan and the Anti-Christ at the battle of Armageddon. Have no fear, but REJOICE that His Victory will be complete as the evil ones are cast into Hell."
Jesus said: "My people, you are about to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. See that all of you have been given the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation. His Power is the wind that passes through your soul. With his help all of My faithful will have the strength to step out in faith to witness to Me, even when they persecute you for believing in My Name."
Jesus said: "My people, as more of your nuclear secrets are seen in a new light of investigation, you will wonder why your government has not punished these spies. Your government leaders have SOLD OUT your people and they are afraid to admit their treason. That is why many are trying to cover up these thefts with politics. In essence, your leaders have unleashed atomic-weapons information to all countries who desire to have these weapons. Pray every day that these weapons never get used."
Jesus said: "My people, you have seen many disasters in your weather events this year. I am showing you one more destruction by mud and floods that will test your people. You have failed to repent of your sins. So you will continue to see these weather chastisements strip your possessions."
Jesus said: "My people, as you look at the seats of power in all of your nations, there is very little change in the control of these countries. You are faced with no alternatives in your leaders because they are all under the control of the One-World bankers. It is your debts and central banks that really dictate your future behind the scenes. These are a part of the control of your world that will be handed over to the Anti-Christ when he assumes power. These evil ones have been preparing for this world takeover for many years. Just as they think they have won, I will smite them with My Victory. YOU WILL NOT SEE TRUE JUSTICE UNTIL I COME AGAIN."
Friday, May 21, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, in the readings you have seen how St. Peter and St. Paul were imprisoned and persecuted for speaking out in My Name. The empty chair again is an indication of My Pope son John Paul II's leaving Rome. A religious persecution is coming for ALL of My faithful. You may be called on to witness to Me even when your life may be endangered for doing so. Call on My help and that of the Holy Spirit for what to do and say during this trial. You all will be tested in your belief in Me. NO ONE will be spared this persecution. You all will have to struggle and suffer for My Name's sake. Rest assured that My angels will assist you and have no fear, since My Victory will come soon. Bear with your persecution for a while and you soon will be rewarded for your faithfulness. Those who refuse to follow Me will suffer much MORE than My faithful. Those seeking to avoid being persecuted by taking the Mark of the Beast, will suffer a hell on Earth and an eternal Hell-fire, as well. This time will test your faith so much, that without My help, you will lose your soul. The lukewarm and those who cannot make a decision will be swept away by Satan if they do not convert their lives. Prepare your prayer lives so you will be able to withstand this coming persecution."
Saturday, May 22, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, I am an All-Loving God and I shine My Love and graces on you every day. All I ask is that you open your heart so I can shine My Light of Love on you. When you share with Me in prayer and in Holy Communion, I swell up the tears of joy in your heart. My surge of Love is overwhelming because I Love you so much. You can show your love for Me in everything you do each day by consecrating them up to Me as a prayer. Then all that you do that day I will receive from you and I will store it in your heavenly treasury. I am the Light of the World, and I seek to be a part of everyone's life. I am Love personified and I am Full Truth, knowing everything. I invite all of you to be a part of My Mystical Body. Windows can be opened to the Light or you can draw the shades to stop the Light. Do not be selfish with your love and keep it from Me, but keep your hearts open, as this window, so My Love can constantly burn in your hearts. When all of you are focused on My Light, reach out to share the joy of My Love with your neighbors so they can open their hearts to Me also. Your life if too short to live it in sorrow. Be JOYFUL, because My Love permeates through all of My Creation. Lift up your hearts and share every day in the joy of My Love. Those who put love in all they do, will one day enjoy their eternal Love with Me in Heaven."
Sunday, May 23, 1999: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: "I am the Spirit of Love and I come in your hearts today on My feast day of Pentecost. As Jesus breathed My Presence upon his disciples, I came in a great wind to the Apostles in the upper room. It was then that My tongues of fire came over them and enabled them to speak the Gospel in the many languages of that day. I also am witnessing the very Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I am the Spouse of Mary, and it was My very being that brought Jesus into Mary as a child. The fire that you see coming from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, is the same fire of My Love that ushers forth from their hearts. As I bless all of you with the fire of My Love, I also bestow upon you the gifts of the Spirit. It is through My power that I speak the Gospel through your lips. This is a day to remember how much I am a part of your lives. Without My life-giving Spirit, you would cease to EXIST. I make My dwelling among you so there is a part of Jesus in every soul. That is why you must respect everyone you greet, because you are greeting Jesus and Me in those souls. Remember to constantly call on My power and strength to speak out your love of God and love of neighbor."
Monday, May 24, 1999:

Jesus said: "My people, as I stand at the altar, I offer you My cup of suffering as My Apostles had to suffer as well. When I asked St. John and St. James if they were ready to drink of the cup I was about to drink, they agreed that they would. I could not promise them to be at My right hand or My left hand in Heaven, but I did promise them that they would drink from My cup of suffering. You, also, I am asking if you are ready to accept My cup of suffering. Those who say ‘yes' to believing in My Name, must accept any persecution and criticism from those who do not believe. I ask you to count the costs that you must suffer, if you want to profess your love for Me. Even though you will have to suffer in this life, your suffering is not in vain. When you give your will over to Me, I will walk with you and support you on your road to Calvary. Know that whatever you will suffer, I have suffered before you. When you drink of My cup, you are also drinking of My eternal Life in Heaven. Be not afraid, My children, for all that you will endure for My sake will be multiplied in the blessing of My graces among you. Those who accept My cup, will have eternal Life in My Love, while those who refuse My cup will be lost in the eternal suffering of Hell. Rejoice in My Love, as I desire all of My children to be faithful to My Will."
Jesus said: "My people, you are faced in this life with a choice between taking My cup of suffering or drinking the cup of the world's pleasures. There are many who are weak in spirit and would always prefer the easy way out. These souls would rather give in to the pleasures of the flesh and drink alcohol until they are drunk, instead of following My Ways. I have told you many times that the road to Hell is broad, but the road to Heaven is narrow. The Evil One tries to make sin look pleasurable by satisfying all of the desires of the body. But you are a spiritual person where the cravings of your soul draw you to your soul's goal of being with Me. This is your trial, then, that you must suffer,--a struggle between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul. I call on you in your weakened state to deny the body and drink of My cup of suffering. If you give in to the cup of the world's pleasures, you will never be satisfied. Your soul can only find its Peace in me. So COME, My children, and WALK with Me, so you can find eternal rest for your soul."
Tuesday, May 25, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, do not be in such a hurry to leave My Church after Holy Communion. Many of you do not visit with Me in the Blessed Sacrament very much. So I ask you to spend a few extra moments with Me after Mass. Your schedules are always arranged for the business of your own agendas. If you could make more priorities for Me, it would be good for your soul to drink in My graces. For a short time after you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are like a tabernacle for My Host. So spend those extra moments enjoying the graces I am blessing you with in the Sacrament of My Eucharist. Spend some time in listening to what I wish to communicate to your soul. Even come before My tabernacle to say a few extra prayers to get you through your day. Many forget to request My help in all of your trials. By calling on Me every day, your burdens will be that much lighter. Use this extra time to thank Me for the many gifts that I have bestowed upon you. For those that spend this extra time to get closer to your Lord, you will be rewarded in knowing that you are following more of My Will than your own."
Jesus said: "My people, I am that beacon of Light by which your souls are drawn to follow me. The airplanes travel at night and through rainy weather. They need a light and a radio beam so they can home in on where to land. Your souls crave to be with your Lord. That is why you are always searching to find Me at Mass or in My tabernacle. My grace of Love is beaming from the monstrance at adoration. You come before Me so you can find rest for your soul. A church or a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament is like a beacon of Love awaiting every soul who seeks to be refreshed,--you know where I am so you can direct yourselves to find Me in My Real Presence. I wish to heal all sinners, so seek Me in the priest at Confession where your sins can be forgiven. Give Me thanks that, like this airport, I continue to spread My blessings of Love over all of My faithful."
Wednesday, May 26, 1999:
Jesus said: "My people, you need to step back at times and see how other people view your appearance. If you are in depression or always complaining of your troubles, maybe you will find people sharing their troubles as well. My Gospel is one of joy and hope for the day you will share in the glory of Heaven. So put on a cheerful face and reach out to help your neighbor without all of your complaints. I am a Loving God, and I want ALL of you to show your love for others, as well. Do everything to restrain your selfish interests and think more of how you can make your contribution of time and money for others. By being gracious and loving, you will be living the Gospel message and giving good example. No matter how many difficulties you will have, you should put on a happy face to show you can withstand these temptations to complain."
Jesus said: "My child, you will be persecuted more and more for the price of saving souls. The more places you go and the more people that hear My message to be saved through you, the more sufferings you will have to endure. Every place that you are going is being tested by the clergy and people trying to block your visits. As people are more uncomfortable with your messages, you will endure stronger and stronger criticisms. You will only be able to travel and send your messages out for a short time. Now is the time to make the most of your visits. A time is coming when evil men will be harassing you and threatening your life. I will protect your soul, but soon you will be dearly tested for preaching in My Name. As the time of the Anti-Christ draws near, they will outlaw anyone openly preaching ANY religion but the One-World religion of the Anti-Christ. That is why your life will be in jeopardy, as Evil will have its short reign. Do not fear, and keep proclaiming My Name as long as you are able. I will reward all of My followers with a new Life in My Era of Peace. Do not worry how these evil men will have their way, but struggle in your battle of Good and Evil to fight to save souls. This has been your mission from day-one, and it should be held up even in the face of major persecution."
Thursday, May 27, 1999:

(Mark 13:9-13, Luke 21:12-19) Jesus said: "My people, in the days of Tribulation they will drag you to court and persecute you for believing in My Name. I will give you the strength to give witness to others in your belief in Me, and by the Holy Spirit I will give you what to say in your defense. I have asked you to continue to preach in My Name to all the nations for as long as you can. Do not fear for your life, for those who will lose their life for My sake will save your SOUL. I Love all of My faithful and I will come to your protection in the days of the Anti-Christ. Keep faithful to My Word and you will have NOTHING to fear. Know that when you see these things occurring, My Victory is not far off."
(End of weekly messages)

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