(Still under investigation by the Roman Catholic Church)
Part 2 of 3

Contents of doc. - "gara2"

Announcement About the Last Pope
(John Paul II) and of the 'End of Time'

Fr. Lucio Rodrigo, S.J., professor of moral theology at the Pontifical University of Comillas (Santander) reports this episode:

"".....It was during the early part of June 1963, the bells of Garabandal started to ring. Conchita, who was at home in the kitchen with her mother Ancieta, immediately exclaimed,

"The bells are tolling for the dead! It must be for the Pope (John XXIII, 1958-1963). Now only three remain."

Ancieta answered,

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It is not nonsense. The Virgin told me,

"After this Pope, there will be only three more.""

"Then what? Will it be the end of the world?" "The Virgin did not say , 'the end of the world,' but 'the end of time'"

A few days later a few people coming from Santander reported a similar incident to the Capuchin, Fr. Eusebio G. de Pesquera. Mrs. Paquina de la Roza Velarde (wife of Dr. Ortiz) relates:

"..... We were on the way to church, holding one another by the arm, Maximina, Conchita and myself. We were talking about the recent death of the Pope....."

"Another pope will come and the Council will continue," said Conchita.

"Why do you say that?"

"Another pope will come and the Council will continue," was her only answer.

Maximina replied, "Certainly, another pope will come, but as far as the continuation of the Council is concerned, the new pope could declare it terminated."

"I am telling you again that another pope will come and that the Council will continue..... and what's more, there are only three popes."

"Well," I answered her, "You say that according to the prophecies of St. Malachy, which we find everywhere, but who knows?"

"What prophecy of St. Malachy? I do not know anything about that prophecy. The Virgin told me, after this pope who had just died, there would be only three more before the end of time."

"Do you mean to say that the end of the world is coming?" "The Virgin did not say the end of the world, but the end of time."

"What is the difference?"

"I do not know." (Conchita is thus transmitting a message of which she does not know the meaning.)

Later on, Fr. Rodrigo had occasion to question Conchita again about the above, and she confirmed it fully.

On November 1, 1966, Conchita, while talking with Mother Maria des Nieves, superior of the boarding house in Burgos where the visionary was living, told her the following:

"One day I said to the Virgin, 'At the time of these future events (Warning, Miracle and Chastisement,) will that be the end of the world?'" And she answered me:

"No, the end of time."

Conchita also told Mother Maria des Nieves:

"After Paul VI, there will only be two more popes; then will come the end of time.""

Prophecy of Saint Malachy

"The prophecy is a list of 110 mottoes which qualify the popes starting in the year 1143, and ends thus:

-Angelic shepherd.............................................................Pius XII
-Pastor and mariner.........................................................John XXIII
-Flower of flowers.............................................................Paul VI
-Of the half moon........................................................... John Paul I
-From the toil of the sun or the eclipse of the sun............ John Paul II
-The glory of the olive........................................................... ?
-Peter of Rome......................................................................... ?

 After Paul VI there remain four popes on St. Malachy's list, whereas Conchita claims there are only two. Some people trying to make these two "prophecies" agree, have suggested the hypothesis that the last two mottos composed by the holy monk designate anti-popes.

Frs. Holstein and Ravier, S.J., in JESUS-CHRIST, MAITRE DE PENSEE (Jesus Christ, Master of Thought), point out:

".....The end of time in no way signifies the end of all time: it designates that period of holy history which separates the two advents of Christ: His coming on earth at Christmas, and His glorious return. Inaugurated by His birth in Bethlehem, it is still going on and will terminate at the Parousia (The Second Coming of Christ.)..."

St. Louis de Montfort says:

".....According to the Council of Trent, the three signs which shall announce the end of time will be:
a) the preaching of the Gospel in the whole world;
b) the general apostasy of nations;
c) the appearance of the antichrist."

Regarding these three signs, Sanchez Ventura writes in the French book, MARIE ANNOUNCE LA FIN DES TEMPS (Mary is Announcing the End of Time):

".....The first sign has already been realized in a way, if we take into account the rapid means of communication which exist today; the second is happening right now at a dizzying pace; and in respect to the third - i.e. the antichrist - he has not as yet appeared in an official way, but who can say he is not already born and ready to manifest his
power ?" (satanic power)

Fr. Adaire, in LE MESSIE QUE j'ATTENDS (The Messiah Whom I am Expecting), writes:

".....For us Christians, the expression "end of time" should mean, before all else, rejoice! The coupling of times - their juncture - is well begun. It keeps going on; the "bad age" is going towards its end, which means the new world is already there....." (the new world in this context does not mean the New World Order or the New Age of the New Age Movement - as these are part of the"bad age" - but the Kingdom of God on Earth as it already is in Heaven)

His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, in his 1957 Easter Message, said:

".....Come, Lord Jesus.... there are so many signs that Your return is not far away...."

Pope Paul VI, in his speech dated October 23, 1965, said:

".....The expectation of the people is more anxious than ever; the sadness of times, the dangers incurred by peace, lead us to think that God's time is near.....""


"Don't you remember that when I was with you
I used to tell you these things?
And now you know what is holding him back,
so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work;
but the one who now holds it back
will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
And then the lawless one will be revealed,
whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth
and destroy by the splendour of His coming."
(2 Thessalonians 2:5-8)

A Slavic Pope

"Amid dissention-God our Lord
strikes a huge bell for a Slavic Pope.
Behold! an open throne. . . .
Radiant as the sun,
his face a lamp for servants,
growing nations will follow him
into the light where God is.
To his prayers and his command,
not only people but also the sun will stand,
if he so commands, because of strength-
a marvel it is;
for strength is needed to uplift God's world.
Behold he comes-
the Slavic Pope - the people's brother.
He shall dispense love
as today our mighty ones distribute arms.
Taking the world in his palm,
he shall show a sacramental might.
He shall cleanse every decay
from the world's wounds - vermin, reptile.
Health he shall bring, love encindle
and the world he will save.
Church interiors he shall sweep out, clean the hallway.
God he shall show in the world's creation, bright as the day."

Julius Z. Sowacki, 1848


Salzburg (Austria), May 13, 1991
Anniversary of the First Apparition Fatima
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin  to Father Gobbi

Chapter 449 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"



When reading the following passage refer to the biblical book - Revelation chapters 19, 20, 21 and 22. Or else refer to web pages 'end times', 'Godsfury' and 'The Kingdom of God'

        The Blessed Virgin told Father Stefan Gobbi (the founder of the Marian Movement for priests) that  'NOW IS THE END OF TIMES'

On 31 December 1992, the Blessed Virgin gave an incredible outline of a series of events which will occur in the next few years - events dealing with the coming of the antichrist, and how the world was prepared for him due to the deceiving nature of a particular religion (the New Age Movement). He, along with his false prophet will eventually be sent to hell.

The Blessed Virgin told Fr. Gobbi that during the last few years of this century all the secrets she revealed around the world (in her apparitions) would have occurred.

The antichrist, (a man whose evil nature would be at its very best) takes control of the New World Order, which is already established. It is during this time that the Warning of Garabandal occurs.

Within a year the Miracle will also occur. This would be the most spectacular miracle God would have ever made for humanity's sake. Permanent signs will mark the authentic places where the Virgin Mary has appeared.

(From now onwards the future depends on the conversion of humanity)

If humanity converts, then we will wait for the end of times, that is the second coming of Jesus in glory.

If humanity does not convert it must be purified before Jesus's return.

Revelation speaks about the kingdom of God coming down from heaven after the two great battles of the end would have occurred. These battles have a period of peace in between, which seems to be a spiritual/supernatural era. A period of a 1000 years.

If humanity does not return back to God, there will be the great Chastisement.

Before the Chastisement:

        At the end of the 20th century, the church will suffer a great tribulation, (this might make it very difficult for priests to celebrate mass, there will be world-wide persecution of Christians and certain technological controlling systems will be implemented on all nations)

This tribulation will be at its height after the death or escape of Pope John Paul II.

(According to the prophecies of Garabandal, this pope is the last authentic pope. The Roman Catholic pope is preparing humanity for the new millennium.)

Whether the church will be used as a means of propaganda or not, after the death or escape of Pope John Paul is debatable. However it is important to keep in mind that the real church is made up of the faithful, anyone who does not enter this category is not part of the Body of Christ. Masonic lodges and ecclesiastical masonry are not part of the FAITH! Neither are illuminati nor followers of the New Age christ - Maitreya!!

After the pope's death or escape, the antichrist will start his reign. He will stop the celebration of mass and proclaim the mass as being just a simple sacred ritual. He will challenge the presence and reality of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

At the end of his reign, the antichrist will try to ascend into heaven, but he will be stopped by Mary who will stop him with chains made out of rosary beads. After this, the antichrist together with his worldwide armies of death will be sent to hell for ever.

The chastisement would be part of the downfall of the antichrist. In biblical context the chastisement is referred to as 'the day of the Lord'.
The chastisement is nothing but a terrible punishment.

Then there will be the end of times. The victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will take place and Jesus will come to establish His kingdom on earth.

This would be the first battle of the end against lucifer. According to the bible the people who were killed due to their testimony to Christ, that is, the ones who did not worship the image of the beast or the antichrist, will resurrect from the dead and will rule with Jesus as His priests. The rest of the dead would come to life after 1,000 years.
The age of these 1,000 years would be an age of peace and it is called the 'New Era'.The 'New Era' is not the Age of Aquarius which is predicted by the 'New Age Movement' or the 'New World Order'.

The condition of life on earth will then be restored to the way it was before sin was introduced in the world, that is before the fall of Adam and Eve.

According to the bible, the second battle of the end will occur after these 1,000 years. This would be the final decisive battle against lucifer,  The New Jerusalem will then follow.

"The sea gave up the dead that were in it,
and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them,
and each person was judged according to what he had done.
Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.
The lake of fire is the second death.
If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life,
he was thrown into the lake of fire."
(Revelation 21:13-15)


These four words are repeated often by the Blessed Virgin.
These four words shape the future kingdom of God.









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