Contents of doc. - "One World Religion"

From a Biblical Viewpoint
M. Basilea Schlink
Healing for the World?

        New Age -- a term giving rise to much comment in newspapers, magazines, television programmes and at conferences. A new age? Yes, this is what mankind desires, because the shortcomings of the present age are becoming more and more evident. In late December 1986 a leaflet entitled World Healing Meditation came my way. Healing for our sick world - isn't this precisely what everyone longs for? Of course, as Christians we know that healing can come from God alone, from Him who created the world and saved it through His Son. The meditation appears to begin in a biblical vein: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

But then it continues:

Now is the time of the new beginning. . . Let mankind be returned to God kind... The healing has taken place, and the world is restored to sanity. This is the beginning of Peace on Earth and Good Will toward all, as Love flows forth from every heart, forgiveness reigns in every soul, and all hearts and minds are one in perfect understanding. It is done. And it is so.

In a letter accompanying this meditation there were sentences such as: "What great opportunities are opening up! How wonderful to be united universally, transmitting light, love and thoughts of peace into all the world - to one and all, to everything that exists in God." Commenting on this, the sender added the words: "Please pray with us, so that the spirit of Jesus Christ might come into force."

But is this really something by which "the spirit of Jesus Christ might come into force"? What is be-hind it all? As part of an event known as the World Healing Day or World Instant of Co-operation, the meditation was simultaneously held by New Age groups and centres around the world at noon (Greenwich Mean Time) on December 31, 1986, In order to strengthen the "force field". Among other things the meditator declares:

 I am co-creator with God, and it is a new Heaven that comes, as the Good Will of God is expressed on Earth through me... In Truth, I am the Christ of God... God Is all and all Is God. .. I am the Light of the world... And now from the Light of the world, the One Presence and Power of the Universe responds... I am seeing the salvation of the planet before my very eyes, as all false beliefs and error patterns are dissolved.

These few samples of New Age writing, In spite of a Christian veneer, clearly demonstrate what a delusion is at work here.


New Age - A Closer Look

        New Age - since 1984 I have come across this term with growing frequency. Sensing that this was a major end-time delusion, I paid close attention. But since December 1986 I have felt impelled to study it more thoroughly, because this deception is now taking great strides forward. Information on this topic kept arriving from various countries where branches of our Sisterhood are located.

The spectrum of the New Age Movement is so vast that only the most essential points can be highlighted here. A good source of information about the background and dangers of the New Age Movement Is Constance Cumbey's book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, to which I shall mainly refer.


The Nature of
the New Age Movement

        The New Age Movement is expanding rapidly. In this country, West Germany, it has already acquired an estimated 500,000 followers, as well as countless numbers of sympathizers. A world wide network of many thousands of co-operating organizations, the New Age Movement aims primarily at the formation of a "New World Order" marked by "group consciousness" and "synergy" (combined action). This is the secret behind it’s "unity-in-diversity".

Basic to the New Age system Is the belief In an "inner government" of our planet by a hierarchy of spirits or "masters of wisdom", who are in reality demonic beings.

The New Age Movement is a synthesis of eastern religions and the old "Mystery Teachings", and a combination of gnosticism and spiritism, based on esoteric (secret) teachings transmitted by demonic entities. This accounts for the varied forms of occultism it includes, such as clairvoyance, astrology, hypnosis, UFOlogy and yoga practices, plus mythology, pantheism, the belief in reincarnation and a renaissance of witchcraft. Consequently, the aspired New World Order has no room for the God of the Christians: in His place Lucifer is to be enthroned. Ultimately, the driving force behind the New Age Movement is nothing other than Lucifer's desire to be worshipped as God.


Historical Aspects of
the New Age Movement

        The New Age Movement traces its modern roots to the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875, In New York, by Russian-born Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. "A basic teaching of this organization was that all world religions had 'common truths' that transcended potential differences." The members "believed in the existence of 'masters' who were either spirit beings or fortunate men more highly 'evolved' than the common herd"1 - in other words, especially illuminated persons.

One of the main figures to emerge from the Theosophical Society was Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), an Englishwoman who emigrated to America. She laid the real foundations of the New Age Movement and is regarded as their high priestess. As a spiritist medium she received messages from a so-called master of wisdom, the Tibetan Djwal Khul. These messages, which she wrote under dictation from this demonic being, were published in numerous books. Her secret teachings, which to this day are followed minutely in New Age circles, set forth "The Plan".


Coming into the Open

        According to secret instructions the Movement was to keep out of the public eye until 1975. Then it was to come into the open and even disclose the very fact and nature of The Plan for the New World Order. From that point onwards every available media was to be used in spreading throughout the world the teachings of the New Age along with the expectation of a New Age Christ. And this is what has happened.

An initial tactic was to win many sympathizers through pacifist, anti-military activities. The next step was to promote "a sceptical and destructive criticism of personal-immortality religions".2

New Age programmes have found their way into the business world and all aspects of society, including the Christian community. Behind a facade of apparently harmless themes, such as healthy eating and fitness, they usually include the following practices, which are nothing more than variations on Eastern occult techniques: meditation - yoga and relaxation therapies - hypnosis - psychic healing - visualization and positive thinking. The latter two are based on the assumption that the mind through suggestion can accomplish and create anything that it believes it can. Positive thinking, in particular, is often used in combination with Bible verses and referred to as faith, in spite of its unbiblical premise that the "primary force" of every person is good.

 With its vast range of offers the New Age Movement draws from other sources too. Particularly in the fields of education and counselling, methods are to be found that are rooted in Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy, for example.

The New Age Movement is successfully popularizing and then utilizing one concern after the other In order to infiltrate our society systematically. Such Is the case, for instance, with holistic education, meditation and psycho-training of every shade and description, holistic medicine, health foods, ecology - including the protection of the environment and animal rights - disarmament campaigns, management training courses for leaders in industry and commerce, famine projects, and other social causes.

Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy has largely contributed to the awareness of New Age teaching among the general public. It can be regarded as the current cult book of the New Age Movement. Lauding the Promised Land of the New Age and the joys of "altered states of consciousness", it propagates the New Age Plan throughout the world.

New Age thought is further expressed in the writings of the Austrian-born physicist Fritjof Capra living in California - particularly in his book The Turning Point, published in 1982.

Even children and teenagers are being influenced by New Age ideas through a barrage of fantasy games, videos, films, audio cassettes, comic books, literature, party games and toys. Seven of the ten most popular films in the history of film-making are classified as fantasy. Heading the chart is E.T., which has given rise to a whole new youth cult -with Star Wars In second place. Seventy-five percent of box-office successes have fantasy themes. Fantasy books are best sellers, with editions running into millions. Hundreds of titles are already on the market, almost always presenting some form of occultism (such as communicating with the dead, conjuring spirits, clairvoyance, telepathy, and levitating objects by the power of thought) and featuring sorcerers, witches and magicians. Magic belts, magic swords and talismans have become a part of a young person's world. Under the heading "Esoteric", bookstores offer occult textbooks containing explicit instructions on how to contact supernatural forces. "Trips Into other realms" can be experienced under guidance at the "pyscho-centres" mushrooming in our cities.3

Music, one of the most common modern means of influencing the masses, is naturally employed by the New Age Movement for Its purposes. According to Alice Bailey, music therapy was to be part of the preparation for the New Age. Specially designed New Age music with its out-of-this-world sounds has already made inroads into the record market as a new style of entertainment music, and the number of its fans is growing.

Also significant Is the New Age link with prominent, International organizations, such as the UNO, UNESCO, World Council of Churches, Club of Rome, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, the Free-masons and, at the head, the Illuminati. New Age goals are promoted by leading personalities such as Robert Muller, who In his function as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Council did much towards these ends.


New Age Philosophy

        The New Age Movement aspires after a new and perfect world, but if this goal Is to be attained there will have to be a "paradigm shift" (a change in the conventional way of thinking) according to New Age philosophy. Instead of the previous analytic mode of thought, corresponding to the linear and mechanistic conception of the world, there is to be a new holistic perspective, the belief in the interconnected-ness of all things or the "Doctrine of Wholeness". All things are Interdependent and accordingly need to be regarded holistically. Every individual feels part of nature and of the whole cosmos - a microcosmos in the macrocosmos. Rational thinking, which proceeds analytically and critically and which formed the basis of scientific method, is to give way to synthetical thinking and intuitive knowledge based on non-rational experience.

New Age philosophy aims at reconciling all opposites: science and occultism are placed on a par. All ethical values collapse: good and evil no longer exist. All is one. This explains the move towards a synthesis of all religions.

For New Agers the highest goal of man is to find his happiness. Performance and output used to be generally considered the criterion for living. Now the main emphasis is on personal satisfaction and success. Fear of coming apocalyptic events Is therefore channelled into escapism to a utopian "world society where there are no tensions".


Goals and Plans of
the New Age Movement

        The Plan communicated via mediumistic dictations to Alice Bailey consists of the establishment of a New World Order, a New World Government and a New World Religion. The main political goal of the New Age Movement Is global control. "The dissolution and/or destruction of Individual nation states In the Interests of peace and conservation" are openly advocated.4

Although world domination Is the ultimate goal, there are numerous Intermediate goals of a political, social and economic nature, Including:

· a universal credit card system

· a world food authority which would control the world's food supply

· a universal tax

· a universal draft [in spite of the Movement's pacifist ideas! ]5


After the Movement went public in 1975, further details emerged:


· the establishment of a world economic system

· the replacement of private ownership of credit, transport and staple production with ownership by a world directorate

· the recognition of biological controls on a worldwide basis of population and disease

· a minimum standard of freedom and welfare throughout the world.

· a duty of subordinating personal life to that of a world directorate.6

Professing peace and love, the Movement has succeeded in blinding many of its adherents to its real goals and deceiving them into supporting: · Aryanism, I.e. the domination of the Western races; as with Hitler, this Is linked with anti-Semitism

· mass planetary initiation, also called "Luciferic initiation", I.e. an act of consecration to Lucifer

· cleansing action, i.e. the extermination of all those who disagree with the Movement's goals

· abortion and artificial insemination

· forced limitation of family size

· genetic control

· death control, whereby a cult is made of death, which is regarded as a euphoric experience and the transition to continuously new life cycles.7


The Age of Aquarius

        These goals of the New Age Movement are to be reached in the so-called Age of Aquarius, which the New Agers want to usher in. The World Instant of Co-operation on December 31, 1986, was supposed to signify a co-operative start. The term Age of Aquarius is taken from astrology. The purely astronomical shifting of the vernal equinox, which approximately every 2000 years passes through a new constellation in the zodiac, is superstitiously Interpreted by astrology as affecting the fate of our planet Earth. At the turn of the century the vernal equinox will pass from the constellation of Pisces (the Fishes) to the constellation of Aquarius (the Water Bearer). Some reckon that this transition already took place in 1962. The fish, a sign representing faith in Christ, was often used by the Early Christians as a mark of identification. Thus New Agers maintain that the transition away from the zodiac sign of the Fishes means that the era of Christ is coming to an end.

 According to New Age teaching, Aquarius (the Water Bearer) will now pour water over the world to symbolize the coming of a new spirit. With the aid of meditation, yoga, "psychotechnologies", etc., this spirit is meant to lead the people of the New Age to "consciousness expansion". The aspired illumination will enable them to lead a life without any problems and troubles.


New Age Religion

        Not only does the New Age Movement pursue political, economic and religious goals; it is a religion. It has its own "holy scriptures", prayers and mantras. It has its own spiritual centres, such as the Find-horn community in Scotland (founded in 1962) and the Esalen Institute in California, USA. In the mean time such centres are springing up in many varied countries. Born-again experiences called "rebirthing" (totally different from the Christian experience of conversion); spiritual laws and commandments are part of the New Age Religion. Within the Movement we find priests and gurus, a proclaimed "Messiah", prophets and people with supernatural powers" enabling them to do "great signs and wonders.

The New Age Movement universally proclaims that man is God and "man created God in his own image". True to their belief that "all is one", they consider man to be a part of the Godhead (the "cosmic consciousness" or the "Force"). All he needs to do is to discover and develop his divinity by expanding his consciousness through meditation, yoga and other methods. Ultimately, man is "on his way to godhood". It is even said that one may enter fully into the spirit of the "God of Force".8 Believing that God is a neutral force, which can be manipulated either for good or evil, New Age occultists are greatly interested in learning the means by which they can achieve this

In contrast to the Bible, which says that "it Is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27), death In its finality Is denied. Instead the Movement teaches reincarnation, a concept stemming from Hinduism and Buddhism. According to this teaching, man does not really die but is endlessly reborn into new life cycles. The form of reincarnation depends on how one spent one's previous life. This automatic "Law of Karma" remains in effect until a person perfects himself sufficiently to enter "Nirvana", a state in which the individual ceases to exist.

The New Age Movement states clearly that man can save himself by finding his "Higher Self' through consciousness expansion. In other words, faith in man and in the all-pervasive energy or life force throughout the cosmos is at the centre of New Age spirituality. When man desires to "be like God" (Genesis 3:5), he obviously opens the door to Lucifer, who Is actually worshipped in the New Age Movement and plays a key role in the New World Religion that the Movement seeks to establish.

David Spangler, a prominent New Age leader and for three years co-director of the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, which he joined In 1970, wrote In 1978 in one of his numerous books: "Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a new age, which Is the age of man's wholeness, each of us in some way Is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic initiation [an act of consecration to Lucifer], the particular doorway through which the individual must pass if he is to come fully Into the presence of his light and his wholeness." 9 Spangler, who frequently made contact with the demonic world, publicly explained that the true light of Findhorn was the light of Lucifer, who is to illumine the world.

 At the core of the planned New World Religion is the Initiation (act of consecration), openly termed as "Luciferic" not only by David Spangler but previously by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey in their writings. Various leaders of the Movement have attempted to deify Lucifer. According to Alice Bailey, Lucifer is the "Ruler of Humanity". In any event he is the guiding light of today's New Age Movement.

In addition, masters of wisdom, ancestral spirits and nature spirits are part of the spiritual sources of the New Age Religion. Many pagan gods and goddesses have been resurrected as well. There are New Agers who worship Pan, Buddha or Shiva. A number of new gods have also been created. Witchcraft, too, is a pillar of the New Age Movement. Thus every conceivable source of occult teaching known to mankind is drawn upon in this "religion".

Yet all this Is strictly forbidden by God, as we read In Deuteronomy 18:10-12: "Let no one be found among you who. .. practises divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who Is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord" (NIV).

Against this backdrop, the New World Order and World Government aspired by the New Agers are obviously anti-Christian to their core. There are even plans to abolish Christian laws and symbols and to replace Christian festivals with pagan ones.

An essential part of the New Age Religion is the use of certain psychotechnologies. As already mentioned, New Age programmes include the following practices: meditation, yoga, Zen, hypnosis, transpersonal psychology 10 and positive thinking. In some official Institutions in the United States, the New Age Movement has already succeeded in implementing its programmes. Constance Cumbey reports that in one state those who dared to oppose such methods were transferred or dismissed. 11

Drugs, too, are a way of opening people to New Age teaching. Mind-altering drugs such as LSD were promoted by the forefront of the Movement in the United States. To this day drugs are still referred to as "tools for transformation", although their permanent use is not encouraged. They are merely a vehicle to open people's minds, a first step towards initiation and Illumination, for the "higher and lower powers" can also be gained through mantras, in-tense desire or meditation, such as transcendental meditation (TM).

The occult-planning centre of the Movement is the Lucis Trust. Originally established as the Lucifer Publishing Company, the Lucis Trust has many means at its disposal to further the building of the New World. Two of its subsidiaries are World Good-will and the Arcane School. The latter runs correspondence courses for New Age discipleship and leadership. Students are required to keep their participation a secret.

The growing movement of feminism has close links with New Age spirituality, as is evident, for Instance, from the campaign against the over-emphasis of the masculine principle. Part of the campaign is to abolish rational, analytical thinking and to eliminate the inequalities between the sexes. The ultimate goal is the dominance of the female principle, which supposedly corresponds to the spirit of the Age of Aquarius. Feminism shows its true colours in its rejection of the God of the Bible and His creative order, especially with regard to marriage, family life and relationships between the sexes.

While feminist theology endeavours to represent the God of the Bible as being both masculine and feminine or even as an exclusively feminine god-head, the radical vanguard of the New Age feminist movement Is already demanding that the Christian faith be replaced by the myth of Gala, "Mother Earth", whose cult is now being revived and practised. By adopting the ancient practice of equating "woman" with "nature", they deliberately revert to the concepts of bygone pagan cultures and their associated goddesses, such as Iris, Astarte, Demeter and Hera.

The common denominator for the members of the various New Age groups is a counterfeit religious experience: contact with demons through drugs, meditation, psychotechnologies, and other means; and guidance from demonic entities, the masters of wisdom in the planetary hierarchy, from whom the New Age Plan originates. New Agers believe in UFO's and outer-space beings, from whom they reputedly also receive messages. Within the New Age Movement there are groups claiming that Adolf Hitler was one of their number, because he drew his inspiration from the same sources, shared the same goals and employed the same methods.

The symbols used by the New Age Movement are notable. For instance, it uses the swastika, the occult Indo-Germanic sign of good luck adopted by Hitler. Then there Is the number 666 (see Revelation 13:18) which, to cite Alice Bailey, possesses "sacred qualities" and which according to New Age teaching should be used as frequently as possible in order to accelerate the progress of civilization and the coming of the New Age. One of its most widely used signs is the rainbow, which is meant to symbolize the bridge between man and the "over-soul" or "Great Universal Mind" - in the final analysis, Lucifer. It is remarkable how frequent the sign of the rainbow has become of late. You can find it, for instance, on promotional gifts, stationery, T-shirts and toys.


A False Christ

        A key figure for the planned New World Government and World Religion is Maitreya. As early as April 1982 the New Age Movement publicized his coming through full-page newspaper advertisements in many countries: "The Christ is now here... pointing the way out of our present crisis... He comes not to judge but to aid and inspire... The World Teacher, LORD MAITREYA, known by Christians as the CHRIST. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the MESSIAH, the Buddhists the fifth BUDDHA, the Moslems the IMAM MAHDI, and the Hindus await KRISHNA. These are all names for one individual. His presence in the world guarantees there will be no third World War ... With His help, we will build a new world."

What in fact is planned when Maitreya comes to power is that he will take control of the world as a man appointed by Lucifer and following his instructions. A universal control system will then be established, for only he who controls distribution and supply can rule the world. In the New Age, permission to trade and do business will be granted only to those who pledge loyalty to Maitreya or, more specifically, Lucifer. Every world resident is to be given a number, which he will be required to use in all financial transactions - including minor purchases - with a universal credit card. Cash money is to be abolished.

Benjamin Creme, a leading British New Ager, is a forerunner and spokesman of Maitreya. According to him, Maitreya is already living in the world. Maitreya is said to possess extraordinary spiritual power and, to cite those newspaper advertisements in April 1982, he was to announce his Identity within the next two months and communicate to all humanity through a worldwide radio and television broadcast.

This did not happen, presumably because the implementing of The Plan was not far enough advanced. As Alice Bailey had laid down earlier, first the general public had to be so familiarized with the idea of a planetary hierarchy of masters that a substantial part of the population would be conditioned to accept their "Messiah". He was to be presented as a specially favoured individual, who had achieved total evolutionary progress, i.e. the "Christ Consciousness", and would therefore serve as head of the hierarchy and "Director of the Kingdom of God on earth".

Through The Great Invocation 12, an "Invocation for Power and Light", which has been declared valid for all religions, Maitreya, the "returning Christ", is to be brought forth. Published for the first time in 1945, this Invocation has been distributed throughout the world. Similar to the World Healing Meditation cited earlier, it contains deceptive passages about the source of love in the heart of God, and about light and love, but in actual fact it is concerned with the implementing of the New Age Plan.

Misleadingly called "the Christ", Maitreya is actually an antichristian figure. In his transmissions he has claimed to be at the head of a hierarchy of gods or masters and superior to Jesus, who is supposed to be one of his disciples and under his guidance. Whereas Jesus is given the lowest place on the "chart of masters", Maitreya Is alleged to be an initiate of the seventh degree, the highest level. The New Age, the Age of Aquarius, Is to be officially inaugurated by Maitreya. The "sword of cleavage" awaits "all who refuse to accept Maitreya the Christ".13 Maitreya will seek to make the New World Religion mandatory. Thus the New Age Movement threatens violence and even extermination to Jews and Christians if they are not willing to co-operate with Maitreya and the New World Religion. For all their current talk about the need for "religious freedom", New Agers vigorously support the view that religious freedom must cease in the New Age. The "new Christ" plans to restructure Christianity. In other words, biblical Christianity will be denied the right to exist.

The New Age Movement categorically rejects Judeo-Christian religious tradition, because Jews and Christians believe in the one God. It is claimed that such an out-dated belief system is divisive and that therefore the world needs to be liberated from these "negative thought patterns". The only solution is to destroy Christianity and all its roots.

We recall the words of the World Healing Meditation for December 31, 1986: "I am seeing the salvation of the planet before my very eyes, as all false beliefs... are dissolved", by which the biblical faith is meant. This is what the new and perfect world of the New Age will look like. We, however, await a different world when we pray, "Your kingdom come."


The Real New Age -
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ

        New Agers are not the first to proclaim the dawn of a new age. Adolf Hitler was a forerunner with his Third Reich. He was acquainted with secret teachings that are part of the foundations of the New Age, such as the messages Helena Blavatsky received from a demonic being. An occultist and medium, Hitler associated with clairvoyants and astrologers and was fascinated by the world of Germanic spirits and gods. Like the New Age Movement, he wanted to bring in a new age, the "Thousand Year Reich", which was to be built on these occult foundations. Similarly, Hitler hated Jews and true Christians, although at first he spoke deceptively about "Positive Christianity". His real goal was to put himself in the place of God.

Hitler's Thousand Year Reich, however, was short-lived. After twelve years it inevitably collapsed, because Satan, the father of lies, was behind it all. Not so the Body of Christ. Comprising believers of all denominations and traditions who are united in following Jesus, it abided. Jesus Christ triumphed as the everlasting Ruler, whose kingdom will never perish.

Like Hitler's Thousand Year Reich, the New Age Movement seems to be marching on to victory under the guiding light of Lucifer. Its organizations already extend across the whole earth through a system of networking. But that which bears the seal of Lucifer, that is, of Satan, is doomed from the out-set. Built on lies, it has no lasting foundation, for not Satan, but Jesus Christ, is Lord. Satan is merely His servant, whom He uses as a tool. Jesus needs but speak a word, and everything that Satan has planned and established must collapse.

The downfall of the New Age Movement is as certain as the sudden end experienced by Hitler's Third Reich. After the initial conquests of the Third Reich, all the more shattering was its total collapse, which affected the whole of Europe. God had intervened. A word from Him suffices, and a mighty empire lies in ruins.

Even though the masters of wisdom, demonic beings working for Satan through the New Age Movement, think they can build a new world, this will collapse like a house of cards before it is ever completed. For One alone is Lord, and that is the immortal God, who is enthroned over all and who made Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, to sit at His right hand after the work of redemption was completed. The Father has put all things under the feet of Jesus, who is "far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come" (Ephesians 1:21f.). All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him (Matthew 28:18). He will triumph gloriously as the mighty Prince of Victory, and Lucifer's world will be destroyed. A single word from Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords, will topple the entire edifice of the New Age Movement, causing it to fall into hell where it came from.

Only Jesus will establish a new age. His kingdom will last for ever, as we read in the Book of Daniel: "His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed" (ch. 7:14 NIV). "The sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him" (ch. 7:27 NIV).

Whoever longs for a new age, an everlasting kingdom, let him give his life to Jesus Christ, let him consecrate himself to Jesus, not Lucifer. Otherwise he will perish along with Lucifer's kingdom and descend to the depths of hell. But whoever belongs to Jesus will rise to everlasting life in the heavenly glory. In Jesus and His kingdom the true light shines forth - ceaseless, pure, deceiving none. In contrast, the light of Lucifer in the New Age Movement is treacherous, delusive and leads into darkness.

It is the kingdom of Lucifer versus the kingdom of Jesus Christ - Satan versus Christ. A mighty conflict has broken out in these pre-antichristian times, the dawn of the end-time era. Hell is more active than ever, marshalling all its vassals in a bid for power.

Hell's plan, however, will never be fully accomplished, because God will intervene by sending judgment. The world is not ripe for the dreamed-of new age of peace, happiness and light. Instead it is ripe for punishment. Sin Is crying out to heaven and provoking divine judgment on a large scale - sin, the very existence of which the New Age Movement fails to mention, but which Is dominating the world scene.

This is why at present there can be no kingdom of peace. To think otherwise is a great delusion. There is every indication that a terrible judgement will descend in the form of a world war, and for this we need to prepare. If we live in a state of contrition and repentance, we stand under the grace of Jesus Christ and may hope for His help and protection in the coming judgement. It is futile to dream of a kingdom of peace that will never come under the present circumstances. First mankind as a whole would have to be inwardly renewed through a widespread movement of repentance. Instead of giving free rein to hatred, lust for power, envy and violence, people would have to be transformed in their hearts and filled with love and reconciliation towards one another.

In view of the fact that mankind by and large is sunk in the morass of sin, whoever thinks that a new paradise-like age will now dawn Is blind. A new age can begin only if there are new people. And only through Jesus Christ shall we receive newness of life in the power of His redeeming blood when we turn to Him in contrition and repentance.

Consequently, the arrogant talk of a new age, where everything is characterised by brotherhood and sharing with one's neighbour, as promised by Maitreya in the aforementioned newspaper advertisements, is a blatant lie. People are being tricked most cunningly - even Christians, as the New Testament prophesied: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1).

However, he who walks In the light of God's truth and accepts the truth about himself, namely God's verdict that he is sinful, will not be taken in by this lie of a new age where there will be no more war, only peace and joy.

Jesus, and He alone, is the Truth and proclaims the truth (John 14:6). The truth about man today is that his wickedness has brought darkness upon the whole world. The commandments of God are held in contempt. To enjoy life to the full and attain self-realization at all costs is what man wants. Such attitudes are fostered by the New Age Movement, which advocates, for example, abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism and other sexual perversions. Even the killing of the non-cooperative, regarded as a necessity like the elimination of cancer cells, is included in its policy. The words of the Prophet Isaiah are relevant for our times: "The earth is defied by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant" (ch. 24:5 NIV).

The truth is that the holy God must punish sin, so that the earth is cleansed of those who sin so flagrantly. And this will come to pass, as that prophetic passage from Isaiah goes on to say: "Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. . . and very few are left" (ch. 24:6 NIV).

With God, however, judgment is never the end. If the hour of Jesus' return has not come by then, we may assume that after this great judgement upon our sinful world, God will let the light of His grace shine forth again. After the shattering experience of the holiness of God in His power and might as Judge, there will presumably be a movement of repentance and a turning back to God among those who are still alive.

When that occurs, a new period will begin. Instead of the diabolical light of Lucifer flooding the earth, people will accept the divine light of Jesus Christ. They will give glory to God the Father and Jesus, the crucified Lord; and once again the commandments will be regarded as binding. It will be a foreshadowing of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, which will be manifested fully at His return.

His kingdom, with which none can compare, is filled with love, light, glory and radiant beauty - a kingdom where righteousness and everlasting peace reign. Jesus will have the final say. He will gain the final victory, for He is the First and the Last. All other kingdoms will come to an end, but His kingdom will endure. Triumphantly the Lamb will destroy Satan's power on earth, and through His out-poured blood at Calvary the world will yet be made completely new.

Yes, Jesus will be victorious as the Lamb. Together with His small band of loyal followers, He will overcome the satanic forces when He comes again and establishes His rule over the world (Revelation 17:14). And who are His followers? They are the meek, the merciful, the peacemakers, who walked in the spirit of the Lamb and adhered to the truth. They will make up the new, everlasting kingdom, the real new age, the age of Jesus Christ, the King of kings. He alone is King and Lord. All demonic spirit beings and masters of wisdom will be bound and deprived of their power. And Jesus will triumph as the Lord and everlasting King, to whom all power is given.

To God in His immortality, omnipotence and holiness, all these large-scale plans and intrigues of the New Age Movement and its worldwide organizations are absurd. A mere nothing before Him in their supposed power, they will return to the darkness from which they came. The light of God, however, will endure, shining for all eternity. "Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One. 'Let us break their chains,' they say, 'and throw off their fetters' The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them" (Psalm 2:1-4 NIV).


An Either-Or Situation

        Having seen the New Age Movement for what it is, we now need to take appropriate steps before it is too late. Let no one be deceived by the counterfeit light of Lucifer. Let no one succumb to the seductive teaching that without repentance and a turning from sin it is possible to create a paradise here on earth.

It is plain fear of suffering that makes people try to escape from reality and opt for an Imaginary paradise-like new age. There is a reluctance to face up to the fact that a time of judgement and cleansing must come upon our world in answer to man's impenitence, his wanton and persistent sinning individually and collectively. Sin has assumed untold proportions. It is wishful thinking to assume that a new and perfect world can be brought forth without a turning from sin. Such a plan can only come from Satan, and therefore it is a lie and will not succeed.

"Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away... Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries... All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those star-gazers who make predictions month by month... There is not one that can save you" (Isaiah 47:11-15 NIV).

Yes, the programme of the New Age Movement is a deception. It leads to the kingdom of Satan, and all who believe in it will be swept along.

Let us therefore alert others: Turn away from these fabrications! Whoever knows the eternal, holy God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whoever knows Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour, cannot at the same time worship Lucifer, revere demons and do their bidding. Holy Scripture says, "What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with Idols?" It then concludes: "Come out from them, and be separate from them" (2 Corinthians 6:15-17).

We are faced with a decision. Either we separate ourselves from everything associated with the New Age Movement, or not. If we don't, this means we are on the side of Lucifer, that is, Satan, and shall reap destruction and untold misery. Again today the challenging cry of the Prophet Elijah rings out: "How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him" (1 Kings 18:21).

It is an either-or situation, a matter of life and death. Whoever takes part in the Luciferic initiation is doomed. But whoever consecrates himself to Jesus and thus to discipleship of the cross will partake of divine life. Only cross-bearers will inherit the Kingdom of God. Here and now, amid the sufferings of this age, they will experience the love of Jesus and have a foretaste of His kingdom, and in the life to come they will be with Him forever, filled with great joy.

Jesus wants to save souls, and we are meant to help Him save as many as possible. Most New Age followers or sympathizers are deceived. The scales need to be removed from their eyes, so that they can see that they have fallen into Satan's trap. Some would be helped if we were to pass on - wherever possible - literature showing the truth about the New Age Movement and giving a clear testimony of our biblical hope. This movement is like an epidemic; it is spreading at an alarming rate. Therefore, we need to act now before It is too late and thousands more succumb to the deception.

Save souls! Rescue them! is the cry in these dawning end times when Satan continues to extend his rule. God wants to rescue many more who are in Satan's grip, and we are called to assist Him. This is something each of us can do through our prayers. We need to oppose the New Age power of deception with the power of prayer. The kingdom of light is warring with the kingdom of darkness, Jesus Christ with Satan. And in this battle Jesus is counting on His faithful followers. They loyally fight at His side, and with their prayers they move the arm of God to draw many more souls out of the web of deception.

It is not just that people are being enticed to sin. They are actually coming under the control of Lucifer. When Satan has achieved this, they experience hell not only in this life but for all eternity.

However, if those who have been deceived turn back to Jesus, He offers them a world of peace and joy, which no one can take from them (John 16:22). Let us hear His voice! He is the Good Shepherd. He does not lead us astray. His path does not end in the kingdom of Satan but in the light and glory of God.

We may come to God, who is our Father in Jesus Christ and not some neutral force that can be manipulated either for good or for evil. How thankful we can be! - we have a personal God. We insignificant human beings may approach the great and almighty God as our loving Father, who guides us and cares for us and comforts us in His love.

How thankful we can be! We are not under the power of Maitreya, a world dictator and messiah sent by Lucifer: we are under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who loved us so dearly that He laid down His life for us. As our Redeemer He has overcome sin and paid our ransom. He redeems us from every sinful trait and bondage. He is our Saviour and Physician and brings healing to our bodies and souls. He loves each one of us personally and we may love Him in return.

What a priceless treasure we have in God our Father, in our Lord Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Prince of Victory, and in the Holy Spirit, our Counsellor and Comforter! Who would want to exchange the Triune God for the New Age god? Who would want to live from an "energy force" and have Lucifer as his guiding light? Who would want to follow Lucifer who leads into darkness, when Jesus says, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me ... will have the light of life" (John 8:12)?

Let us therefore hear the voice of Jesus: "Come, follow Me!" Yes, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, says, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:27f.).



Berger, Klaus, and Rolf-Dieter Wiedenmann. New Age. We tzlar, Evangeliumsrundfunk, Ans prache Nr. 1248/28, 15.8.86.

Cumbey, Constance. Die sanft\e Verfuhrung, Hintergrund und Gefahren der New-Age-Bewegung. Asslar, 1986.

Ferguson, Marilyn. Die sanfte Verschworung, Pers6n liche und Gese llschaft liche transformation i m Zeitalter des Wassermanns. Munchen, n.d.

Freitag, Michael. "Die Wende, das Hell". Franfurter Allgemeine, Magazin, Heft 367, 13.3.87.

Konig, Reinhard. New Age, Geheime Gehirnwasche, Wie man uns heute fur morgen programmiert. Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1986.

Lalonde, Peter. The Omega-Letter. North Bay, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 1986.

Ruppert, Hans-Jurgen. New Age, Endzeit oder Wendezeit? Wiesbaden, 1985.

Schmidt, Walter. "Verschworung im Zeichen des Wassermann s". Evang. Gemeindeb latt fur Wurttemberg, Aug. 1987.

Skambraks-, Ulrich. Ubersinnliches, Die FantasleWelle und ihre Hintergrunde. Vortrag In der Freien Evang. Gemeinde Wilnsdorf-Wilden (Audiocassette), 13.3.87.



1. Constance E. Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism (Shreveport, Louisiana: Huntington House, Inc., 1983), p.44.

2. H. G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy - Blue prints for a World Revolution, as quoted by Cumbey, op.cit., p.123.

3. Skambraks, op.cit.

4. Cumbey, op.cit., p.63.

5. Cf. Cumbey, op. cit., p.20.

6. Cf. Cumbey, op.cit., p.124.

7. Cf. Cumbey, op.cit., p. 56.

8. E. Dowling, in the introduction to The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, as quoted by Cumbey, op.cit., p.83.

9. D. Spangler, Reflections on the Christ, as quoted by Cumbey, op.cit., p.139.

10. Trans personal psychology pertains to experiences reaching beyond the limits of the individual, that is, beyond the limits of the personality and personal consciousness. During such experiences the person sacrifices his independent personality and allows himself to be ruled and manipulated by the psychotechnician in order to "regress into prior lives" or "submerge into other worlds".

11. Cumbey,op.cit., p.127.

12. For complete text of The Great Invocation, see Cumbey, op.cit., p.200f.

13. B.Creme, as quoted by Cumbey, op.cit., p.83.


 The New Age Movement
What is the New Age Movement?

        The New Age movement has many sub-divisions but it is generally a collection of Eastern-influenced metaphysical thought systems a conglomeration of theologies hopes and expectations held together with an eclectic teaching of salvation, of "correct thinking," and "correct knowledge. " It is a theology of "feel-goodism," "universal tolerance," and "moral relativism."
In the N.A.M. Man is central. He is viewed as divine, as co-creator, as the hope for future peace and harmony. A representative quote might be:

"I am affected only by my thoughts. It needs but this to let salvation come to all the world. For in this single thought is everyone released at last from fear. " (A course in Miracles, The Foundation for Inner Peace, Huntington station N.Y. Lesson 228, p. 461.)

Unfortunately for the N.A.M. the fear they want to be released from might very well be the fear of damnation of conviction of sin, and it is even, sometimes, fear of Christianity and Christians. Though the N.A.M. is tolerant of almost any theological position, it is opposed to the "narrow-mindedness" of Christianity that teaches Jesus is the only way and that there are moral absolutes.
The N.A.M. is difficult to define because "there is no hierarchy, dogma doctrine, collection plate, or membership." It is a collection, an assortment of different theologies with the common threads of toleration and divergence weaving through its tapestry of "universal truth."
The term "New Age" refers to the "Aquarian Age" which, according to New Age followers, is dawning. It is supposed to bring in peace and enlightenment and reunite man with God. Man is presently considered separated from God not because of sin (Isaiah 59:2), but because of lack of understanding and knowledge concerning the true nature of God and reality.


The New Age Movement is a religious
system with two basic beliefs:
Evolutionary Godhead and
Global Unity.
What is Evolutionary Godhead?

        It is the next step in evolution. It will not be physical, but spiritual:
For the most part, the N.A.M. espouses evolution, both of body and spirit. Man is developing and will soon leap forward into new spiritual horizons. Many New Age practices are designed to push more ahead into that horizon. Some of them are astral projection, which is training your soul to leave your body and travel around, contacting spirits so they may speak through you or guide you; using crystals to purify your body's and mind's energy systems; visualization where you use mental imagery to imagine yourself as an animal, in the presence of a divine being, or being healed of sickness, etc.
Evolutionary Godhead also means that mankind will soon see itself as god, as the "Christ principle."
The N.A.M. teaches that Man's basic nature is good and divine. This opposes God's Word which says...
That we are sinners:

"Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin and in this way death came to all men because all sinned"
(ROM. 5:12, NIV).

And that our nature is corrupt:

"All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath"
(Eph. 2:3.NIV).

It teaches that since man is divine by nature, he then has divine qualities. This is an important part of N.A.M. thinking. Because the average New Ager believes himself to be divine, he can then create his own reality. If for example, a person believes that reincarnation is true, that's fine because that is his reality. If someone he knows doesn't believe in it, that is alright too because that is someone else's reality. They can each have a reality for themselves that "follows a different path."
In contrast to this, the Bible says that God alone is the creator:

"This is what the LORD says --your Redeemer who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD who has made all things who alone stretched out the heavens who spread out the earth by myself"
(Isa. 44:24. NIV).

The New Ager who believes in his own divinity and ability to create usurps the authority and position of God He also is still listening to the lie of the devil who spoke to Eve and said she would be like God
(Gen. 3:5).



        Though not all New Agers adhere to reincarnation, most believe in some form or another, and, many believe the Bible was changed to remove any verses that might have taught reincarnation. But this accusation only shows the limitation of their knowledge. The Bible never had any references to reincarnation. Reincarnation opposes the Word of God, which says that it is appointed for man to die once, and after this comes judgment (Heb. 9:27).


The second major element of the New Age Movement is Global Unity, which consists of three major divisions:
Man with Man; Man with Nature; and Man with God.
Man with man

        The N.A.M teaches that we will all learn our proper divine relationship with one another and achieve harmony and mutual love and acceptance through the realization and acceptance of this divine proper knowledge. Within this hoped harmony is economic unity. The average New Ager is looking for a single world leader Who, with New Age principles, will guide the world into a single harmonious economic whole. It is also hoped that this leader will unite the world into a spiritual unity; that is, a one world religion. The New Age hope is reminiscent of the Scriptures that speak of the coming Antichrist:

 "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
2 Thess 2:3-4.
See also Rev. 13:17,14:9,1 1:16:2; 19:20.

Man with nature
        Since the N.A.M. says that God is all, and all is God then nature is also part of God. Man must then get in tune with nature and learn to nurture it and be nurtured by it. In this, all people can unite. American Indian philosophies are popular among New Agers because they focus on the earth, on nature, and man's relationship to them. New Age philosophy generally seeks to merge with those philosophies that put man and nature on an equal level. We are no more or less important or different than our cousin the animal, bird, or fish. We must live in harmony with them, understand them, and learn from them, is the general philosophy of the New Age. This is opposed to the Scriptural teaching of man's superiority over animals (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:19). This does not mean that Man must abuse what he is over, but Man is given the responsibility of caring for and being stewards of God's creation (Gen. 2:15). God will hold Christians responsible for the stewardship that has been entrusted to them. The New Agers have a name for the earth. It is Gaia. Gaia is to be revered and respected. Some New Agers even worship the earth and nature. This opposes the Scripture that says we are not to have any other Gods before God (Ex. 20:3).
Man with God
        Since the N.A.M. teaches that man is divine by nature. all people. once they see themselves as such, will be helped in their unity of purpose. love, and development. The goal is to fully realize our own goodness. It is obvious that this contradicts Scriptures, c.f., ROM. 3:10-12: "As it is written: 'There is no one righteous not even one; there is no one who understands no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."
Additional beliefs of the N.A.M.
view of God are:

        He (it) is impersonal. omnipresent. and benevolent -- therefore he (it) won't condemn anyone. The New Age god is impersonal. An impersonal God will not reveal himself nor will he have specific requirements as to morality belief. and behavior. This is why reincarnation appeals so much to them. With it. there is no judgment. there is a second chance. a third chance, and fourth. etc. It should be noted that because the New Ager seeks to elevate himself to godhood. he must lower the majesty and personhood of the true God. In other words. the universe isn't big enough for one true God. but it is big enough for a bunch of little ones.

There are no moral absolutes in the New Age. Therefore, they claim to have a spiritual tolerance for all "truth systems." They call this "harmonization." There is an obvious problem here. To say that there are no moral absolutes is an absolute in itself which is self contradictory. Also, if morality is relative. then stealing may be right sometimes along with lying, adultery, cheating. etc. Living in a world of moral relativism would not bring a promising future. It would follow that if reality is relative and truth is too. then driving a car would be difficult. After all, if one New Ager thinks the light is red and another thinks its green, when they collide, their different realities will come crashing down or their. That is something most interesting about New Agers. they don't live what they believe. That is because in reality. New Age thinking doesn't work. The New Age movement does espouse honesty, integrity. love. peace. etc. It just wants to do it without the true God. It wants to do it not on His terms, but on its own.


What the New Age Movement does
  • It is a sponge that attempts to absorb all religions, cultures, and governments.
  • It seeks to unify all systems into one spiritual. socio-economic unity.
  • It uses various means to have mystical experiences with God and/or nature and/or self. Some of the methods were described in Omni Magazine (How to Have a Mystical Experience. Dec. 1988. p. 137,145) as imagining where you are told to imagine your own reality transcendence. going beyond the limits of time; sleep deprivation. with the purpose of inducing a mystical experience: focusing. "to experience all of reality as unified and not as a collection of disparate objects": avoidance, where communication with the outside world is stopped in order to reinterpret the world without its influence on you: identification. "To trade places mentally with a dog or a cat, canary, or animal in the zoo"; reflection. an exercise designed to help you to view the year to come, differently; and star-gazing, "to induce a sense of objectivity about your life amid a feeling of connectedness to the rest of cosmos."

    What the New Age Movement does not do
    New Age Terminology

            According to the Bible. Man is the image bearer of God (Gen. 1:26), and as such. is a creature of speech. Remember, God said, "...Let there be light" (Gen. 1:3).
    In the New Age. words are very important. In fact, the New Age has some of its own special words. Some of them are: Holistic, holographic. synergistic, unity. oneness, harmony, at-one-ment, transformation personal growth, human potential, awakening. networking. energy. and consciousness. These words are prevalent in New Age conversations and writings. In fact, if you were to go to a New Age Bookstore and read the titles or their books. you would see a disproportionate amount of their containing the word "self."


    The New Age Interpretation of Christianity
    The New Age View of Man
    Again the difference between man and creation is blurred. Man is made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26). The universe is not Man is different than creation.
    The New Age View of Salvation

    Salvation in the N.A.M. means to be in tune with the divine consciousness.

    Since the N.A.M. doesn't acknowledge sin or sinfulness there is no need for a redeemer like Jesus. Salvation, to them, is simply the realization of our divine nature "I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. Salvation of the world depends on me" (Miracles. Lesson 206, p. 380).
    Such arrogance is mind-boggling.

         It should be noted that this 'Plan' is universally emphasized among New Agers as being of non-human origin; it is likewise presented as a non-negotiable package - all who witness the official inauguration of the New Age must submit to 'The Plan' in its entirety or be left out of the 'New World Order': "[The New Age initiate] no longer identifies himself with form or even with soul, but with the will of divinity and the eternal Plan and purpose. It becomes his plan and purpose. He knows no other..." (Bailey, 'Esoteric Astrology', p.92) The specific stages of the Plan were 'transmitted' in detail through Alice Bailey (apparently from 'Djwhal Khul'), beginning in the 1930s, but were kept classified until 1975, when Bailey (by then deceased) gave the NA leaders instructions to go public. The 'hierarchy of masters' are said to be the ones responsible for concocting and directing 'the Plan' as their organized program to get mankind to the 'next evolutionary level'. Since quality is vital for starting the next 'root-race', only selected 'starseed' people are designated to make the 'quantum leap' into the next level of 'human transformation' and they need careful preparation by these spirits lest they 'burn out' in the transition. The 'Plan' is quite lengthy, and proposes many global changes, but a few speak specifically of the Jewish people:

    1. Plans for religion: "1. The reorganisation of world religions - if in any way possible - [including] their out-of-date theologies, their narrow-minded emphasis, and their ridiculous belief... 2. The gradual dissolution - again if in any way possible - of the orthodox Jewish faith, with its obsolete teaching, its separative emphasis... I do not fail to recognize those Jews throughout the world who acknowledge the evils and who are not orthodox in their thinking...[thus all who cling to Jewish identity or Israeli nationhood will be defined as orthodox, not just those who follow Torah] [Bailey and Blavatsky included Jewish Kabbalists among those who have 'freed themselves from orthodoxy'; more later] 3. Preparation for a revelation which will inaugurate the new era and set the note for the new world religion." (Alice Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp.453-454) David Spangler, Buckminster Fuller and Foster Bailey (Alice's husband) confirmed that religious freedom must end in the New Age, to be replaced by a world-state religion. Wells even targeted communism for elimination.

     2. Conditioning society to receive the Plan: Certain stages prior to publicizing the Plan were carefully followed (per 'The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,' Alice Bailey), to indoctrinate society with certain 'ancient' teachings: planetary evolution and the ultimate perfectibility of man; the interconnectedness of all life and matter; the 'kingdom of God' as the appearance of 'soul-controlled men' on earth; all men being at different stages in this evolution towards the goal of 'godness'; some men having achieved soul-control already, approaching perfection or godhood; these god-men having a Plan to get all men to their level if we will cooperate.

     To break down traditional aversion to these alien teachings, NA was to encourage 'paths to higher consciousness' which produce passivity, as tools for mind control [what the same NAers call "brainwashing" when denouncing fundamentalists. Observers at Creme's New Age lectures report that he appears to practice some form of hypnosis, silently panning the audience with a glassy stare, until people begin to exhibit symptoms of a passive trance state; he waits until this condition is widespread, 30-45 minutes, before beginning his lectures. More on other 'paths' below.] Of course, no indoctrination could get far today without cooperation from mass media. NAers claim that the major networks are firmly in their camp, which gives context to comments like the following: "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." (Richard Salant, ex-President, CBS News) "We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with." (Richard Cohan, Sr. Producer, CBS political news) Not only the contents fed to the public but their timing appears to be a factor. David Rockefeller confirmed this by thanking "The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our [New World Order] meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years." [date and context of comment unknown]

     2a. People can be prepared to passively accept the Plan via many different avenues: holistic health, global unity, pagan and eastern religions, animal/tree worship, mind-altering drugs like LSD (endorsed by Bailey and Ferguson as "tools for transformation"), hypnosis, alternative healing such as homeopathy and acupuncture (these favored by Creme as "part of the great shift in consciousness"), yoga, TM, kundalini and chakras, martial arts, science fiction, witchcraft, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, UFOlogy, black or white magic, spiritism, psychic powers, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, EST, psychological rebirthing, self-actualization, Jungian psychology, sex orgies, 'magick' (of 'Aleister Crowley') - to name a few. A 'path' can be high-tech, refined, politically correct - or primitive, bizarre, brutal; there is something to appeal to everyone. The common goal is an 'altered state of consciousness' which all the above try to introduce in some form (ie, trance or dreamlike state, emptying the mind of deliberate thought), which opens one up to passively welcoming 'spirit guides' or invisible 'higher intelligences'. Some can 'accelerate their paths to higher consciousness' through drugs, blood sacrifices or deviant sex acts (as in Hindu Tantrism). Once a person receives spirit guides, who go by various names borrowed from many religions, the paths all 'merge' into one, preparing everyone for the 'mass planetary initiation' into the 'New World Order' under Lucifer's guidance.

     2b. While most people are left to their own devices in choosing paths of enlightenment, the New Age sponsors several rallying points to coordinate efforts on a worldwide level and give 'seekers' a boost into 'higher consciousness'. The most widely known is 'The Great Invocation', a poetic prayer now in over 50 languages, distributed by 'World Goodwill' with the promise of 'transforming life changes' if recited often enough. The wording is so vague that any religion can live with it, but its author Alice Bailey was quite clear: the "Plan of Love and Light" is the 'ascended masters' Plan headed by Lucifer; to "let Light descend on earth" (or in an alternate version, "from the Morning Star...let Christ stream forth") is for Lucifer to take over the planet as supreme deity; to "let purpose guide the little wills of men") is for the 'masters' to control men's minds; and to "seal the door where evil dwells" (or, "bolt and charge the corridor where evil spirits tarry") is to eliminate monotheism.

     Other NA rallying points are: 'Harmonic Convergence' days (to meditate or pray for world transformation), 'Earth Day' (celebrating the personhood of the Earth and our relations with "her"), Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals (to experience oneness in diversity), 'World Instant of Cooperation' (Dec. 31st of each year, one hour of meditation and 'harmonic resonance' for 'the oneness of life'), 'Declaration of World Thanksgiving' (interfaith effort "honoring the spirit of human gratitude" as a "healing force"). [Prominent rabbis have participated in World Thanksgiving, no doubt unaware that they were virtually the only participants whose "Lord of creation" is not Maitreya or Lucifer. Why are they invited then? Their endorsement is solicited to give NA ideology credibility in the Jewish community which implicitly trusts in its leaders. More in Missionizing section.]

     3. The Plan's religious war: The 'masters' aim to reverse the great 'suppression of the wisdom of the Atlantean civilization' - the result of an ancient war between the 'White Lodge' (the 'hierarchy of masters') and the 'Black Lodge' (source of Jewish/Christian teaching). [more on this in the Statements on Jews section]. The masters of the 'White Lodge' were forced to withdraw into space and leave earth in control of the 'Black Lodge' - but they saw to it that 'White Lodge' teachings were preserved in Babylon [through Biblical Nimrod?] to be passed down to 'guardians of the ancient wisdom in each generation' including Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Hindus, Buddhists Chinese (Taoism), American Indians and assorted 'enlightened ones who left restrictive Judaism and Christianity' (collectively called 'the White Brotherhood'). Among the last two, certain groups are identified: the Knights Templar (especially in 'Holy Grail' lore), Freemasons (established by King Solomon in his more 'enlightened' years), 'gnostics' and Kabbalists (Jewish and Christian or 'Hermetic'). The 'hierarchy of masters' who left are now returning (from a spiritual hideout called 'Shambhalla') to rebuild their 'inner government' on planet earth, which will finally put the 'Black Lodge' out of business.

     In short, there is to be a religious war-to-end-all-wars, without which the New World Order cannot be fully established. As a result, 'the worn out Jewish dispensation', which includes Christianity as an offshoot, will be outlawed and replaced by the 'New World Religion'. This will be mandatory and will have to be imposed for a time 'for the good of all'. Along with the end of personal religious choice, Creme and others promise the end of democracy, with democratic states themselves voting it out of existence. There is to be a single government, tax system, currency, identity register, language and religion (latest NA projection for its inauguration is the year 2000) [many web sites are debating this issue].

     4. Goal of the Plan - Initiation: All who wish to enter the New Age 'on the physical plane' [alive] must undergo an 'energy activation' or 'rebirth' - usually marked by a subjective trance-induced 'light experience' where one meets either a 'spirit guide' or one's 'higher self' (no difference since 'all is one'). This 'altered state of consciousness' will eventually lead to a 'Luciferic initiation' into the 'new humanity', or a vow of allegiance to Lucifer as god. Those who cannot (no souls) or will not ('not sufficiently developed in their spiritual journey') will be sent on to their next life in a global 'cleansing action' (Alice Bailey, 'The Rays and the Initiations' pp.754-755). [for more, see Doctrines on the Jews, below] By means of this 'initiation' all will continue on their journey to 'godhood' at the new level, which includes 'personal experience of the knowledge of good and evil'. [sounds like Genesis 3:5, and it's meant to] Since God has both a good and an evil side, and one cannot become a complete god with only one side. "Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age." (Spangler, 'Reflections on the Christ') NAers confirm that this is what Lucifer offered to Eve in the Garden, and it's being offered again today. Only it's been 'misunderstood due to fear inherited from the superstitious Jews'.

     5. Dealing with opposition to the Plan: The only spiritual systems which will not work in this scheme are the monotheistic or 'personal immortality' religions ('fundamentalist' or Bible-based Christianity and Judaism, some kinds of Islam) which 'refuse to abandon their fear and separation' and are 'outmoded and dangerous in their exclusivity'. Even if they were not separatist, Blavatsky explains that they err with "gods created by man in his own image and likeness, a blasphemous and sorry caricature of the ever unknowable." Likewise Creme brands the Jewish tradition of blood sacrifice as "impossible" and blames Judaism for the Christian teaching of Christ as a blood atonement for sin. These faiths and their adherents are an obstacle to mankind's progress toward the next 'quantum leap'. A brochure by the 'New Group of World Servers', adorned with a '666' design, calls them "religious experiments which spread the virus of hatred and separation" and which "have no part in the New Age".

     After the Luciferic initiation, those who refuse to relinquish monotheism and/or Jewish identity will be sent to 'another dimension' or 'level of vibration', outside of this physical incarnation, where they will be happier and better off, according to Alice Bailey, Nicholas Roerich and David Spangler. The latter put it delicately, saying that "those attuned to the old world" would be "transported through the [cosmic] law of attraction" to "another planet, plane of existence or level of earth's consciousness where they can be contained... the main point is that they will lose, for the time being, their access to the etheric planes of power and the ability to control or influence the developments upon earth." (Revelation, Birth of a New Age, pp.163-4) This is known as the stage of 'global purge' or 'cleansing action'. As Benjamin Creme puts it, there is no choice: "It is indeed a matter of share [not only economic resources and governmental power, but religious belief and identity] or die [as a race]." ('The Reappearance of the Christ', appendix, 'How the Plan is Working Out') Creme's term for it is 'a necessary sword of cleavage' (same book) for all who refuse the 'mass planetary initiation'.

     5a. The Plan's divide-and-conquer strategy: Until the mass 'initiation', those opposing the Plan are to be fought in two ways. One is infiltration [see Missionizing section]. The other is turning the various remaining orthodox monotheists one against another. The single most notorious tool invented by NA propagandists was 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'. Composed by unknown sources, the individual who claimed to have "found" the 'Protocols' was Yuliana Glinka, a devoted Theosophist and Blavatsky's personal companion, who "felt it her Christian [sic!] duty" to release it in Russia (alternately called 'The Secret of the Jews'). The book was translated into English by Victor Marsden, a British racial supremacist who fled England to join Hitler, and then circulated in the U.S. by occultist Henry Ford. The latter was applauded for his "faith" by the Theosophical Society ('The Theosophist', December 1938, p.239). Blavatsky herself wrote at least one anti-semitic tract with content similar to 'Protocols', published by the Theosophical Society in 1888. [see The Occult Establishment, James Webb, 1976] The effect of 'Protocols' on the history of Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Moslem relations hardly needs comment - from the NA point of view it was and continues to be a stroke of genius [made more enjoyable, no doubt, by the irony that they didn't have to invent a story - their own racist conspiracy to dominate the world was simply put in the mouths of the Jews; thus, whenever evidence of their own work turns up, their main target for liquidation can catch hell for it!]. To this day, most Jews are convinced that 'Protocols' was a disgusting piece of Christian slander.

     6. Disarmament in the Plan: The first order in 'The Open Conspiracy' (H.G.Wells) was to foster a global anti-war movement. Also according to Alice Bailey, a global disarmament program, especially nuclear disarmament, is vital. This is designed to put nuclear weapons exclusively in the hands of the 'planetary government' for the purpose of "convincing" any national or political entity which tries to oppose the new worldwide political/ religious blend. [Because the implications for Israel can be seen only in the extended quote, I include it here:] "In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes... "The atomic bomb [was] used only twice destructively... its [constructive] uses are twofold at this time: (a) as a forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation... (b) as a means in the hands of the United Nations to enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for the take effect. The atomic bomb does not belong to [at that time, 1957] the three nations who... own the secrets at present. It belongs to the United Nations for use - or let us rather hope, simply for threatened use - when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head... [or for use on] political groups of any powerful religious organisation, who are as yet unable to leave politics alone..." ('The Externalisation of the Hierarchy', by Alice Bailey, pp. 191 & 548) [The only nations which combine religion and politics are the Vatican, the radical Moslem countries, and of course the Jewish State. Of these, the only nation possessing nuclear weapons is Israel. This puts into perspective the increasing pressure from the UN on Israel to sign the nuclear nonproliferation pacts and open her nuclear facilities to UN inspectors...]

     7. The success of the Plan thus far: There seem to be some hitches on the global religion issue. Within NA, the Theosophy founded by Helena Blavatsky successively broke into 4 competing religious groups: (1)Theosophical Society (Annie Besant); (2)Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler); (3)Arcane School, the 'School of Ageless Wisdom', Lucis Trust (Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme, Robert Muller); (4)'I AM', 'The Church Universal and Triumphant' (Guy & Edna Ballard, Elizabeth Clare Prophet). [Conflicting theologies were not at issue so much as severe ego clashes. All these offshoots have in common a reverence for Blavatsky's writings, allegiance to Bailey's 'master' Djwhal Khul, and commitment to 'the Plan' of the 'ascended masters' in its entirety.] Also, for reasons unpublicized, the 'Day of Declaration' when Maitreya was to show himself as deity to the world, has been postponed several times (1925, 1982, 1992 - Creme now refrains from date-setting).

     7a. Monotheistic influence is also holding up the show more than was anticipated. In 1945, Maitreya announced that he would reveal himself when (among other global reforms) "people are released from authoritarian supervision of their religious thought." By his own admission, he must be invited by mankind to take over on a religious/spiritual level. With each postponement of Maitreya's 'Day of Declaration', there appears to be increasing frustration among NA spokesmen at the refusal of 'the old order' of monotheistic groups to obey the 'laws of human evolution' and die out. Lucis Trust ('World Goodwill Newsletter', summer 1982) cited "three prominent examples" of "rising fanatical religious fundamentalism [causing a rise in] blatant militarism"; they named the U.S. (specifying "those who expect... the biblically prophesied global cataclysm"), Iran and Israel [no specifics - are they that similar?], calling these "frightening... dangerous... a threat to world peace" although they are only "victims of fear". Others are vexed by the organized activism of American fundamentalist Christians, particularly their influence in Congress; the rise of Islamic states (not mentioning domestic tyranny but only terrorism); and the rising numbers of self-assertive Jews, returning to Judaism and/or a national identity. [One obvious letdown for NA was the unexpected swing of the Israeli electorate to the right in 1996. Many media anchormen and liberal politicians reacted in shocked disbelief to Netanyahu's election, some having to interrupt premature celebrations for the wrong candidate. Minutes after hearing the election results, U.S. President Clinton was caught on camera uncharacteristically stammering and avoiding eye contact. Seems none of these had considered that Israel's democracy might not rubber-stamp the Plan for a 'New Middle East'... leave it to those stiffnecked Jews...]

     7b. In contrast, the overall political and social cooperation with the Plan appears to satisfy many. In 1976, right after the Plan went public, the 'ascended masters' gave orders to establish world centers in anticipation of the New World Order, according to Creme, with the goal of "gradual transformation of society without disorder and trauma." They are located in New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. A nucleus of 'world servers' has also been trained to run these centers, and are stationed "in every country in the world, without exception." International committees have been quietly working on multi-stage programs for implementing the New World Order; many of these have already recruited resources and personnel and need only the signal to become operational.

     One key group, the 'UN Commission on Global Governance', hopes to call a World Conference in 1998 "for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for ratification and implementation [of a global government] by the year 2000." The 'UN World Constitution' includes an agreement of "the governments of the nations... to order their separate sovereignties into one government, to which they surrender their arms." Other arrangements include: A UN Trusteeship Council will take control of the "global commons", which includes all international waters and air space; a UN Economic Security Council will set up a global funding and barter system, with the power to withhold funding from uncooperative nations; a single monetary and taxation system will require all commerce to be conducted via a universally registered credit number for each earth citizen; a standing UN army will assume peacekeeping responsibilities in areas of conflict - this, according to Henry Lamb of the Environmental Conservation Organization, "with or without request or permission from the country involved." Lamb also predicts: "The U.S. can be expected to help facilitate the 1998 World Conference on Global Governance, and then lobby Congress to ratify and implement the treaties and agreements necessary to make global governance a reality." [see MP Online, New World Order Update, on-line via the Web]

     7c. In spite of the inexplicable setbacks in the spiritual momentum of the Plan, NA leaders like Creme are confident that we are about to see its completion: "There is no doubt that there will be opposition... but the need for change will become so overwhelmingly obvious, that they will find themselves increasingly powerless to stop the momentum." ('Reappearance of the Christ,' 1980) The overall mood of NA is summed up in a popular slogan: "My karma just ran over your dogma." Various comments imply that Maitreya is not above "convincing" reluctant countries through disasters both natural (either triggered or allowed without rescue) and man-made (such as nuclear threats per Alice Bailey's Plan above); while these are regrettable, the end will justify the means: "These peoples will eventually be replaced by the new root race about to make its appearance in a newly cleansed world; nevertheless, for the moment, this is a tragedy." ('Cosmic Countdown,' p.12, 1982, 'Guardian Action Publications'). Any underground resistance movement is viewed as highly unlikely to succeed, as Zbignew Brezhinsky (National Security Advisor under President Jimmy Carter) assures us: "Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files [which] will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." [date of this statement not known]


     As you can see, the New Age Movement is not a biblical teaching by any means. It is a false religious system authored by the evil one. It contradicts Christianity in almost all of its main tenants. It is to be avoided, to be guarded against.


    Author Name of Book Pages Available from
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    2. Basilia Schlink    NEW AGE FROM A 
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    3. Basilia Schlink    YOGA: CHRISTIANS 




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    5. Texe Marrs    DARK SECRETS OF 




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    6. Philip Lochhaas    THE NEW AGE 


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